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Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG - Politics (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by Hezmatosky: 8:42am On May 18, 2021
Just like saying "any attack on mama chinyere is an attack to me" husband warns his wife grin The question is, wetin concern papa junior with mummy chinyere

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Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by Odinaka00(m): 8:42am On May 18, 2021
That’s good. No reasonable Nigerian should be happy with the way things are in Naija. These Fulani vampires should go


Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by Nobody: 8:42am On May 18, 2021
I have come to the realisation that the yorubas are selfish and manipulative set of people in the Nigerian project.
As a Niger deltan, I feel very upset with the gimmick of the south west region.
How they move from colliding with different regions at different times to achieve their selfish aim is unbecoming.
Since 1999, they hav benefited most from democracy but the only time they cudnt get the presidency during GEJ admin they colluded with the same fulanis they r now villifying in 2015 and 2019 to get back to the presidency.
Now that it is obvious that may be shut out from d presidency for anoda 8 yrs, they have assumed a condescending posture yet again to achieve their selfish desire by hobnobbing with the east against the north.
If they dnt hav have any hidden agenda, why didnt they clamour for yoruba nation in 2019? I would haven given them the benefit of doubt for not yearning for yoruba nation in 2015.
But why now?
I sincerely wish the east, ND and north can unite to teach these traitors a lesson for their act of treatory
U didn't finish your training fulani boy

We would deal with the Yorubas our own way in the south ....leave them
Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by Henry22(m): 8:42am On May 18, 2021
Yorubas have refused to be coned by you guys and Kanu into your Biafra agitation.

Sunday Igboho can dine with you, share your fraudulent funds with you and die with you guys. We don't care.

You are free to be Biafra country for all Yorubas care but stop dragging us into your agitation. I thought you can achieve your plans yourself; leave us out of it.

You lying and hateful people. Always generating propaganda all over the place.

Lol I bet my balls that this thing here is a northerner �%, I will further prove it.


Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by Kreme(m): 8:44am On May 18, 2021
I have come to the realisation that the yorubas are selfish and manipulative set of people in the Nigerian project.
As a Niger deltan, I feel very upset with the gimmick of the south west region.
How they move from colliding with different regions at different times to achieve their selfish aim is unbecoming.
Since 1999, they hav benefited most from democracy but the only time they cudnt get the presidency during GEJ admin they colluded with the same fulanis they r now villifying in 2015 and 2019 to get back to the presidency.
Now that it is obvious that may be shut out from d presidency for anoda 8 yrs, they have assumed a condescending posture yet again to achieve their selfish desire by hobnobbing with the east against the north.
If they dnt hav have any hidden agenda, why didnt they clamour for yoruba nation in 2019? I would haven given them the benefit of doubt for not yearning for yoruba nation in 2015.
But why now?
I sincerely wish the east, ND and north can unite to teach these traitors a lesson for their act of treatory
O ma she o (What a pity)
Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by Stanleyville(m): 8:45am On May 18, 2021

We shall see

Shutup abeg!
Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by LilMissFavvy(f): 8:45am On May 18, 2021
Buhari has caused so much hate in Nigeria, he has caused great divisions, he has destroyed Nigeria. Foooolish south south / Niger Delta, where is your stand?
Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by Elzakzaky: 8:45am On May 18, 2021
Igboho is one of the few intelligent Nigerians ever lived even though he missyarned the other time.
Most southern guys, especially the Niger delta folks have been exhibiting their foolishness and I smile because they don't know what they are loosing.

Well, I don't know if they are really southerners or the Fulani's who pretend to be Niger delta or Yoruba's but they always sound foolish whenever they come up with 'we south south' are not part of Biafra bla bla bla. Fulanis even paid some group of Niger delta people to say they are not annex to any secessionist groups. How can you talk about annexing when you are still under the grips of the zoo? Instead of forming a vocal liberation group to join force, they are behaving like BMC idi0ts.

Igboho has proven that he is intelligent. Middle belt did same too not long. The fight for freedom in the Nigerian scenario needs the oppressed to be united else, there will always be penetration of the enemies. The enemies will offer u cash/gift that you are normally supposed to afford if they are not stealing from you. When people go get sense sef? While the main issue which is breakup is yet to be attained, imbeciles are thinking of who belong where and who does not belong where. What happens if all the South's and even the middle belt become one united country?

