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My Lamentation For Nigeria! - Religion - Nairaland

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Is God Unfair To Those Raised In Other Faiths? A Nairalander's Lamentation / Prophecies For Nigeria By Prophet Olaye George / Lamentation Of An Apostle (2) (3) (4)

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My Lamentation For Nigeria! by kristonium(m): 9:44pm On Apr 26, 2011
Will no one save Nigeria?

Is there no one whose love for Nigeria transcends love of tribe or personal safety?

Who is willing to come forward and seek others like himself to nurse this sick nation?

If there be a man,let him come forward.

Today, for God's sake!"
Re: My Lamentation For Nigeria! by Nobody: 12:32am On Apr 27, 2011

Will no one save Nigeria?

Is there no one whose love for Nigeria transcends love of tribe or personal safety?

Who is willing to come forward and seek others like himself to nurse this sick nation?

If there be a man,let him come forward.

Today, for God's sake!"

Save nigeria from. . .? oppresive religious leaders? a selfish political hegemony? a decrepit educational system?
Re: My Lamentation For Nigeria! by kristonium(m): 5:43am On Apr 27, 2011

Save nigeria from. . .? oppresive religious leaders? a selfish political hegemony? a decrepit educational system?
all of the above!
Re: My Lamentation For Nigeria! by Jenwitemi(m): 10:11am On Apr 27, 2011
We will have to wait for Jesus na! grin He will come galloping through the clouds riding a shiny white horse and adorning a green white green robe to come and save the day for us. Just keep looking at the skies. No break ya neck sha o! cheesy

Will no one save Nigeria?

Is there no one whose love for Nigeria transcends love of tribe or personal safety?

Who is willing to come forward and seek others like himself to nurse this sick nation?

If there be a man,let him come forward.

Today, for God's sake!"

Re: My Lamentation For Nigeria! by benodic: 12:02pm On Apr 27, 2011
@ poster,

you might be surprised to learn that there are many of us in nigeria that are totally detribalised and so passionate about this country. i still believe in the concept of light a candle instead of cursing the darkness. when i light my candle in my little area and you light your candle in your little area before you know it there will be light everywhere.
concentrate on the positive contribution you can do in your little area and leave the rest to God.
Re: My Lamentation For Nigeria! by PAGAN9JA(m): 12:44pm On Apr 27, 2011
detribalised r u kiddin me if we detribalise, den we gnna lose our culture. Our tribes r our identity. The root of our problem lies in our religion and not in our tribes. d north r muslims n d south r christians. Both r fanatical, oppressive n foreign. d only way we 9ja can unite without losing our tribal culture, is by reverting to our original and more peaceful Pagan traditional faiths. In that way, derz not gnna be any more fighting and we can finally start thinking about progress and development. angry angry
Re: My Lamentation For Nigeria! by kristonium(m): 11:17pm On Apr 27, 2011

@ poster,

you might be surprised to learn that there are many of us in nigeria that are totally detribalised and so passionate about this country. i still believe in the concept of light a candle instead of cursing the darkness. when i light my candle in my little area and you light your candle in your little area before you know it there will be light everywhere.
concentrate on the positive contribution you can do in your little area and leave the rest to God.
blessed assurance!
Re: My Lamentation For Nigeria! by Jenwitemi(m): 9:09am On Apr 28, 2011
It is not the task of one person to save Nigeria, but that of every single one of us. We all need to grow up and realize that each of us has the power within us to make a difference, and stop expecting some external superhero figure to come and do it for us while we look on applauding. Oh, how we have been infantilised by religions. cry
Re: My Lamentation For Nigeria! by kristonium(m): 12:27pm On Apr 28, 2011

It is not the task of one person to save Nigeria, but that of every single one of us. We all need to grow up and realize that each of us has the power within us to make a difference, and stop expecting some external superhero figure to come and do it for us while we look on applauding. Oh, how we have been infantilised by religions. cry
spread the good news!
Re: My Lamentation For Nigeria! by benodic: 1:22pm On Apr 28, 2011

detribalised r u kiddin me if we detribalise, den we gnna lose our culture. Our tribes r our identity. The root of our problem lies in our religion and not in our tribes. d north r muslims n d south r christians. Both r fanatical, oppressive n foreign. d only way we 9ja can unite without losing our tribal culture, is by reverting to our original and more peaceful Pagan traditional faiths. In that way, derz not gnna be any more fighting and we can finally start thinking about progress and development. Angry Angry

may be you do not understand what i mean by saying detribalised. it simply means that you do not judge people based on their tribe. if you are igbo for example, you will treat a yoruba man exactly the same way you will treat your fellow igbo man.

