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Are You Pregnant? Why You Should Start Going For Antenatal Care - Health - Nairaland

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Are You Pregnant? Why You Should Start Going For Antenatal Care by Publichealth: 3:27pm On May 04, 2021
Once upon a time, i had a pregnant aunt that was claimed to have been killed by charms from a co-wife. when i enquired about what happened, i was told that when she was almost due for delivery, she started CONVULSING and before you know what was happening, she passed on.

What she died from is a Condition called ECCLAMPSIA. It is a medical condition that is seen in pregnancy. If my aunt had attended Antenatal care, she wouldnt have died from Ecclampsia. No pregnant woman should be allowed to die from a preventable cause and that is why today, i want to talk to us about the Benefits of Antenatal Care.

Good antenatal care includes regular screening which can detect and prevent early complications such as hypertension and diabetes in pregnancy; both of which can affect the unborn baby.

Best nutrition:
There are certain foods that should be avoided during pregnancy. Foods such as raw fish, undercooked eggs, and unpasteurised/soft cheese, which contain enzymes and proteins that are dangerous to a developing foetus. Your immune system is also working to for two, making it more susceptible to bacterial attacks. Antenatal care educates you about what foods to stay away from.

Important vitamins:
Prenatal vitamins play a big part in the health of your child. Even with a healthy diet, you will need supplements due to the additional hard work your body is doing. Additional key nutrients are typically found in folic acid and pregnancy multivitamins, both of which help support neural tube defects, baby’s development, and the prevention of anaemia.

For any questions about Antenatal care and its benefits, see: https://publichealthnig.com/antenatal-care-benefits-when-to-start/
or ask below, and a doctor from our team would do our best to respond when we can.

Important Message:
Please do not delay medical care at this time. If you have severe or worrying symptoms, please do not wait for our Online consult, but proceed to your nearest hospital for checkup.

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