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Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 3:22pm On May 10, 2024 |
One day, we will look back and wonder how we ever depended on the daily supply of diesel for power. I believe that after watching the video below. If you are interested in knowing what can drastically reduce world poverty while simultaneously contributing to a better environment, the video below will interest you. Join my Telegram public channel, Integral Value, for more meaningful and valuable content. Go to Telegram and search for Integral Value. It is the channel with the image on the first post of this thread. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 9:56pm On May 13, 2024 |
Now, an idea is not the same thing as a fact. A fact is something that is dead, in and of itself. It has no consciousness, no will to power, no motivation, no action. There are billions of dead facts. The internet is a graveyard of dead facts. But an idea that grips a person is alive. It wants to express itself, to live in the world. It is for this reason that the depth psychologists—Freud and Jung paramount among them insisted that the human psyche was a battleground for ideas. An idea has an aim. It wants something. It posits a value structure. An idea believes that what it is aiming for is better than what it has now. It reduces the world to those things that aid or impede its realization, and it reduces everything else to irrelevance. An idea defines figure against ground. An idea is a personality, not a fact. When it manifests itself within a person, it has a strong proclivity to make of that person its avatar: to impel that person to act it out. Sometimes, that impulsion (possession is another word) can be so strong that the person will die, rather than allowing the idea to perish. This is, generally speaking, a bad decision, given that it is often the case that only the idea need die, and that the person with the idea can stop being its avatar, change his or her ways, and continue. Culled from 12 Rules For Life by Jordan Peterson. If you need a data analysis or data visualization service, contact me. Contact is below. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 5:26pm On Jun 25, 2024 |
A parent or guardian is not the friend of the child. He or she is the parent or guardian, someone with authority over the child. An authority for the good of the child. Strictness that is not tyrannical has a good effect on a child. This video goes into detail. Join my Telegram public channel, Integral Value, for more meaningful and valuable content. Go to Telegram and search for Integral Value. It is the channel with the image on the first post of this thread. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 12:39pm On Sep 19, 2024 |
How many things can you pay attention to? Very limited. You can't pay attention to everything there is. So you choose carefully what you pay attention to which ends up shaping your world. Be careful what you give your attention. Join my Telegram public channel, Integral Value, for more meaningful and valuable content. Go to Telegram and search for Integral Value. It is the channel with the image on the first post of this thread. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 12:47pm On Oct 01, 2024 |
There are ongoing talks at the level of the Senate of the United States on how diet is causing chronic diseases and medications are doing a bad job in providing solutions. Watch one of the talks on my Telegram channel, Integral Value. Mainstream media will not show you this. Join my public Telegram channel, Integral Value, for more meaningful and valuable content. Go to Telegram and search for Integral Value. It is the channel with the image on the first post of this thread. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 1:51pm On Oct 02, 2024 |
Your Origin Stop for a moment and think about creation. There are the sun, moon, and stars. You cannot really say they are moving chaotically. There is a pattern to their movement, as if they are subject to laws in their movement. The earth has a pattern in its movement in relation to the sun, hence we have day and night. What is the probability that this is entirely random? There seems to be some order. The cells that make up your body are dying and replicating. There has to be a balance in their process of dying and replicating. If the dying gets out of hand, you die. If the replicating goes on unchecked, you have cancer. Can you call this balance between dying and replicating an accident? The entire process is embedded in an order so you can be alive. There is order in the universe. Something or someone has to be the cause of this order. Investigating the source of this order will ultimately take you to a domain beyond biology, physics, and chemistry; it takes you to the domain of religion. Religion is not necessarily in conflict with these subjects. No. It is deeper. How come there is order in my body and the universe? How come this order is good? Genesis 1:1 answers, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” The deepest answers are found not in chemistry, physics, or biology, but in religion. Over time people have made the mistake of thinking that the author of Genesis was giving a scientific account of the creation of the world. That is not the case. So, when people, including preachers, interpret the creation story in Genesis scientifically, they miss the point – gravely. The language used in the account of Creation in Genesis is neither that of abstract speculation nor of exact science but of simple, concrete, and unscientific narrative. Genesis 1:1 is not a scientific description of how the universe began but as a theological declaration of who created the universe. This is why Catholics are open to scientific explanations for the origins of the universe, such as the Big Bang, while maintaining that the ultimate origin of the universe rests in God. Science does not necessarily contradict religion; faith and reason are compatible. All you physically see are the visible things of the created universe. There are also invisible things which you do not see. “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” “Heaven” here stands for the invisible while “earth” stands for the visible. This why Catholics in the Nicene Creed say, “We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.” They got that from Genesis 1:1. That first statement in the book of Genesis underscores God’s omnipotence and absolute power as well as the dependence of all creation on Him, including you. If I am without the knowledge that I came from God, not having an idea about my origin, not knowing what my end is or why I am in this world, I don’t think I can help the feeling of existential angst. Existential angst is tied to the realization of life’s inherent uncertainty, the absence of inherent meaning and the inevitability of death. With angst there is purposelessness and disconnection. Existential angst does not arise from specific external events but rather from internal reflection on life’s larger, often unanswered, questions about existence and identity. Today we may take it for granted that Genesis answers the question, “Who made you?” I would say that life will be less meaningful and less joyous without that awareness. Join my Telegram channel, Integral Value, for more meaningful and valuable content. Go to Telegram and search for Integral Value. It is the channel with the image on the first post of this thread. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 1:00pm On Oct 03, 2024 |