it does not mean you will lose your culture or your identity. it is all about having love for all the tribes in the country without being biased or prejudiced against any of them. this is what we need in this country.
Re: My Lamentation For Nigeria! by vedaxcool(m): 2:16pm On Apr 28, 2011

@ poster,

you might be surprised to learn that there are many of us in nigeria that are totally detribalised and so passionate about this country. i still believe in the concept of light a candle instead of cursing the darkness. when i light my candle in my little area and you light your candle in your little area before you know it there will be light everywhere.
concentrate on the positive contribution you can do in your little area and leave the rest to God.

it seems you do not know what you are talking about? How did you come about the many of us in Nigeria are totally detribalised? Merely looking at the last elections, Nigerians voted along ethnic, religious and regional sentiments, so the many of us you talked about might simply be in your dreams where elephant are as light as a tail feather grin, on a serious note even the so called educated Nigerians do not even behave better than illiterates eating cassava, go to the political section of NL then you will see the "many" of us that are detribalised and about being passionate about the country you left another big question mark, as we hear people from the southern part of the country calling for dissolution of the country, this call might be from a loud minority, but it tends to be a common call whenever crisis such as the riots in the north breaks out. Your initiative about everyone doing their bit in promoting brotherliness in Nigeria is very much in order, if only we could focus on our immediate environment - Family- Nigeria would have a radical alteration in our general grip to regional myopia.



may be you do not understand what i mean by saying detribalised. it simply means that you do not judge people based on their tribe. if you are igbo for example, you will treat a yoruba man exactly the same way you will treat your fellow igbo man.

it does not mean you will lose your culture or your identity. it is all about having love for all the tribes in the country without being biased or prejudiced against any of them. this is what we need in this country.

it seems you do not understand what you were saying, as you meant Nigerians are detribalised not Nigerians are in need of de-tribalization, if you look around every tribe has one or two insultive remarks against another tribe and yes definitely we need to return or achieve a state where people are given respect based on their personality and not insulted because they happen to come from a tribe that might not be doing well generally. But I have come to notice certain tribe act as they are the white men of Nigeria, and hence look down on other people. Typically merely watching a nollywood film you come to see that 88% of the time the gate man is usually a Hausa man who behaves foolishly, this seems like a systematic denigration of a tribe that is viewed poorly, tomorrow this same Nigerians if portrayed lowly in films done in other parts of the world - will simple shout blue murder, you need to open your eyes to the world you live in and stop deceiving yourself with fraudulent claims that Nigerians are detribalised, we need to be, but this can't happen if we deceive ourselves that serious tribal issues do not exist everywhere in the country. One step at a time could do the trick, a planting a tree is the first step to starting a forest.

As for Pagan9ja, i believe you missed common-sense when you wrote that religion is the problem in Nigeria, do you know that because you are a Yoruba Muslim you could die in the hands of Vagabond youths in the North who profess the same religion with them? do you know during the cartoon riots, Christians in the east who tried retaliating actually killed a fellow Christian from Bornu simply because he looked very much like a Fulani? Nigeria problems are very much tribal than religious, even this elections showed it, as - if the elections were free- a large number of Muslim Yoruba who preferred voting for GEJ rather than a fellow Muslim? Your talked abouth Peaceful Pagan religion is not only laughable but insultive to reason and a challenge to common-sense, do you know that Pagan societies actually fought before Nigeria came into existence? Do you Know that the Oyo empire actually spread reaching deep to what we know as the Niger delta do you think it spread with conflicts? Even from History of Nigerian tribes you would know that certain tribes actually fought against each other for power? Human tend to fight when there is something worth dieing for, even Pagans quarrel amongst themselves, so please your simplitic view about religion being the root cause of Nigerian problem is a farce and denigrates every know virtue of intellectual thinking. Part of Nigeria problem stems from Historical animousities to British divide and rule tactic and the Majority of the problem lies with ethnic rivalry.
Re: My Lamentation For Nigeria! by kristonium(m): 4:40pm On Apr 28, 2011

it seems you do not know what you are talking about? How did you come about the many of us in Nigeria are totally detribalised? Merely looking at the last elections, Nigerians voted along ethnic, religious and regional sentiments, so the many of us you talked about might simply be in your dreams where elephant are as light as a tail feather grin, on a serious note even the so called educated Nigerians do not even behave better than illiterates eating cassava, go to the political section of NL then you will see the "many" of us that are detribalised and about being passionate about the country you left another big question mark, as we hear people from the southern part of the country calling for dissolution of the country, this call might be from a loud minority, but it tends to be a common call whenever crisis such as the riots in the north breaks out. Your initiative about everyone doing their bit in promoting brotherliness in Nigeria is very much in order, if only we could focus on our immediate environment - Family- Nigeria would have a radical alteration in our general grip to regional myopia.

