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Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 - Foreign Affairs (6) - Nairaland

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Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by shogsman(m): 1:31pm On May 13, 2021

You are a blood.y liar and islamic propagandist!

That building on fire you showed there have been proved to be an old picture from the war in Syria!!

Keep displaying fake pictures!!
May your children end up like this Gaza children

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Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by patani(m): 1:32pm On May 13, 2021
Nairaland is home to the most stupid set of people in this country,you stupid nonentity that keep cheering for Israel,this is what they have done in the last 4 days ,dozens of children murdered for nothing.
If you are okay with this may your wards end up just like this children very soon, I'm Christian by the way

There is no emotion in war. Hamas does havoc in Israel and quickly run behind children...Its their strategy. Although nothing justify killing children but like i said, this is a full blown war...all strategies has to be destroyed for my country men to live in peace..The same strategy of hunger against children that was used to win biafra war by Nigeria...Unfortunately, children dont cause war...but if u do not want war to kill your children, do not beat the drum of war


Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by shogsman(m): 1:32pm On May 13, 2021

How many children have been murdered by your Islamic terrorist in Benue, Nassarwa, Southern Kaduna, etc for the last 6 yes? Show us where you condemned this killings. You are simply a hypocrite.
May your children end up just like this innocent Gaza children you pathetic scum of a man

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Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by HITdemUP: 1:32pm On May 13, 2021
Pisssful religion receiving it back to bck
You are as good as bokoharam. You are an extremist too. Your comment gave you out
Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by Obi1kenobi(m): 1:32pm On May 13, 2021

na your papa give the palestine's the C of O of the land?

The same papa that gave Israel the C-of-O, abi? The evil that you misguided people (misguided by your foolish imported religions) are supporting is that "might makes right". You would think black ass niggas who have suffered greatly from European imperialism, colonialism and enslavement would understand the plight of dispossessed Palestinians, but I'm always awed watching people supporting Israel for no reason other than foolish religious beliefs. Africans would suffer the most from an international order based on "might makes right" because we are far weaker than other civilizations. But continue supporting European settler-colonialists evil in occupied Palestinian territories because of religion.

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Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by Taye4j: 1:32pm On May 13, 2021
and what happened to the resolution of the UN on the two state israel-palestine agreement, israel are the ones always violating those agreement and if the UN want to be fair,let palestine also have its own force with arms,I can bet you those guys will protect themselves from the agressive neighbor

Maybe you skipped the part where I said Palestine never accepted that treaty, instead, they went to war with the help of the Arab world and lost miserably.

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Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by dederocs(m): 1:33pm On May 13, 2021

Your low IQ makes it difficult to comprehend the difference between the situation of the Israelis and Palestinians. It's as foolish as comparing whites in apartheid South Africa to blacks. Palestinians hate Israel with plenty of just cause. I would hate people who turn me into 3rd class citizens in my own land and rule me with bombs. Israelis don't live under occupation. Palestinians do. Again, please stop foaming in the mouth like a rabid dog thinking I'm a Muslim who cares about your idiotic religious rivalry.
That Land was conquered by the Othoman empire, then Egypt, before the British conquered it back from Egyptians, in history they have been war and conquests of territories, but you barbarians are still living in the past. Turkey seized the present place they now occupy, so it is nothing new. My problem with Islam is the zombie nature of it's followers and the jihad Hadith, it allows them kill 'infidels'....the whole world is facing terrorism in modern day cos of Islamic terrorists.

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Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by OneKinGuy(m): 1:33pm On May 13, 2021
see brother,there is no agression here from the side of the palestine,it's a suicide mission. If they do,see the origin of these crisis had always been israel occupying people's land, killing them,the recent was going to their place of worship, stopped them from praying and starts shooting them,they responded and now you went to bring fighter jets to attack people who doesn't have military or airforce or any kind of defense force,they only rely on militant who depends on guns and rockets smuggled into their region.
As you are now, have you even considered going up and fighting someone way stronger than you?

That's what the Palestinian militants /terrorist do. Since 1948 till date, they should have understood this, but they don't.

All over the world, there has been nation and organizations that's has offered to bring real peace, some of which will be of disadvantage to the Israeli, considering that the Palestinian doesn't has much bargaining strength. Most of these deals has been rejected by Palestine. All they want is the total destruction of Israel.


Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by Kdon2: 1:33pm On May 13, 2021
Nairaland is home to the most stupid set of people in this country,you stupid nonentity that keep cheering for Israel,this is what they have done in the last 4 days ,dozens of children murdered for nothing.
If you are okay with this may your wards end up just like this children very soon, I'm Christian by the way

Fake Christian. The palestinian army use human shield which is even worse than that of Israelis! Fvck off


Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by DonCortino: 1:33pm On May 13, 2021
will you shut if you don't know the origin of these crisis, israel enters into some people place of worship,harass and shoot them,worst part these people don't have any military,no air defense,and you guys claim it's war,my brother where did u lost ur humanity and sense?

no body likes war or the killings but if you attack me to kill me, I will defend myself and kill you if I get the chance and if you choose to use your 2 year old or 90 year old grandma as a shield then u should face the consequences and bear the loss.


Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by goaldynboy: 1:34pm On May 13, 2021

[s]Shut your trap mr man,not a single child has been hurt in Israel, Israel fired white phosphorus a banned weapon on dozens of residential buildings killing dozens of innocent children and women who knows nothing about what is going on,the whole world is rallying and talking about international war crimes sanctions against Israel but as usual the stupid lots of the youth in this country don't know better.no wonder your country is a cesspool,the likes of you deserve the kind of leadership you have ,cos any sensible man cannot support the brutal slaughtering of children.
To hell with the lot of you godforsaken monster[/s]s

Shut your shitty trap!

You are crying because of what is happening to Arabs like a slave!!

What have you said since your fellow Fulani terrorists have been killing farmers in Nigeria?

What have you said since Buhari terrorist Govt have been murdering and persecuting the Igbos in the southeast?

You even gloat and praise the terrorists govt when they massacre ipob and proscribed them just because they were peaceful waving their flags and seeking self determination!!

What have you said about bandits killing thousands of Nigerians even in IDP camps?!

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Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by Nobody: 1:34pm On May 13, 2021

You lots are the most ignorant lots on earth,the whole world is standing as one in condemnation to the killings of children and you bastards are here running your mouth like animals,have you ever heard of an army attacking residential buildings during a so called war,it doesn't happen even the USA won't stoop so low,a couple minutes ago we watched a Palestinian being beaten to the point of death by Israelites.
The reason why your country is a completely failed in your ineptitude and failed sense of reasoning

This is how your favourite country fights war
How does your favorite country syria fight war lol

Just tell you Terrorists Muslim nations to airlift Palestinians if you people really care


Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by alfarouq(m): 1:34pm On May 13, 2021
Truth is only one and unique, the moment you try to maniulte it, it becomes a lie.
A lie is a lie, no matter the effort and energy you put into whitewashing it, it is still a lie, albeit a beautiful light

Summary of the Palestine question

Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by tnerro1(m): 1:34pm On May 13, 2021

I say it again you're a pathetic excuse for a Man, Israel striked first killing scores in gaza and Palestine defended themselves without harming no residents or child,but Israel responded with a phosphorus rocket that is banned international by the UN for obvious reasons killing hundreds and dozens of children and women, and as expected the foolish lot of Nigerian youths don't see anything wrong with an army blowing up residential buildings in another country and Israelites looting Palestinian shops and beating Palestinians to the point of death.
I say it again you people deserve the kind of government you have.
That is a rocket heading towards a 12 storey residential building in Gaza , reflect on that you scum

If you love them so much , maybe you should fast for 90 days or better still go over there and help them defend themselves. Am sure there is an Israeli made bomb with your name on it.


Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by SmartyPants(m): 1:34pm On May 13, 2021

Shut your trap mr man,not a single child has been hurt in Israel, Israel fired white phosphorus a banned weapon on dozens of residential buildings killing dozens of innocent children and women who knows nothing about what is going on,the whole world is rallying and talking about international war crimes sanctions against Israel but as usual the stupid lots of the youth in this country don't know better.no wonder your country is a cesspool,the likes of you deserve the kind of leadership you have ,cos any sensible man cannot support the brutal slaughtering of children.
To hell with the lot of you godforsaken monsters

You talk like an uneducated person and it shows throughout your meaningless rants. Of course, children have been killed in Israel, and if you don't know that then you are severely ignorant.

The whole world is rallying and calling for a ceasefire not for any "international war crimes" (apart from the uneducated and mentally fragile youth such as yourself), because as unfortunate as the deaths are of the innocent, there is no way one party can be allowed to fire rockets endlessly at residential areas. Israel at least has the decency to provide advance warning to civilians to clear out from targetted buildings.

Anyway, continue to froth at the lips if you choose. Wild animal that you are.