Your results are a reflection of your consistent habits. The depth of your knowledge comes from your learning habits, and the state of your environment mirrors your cleaning habits. In essence, what you achieve is the outcome of what you continuously practice. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 12:20pm On Oct 04, 2024 |
A discussion at the American Senate about diet being the cause and treatment for chronic disease. You won't see this on mainstream media. Join my Telegram channel, Integral Value, for more meaningful and valuable content. Go to Telegram and search for Integral Value. It is the channel with the image on the first post of this thread. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 2:13pm On Oct 16, 2024 |
Meaning Over Pleasure Can anyone deny the existence of suffering? I don’t think so. In fact I think suffering is part of life. Are you living? If yes, then you suffer in one way or another every now and then. Jesus speaks to this, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” It is better for you if you voluntarily accept the suffering that is part of life. But suffering can become unbearable. It is therefore wise not to compound your suffering. Unnecessary suffering may not do you any good. You can act in such a way that you produce more pain and suffering for yourself and others. Not good. Consider yourself as a community for a moment: there is a you now, you tomorrow, you next year, five years from now and on. If you are focused on gratifying your impulsive desires without recourse to reason or good, you now may derive pleasure, you tomorrow and beyond may suffer. Choosing a moment of pleasure for long-term suffering is foolishness. You want to act such that what you do in the moment is good for you now, tomorrow, next month, next year, and so on. In doing this you avoid bringing unnecessary pain and suffering to yourself and others. Are you aiming at the good? Or are you just after pleasure? Aiming at the good can produce meaning. Aiming after pleasure can deny you happiness. When you aim at the good, you engage in a pursuit that goes beyond fleeting satisfaction. Your acts better you, improve the world, and alleviate suffering. By choosing what is meaningful rather than what is immediately gratifying, you align yourself with the highest good – God. Then you walk with God while being his instrument here on earth. God uses you. When man uses you, you feel used or abused; when God uses you, you experience fulfillment. The alternative to aiming at the good was seen in the twentieth century in a place like Germany. That alternative is hell. When do you find meaning? When impulses are regulated, organized, and unified. When you choose a life of meaning, your actions will not only align with your current values but also create coherence for your future self and the world around you. By doing what is right, your actions begin to stack up along a unified path, creating psychological harmony within yourself. This harmony resonates outward, benefiting your family, your community, and the world. As your thoughts and actions come together in this state and produce impact, you experience profound meaning. Aim for the good and attend to the day. Notice things you can fix to reduce a bit of unnecessary pain and suffering. How can you use your time to make things better rather than worse? If you really want the answer to that question, the tasks you have to do would reveal themselves to you. In that state you are ready to serve as an angel of good. To have meaning in your life is better than having what you want. Do you even know what you want, what you truly need? Meaning is not something you can force into existence, you cannot summon it at will. When the circumstances are right, meaning emerges. You can prepare yourself by being open to it while aiming at the highest good. Meaning is a sign that you are aligned with God and are at the right place and the right time. Join my Telegram channel, Integral Value, for more meaningful and valuable content. Go to Telegram and search for Integral Value. It is the channel with the image on the first post of this thread. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 1:06pm On Oct 18, 2024 |
Being the Man I In today’s society, many young men find themselves trapped in a difficult balancing act, especially when it comes to managing relationships and finances. There is a persistent expectation that men should be the financial providers in relationships. This is not just an assumption; it's often an ingrained societal norm that many men feel pressured to uphold. This can make you feel like, as a man, unless you’re financially stable, your chances of finding love, respect, or meaningful relationships are slim. The reality is that a lot of women still expect men to foot the bill. There are studies that show that, over 70% of women still believe the man should cover the costs on a first date, and surprisingly, over 80% of men agree. But what happens when you’re unemployed, barely getting by, or saving for bigger life goals? When your financial situation doesn’t meet these societal expectations, the impact can ripple beyond just the bank account. For many young men, struggling financially can often translate to a struggle with self-worth. Not being able to pay for dates or meet these financial standards may make you feel unworthy of love or respect. It can feel like you're constantly being judged, not for who you are, but for what you can or cannot provide. The fear of rejection looms large when you're unable to meet these financial expectations. Especially if you're with someone who sees financial stability as a necessity for the future, she might worry that being with you means carrying the weight of financial burdens. The thought of being seen as an additional responsibility rather than a partner can feel demoralizing... Read full post on Integral Value Telegram channel. Join Integral Value Telegram channel for more meaningful and valuable content. Go to Telegram and search for Integral Value. It is the channel with the image on the first post of this thread. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 4:10pm On Nov 15, 2024 |
Unlocking the Power Within: Making the Unconscious Conscious for a Fulfilling Life Carl Jung, one of the most profound psychologists of the 20th century, once said, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” This statement is a powerful reminder that much of what we experience and how we act is influenced by parts of ourselves we are not fully aware of. By understanding and addressing the hidden drivers within us, we can lead more meaningful, fulfilling, and productive lives. The unconscious mind encompasses all the thoughts, memories, and desires that lie outside of our conscious awareness. It is the part of our psyche that holds our deepest fears, instincts, and automatic reactions shaped by past experiences. Although it is hidden, it has the power to influence our behavior and decisions. For instance, think about moments when you reacted with anger or anxiety without fully understanding why. These reactions often stem from unprocessed emotions or beliefs that live in the unconscious. Over time, these unaddressed parts of ourselves can create patterns that seem fated — recurrent struggles in relationships, career dissatisfaction, or self-limiting beliefs that hold us back. The unconscious mind acts as a protector. Its primary function is to keep us safe, even if that means sticking to familiar yet unproductive patterns. For example, a person who fears failure may unconsciously sabotage opportunities to avoid potential disappointment. This person may convince themselves that bad luck or fate is to blame, but in reality, their unconscious mind is at work... Continue reading on Integral Value Telegram channel. Full post there. Go to Telegram and search for Integral Value. It is the channel with the image on the first post of this thread. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by HellVictorinho9: 1:04pm On Nov 16, 2024 |