it seems you do not understand what you were saying, as you meant Nigerians are detribalised not Nigerians are in need of de-tribalization, if you look around every tribe has one or two insultive remarks against another tribe and yes definitely we need to return or achieve a state where people are given respect based on their personality and not insulted because they happen to come from a tribe that might not be doing well generally. But I have come to notice certain tribe act as they are the white men of Nigeria, and hence look down on other people. Typically merely watching a nollywood film you come to see that 88% of the time the gate man is usually a Hausa man who behaves foolishly, this seems like a systematic denigration of a tribe that is viewed poorly, tomorrow this same Nigerians if portrayed lowly in films done in other parts of the world - will simple shout blue murder, you need to open your eyes to the world you live in and stop deceiving yourself with fraudulent claims that Nigerians are detribalised, we need to be, but this can't happen if we deceive ourselves that serious tribal issues do not exist everywhere in the country. One step at a time could do the trick, a planting a tree is the first step to starting a forest.

As for Pagan9ja, i believe you missed common-sense when you wrote that religion is the problem in Nigeria, do you know that because you are a Yoruba Muslim you could die in the hands of Vagabond youths in the North who profess the same religion with them? do you know during the cartoon riots, Christians in the east who tried retaliating actually killed a fellow Christian from Bornu simply because he looked very much like a Fulani? Nigeria problems are very much tribal than religious, even this elections showed it, as - if the elections were free- a large number of Muslim Yoruba who preferred voting for GEJ rather than a fellow Muslim? Your talked abouth Peaceful Pagan religion is not only laughable but insultive to reason and a challenge to common-sense, do you know that Pagan societies actually fought before Nigeria came into existence? Do you Know that the Oyo empire actually spread reaching deep to what we know as the Niger delta do you think it spread with conflicts? Even from History of Nigerian tribes you would know that certain tribes actually fought against each other for power? Human tend to fight when there is something worth dieing for, even Pagans quarrel amongst themselves, so please your simplitic view about religion being the root cause of Nigerian problem is a farce and denigrates every know virtue of intellectual thinking. Part of Nigeria problem stems from Historical animousities to British divide and rule tactic and the Majority of the problem lies with ethnic rivalry.

i feel Benodic was still online when he used the word,'many'.the word connotes plurality.he was not in no way insinuating,'generality'.20,30 or 1000 de-trabalized Nigerians could still be termed 'many'.i understand ur view stemming from recent callousness in some part of the country. we still share similar burden and concern. its time to transform Nigeria!
Re: My Lamentation For Nigeria! by kristonium(m): 4:53pm On Apr 28, 2011

it seems you do not know what you are talking about? How did you come about the many of us in Nigeria are totally detribalised? Merely looking at the last elections, Nigerians voted along ethnic, religious and regional sentiments, so the many of us you talked about might simply be in your dreams where elephant are as light as a tail feather grin, on a serious note even the so called educated Nigerians do not even behave better than illiterates eating cassava, go to the political section of NL then you will see the "many" of us that are detribalised and about being passionate about the country you left another big question mark, as we hear people from the southern part of the country calling for dissolution of the country, this call might be from a loud minority, but it tends to be a common call whenever crisis such as the riots in the north breaks out. Your initiative about everyone doing their bit in promoting brotherliness in Nigeria is very much in order, if only we could focus on our immediate environment - Family- Nigeria would have a radical alteration in our general grip to regional myopia.

it seems you do not understand what you were saying, as you meant Nigerians are detribalised not Nigerians are in need of de-tribalization, if you look around every tribe has one or two insultive remarks against another tribe and yes definitely we need to return or achieve a state where people are given respect based on their personality and not insulted because they happen to come from a tribe that might not be doing well generally. But I have come to notice certain tribe act as they are the white men of Nigeria, and hence look down on other people. Typically merely watching a nollywood film you come to see that 88% of the time the gate man is usually a Hausa man who behaves foolishly, this seems like a systematic denigration of a tribe that is viewed poorly, tomorrow this same Nigerians if portrayed lowly in films done in other parts of the world - will simple shout blue murder, you need to open your eyes to the world you live in and stop deceiving yourself with fraudulent claims that Nigerians are detribalised, we need to be, but this can't happen if we deceive ourselves that serious tribal issues do not exist everywhere in the country. One step at a time could do the trick, a planting a tree is the first step to starting a forest.