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Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by OrdinaryNigeria(m): 1:35pm On May 13, 2021
Hamas is being crushed, but the religious biased Qatar controlled Aljeezera will paint a different picture. Always changing the narrative as though Israel is killing innocent people. Aljeezera is an Islamic propaganda new agency, I've stopped taking them seriously. The children and women that were killed should be blamed on Hamas because they are attacking Israel from Civilian areas and you don't expect Isreal to just fold their hands and watch. Hamas is guilty of war crimes, cos they are doing the above and firing rockets at civilian areas. Isreal has the right to defend themselves and their land, and they are doing just that. They are even very sympathetic enough to phone innocent people in terrorist infrastructures and ask them to evacuate before bombing the infrastructures, but Aljeezera will not tell you that. What muslims around the world should do, should be calling the terrorist hamas to order, and not pushing a futile propaganda against Isreal. Somebody should also remind them that Isreal is a nuclear power and they can easily crush the whole region and nothing will happen. They just too sympathetic and tolerating.
That's wat I don't get.
If hamas fires from civilian region, are they expecting isreal to fire into desert or sea??
I jus dont understand.

If isreal dont fire, hamas wil wipe them off.

I pray this issue get resolve, let there be no more loss of life.
Its disheartening to hear all this things.

In nigeria,a group of people are kidnapping,raping men and women and collecting ransom. They dont rape their own kidnappped people.

The picture is clear


Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by shogsman(m): 1:35pm On May 13, 2021

There is no emotion in war. Hamas does havoc in Israel and quickly run behind children...Its their strategy. Although nothing justify killing children but like i said, this is a full blown war...all strategies has to be destroyed for my country men to live in peace..The same strategy of hunger against children that was used to win biafra war by Nigeria...Unfortunately, children dont cause war...but if u do not want war to kill your children, do not beat the drum of war
Israel has just undo itself and Thier legacy will be forever stained,it will always be known as the scum of the earth that kills children.
This is a rocket heading towards a 12storey residential building just after they blew up UN IDP camp in Palestine,I guess those children were the problem right, you people are a pathetic excuse for human beings

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Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by TrueNigerian300: 1:35pm On May 13, 2021
Nairaland is home to the most stupid set of people in this country,you stupid nonentity that keep cheering for Israel,this is what they have done in the last 4 days ,dozens of children murdered for nothing.
If you are okay with this may your wards end up just like this children very soon, I'm Christian by the way

Many see it from the angle of religion and as a way to show their hatred for Islam or Muslims. To the foolish ones who think Israel must be supported by all means thinking they are Christians you need to check your brain. This is more political than religion Arabs vs Jews. Just so you know the Jews don't even believe in Jesus and they see either Muslim or Christians same way. The largest percentage of Christians in Israel are Arabs and there are Christians in palestine as well. Though majority of those killed might be Muslims but there could be Christians Arabs among them as well, you can now see how stupid you are thinking they are killing Muslims.

Israel is preparing to deport black people who are even jews and have lived there for generations and same racist Zionist regime is what you guys are cheering. A very racist government against anyone that is not jewish.

Do not let your stupidity becloud your judgement a simple Google search will help you on the true state of the state of Israel.

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Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by Obi1kenobi(m): 1:36pm On May 13, 2021

This is religion based war fool...Iran is supporting the Islamic terrorists group Hamas running Palestine. You are very ignorant, or lying, bloody Islamists.

No, it's not a religion based war. It's a war over land. Hamas exists because of Israeli occupation. Extremism thrives where people are in despair with no recourse to justice. Iran has one of the most peaceful histories in the Middle East. Israel has carried out more bombings in the Middle East than all countries in the Middle East combined. Seems the terrorists are the ones who drop bombs in heavy population centres in Gaza and routinely massacre Palestinian protesters.

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Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by captianfreeman(m): 1:36pm On May 13, 2021
Nairaland is home to the most stupid set of people in this country,you stupid nonentity that keep cheering for Israel,this is what they have done in the last 4 days ,dozens of children murdered for nothing.
If you are okay with this may your wards end up just like this children very soon, I'm Christian by the way
You watch too much of Aljezeera, that is why you are falling for this cheap propaganda.


Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by alfarouq(m): 1:36pm On May 13, 2021
Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by Theboss100(m): 1:36pm On May 13, 2021

ka boommm

God bless Israel.
thunder fire Tinubu urchins and vagabonds

take a minute and use your mind to remove that iron dome that stopped all the rockets and talk this trash again.
this is a clear situation of you wan come kill me kill yourself.
I watched the video and just concluded that these Palestinians people are terrorists.
Palestinians are hypocrites and propagandists
Thank God the world is no longer buying to their silly propaganda.

God bless Isreal
let them burn
burn baby burn
Too much of war game will not kill you.
Brothers in Arms 3

Molotov good to go

Let them burn
Burn baby burn gringringrin

But I don't like all these senseless killings.
All I want is peace.
But peace have continued to elude mankind due to our evil ways.