Growing: can you help me with 10k pls my small phone cant do fb,whatsap,telegram,etc |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 3:32pm On Nov 27, 2024 |
Regaining the Lost Sense of Purpose for Boys In the past, survival was the primary focus of human societies. Each gender was assigned roles designed to enhance the survival of families and communities. For women, this often meant risking their lives in childbirth and dedicating themselves to raising children. For men, it involved risking their lives in wars and providing for their families as sole breadwinners. These roles gave men and women a clear sense of purpose tied to their survival-based mandates. As society evolved, so did these roles. Women gained the freedom to work outside the home, breaking free from the traditional mandate to focus solely on child-rearing. This change also relieved men from the expectation of being the sole breadwinners, allowing for more shared responsibilities in families. Additionally, the need for soldiers decreased, turning military service into an option for men rather than a requirement. However, these societal shifts created a problem for many boys and men. The traditional roles that gave them a sense of purpose—being warriors and sole breadwinners—became less relevant. For boys without strong father figures or male role models, this lack of guidance has led to what some call a 'purpose void.' Without a clear sense of purpose, many boys struggle to find direction and meaning in their lives. Addressing this issue requires supporting boys in finding new purposes suited to their individual personalities, values, and talents. Here are some potential solutions: • Encouraging Exploration: Help boys explore various career paths, hobbies, and interests to discover their passions. • Fostering Discipline: Teach boys the discipline and dedication needed to pursue their goals, whatever they may be. • Promoting Equality in Support: Provide as much encouragement and social support for boys as future dads and leaders as is given to girls as future executives. • Role Models and Mentorship: Ensure boys have access to positive male role models who can guide them in building their sense of purpose. In today’s world, traditional roles are no longer the only paths to purpose. By helping boys find new roles that align with their unique abilities and values, society can empower them to thrive. This effort requires collaboration from parents, educators, and communities to create an environment where boys are supported and inspired to discover their full potential. Join Integral Value Telegram channel for more meaningful and valuable content. Go to Telegram and search for Integral Value. It is the channel with the image on the first post of this thread. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 4:44pm On Jan 06 |
It is a 2-hour video that will be of help to anyone suffering from any form of addiction: Join Integral Value Telegram channel for more meaningful and valuable content. Go to Telegram and search for Integral Value. It is the channel with the image on the first post of this thread. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 11:31am On Jan 08 |
Lies Corrupt You as well as the Society Lies and inauthenticity are far more dangerous than they appear at first glance. When individuals or groups embrace falsehoods, the consequences can ripple outwards, affecting not only personal integrity but also the health of entire societies. History offers sobering examples of how lies can lead to devastating outcomes, including the horrors of the Gulag Archipelago under Joseph Stalin’s Soviet regime. Lies erode the foundation of an individual’s integrity. When you tell a lie, you betray your principles, weakening your character over time. Each lie, no matter how small, chips away at the trust you have in yourself and the trust others place in you. This lack of integrity makes it difficult for you to face challenges honestly. You then resort to more lies to cover up the initial falsehood, creating a damaging cycle. Living a lie distances you from your true self, leading to feelings of emptiness and disconnection. When you act inauthentically, you suppress your genuine thoughts, emotions, and desires. This disconnect from who you truly are can result in a loss of purpose and self-respect, making it harder for you to pursue meaningful goals or build healthy relationships. Lies also hinder your personal growth by preventing you from learning from your mistakes. An authentic person acknowledges errors, reflects on them, and uses the lessons to improve. In contrast, someone who lies often blames others or circumstances, avoiding accountability. Over time, this avoidance of responsibility stunts emotional and intellectual development, leaving the individual ill-equipped to handle life’s inevitable adversities. As long as a compass is good, it can help in direction. There is something in you that helps orient you in life; that helps you in moving forward in the right direction especially if it is not corrupted. You need that “something” more when you are facing adversities in life. If you have corrupted yourself with lies and inauthenticity, that “something” becomes a faulty compass and rather than help you navigate your way out of adversity, you are likely to lead yourself deeper into chaos. Many people fail to see the consequences of falsehood – they are not good. On a larger scale, lies and inauthenticity within groups or societies can create environments where corruption thrives. In such situations, individuals suppress the truth to avoid conflict or protect their interests. This collective deceit enables harmful ideologies and systems to grow unchecked. For example, in Stalin’s Soviet Union, widespread dishonesty and denial allowed the state’s oppressive machinery to flourish. People ignored the suffering caused by the regime, rationalizing it as necessary or inevitable. This refusal to acknowledge reality contributed to the atrocities of the Gulag Archipelago, where millions suffered and died. If you have never heard of the Gulag Archipelago, try learn about it. To counter the corrupting influence of lies, individuals must commit to authenticity. This means acknowledging mistakes, facing uncomfortable truths, and acting in alignment with personal and shared values. Authenticity requires courage, but it is essential for personal growth and societal progress. Small acts of honesty can disrupt cycles of deceit and foster healthier, more transparent communities. Living a life of truth and authenticity allows you to build a strong foundation of self-respect and confidence. When you are honest with yourself and others, you align your actions with your values, creating a sense of integrity that is unshakable. This alignment enables you to trust your decisions and stand firm in your beliefs, even in challenging situations. Over time, this inner strength becomes a powerful tool for navigating life with clarity and purpose. Being authentic allows you to connect deeply with others and form meaningful relationships. When you present yourself as you truly are, you invite others to do the same, fostering trust and mutual understanding. These genuine connections create a support system that helps you weather life's difficulties and celebrate its joys. In a world where authenticity can be rare, your honesty becomes a magnet for like-minded individuals who appreciate and value your sincerity. Embracing truth and authenticity also encourages personal growth and fulfillment. By facing the realities of your strengths and weaknesses, you open yourself to continuous improvement. Mistakes become opportunities to learn, and challenges become stepping stones to success. Authenticity frees you from the exhausting cycle of pretending to be someone you are not, allowing you to channel your energy into pursuing goals that truly matter to you. This sense of purpose brings lasting satisfaction and a life well-lived. Join Integral Value Telegram channel for more meaningful and valuable content. Go to Telegram and search for Integral Value. It is the channel with the image on the first post of this thread. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 2:27pm On Jan 12 |