As for Pagan9ja, i believe you missed common-sense when you wrote that religion is the problem in Nigeria, do you know that because you are a Yoruba Muslim you could die in the hands of Vagabond youths in the North who profess the same religion with them? do you know during the cartoon riots, Christians in the east who tried retaliating actually killed a fellow Christian from Bornu simply because he looked very much like a Fulani? Nigeria problems are very much tribal than religious, even this elections showed it, as - if the elections were free- a large number of Muslim Yoruba who preferred voting for GEJ rather than a fellow Muslim?  Your talked abouth Peaceful Pagan religion is not only laughable but insultive to reason and a challenge to common-sense, do you know that Pagan societies actually fought before Nigeria came into existence? Do you Know that the Oyo empire actually spread  reaching deep to what we know as the Niger delta do you think it spread with conflicts? Even from History of Nigerian tribes you would know that certain tribes actually fought against each other for power? Human tend to fight when there is something worth dieing for, even Pagans quarrel amongst themselves, so please your simplitic view about religion being the root cause of Nigerian problem is a farce and denigrates every know virtue of intellectual thinking. Part of Nigeria problem stems from Historical animousities to British divide and rule tactic and the Majority of the problem lies with ethnic rivalry.

i feel Benodic was still online when he used the word,'many'.the word connotes plurality.he was not in no way insinuating,'generality'.20,30 or 1000 de-trabalized Nigerians could still be termed 'many'.i understand ur view stemming from recent callousness in some part of the country. we still share similar burden and concern. its time to transform Nigeria!
Re: My Lamentation For Nigeria! by PAGAN9JA(m): 9:06pm On Apr 29, 2011


may be you do not understand what i mean by saying detribalised. it simply means that you do not judge people based on their tribe. if you are igbo for example, you will treat a yoruba man exactly the same way you will treat your fellow igbo man.

it does not mean you will lose your culture or your identity. it is all about having love for all the tribes in the country without being biased or prejudiced against any of them. this is what we need in this country.

ok now thats alright. Their should be a sense of brotherbhood bound by a few limits. Good. smiley


it seems you do not know what you are talking about? How did you come about the many of us in Nigeria are totally detribalised? Merely looking at the last elections, Nigerians voted along ethnic, religious and regional sentiments, so the many of us you talked about might simply be in your dreams where elephant are as light as a tail feather grin, on a serious note even the so called educated Nigerians do not even behave better than illiterates eating cassava, go to the political section of NL then you will see the "many" of us that are detribalised and about being passionate about the country you left another big question mark, as we hear people from the southern part of the country calling for dissolution of the country, this call might be from a loud minority, but it tends to be a common call whenever crisis such as the riots in the north breaks out. Your initiative about everyone doing their bit in promoting brotherliness in Nigeria is very much in order, if only we could focus on our immediate environment - Family- Nigeria would have a radical alteration in our general grip to regional myopia.

it seems you do not understand what you were saying, as you meant Nigerians are detribalised not Nigerians are in need of de-tribalization, if you look around every tribe has one or two insultive remarks against another tribe and yes definitely we need to return or achieve a state where people are given respect based on their personality and not insulted because they happen to come from a tribe that might not be doing well generally. But I have come to notice certain tribe act as they are the white men of Nigeria, and hence look down on other people. Typically merely watching a nollywood film you come to see that 88% of the time the gate man is usually a Hausa man who behaves foolishly, this seems like a systematic denigration of a tribe that is viewed poorly, tomorrow this same Nigerians if portrayed lowly in films done in other parts of the world - will simple shout blue murder, you need to open your eyes to the world you live in and stop deceiving yourself with fraudulent claims that Nigerians are detribalised, we need to be, but this can't happen if we deceive ourselves that serious tribal issues do not exist everywhere in the country. One step at a time could do the trick, a planting a tree is the first step to starting a forest.