My wish is that when the breakup is finally achieved, Biafra should be made up of only Igbo's in the SE and SS. The remaining SS minorities can go kill themselves.
How you can use igboho and intelligence in the the same statement still beats me. A person who talks without reasoning.


Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by Kreme(m): 8:46am On May 18, 2021
Just like saying "any attack on mama chinyere is an attack to me" husband warns his wife grin The question is, wetin concern papa junior with mummy chinyere
Go ask papa junior
Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by thaoriginator: 8:48am On May 18, 2021
Yeye dey smell
Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by dederocs(m): 8:48am On May 18, 2021
South must unite!
Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by omoluka: 8:49am On May 18, 2021
This Sunday Igboho no get handwork at all
Fulani torrorist


Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by funkekemi(f): 8:49am On May 18, 2021

You may wish to follow a thug, that's your choice.
but you will follow a Chicago drug baron


Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by BetExpert: 8:50am On May 18, 2021
Any attack on the South East is an attack on Niger Delta too, an attack on Yorubas too and an attack on the entire south. The Fulani zoogeria army should be warned that this is not 1967 anymore when Yorubas were deceived to fight against their fellow southern brothers and win civil war for those terrorists. This 2nd civil war will be the entire Southern Nigeria vs Fulani terrorists. We will send these barbarians Buhari terrorists back to Futa Jalon and liberate the Hausa people from Fulani slavery.

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Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by murmee: 8:51am On May 18, 2021

This fulani boy again
I am happy that people now know that a lot of posts on Nairaland that are intended to knock the heads of Ibos and Yorubas together are actually written and submitted by the Northerners. The North is quite aware that if the two major southern regions are allowed to work together, the North is finished. But it is only a question of time. The Southwest and the Southeast will liberate themselves from the Geographical expression called Nigeria!

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Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by Jack005(m): 8:52am On May 18, 2021
Don't mind Niger Delta, i am a Niger Deltan but we no get say.. We are only waiting for militants to come and fight for us.

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Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by FunkyAlhaji2015: 8:53am On May 18, 2021
This is a smart move . This is the only way to defeat fulani hegemony. The hausas and Yorubas gave the fulanis power to lord it over others Time has come to take that power back n collapse Nigeria

United South is the key to unlock our freedom

You think the Yoruba with all their education will allow a thug lead them if they are actually clamouring for a republic?

This one is just a noisemaker ni. He is just gathering agberos up and down and now wants to share some of that IPOB money with Kanu

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Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by ruffDiamond: 8:54am On May 18, 2021
Very good,igboho,I love this,we must bind together to face pur common enem.y..let the jagabandit owo mi da boys continue in denial and dying off silently.
Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by Angeltjazz2017(m): 8:54am On May 18, 2021
If this new is true then south is ready to get Sense at last because the only we have been in med of is a true leader that ready to front
Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by Princedapace(m): 8:55am On May 18, 2021
Way to go. Unity of southern Nigeria is all we want. Then, the southern regions can govern them selves. No one is saying that southerners must form a country together. What we are saying is that we need the unity of Southern Nigeria to break away from fulanis. They are reaping us. We have the human resources and natural resources. We southern Nigeria fund this country with our sweat.

A united southern Nigeria and Middle belt is all we need to break away from fulani backwardness. Then the regions in southern Nigeria can rule them selves and we can form mutual partnership if we want. None of the regions should rule over another. That is all.

I am for united southern Nigeria. I have said it here many times. The entire southern Nigeria must unite.

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Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by WorldRichest: 8:55am On May 18, 2021
Yorubas have refused to be coned by you guys and Kanu into your Biafra agitation.

Sunday Igboho can dine with you, share your fraudulent funds with you and die with you guys. We don't care.

You are free to be Biafra country for all Yorubas care but stop dragging us into your agitation. I thought you can achieve your plans yourself; leave us out of it.

You lying and hateful people. Always generating propaganda all over the place.

When will you be discharged from the psychiatric ward of Umuleri isolation Centre?

This hatred and bitterness that your parents planted in you is the reason why you are bitter, sad, depressed and suicidal.
Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by Ihatemumu: 8:55am On May 18, 2021
Yorubas have refused to be coned by you guys and Kanu into your Biafra agitation.