Battles on Set For years Mel Gibson carried it in his heart. He felt called to do a movie about Christ but he kept giving himself excuses not to respond to the call. After living with the feeling for about 15 years, he approached Jim Caviezel and started talking about “Jesus this...” and “Jesus that...” Jim asked him, “You want me to play Jesus?” Mel responded, “Yes.” The next day Mel called Jim and tried talking him out of it. Mel was probably thinking, “I have done all of these things that are not so examplary and people will eventually find out that I am this kind of person. I am the wrong guy to direct this movie.” Mel was not the first person to make a commitment to Christ and having a second thought about it. No thanks to the devil. Mel told Jim, “If you do this movie, you may never work in this town again. I don’t want to be responsible for that.” Jim felt the fear as he thought of the nice things he has that money has bought but he realized that God brought him into the movie industry and his talent came from God, not man. Jim told Mel, “Look man, we are all called to carry our own cross. If you don’t pick up and carry your cross, you will be crushed by the weight of it.” Mel got quiet on the phone. And Jim said, “Oh my!” Mel asked, “What?” Jim replied, “I just realized my initials are J.C. and I am 33 years old.” “God! You are freaking me out,” Mel said and hung up the phone. Mel Gibson ended up directing and Jim Caviezel ended up playing Jesus in the 2004-released-movie, The Passion of the Christ. Mel shot that movie with his own money, about $30 million. And it started, the battle between light and darkness with respect to the movie – the movie that was more than just a movie. Mel Gibson was persecuted as an artist, as a man, as a filmmaker, as a Christian, even as an American – his rights were violated and it bothered him. People said the movie was anti-Semitic, it was bad filmmaking, Mel Gibson was a bigot. Mel harboured some anger about it then. On the very first day of shooting, the crowd rushed in around Jim Caviezel, guards hit him with whips which hit his flesh. His arm was wedged under the 150 pound cross when someone yanked the top of the cross in the other direction. His muscles wrenched, his shoulder separated, he fell to his knees, dropped the cross, and buried his head in the ground. This scene is actually in the movie – the scene in which Jim experienced his shoulder dislocate. Yes, he was acting Jesus but in that very scene captured in the movie, he suffered a real dislocation. Pain! Jim carried the cross in that condition and every day he carried the cross, it was like penance. Jim said, “When you do films like this, you are always going to be under attack.” Talking about the movie, Mel said in an interview that the subject they were filming draws enemies, “In the world there is good and bad, and anybody who wants to tell a story of this magnitude, about the nature of good and evil, is going to draw people who are influenced by something dark and it’s going to come and afflict you in some way. And I am not just talking about only people. I am talking about a whole other realm because I believe in these realms. I believe there are realms outside our own. If I didn’t, then I would wonder about the point of this.” Mel believes that there was a spiritual battle taking place while the movie was being shot and he took steps to “put on some armour” having engaged the spiritual realm. He went to Mass daily and “tried to stay clean” which was a tough job according to him. “The big dark force didn’t want us to make this film,” Mel said, “I believe the Holy Ghost is looking favourably on this film and he wanted to help.” Jim Caviezel while acting had daily confessions, prayed the Rosary daily, attended Mass and received Holy Eucharist daily. This strengthened him for what he was passing through as he played Jesus. What were the things he passed through? The film was birthed in pain. I already mentioned Jim had a shoulder separation from the start. Then Jim was like, “Hello God. We are trying to do a movie here. I am an actor. Just an actor. You are letting the devil to destroy us.” That was only the beginning for Jim. Due to Mel’s athletic directing, “Mary” ran to Jim and slid right into him. That moment the cross came down on Jim and his dislocated shoulder. Jim bit his tongue so bad that his own blood ran down his mouth. “Wow! That’s brilliant. I love it!” Mel said as he smoked. Make-up time for Jim in order to look like Jesus with wounds all over his body was from 2am to 10am. It took two hours to take off the make-up. Latex was used for the make-up and taking it off took with it the top layer of Jim’s skin. As a result of this, Jim had sores all over his body – real sores. Also, one of his eyes was shut and he worked with only one eye open. That wreaked havoc on his depth perception and gave him headaches. During the scourging scene, a metal plank was placed about a foot away from Jim’s back which was what was being hit. There was a language barrier between Mel and the men doing the flogging. Mel told his assistant to tell them to hit Jim like a pitcher in baseball. One of them went back, took a run and hit the plank hard. Due to momentum, the whip went over and landed on Jim’s back. This gave Jim a 14 inch gash on the back. Deep cut. He went down like the wind was knocked out of him. Later, feeling like Satan, Jim turned around, looked at the man and uttered some expletives, “@#$%^& *&^ %$#@ !