As for Pagan9ja, i believe you missed common-sense when you wrote that religion is the problem in Nigeria, do you know that because you are a Yoruba Muslim you could die in the hands of Vagabond youths in the North who profess the same religion with them? do you know during the cartoon riots, Christians in the east who tried retaliating actually killed a fellow Christian from Bornu simply because he looked very much like a Fulani? Nigeria problems are very much tribal than religious, even this elections showed it, as - if the elections were free- a large number of Muslim Yoruba who preferred voting for GEJ rather than a fellow Muslim? Your talked abouth Peaceful Pagan religion is not only laughable but insultive to reason and a challenge to common-sense, do you know that Pagan societies actually fought before Nigeria came into existence? Do you Know that the Oyo empire actually spread reaching deep to what we know as the Niger delta do you think it spread with conflicts? Even from History of Nigerian tribes you would know that certain tribes actually fought against each other for power? Human tend to fight when there is something worth dieing for, even Pagans quarrel amongst themselves, so please your simplitic view about religion being the root cause of Nigerian problem is a farce and denigrates every know virtue of intellectual thinking. Part of Nigeria problem stems from Historical animousities to British divide and rule tactic and the Majority of the problem lies with ethnic rivalry.

The Yoruba are not meant to be muslim and the same applies to the Hausa and all other tribes in Africa and in the world.We were doing way better under the Pagan rulers before the slaving arabs and moslems came and literrally destroyed us all.ATleast not many people went hungry back then. angry angry
Re: My Lamentation For Nigeria! by vedaxcool(m): 11:57pm On Apr 30, 2011

ok now thats alright. Their should be a sense of brotherbhood bound by a few limits. Good. smiley

The Yoruba are not meant to be muslim and the same applies to the Hausa and all other tribes in Africa and in the world.We were doing way better under the Pagan rulers before the slaving arabs and moslems came and literrally destroyed us all.ATleast not many people went hungry back then. angry angry

I expected u to update your knowledge, since you apparently agree with most of the isues I rasied rather you came back with even more nerve mubbling points! when you said all tribes in Africa are not suppose to be musllims what exactly are u getting at? You claimed you were doing way better still shows how difficult it is for you to grapple with issues under discussion, when people fail who do you blame? religion or the people involved? And for you info Yorubas and most African tribes did practice different forms of slavery for instance a missionary once claimed that a king in Calabar was buerried with all his slaves, Chaka the zulu was alleged to have burried slaves with his mum after being fooled that he was getting younger? so what exactly was the better we were doing, or is it the superstitious behavior that follows paganism not another reason we should thank ALLAH for letting Islam get to our door steps? Is the killing of twins more better the yorubas once practiced during the pagan era what you clamor for? Please African paganism serially fail to take us any where?
Re: My Lamentation For Nigeria! by harakiri(m): 12:18am On May 01, 2011
Religious beliefs CANNOT save Nigeria. It only compounds it. People choose to avoid taking bold revolutionary steps because they believe some god who looks like Adrain Brody, wearing shiny white robes with a gold plated crown laden with fake jewels will gallop through the clouds on a starving white horse with a multitude of angels with chicken wings flying behind him. . .will land in Aso rock and tell politicians to stop looting funds! ! !
Re: My Lamentation For Nigeria! by PAGAN9JA(m): 12:53pm On May 01, 2011

I expected u to update your knowledge, since you apparently agree with most of the isues I rasied rather you came back with even more nerve mubbling points! when you said all tribes in Africa are not suppose to be musllims what exactly are u getting at? You claimed you were doing way better still shows how difficult it is for you to grapple with issues under discussion, when people fail who do you blame? religion or the people involved? And for you info Yorubas and most African tribes did practice different forms of slavery for instance a missionary once claimed that a king in Calabar was buerried with all his slaves, Chaka the zulu was alleged to have burried slaves with his mum after being fooled that he was getting younger? so what exactly was the better we were doing, or is it the superstitious behavior that follows paganism not another reason we should thank ALLAH for letting Islam get to our door steps? Is the killing of twins more better the yorubas once practiced during the pagan era what you clamor for? Please African paganism serially fail to take us any where?

u will notice that this piece of information was provided by a ""missionary"". rings aa bell doesnt it missionaries have alwayz been biased towards Pagans and kept spreading false rumors in order to gain converts. thats a well known FACT. Most of d info about Africans in d past used to come from biased sources provided by european missionaries or explorers. The real stuff was way different. islams foreign stuff that has NO place in Africa except in d arab populated areas towards the North, i.e., Egypt, Algeria, etc. The Yoruba form of slavery was WAY different from european christian slavery. The Yorubas used to free their slaves time and again and slaves were treated more like a part of the family and were usually taken as war-captives which was the normal rule of war back then all ova d world. The europeans on d other hand, used to mistreat their slaves, take them elsewhere and force them to work to death in a foreign world. As a result they all lost their tribal status and culture due to subsequent intermingling among the slaves. This was not the case with the Yoruba. The Yoruba might have killed twins, but this usually must have taken place when the child was just born and was barely aware of his surroundings. The twins were more like living vegetables at this stage of their life. And this stuff might look bad to us but who knows? its their way of life. The Pagan rituals are powerful stuff that we must not meddle with. And in this day, we people can always do away with these customs in accordance with the progressing world. It does not affect the religion as such. Even the christains had weerd practices were they whipped themselves to death or else burnt witches at d stake, etc./ angry angry angry
Re: My Lamentation For Nigeria! by Sweetnecta: 1:38pm On May 01, 2011
^^^^^^^^^^^ what i find difficult to accept is that pagan9ja is finding excuse the accommodate the killing of twins because they are unaware of their environment at the time that they were killed.