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Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by Taye4j: 1:36pm On May 13, 2021

May your children end up just like this innocent Gaza children you pathetic scum of a man

The blood of those children will be on their parents and leaders who used them as shield.

How on Earth will a sane parent or leader attack another person with a rocket being fired from a compound with children and women knowing fully well that the other country will respond and track them to where those rockets are being fired?

Stop being emotional and use your thinking cap. Islamic terrorists are cowards who are animals in human skin.


Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by Jpmacleo: 1:37pm On May 13, 2021
[quote author=shogsman post=101649535]Nairaland is home to the most stupid set of people in this country,you stupid nonentity that keep cheering for Israel,this is what they have done in the last 4 days ,dozens of children murdered for nothing.
You are abnormal. What do you say about firing of 1500 missiles into Iareal? If I were Israel , I will raise down the entire country.

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Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by shogsman(m): 1:37pm On May 13, 2021

You talk like an uneducated person and it shows throughout your meaningless rants. Of course, children have been killed in Israel, and if you don't know that then you are ignorant.

The whole world is rallying and calling for a ceasefire because as unfortunate as the deaths are of the innocent, there is no way one party can be allowed to fire rockets endlessly at residential areas. Isreal at least has the decency to provide advance warning to civilians to clear out from targetted buildings.

Anyway, continue to froth at the lips if you choose. Wild animal that you are.
I put it to you again may your children end up exactly like this innocent kids in gaza

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Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by Awoo88: 1:37pm On May 13, 2021
Nairaland is home to the most stupid set of people in this country,youp stupid nonentity that keep cheering for Israel,this is what they have done in the last 4 days ,dozens of children murdered for nothing.
If you are okay with this may your wards end up just like this children very soon, I'm Christian by the way
The most stupid nonentity on earth are those idiots like you who will urge Palestine to keep throwing rockets and cry victim when Israel retaliate. One idiot was all over twitter praising Hamas for killing two Israelis stating "more of it" before Israel intensified her respond. Hiding behind children


Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by RodeDindu: 1:37pm On May 13, 2021
Israel raining rockets and missiles on people with no air defense, military force and fighter jets, yet they are feeling like boss, mumu people.

If not for Iran, Israel would have turned themselves to God in the middle east with the backing of the US, UK and the west.
For your information, Israel doesn't need any world power to do the needful, they are Engineers, Tacticians, Scientists, et al. go and read about Israel before you announce your ignorance ok.
Read about the raging war, who sent the first missile in a civilian populated area?


Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by vioment: 1:37pm On May 13, 2021
Israel biko gbahara (Israel please forgive).

Israel dey tame madness no be small tin.

Ruggedity is dem o.

Abeg make una free dem small, Make mossad go back to work, una army dun teach dem why una no be mate.

Una dey beat any country wey push violence. Whether the country get two people or two billion people. Na only Yankee, dem dey take back seat for.

My name fit turn to mossad for streets, all Israel security units are highly rugged.
Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by SmartyPants(m): 1:38pm On May 13, 2021

I put it to you again may your children end up exactly like this innocent kids in gaza

If you like, put it to me 1000 times. It is nothing but meaningless.


Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by womenareapes2: 1:38pm On May 13, 2021

I say it again you're a pathetic excuse for a Man, Israel striked first killing scores in gaza and Palestine defended themselves without harming no residents or child,but Israel responded with a phosphorus rocket that is banned international by the UN for obvious reasons killing hundreds and dozens of children and women, and as expected the foolish lot of Nigerian youths don't see anything wrong with an army blowing up residential buildings in another country and Israelites looting Palestinian shops and beating Palestinians to the point of death.
I say it again you people deserve the kind of government you have.
That is a rocket heading towards a 12 storey residential building in Gaza , reflect on that you scum
who took out the chemical analysis that it was a phosphorus rocket? undecided

You are busy spreading fake propaganda. It shall not be well with you


Re: Death Toll In Gaza Jumps To 83 by OneKinGuy(m): 1:38pm On May 13, 2021

I say it again you're a pathetic excuse for a Man, Israel striked first killing scores in gaza and Palestine defended themselves without harming no residents or child,but Israel responded with a phosphorus rocket that is banned international by the UN for obvious reasons killing hundreds and dozens of children and women, and as expected the foolish lot of Nigerian youths don't see anything wrong with an army blowing up residential buildings in another country and Israelites looting Palestinian shops and beating Palestinians to the point of death.
I say it again you people deserve the kind of government you have.
That is a rocket heading towards a 12 storey residential building in Gaza , reflect on that you scum
If you watch videos of them terrorist firing rockets, you can see its from residential areas. I see nothing wrong in striking those places. If the people there truly wanted peace, they won't have allow terrorist to use this land as a striking point.


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