%$@# ^&%&%@#$.” “Jesus” was swearing. As if that was not enough, Jim was accidentally hit again. He was hurt so much that he pulled his hand quickly from the shackles scrapping his wrist badly. Jim knows that Jesus loves him but at that moment he was like, “Lord Jesus, love me less.” OK, the last sentence was a joke. It was bone-chilling cold while the crucifixion scene was being shot. It was November in Italy. Jim was on the cross with only latex and loin cloth. Back then when the Romans crucified people, it was not really loss of blood that killed the crucified. It was oxygen loss – asphyxiation. Jim gasped for air on the cross and his legs went numb. Hypothermia (a condition in which the body temperature is much lower than normal) set in for Jim. To bring his temperature up, they brought gas heaters. They brought them too close that the latex started to melt and his toes started to fry. Towards the end of the movie, Jim’s body became blue while he was on the cross. You could see that if you watched the movie. It was no make-up, his body was actually blue. A man put a stethoscope on his chest and told Mel, “He can die.” Something was wrong with Jim’s heart. Mel looked at Jim and asked, “What do you think?” Jim replied, “This is between me and God.” At that point Jim thought if God willed that he dies while acting the movie, God’s will be done. Jim was ready to go home. Eventually he made it through and went for a heart surgery. At the end of the movie, they were to shoot the Sermon on the Mount. As Jim was half way the mountain side and everybody was in location, he felt an evil presence come over him and it was like, “You are a dead man.” He got to the top. The cloud was low and there was lightning and thunder. It came to a point Jim could no longer hear anything in spite of the thunder. Seconds later, light came down from heaven and lit him up – he was struck by lightning! Rather than Jim being incinerated, people witnessed an illumination around his body and a fire on the right and left side of his head. According to Jim, “For one moment, I was looking at myself outside my body.” Before Jim got struck, Jon Mikalini, the assistant director was struck by lightning. After Jim was struck, Jon got struck again. Dislocated shoulder, headaches, hypothermia, deep cuts, sores on the body, burnt toes, heart problem…Mel Gibson wondered if Jim was experiencing something otherworldly. As it was, Jim was actually experiencing some of the pains Christ experienced. Some conversions took place on set. Luca Lionello who played Judas asked for confession from a priest who was present. He was transformed by the experience. He baptized his children, sanctified his marriage, and came back to the Church. A number of people were affected during the filming including a Muslim who became a Christian. Some people became Catholics. It has been said that a couple of people’s diseases were healed on set. I am leaving out the conversion a lot of people had after the movie was released. That may require a book. If you dig into what transpired while this movie was being shot, you would most likely start to see and feel that something, or rather, many things, more than ordinary happened on set. If there is one thing this true story about the movie shows, it is this: The fight between light and darkness is real. Young, middle-aged, or old Christians should understand this and appreciate why we are called the Militant Church. Many Christians trivialize this most serious war being waged against their Souls; the war that has eternal significance. I dare say that the Christian who does not take this battle serious is already losing. The Christian who acknowledges the nature of this battle will understand the necessity of putting on spiritual armour like St. Paul advised. It is a serious battle, a life and death battle with eternal consequence. The Christian who in the end comes out victorious in this battle has the ultimate victory. If you are a Catholic, use the sacraments as your spiritual armour. They are very effective in bringing God's graces to our Souls. Don't take them for granted. And as you use them, make some effort to be at right with God regardless of what man thinks of you. In the end, God's "view" of you is what will count. If you are not a Catholic, pray and deepen your relationship with God. Join Integral Value Telegram channel for more meaningful and valuable content. Go to Telegram and search for Integral Value. It is the channel with the image on the first post of this thread. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 3:35pm On Jan 15 |
The reason for the California Fire. Join Integral Value Telegram channel for more meaningful and valuable content. Go to Telegram and search for Integral Value. It is the channel with the image on the first post of this thread. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by joearmani7(m): 12:21am On Jan 16 |
The coffee whisperer Ravi’s café wasn’t just about coffee—it was about stories. One rainy afternoon, Mira walked in, looking defeated. Ravi handed her a spiced latte without asking. “Writer’s block?” he asked. She blinked. “How did you know?” He smiled. “You look like someone with words trapped inside.” Weeks passed, and Mira kept coming back. With every visit, Ravi’s words sparked new ideas. One day, she slid a finished manuscript across the counter. “It’s done,” she said. “Told you the words would come,” Ravi replied. GhostWritingService helps unlock your story—just like Ravi. Ready to share yours? Let’s talk. Stop letting time hold you back. Ready to make an impact? 👉 Connect with me if you need tips or guidance on getting started in ghostwriting! |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 8:37pm On Jan 18 |
Don't Worship Reason As human beings we can reason. Reason is a tool for us. It helps us analyze situations, make informed decisions, and solve problems. Reason helps us understand the world by drawing connections between cause and effect, weighing evidence, and forming logical conclusions. With reason we can plan for the future, anticipate challenges, and develop strategies to overcome them. It enables us to learn from our experience, refine our thinking, and adapt to changing circumstances, which are crucial for personal and collective growth. But reason has its temptations and weaknesses. Reason can see far but it can fall in love with itself or with its own productions. What reason produces may be good. No matter how good it is, it is not good to regard it as the highest good. That may produce hell. To regard the product of reason as the highest good is totalitarian. This perspective assumes that all that is important and can be discovered is known. The need to confront the unknown aspects of life is dismissed. But when you are in trouble, what you know may not be sufficient to save you. Then you need to learn from what is unknown to you. To do that is courageous but the totalitarian doesn’t do that rather he denies. He denies because he believes he knows everything worth knowing. Communism did not really appeal to the oppressed workers, who were supposed to be the beneficiaries, but to intellectuals whose pride in their intellect told them they were always right. The utopia never materialized, rather the horrors of Stalinist Russia and Mao’s China were produced. Christianity declined, rationality rose to prominence. It did not produce prosperity like some people then and now think. It produced horrors in which tens of millions of people perished. Except one blatantly refuses to learn from history, one should be scared of a post-Christian society. Refusal to learn in the face of error degenerates into a deepening hell... Continue reading on Integral Value Telegram channel. Full post there. Go to Telegram and search for Integral Value. It is the channel with the image on the first post of this thread. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 4:58pm On Jan 27 |