is that a moral reason to kill them, even at that time, when the joy was 2 times the joy of a single birth? i find this terribly unacceptable even now that we know from biology that it is truly a bumper crop occurrence, if i can express it that way.

if your cow produces 4 calves, do you kill all the calves which are part of your wealth? what if your corn field yield more ears of corn, do you destroy the stalks and render your labor to waste?

paganism is attractive to those who may hate the truth. we can't say that paganism was established in human community before belief in One God Who does not need a representation by stature, if we believe that modern man came by creation of the first man; Adam.

And just because something is foreign to your land does not mean that it should be shunned. often it is good for you.
Re: My Lamentation For Nigeria! by PAGAN9JA(m): 4:07pm On May 01, 2011
its just like euthanasia. some people suport euthanasia and sum dont. And you cant stereotype all Pagan cultures. We all have different forms of worship though we r all same in d essence.
and in this case, i dont see ANY good that christianity has brought us apart from enslavement and cultural and social degradation.
Re: My Lamentation For Nigeria! by vedaxcool(m): 10:21pm On May 01, 2011

u will notice that this piece of information was provided by a ""missionary"". rings aa bell doesnt it missionaries have alwayz been biased towards Pagans and kept spreading false rumors in order to gain converts. thats a well known FACT. Most of d info about Africans in d past used to come from biased sources provided by european missionaries or explorers. The real stuff was way different. islams foreign stuff that has NO place in Africa except in d arab populated areas towards the North, i.e., Egypt, Algeria, etc. The Yoruba form of slavery was WAY different from european christian slavery. The Yorubas used to free their slaves time and again and slaves were treated more like a part of the family and were usually taken as war-captives which was the normal rule of war back then all ova d world. The europeans on d other hand, used to mistreat their slaves, take them elsewhere and force them to work to death in a foreign world. As a result they all lost their tribal status and culture due to subsequent intermingling among the slaves. This was not the case with the Yoruba. The Yoruba might have killed twins, but this usually must have taken place when the child was just born and was barely aware of his surroundings. The twins were more like living vegetables at this stage of their life. And this stuff might look bad to us but who knows? its their way of life. The Pagan rituals are powerful stuff that we must not meddle with. And in this day, we people can always do away with these customs in accordance with the progressing world. It does not affect the religion as such. Even the christains had weerd practices were they whipped themselves to death or else burnt witches at d stake, etc./ angry angry angry

you need to re - read your reply and see how desparate you actually are so because a missionary makes a statement o something he saw happening automatically means he is disparaging paganism? you need to be more objective, thank GOD u did not deny the story of the killing of twins as another lie that was farbricated on paganism, the story of burying of slave i actually heard it on the BBC doing a documentary on the practice of slavery, yes the BBC did confess that European form of slavery was very cruel and wicked compared to African form og =f lavery, but have you asked your self while youpaganism could have atleast given its practisioners the wisdom to capture other race for slavery iinstead of using their own people for slaver? For you to be defending the practice of twins killlings only shows how destructive and a great failure paganism always is, =a foolish system that is based on superstition and unreasonable belief. jHow does vegetable fexplains thekilling of twins that are sinless?
You see when you defend paganism you actualyy defend myopic ideas of people that are barely exposed to superior knowledge.

its just like euthanasia. some people suport euthanasia and sum dont. And you cant stereotype all Pagan cultures. We all have different forms of worship though we r all same in d essence.
and in this case, i dont see ANY good that christianity has brought us apart from enslavement and cultural and social degradation.

