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Feeding On The Dead: Another Look At David Hundeyin's Report by Thetruth101: 8:06am On May 19, 2021
The gruesome murder of a 26-year-old job seeker; Iniobong “Hiny” Umoren in Akwa Ibom state has left the entire country in shock and has become the most touching event in recent times. With the help of many concerned Nigerians on twitter and the swift action of the Nigerian police, the killer of the innocent young Hiny Umoren was apprehended within 48 hours.
On the 13th of May, 2020, David Hundeyin; a “seasoned investigative journalist” released an indicting story which according him
“is the closest thing that exists to objective evidence that:
1.) Frank Akpan is being used to take the fall for much bigger fish involved in Hiny Umoren’s murder; and
2.) While Frank Akpan is certainly the primary suspect and was directly involved in the murder, there are other participants in the murder still walking free, while the Akwa Ibom Police Command intentionally bungles what should be an open and shut investigation”
In the story, three major “big fish” are involved in the murder of Iniobong “Hiny” Umoren. The report also reveals a more shocking possibility of dealing with a syndicate of organ harvesters back by the Federal police structure in Akwa Ibom State.

In David Hundeyin’s words,
“we have what appears to be a well-connected criminal gang in Akwa Ibom with links to the police and the Federal Ministry of the Niger Delta, which probably specialises in sourcing human organs either for the purpose of selling to the international black market or to service local politicians who believe in ritual human sacrifice”
The “Big fish” David Hundeyin indicted in his report:
Kufre Effiong: a senior officer at the Federal Ministry of Niger Delta.
The Center for Clinical Care and Research (CCCR Nigeria): A medical NGO with a branch in Uyo.
Davok Suites: (According the report), a popular upmarket hotel in Uyo favored by high profile guests

Their involvement according to David Hundeyin:

Kufre Effiong:
Is an accomplice to the murder of Hiny Umoren. He is an older member of the organ trafficking syndicate for the politicians. According to David “Frank is probably outside the building talking to this older, wiser man on the phone and hoping to get some help from him” … Kufre Effiong is “a senior civil servant ……. running a clandestine errand for his boss. An errand such as sourcing human parts for use in a ritual sacrifice ahead of the upcoming election season”

Evidence provided for his involvement:
“At 4.32PM on April 30, Frank then makes one of the most interesting phone calls in this entire story. Truecaller pulls up the details of the recipient of the phone call with the number +23480*****326 – one “Kufre Effiong.” Unlike the other people Frank has been known to associate with, Kufre Effiong appears to be from a different world. Their conversation lasts for just 31 seconds and presumably ends with Kufre hanging up. Frank’s phone rings almost immediately at 4.34PM. The caller is +234803*****19 and this conversation lasts decidedly longer than the last one – almost 4 minutes”
“Interestingly, if you compare the location data from both calls, it is clear that both men have in fact met physically at a certain 58G, Ewet Housing Estate in Uyo. Frank is probably outside the building talking to this older, wiser man on the phone and hoping to get some help from him”

My thoughts/questions on the evidences:

Although Kufre Effiong stated clearly that he has no part in Hiny’s murder and that he in fact gave the police some assistance in arresting her murderer, there are still some questions for David in the minds of many deep thinking Nigerians;
• How can a simple phone call without having access to the voice note equate an involvement is a murder case?
• From the report, Frank ( Hiny’s Killer) called several other people within the period of the murder and his arrest. Why is Kufre Effiong singled out?
• Because he works with the ministry of Niger Delta?
• Is there a deliberate plot by David to politicize or rope a politician in on this murder case?
• David indicated that Frank (Hiny’s Killer) had earlier made several calls to a number with no digital foot print for days before and on the very day of the murder. David asked a very important question of “why was Frank Akpan repeatedly trying to establish contact with this unknown number with no digital footprint?” But he (David Hundeyin) surprisingly dropped the number with no digital foot print and clinched on the low hanging fruit of Kufre Effiong. Why did David abandon the number with no digital footprint and clinched on Kufre Effiong? Is this an attempt to involve a big name and make the story more sensational?