What You Worship Shapes Your Life Everything does not have equal value for you. You value some things more than others. And then there is what you value as the highest good. By default, you worship what is of highest worth to you. That becomes your God. In this matter, there are no atheists. There are only people who know the God they serve and those who do not know. What you are seeking depends on what you are serving. If you do not see God as the highest good, what you are seeking, which has taken the place of God, will regulate your emotions and determine your thoughts. Then you will lie to yourself and bend everything to your ambition. The goal possesses you and in that state, you will not be able to discover if another goal would serve you and the society better. Consider what happens when power, wealth, or fame becomes your highest pursuit. These can be compelling goals, but they often come with significant costs. When power is your ultimate aim, you might manipulate others, losing trust and genuine relationships along the way. When wealth takes precedence, you may exploit people or prioritize material success over moral values. And when fame becomes your God, your sense of worth hinges on the opinions of others, leaving you vulnerable to constant judgment. These pursuits, while not inherently wrong, cannot bear the weight of being your highest good. They are limited and can easily lead to disillusionment or harm if you let them dominate your life. However, aligning yourself with the highest good, God, who is infinitely beyond material gains or fleeting status—brings a sense of balance and fulfillment. This means serving God, who is truth, love, and just. It involves dedicating yourself to virtues that uplift both you and others. When your values are oriented toward something greater than self-centered ambition, your actions become more meaningful, your relationships deeper, and your life more purposeful. You begin to experience harmony within yourself and with the world around you. This does not mean abandoning ambition or striving for success. It means grounding those ambitions in something enduring, something that enhances life rather than distorts it. When you prioritize the highest good, your goals and desires align in a way that promotes integrity, wisdom, and compassion. You remain open to learning, recognizing that what you thought was important at one stage of life may no longer hold the same weight as you grow and encounter new truths. If you are open to the truth and do not allow your false god to blind and possess you, your values transform as you navigate through life. If you allow yourself to be informed by the truth, the reality manifesting itself, what you consider important will change. You may undergo a gradual or radical reorientation. Join Integral Value Telegram channel for more meaningful and valuable content. Go to Telegram and search for Integral Value. It is the channel with the image on the first post of this thread. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 2:13pm On Jan 28 |
Living in Truth: A Risk Worth Taking I was listening to a news analysis radio programme one morning. In the course of the programme, people call in to express their views after the journalist has done his analysis and given his views about news that have made it to the front page of the newspaper for that day. A listener called in, “People should allow me to be pessimistic. I have my reasons,” he basically said. Hardly is there any good news on the front pages of the newspaper. That does damage in its own way. So, one can understand if people end up being pessimistic after being blasted daily with unfortunate happenings in the country and around the globe. The pessimist, if he has not already, is close to asking, “Is existence good?” It appears to me that question is not an easy one to answer given our reality on earth. You can find out if existence is good but only by taking a risk, a terrible risk, you may say. If you want to find out if reality is good then you would have to align with reality. That means you will have to tell the truth and live truthfully. If all you do is lie, then you are bending reality for yourself. But you cannot bend reality. Reality will keep trying to snap you back into the truth, into alignment with the truth. That would be painful for you... Continue reading this post on Integral Value Telegram channel. Full post there. Go to Telegram and search for Integral Value. It is the channel with the image on the first post of this thread. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 1:15pm On Jan 30 |
Lies Corrupt Your Psyche I know a woman who told lies until she was indebted in millions and running from her creditors. She dwelt in falsehood and that produced chaos later. I have reasons to say she has made it very difficult for herself to see the truth let alone tell it. Her lies have made her blind to reality. That has been costly for her. You start by telling a “little” lie; then more little lies to cover up the initial ones. You may not realize that at this point, your thoughts have become distorted. As the consequences of your distorted thinking begin to manifest, you tell more lies to cover up the consequences. Something terrible happens at this stage – you somehow believe your lies, at least unconsciously. Because you live in falsehood, that would be the foundation of your actions. There is now a gap between reality and what you unconsciously believe. You are trying to bend reality but reality snaps back at you like a rubber band you are holding close to your face and stretching out snaps back when you let go. The corruption of the psyche through falsehood is subtle but devastating. The more you deceive, the more distorted your perception of the world becomes. The truth, which once seemed clear, is now obscured by layers of deception. Your instincts become unreliable. You no longer know what is real and what is fabricated. At this point, you are not only lying to others; you are lying to yourself. Every lie adds another brick to the prison you are building around yourself. You may begin to experience anxiety because deep down, you sense that your foundation is fragile. Every action you take based on falsehood weakens your ability to engage with reality effectively. This breeds chaos in your life. Situations spiral out of control, relationships crumble, and opportunities slip away because they were built on shaky ground. You may attempt to deceive yourself into believing that your suffering is undeserved. Instead of acknowledging the role your falsehood played in your downfall, you seek external scapegoats. You blame people, circumstances, and even fate itself. The refusal to take responsibility further deepens your self-deception. The more you resist the truth, the more your suffering intensifies. Your actions, driven by falsehood, produce results opposite to what you desire. You aim for success but meet repeated failure. You long for peace but experience constant turmoil. You want meaningful relationships, but deception alienates you from others. Frustration sets in. Your suffering, instead of leading you to introspection and correction, fuels resentment. Your deceits start dragging you towards hell. Your relationship with reality has been corrupted to the point of destruction. Almost all your actions do not produce the intended results. You experience failure again and again. You are frustrated. Because you live in falsehood, you do not see how the failures you created for yourself are your fault. You blame everyone and in your arrogance, you also blame God. You then see God as punishing you and like Cain in the Bible, you harbour resentment towards God. You seek revenge against God but because you can do nothing to harm God, you aim at harming his beloved creatures, human beings. This is hell for you. Join Integral Value Telegram channel for more meaningful and valuable content. Go to Telegram and search for Integral Value. It is the channel with the image on the first post of this thread. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 1:16pm On Jan 31 |