haba how does euthanasia- free will to commit suicide- and killing twins - the deliberate murdering of someone without his or her permission grin grin - paganismis a serial failure because it usually stiffles scientific advancement and limits people by imposing superstition rather than encuraging proper thinking just like your "intelligent" suppor for kiling twins
Re: My Lamentation For Nigeria! by PAGAN9JA(m): 5:13pm On May 02, 2011
u must have misunderstood me n r not talking sense. A person who is a vegetable (living but cant perform any function in life jus lyk a vegetable) and a just newborn twin who is barely a few hours old, have no  difference. Both r perpetually useless at der stage of life.I say that putting the vegetable man to sleep makes sense since hes a burden to society in general but putting a newborn twin to sleep does not make sense. But according to the Yoruba traditions it made sende to them since it appeased spirits or averted evil or sumthing of that sort. We dont know why they did this or maybe "they" do. If we think it from natures point of view, its the parents wish whether they wanna put their twin child to sleep or not just like some animals kill their own newborn children by instinct.*Eg., lions, cats, etc.). It may lookweird from OUR point of view but to them its a part of their culture. There actually nuthing to get so hyped about on the practice of twin-killing. The baby has not yet properly developed its senses and has still not experienced the world or its surroundings. Parents gives birth to their child and they have d right to take it away from him in such cases were the child is premature and not yet fully developed. Also as a mentioned earlier, WE CAN ALWAYZ DO AWAY WITH SUCH IRRELEVENT PRACTICES SINCE PAGAN RELIGIONS ARE RARELY SO ORTHODOX OR FANATICAL AS "SOME" RELIGIONS, AND CAN ALWAYZ ADJUST WITH CHANGING TIMES. and by vegetable, i mean a person who is in a persistent vegetable state due to brain damage, i.e., he who is in a coma. (i hope you know what that means).

and you must be utterly st.upid, i am sorry to say. Euthanasia is NOT free will to commit suicide. It  refers to the practice of ending a life of a patient in a very severe and painful condition, in a manner which relieves pain and suffering.

and by the way im a Hausa Maguzawa which is a different form of Paganism from Yoruba Paganism and we dont kill twins but since u r trying to undermine the Yorubas, i consider it my MORAL DUTY to defen my Pagan brothers in every aspect or argument.

The reason y i admit Paganism has failed or has been "forced" to fail by u monotheists, is beacuse we didnt have a proper platform. We Pagans hav alwayz been liberal and open which made us easy prey to u fanactics. To understand Pagan religions, u must have a high level f thinking. Its not a piece of cake like christianity wer theres jus good n bad, God and devil and sum moronic people with wings. NO! Paganism delves further than that into d deepest secrets of the workings of this universe. Secrets which can be seeken by those who wish to seek it. Paganism is more sciene-oriented and nature-oriented. Anywayz its tough job explaining this stuff to u. u r still an amateur and wont underastand these things, U r just content with gaining as many converts as possible without having any idea y u r doing this in d first place.

And as for Paganism limiting scientific advancement, u must be seriously out of ya mind. Instead its u christians who kept insisting that the Earth is the centre of the Universe and that d Sun and all other planets revolve around the Earth and it was the roman catholic church and the puritans who kept preventing scientific advancement in the middle ages in Europe.WE,The Pagans have produced sum of the finest scientists in d world such as Archimedes, Aristotle, SOcrates, Aryabhatta, etc. (the total list might take several hundred pages). We were the first on this planet before christianity/islam and we provided the basis for everything. We started maths, history, biology,chemistry,physics, language, etc. We invented fire, learnt to build d first eva houses, to gather food, build wheels, etc. Everything on this Universe, and im na exaggerating, had started PAGAN!
Re: My Lamentation For Nigeria! by VivianSA: 12:09am On May 05, 2011
I often attend economic conferences about the most rapidly developing countries in Africa in terms of their economic growth and u will be most pleasantly surprised to learn that Nigeria is regarded in the african continent to be the next big thing in Africa.Economists,multi-national companies and Investment Banks are focasting their next biggest growth to be coming from Nigeria.One of the biggest deals in South Africa you will hear about in business news and that get the market excited is when a company mentions a national company in Nigeria to be its partner in a commercial deal because for some economic reason deals with Nigeria always yield in billions of dollars of revenue (when the deal is eventually concluded successfully).

Nigeria has become a the most soughted after client by multi national companies and meduim - big companies on South African soil and yet when I read all the -ve comments about Nigeria by people of its own country I wonder if Nigerians are aware that the African continent is now looking on them to lead us to the next phase of economic growth. One of the major factors delaying multi national investors from taking a decision to aggressively invest in Nigeria by setting up companies there is the volatile Political environment in Nigeria. This environment poses as a high risk to their investments.These companies cannot influence the nature of decisions that will be taken in the polital environment because of being foreign companies and as such subject to the political and leglislative decions reached by the nation. One of the basic thing if not the most important thing for Nigeria to strive together to get it right is Political stability in the country. The instability of the political environment is in my view the major draw back in the economic progress of Nigeria which the rest of the other countries are seeing and want to enter the Nigerian market as a result of that.Majority of jobs in a free market economy (which Nigeria is part of) are created by investors (whether local or international)who see an opportunity in a particular market and enter that market to earn returns on their investment and incidentally generate employment for the community in order to achieve their profit projections. The government of any country cannot hire every citizen as it desires to do so but most of the time makes laws and policies that will create a condusive business environment and prive companies that seek to invest in the country.