Sunday Igboho can dine with you, share your fraudulent funds with you and die with you guys. We don't care.

You are free to be Biafra country for all Yorubas care but stop dragging us into your agitation. I thought you can achieve your plans yourself; leave us out of it.

You lying and hateful people. Always generating propaganda all over the place.

Satan tries to divide people,
Fulani doing the same

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Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by hotwax: 8:59am On May 18, 2021
From the Market women, traders, agberos, etc. God will raise one human with a unique spirit to go destroy the status quo. I'm sure with your degree(s), if you stand to address a crowd in your state, no one would be eager to hear what you have to say. Not same with Igboho. This is not an insult, but you practically don't have the capacity to gain followers like Igboho is amassing huge followership. An Igboho (with his illiteracy), would speak and yorubas would listen. Go watch the Osogbo rally for Oduduwa nation. I repeat, it is not about education, but the kind of spirit you possess, determines if you'll be a revolutionary leader. The spirit in you is the most important part, not the quality of degrees, you got from oxford.

You are great. These werey think its about education

Yoruba built a great empire called Oyo empire without university education. Leadership and governance have nothing to do with speaking english. Buhari thats using nepa certificate nko?

So an illiterate can be your president and agbero can't be? she ori won ti daru ni?

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Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by Hseffa: 8:59am On May 18, 2021
For those asking for sauce there you have it reported by Sahara reporters
Education matters o. Pages of history still there.
Biafra & Yoruba? What a sauce, SOURCED from silly Saharareporters.
Igboho, na who be your DJ, on this track?
Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by ruffDiamond: 8:59am On May 18, 2021
Yorubas have refused to be coned by you guys and Kanu into your Biafra agitation.

Sunday Igboho can dine with you, share your fraudulent funds with you and die with you guys. We don't care.

You are free to be Biafra country for all Yorubas care but stop dragging us into your agitation. I thought you can achieve your plans yourself; leave us out of it.

You lying and hateful people. Always generating propaganda all over the place.
akmajiri speaking...

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Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by hotwax: 9:03am On May 18, 2021
Yorubas have refused to be coned by you guys and Kanu into your Biafra agitation.

Sunday Igboho can dine with you, share your fraudulent funds with you and die with you guys. We don't care.

You are free to be Biafra country for all Yorubas care but stop dragging us into your agitation. I thought you can achieve your plans yourself; leave us out of it.

You lying and hateful people. Always generating propaganda all over the place.
Fulani slave.

You are loyal to fulanis more than your own people.

Who brainwasted you to think you are a lowlevel human. You have low self esteem. You sha believe in your fulani gods.

They will still kill you and your family. Those fulani killers tear eyes oooo...They will not come and read your nairaland post before they kill your people in your village


Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by favour32(m): 9:04am On May 18, 2021
A united Southern Nigeria, starting from Asaba declaration is all we need.
The North cannot oppress a united South.


Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by ygowon: 9:05am On May 18, 2021

How you can use igboho and intelligence in the the same statement still beats me. A person who talks without reasoning.
Igboho is smarter and more intelligent than you because he knows that if his neighbour, southeast is attacked and dealt with successfully by the FG, the next region to be dealt with would be his own region, southwest. You wouldn't know that if you were dumb. The solution is lending supports and coming together to fight a common enemy.

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Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by hotwax: 9:05am On May 18, 2021
This Sunday Igboho no get handwork at all

and he is richer than your extended family...

he is being supported by hundreds of professors..

he has followers who will die for him...

he is fighting a legal coarse...

what about you? what do you do? lets meet you


Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by shiffynaani(m): 9:05am On May 18, 2021
I am happy that people now know that a lot of posts on Nairaland that are intended to knock the heads of Ibos and Yorubas together are actually written and submitted by the Northerners. The North is quite aware that if the two major southern regions are allowed to work together, the North is finished. But it is only a question of time. The Southwest and the Southeast will liberate themselves from the Geographical expression called Nigeria!
Bro I'm equally as happy as you i swear

Now the south is finally on the right track with its two SUPERPOWERS now in tandem grin

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Re: Any Attack On The South-East Is An Attack On The Yorubas — Igboho Warns FG by adenigga(m): 9:06am On May 18, 2021


See mouth that will soon be crush.....

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