Listening Matters Years ago, I was working in an office in a church, and a married woman I didn't know walked in and started sharing some of the issues she was having with me. Truth be told, I wasn’t ready to listen because I was working. I almost interrupted the woman to tell her I didn’t have the time. But I didn’t. For some reason I don’t know, I listened to her story. About seven minutes later, the woman stopped, looked at me, smiled, and said, “Thank you, brother. You are a good listener. God bless you.” Then she left. I did not address the issues she shared with me. She felt heard. She was dying to be heard—by her husband. Genuine conversation involves listening—a lot of listening—and talking. You can hear someone talk, but you cannot truly listen without paying attention. People can tell you quite a lot if you really listen. It seems that if a person is speaking and you are listening, she is not just talking; she is articulating, exploring, and organizing her thoughts. In the process, she herself talking, or you the listener, or both of you, can have a revelation. This revelation can be helpful in fixing the issue. This is probably the process that helps in therapy... Continue reading this post on Integral Value Telegram channel. Full post there. Go to Telegram and search for Integral Value. It is the channel with the image on the first post of this thread. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 4:46pm On Jan 31 |
🔒 Home Security Tip🔒 🏠 Protect Your Home, Protect Your Loved Ones! 🏠 Your home should be your safe haven. One of the best ways to enhance security is by installing CCTV cameras at key entry points. 🎥👀 ✅ Why? ✔️ Deter Intruders – Criminals think twice when they see cameras. ✔️ 24/7 Monitoring – Keep an eye on your property anytime, anywhere. ✔️ Evidence Collection – In case of incidents, footage helps with investigations. 📢 Take Action Today! Secure your home with reliable surveillance solutions. Need CCTV installation? We’ve got you covered! 💪🔐 📞Contact below. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 3:10pm On Feb 04 |
Listening Helps Resolve Issues In any relationship, whether personal or professional, conflicts are inevitable. However, the way we navigate these disagreements determines the strength and longevity of our connections. One of the most effective yet often overlooked tools for conflict resolution is true listening. Carl Rogers, a renowned psychotherapist, emphasized that many people struggle to truly listen because it requires courage and openness. He suggested a method where one must restate the other person’s thoughts and feelings to their satisfaction before responding. This approach fosters deeper understanding, minimizes misinterpretations, and ultimately leads to resolution. Listening is more than just hearing words; it involves fully engaging with another person’s perspective without immediate judgment or the urge to respond defensively. Often, people enter conversations with preconceived notions and a need to assert their own viewpoint. This creates barriers to effective communication and escalates conflicts. When one genuinely listens, however, they make an effort to understand the emotions and reasoning behind the other person’s words. This validation does not necessarily mean agreement, but it reassures the speaker that their thoughts matter, reducing hostility and promoting cooperation. A significant advantage of this approach is that it encourages self-reflection. When individuals listen deeply, they gain insight into their own biases and emotional triggers. This awareness allows them to respond thoughtfully rather than react impulsively. Moreover, listening can soften resistance in the other person. When someone feels heard and understood, they are more likely to reciprocate, creating a foundation for mutual respect and problem-solving. Furthermore, practicing active listening strengthens emotional bonds. In romantic relationships, for example, misunderstandings often stem from unexpressed feelings or unmet expectations. A partner who listens attentively can identify underlying concerns and work towards solutions that satisfy both parties. Similarly, in friendships and family dynamics, validating emotions rather than dismissing them helps build trust and fosters a sense of security. Another crucial aspect of listening is the willingness to be changed by what one hears. Rogers highlighted that embracing another’s perspective might alter our own attitudes or beliefs, which can be unsettling. However, this openness is essential for personal growth and meaningful relationships. By acknowledging that we do not hold absolute truth and that others’ experiences are valid, we create space for deeper connections and constructive dialogue. Ultimately, resolving issues through listening requires patience and practice. It demands setting aside one’s ego, being present in the moment, and demonstrating empathy. While it may not always lead to immediate agreement, it paves the way for mutual understanding and long-term harmony. In a world where many struggle to feel heard, mastering the art of listening can transform relationships and create a more compassionate society. Join Integral Value Telegram channel for more meaningful and valuable content. Go to Telegram and search for Integral Value. It is the channel with the image on the first post of this thread. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 4:23pm On Feb 05 |
The Social Nature of Sanity: How Human Interaction Shapes Mental Well-Being Human beings are inherently social creatures. Our thoughts, emotions, and even sense of self are shaped by interactions with others. Conversations help us process experiences, gain perspective, and organize our thoughts. Without social engagement, our minds can become cluttered, much like a home filled with unchecked possessions. A well-functioning psyche is not solely the product of individual effort but also relies on the reactions and feedback of others. Engaging in meaningful discussions provides clarity, validation, and reality checks. This is why people who feel isolated often struggle with mental well-being. Without an external framework of social responses, internal thoughts can spiral unchecked, leading to confusion and distress. Much of our behavior is fine-tuned through the responses of those around us. Whether through subtle cues like a raised eyebrow or more direct reactions like laughter or disagreement, we continuously receive information about how our actions align with social norms. These interactions shape our self-awareness and guide our personal growth... Continue reading this post on Integral Value Telegram channel. Full post there. Go to Telegram and search for Integral Value. It is the channel with the image on the first post of this thread. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 4:31pm On Feb 06 |
The United States of America has better things to do with their tax payers' money. Watch this video full of revelations on USAID spending: Join Integral Value Telegram channel for more meaningful and valuable content. Go to Telegram and search for Integral Value. It is the channel with the image on the first post of this thread. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 3:43pm On Feb 07 |