The Political environment in Nigeria remains a mythical challange to foreign direct investors who want to invest in Nigeria as this problem is inter faced with many other influential such as Religion in Nigeria among many other factors. It is again in my view that aftar politics, religion in Nigeria is the second biggest challange for foreign direct investors to understand in their desire to enter this market. This is hugely contributed to the fact the religion in Nigeria seems to be penetrate its way into every sphere of the society to a point where it is almost everything is spiritualised. In boardrooms business strategy has been exchanged for a sermon on how " David truimphed over Goliath".And these eager investors into the nation are oblivious to the knowledge that religion in Nigeria seems to be the basic human frabric in the society, where it seems most decisions are influenced by religion and sentiment, be it political,business,finances etc. The basic fundamental facts and insight in these matters take a back seat and a religious solution is sought out as a solution and propagated righr through the society with familiar headings such as"how to receive your financial miracle without fasting".

With all that being said it is still worth noting that as per leading economist and multi national companies Nigeria remains the next biggest growing economy in Africa and I am excited and waiting to see tha unfold before my eyes.
Re: My Lamentation For Nigeria! by kristonium(m): 12:50am On May 10, 2011
Vivian. SA:

I often attend economic conferences about the most rapidly developing countries in Africa in terms of their economic growth and u will be most pleasantly surprised to learn that Nigeria is regarded in the african continent to be the next big thing in Africa.Economists,multi-national companies and Investment Banks are focasting their next biggest growth to be coming from Nigeria.One of the biggest deals in South Africa you will hear about in business news and that get the market excited is when a company mentions a national company in Nigeria to be its partner in a commercial deal because for some economic reason deals with Nigeria always yield in billions of dollars of revenue (when the deal is eventually concluded successfully).

Nigeria has become a the most soughted after client by multi national companies and meduim - big companies on South African soil and yet when I read all the -ve comments about Nigeria by people of its own country I wonder if Nigerians are aware that the African continent is now looking on them to lead us to the next phase of economic growth. One of the major factors delaying multi national investors from taking a decision to aggressively invest in Nigeria by setting up companies there is the volatile Political environment in Nigeria. This environment poses as a high risk to their investments.These companies cannot influence the nature of decisions that will be taken in the polital environment because of being foreign companies and as such subject to the political and leglislative decions reached by the nation. One of the basic thing if not the most important thing for Nigeria to strive together to get it right is Political stability in the country. The instability of the political environment is in my view the major draw back in the economic progress of Nigeria which the rest of the other countries are seeing and want to enter the Nigerian market as a result of that.Majority of jobs in a free market economy (which Nigeria is part of) are created by investors (whether local or international)who see an opportunity in a particular market and enter that market to earn returns on their investment and incidentally generate employment for the community in order to achieve their profit projections. The government of any country cannot hire every citizen as it desires to do so but most of the time makes laws and policies that will create a condusive business environment and prive companies that seek to invest in the country.

The Political environment in Nigeria remains a mythical challange to foreign direct investors who want to invest in Nigeria as this problem is inter faced with many other influential such as Religion in Nigeria among many other factors. It is again in my view that aftar politics, religion in Nigeria is the second biggest challange for foreign direct investors to understand in their desire to enter this market. This is hugely contributed to the fact the religion in Nigeria seems to be penetrate its way into every sphere of the society to a point where it is almost everything is spiritualised. In boardrooms business strategy has been exchanged for a sermon on how " David truimphed over Goliath".And these eager investors into the nation are oblivious to the knowledge that religion in Nigeria seems to be the basic human frabric in the society, where it seems most decisions are influenced by religion and sentiment, be it political,business,finances etc. The basic fundamental facts and insight in these matters take a back seat and a religious solution is sought out as a solution and propagated righr through the society with familiar headings such as"how to receive your financial miracle without fasting".

With all that being said it is still worth noting that as per leading economist and multi national companies Nigeria remains the next biggest growing economy in Africa and I am excited and waiting to see tha unfold before my eyes.

i pray,

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