When Fixing Isn’t the Answer: The Power of Listening in Building Stronger Relationships A woman once told me that she was talking to her husband one evening and she saw that her husband was not paying attention even though he wasn’t stopping her from speaking. This was painful to the woman, and the next day, she “paid” her husband back in her way. The husband had no clue why she was acting “weird.” This scenario is all too common in relationships, and it highlights a critical issue: the importance of truly paying attention and listening in conversations. Listening is more than just hearing words. It’s about being present, showing empathy, and validating the other person’s feelings and experiences. When we fail to listen actively, we send a message—intentional or not—that the other person’s thoughts and emotions don’t matter. This can create distance, frustration, and misunderstandings in relationships. In many cases, the root of the problem lies in differing approaches to communication. For instance, men and women often have different conversational styles, especially when discussing problems. Men tend to focus on solutions, wanting to “fix” the issue as quickly as possible. This is not inherently wrong; in fact, it’s often why they’re sought out for advice. However, this approach can feel dismissive if the other person is still in the process of expressing their feelings or clarifying the problem. Women, on the other hand, often use conversation as a way to process emotions and articulate their thoughts. They may not be looking for an immediate solution but rather for understanding and connection. This disconnect can lead to frustration on both sides. Men may feel unappreciated for their efforts to help, while women may feel unheard or undervalued. The key to bridging this gap lies in recognizing and respecting these differences. For men, this might mean resisting the urge to jump into problem-solving mode and instead focusing on listening and asking questions to better understand the issue. For women, it might involve clearly communicating whether they’re seeking advice or simply a listening ear. Active listening requires effort and intentionality. It means putting aside distractions—whether it’s a phone, a TV, or our own thoughts—and giving the other person our full attention. It involves acknowledging their feelings, asking clarifying questions, and reflecting back what we’ve heard to ensure understanding. This kind of engagement shows the other person that they are valued and that their story matters. Moreover, listening is not just about the words being spoken. It’s also about paying attention to nonverbal cues—tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language. These subtle signals often convey emotions that words alone cannot express. By tuning into these cues, we can gain a deeper understanding of what the other person is experiencing and respond with greater empathy. In relationships, the ability to listen well can transform conflicts into opportunities for connection. When we feel heard and understood, we’re more likely to trust and open up to the other person. This fosters intimacy and strengthens the bond between partners. On the other hand, when we feel ignored or dismissed, it can lead to resentment and emotional distance. The story of the woman and her husband serves as a reminder of how small actions—or inactions—can have a big impact. Paying attention and listening may seem like simple acts, but they are powerful tools for building and maintaining healthy relationships. They require patience, practice, and a genuine desire to understand the other person. In a world filled with distractions and competing priorities, giving someone our undivided attention is one of the most meaningful gifts we can offer. It says, “You matter to me. Your thoughts and feelings are important.” So the next time you find yourself in a conversation, especially with someone you care about, take a moment to truly listen. You might be surprised at how much it can change the dynamic of your relationship. Listening is not just about solving problems; it’s about creating a space where both people feel seen, heard, and valued. And in the end, isn’t that what we all want from our relationships? Join Integral Value Telegram channel for more meaningful and valuable content. Go to Telegram and search for Integral Value. It is the channel with the image on the first post of this thread. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 2:44pm On Feb 10 |
Transformation Through Conversation Except you are perfect, you don’t know everything. Your knowledge is insufficient. No matter how much you’ve learned or experienced, there are gaps in your understanding, blind spots in your perspective, and challenges you haven’t yet solved. This realization isn’t a weakness—it’s an opportunity. It’s the starting point for meaningful conversations that can transform how you think, relate, and live. A good conversation is more than an exchange of words. It’s a mutual exploration, a shared journey into the unknown. It requires reciprocity—a willingness to listen as much as you speak, to learn as much as you teach, and to question as much as you assert. When done well, it becomes a space where ideas are not just shared but examined, where perspectives are not just defended but expanded, and where both participants emerge wiser than they were before. The beauty of such a conversation lies in its ability to bridge the gap between order and chaos. Order represents what you already know—the familiar, the structured, the safe. Chaos, on the other hand, represents the unknown—the uncertain, the unpredictable, the potential for growth. A truly reciprocal conversation invites both. It allows you to stand firmly in what you understand while tentatively reaching into the unfamiliar, guided by the insights of another. This kind of dialogue demands humility. It requires you to admit that you don’t have all the answers and that the person across from you might know something you don’t. It asks you to set aside the urge to dominate, convince, or win. Instead, you approach the conversation with curiosity, openness, and a genuine desire to learn. When you do, something remarkable happens: the conversation becomes a collaborative effort to uncover truth, rather than a battle of egos... Continue reading this post on Integral Value Telegram channel. Full post there. Go to Telegram and search for Integral Value. It is the channel with the image on the first post of this thread. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 3:10pm On Feb 11 |
It may shock you to learn that a host of chronic illnesses have one root cause. If you are interested in learning about this very root cause, go watch the video I shared on Integral Value Telegram channel. It is about an hour and half long but reveals valuable and heath transforming information. Join Integral Value Telegram channel for more meaningful and valuable content. Go to Telegram and search for Integral Value. It is the channel with the image on the first post of this thread. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by HappyMangle: 9:04pm On Feb 14 |
Great thread, thanks for sharing! I can definitely relate to the impact of finding the right support. My productivity skyrocketed once I discovered Before that, I was constantly overwhelmed by assignments and struggling to keep up. But after I started using their services, I could focus more on the things I'm actually good at, like problem-solving and creative thinking. It's a game-changer to have that kind of help, and it really allowed me to regain control of my time and energy. Now, I can give my best to the tasks that truly matter to me, and the results speak for themselves. |
Re: A Thread That Promotes A Meaningful And Productive Life by Growing(m): 7:27am On Feb 16 |
HappyMangle: You are welcome. God bless you. |
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