The Center for Clinical Care and Research (CCCR Nigeria):

According to David, this is a Ghost NGO. “And the Uyo branch office of an organization which specifically offers “supply chain management of Health commodities” may have been commandeered by an illegal organ trafficking ring to feed the booming global black market organ trade. At the lower end of the operation would be Frank Akpan who would specialize in rape and murder of defenseless women so as to harvest their organs for onward delivery to those in charge of the operation”
Evidence provided for CCCRN’s involvement:
“Every cell tower on earth has a unique location code written in this format: MCC (Mobile Country Code)-MNC (Mobile Network Code)-LAC (Location Area Code)-CellID. Nigeria’s mobile country code is 621, and its 4 largest network providers MTN, Glo, Airtel and 9Mobile have the respective MNCs 30, 50, 20 and 60. Using this information alongside the LAC and CellID provided in the call records below, you can pinpoint the exact cell tower closest to where the call in question was made or received”
Interestingly, if you compare the location data from both calls, it is clear that both men have in fact met physically at a certain 58G, Ewet Housing Estate in Uyo. Frank is probably outside the building talking to this older, wiser man on the phone and hoping to get some help from him”
“as far as it is possible to tell, its social media pages have had no activity whatsoever since 2017. A scan of news stories since 2017 using the keywords “CCCR Nigeria” and “Center for Clinical Care and Research Nigeria” turns up nothing”
My thoughts/questions on the evidences:
• According to the report, “using this information alongside the LAC and CellID provided in the call records below, you can pinpoint the exact cell tower closest to where the call in question was made or received” This means, he could only get the exact location of the CELL TOWER closest to the call, and not the exact location of the call. How exactly did David Hundeyin get the exact location of where Frank and Kufre Effiong met?

• If LAC AND Cell ID can only show the area (and not the exact location) Why did david Hundeyin pick CCCRN Uyo Branch? Could this be an attempt to make the story sensational?
• A quick check on CCCRN’S website (https://cccr-nigeria.org/) shows sufficient information about who they are, what they do, their ongoing projects and the completed ones, their donors and partners and the leadership of the organization. Did David see all this information or did he completely ignore? Why did he decide to call the organization a ghost organization just because they are not on social media or news stories? Did he contact or dig into the reputation of the organizations leadership? Did he investigate their acclaimed projects and huge partnership base? Did he visit the office or the area to be sure of what they do or he simply conducted some online search and concluded that CCCRN is into organ trafficking?
• Based on the testimony of the police and the family of the victim, No Organ was missing on the victim’s body. All her body parts were intact. In fact, David Hundeyin never claimed that body parts were missing on the victim’s body. So where is the idea of organ trafficking coming from?
• Over the last few days after the published report, David Hundeyin has stopped mentioning CCCRN in all his interviews and Tweets. Rather he zeroed in on Senator, Godwill Akpabio. What changed? Has he realized his mistakes of placing a false and damaging allegation on CCCRN? has he been bribed? Why did he not retract his statement and apologize as requested by CCCRN’s management? did he zero in on Akpabio to get more money or make it more political?
• On the 14th of May 2021, David Hundeyin surprisingly removed critical statements indicting CCCRN from the publication (https://newswirengr.com/2021/05/13/murder-in-uyo-who-killed-hiny-umoren/). This is very shocking as one would have expected a “fearless” David Hundeyin to admit his mistakes and openly retract his statement. Rather he secretly removed the accusation and never told the public. Again did he realize his mistakes in the investigation? Is he afraid of legal actions? Has he been paid to remove it?

• On the 16th of May 2021, Newswire (the online platform that published David’s report) released a statement (https://newswirengr.com/2021/05/16/statement-on-center-for-clinical-care-and-clinical-research/) which seems to admit their mistake of (in my opinion) falling into the trap of publishing dubious allegation against CCCRN by David Hundeyin. The question here is; why didn’t Newswire ensure optimal due diligence before publishing such a damaging story? Why did it take several days for Newswire to notice such an embarrassing mistake? Why is David Hundeyin yet to apologize despite Newswire’s correction? Is this truly a mistake from David Hundeyin or a deliberate action? To what end?
• Despite the unambiguous statement of Newswire retracting their earlier allegation on CCCRN. Below is Newswire’s opening statement:
Correction: An earlier version of our story, titled: ‘Murder in Uyo: Who Killed Hiny Umoren?’ had incorrectly described the Center for Clinical Care and Clinical Research (CCCRN) as a ‘Ghost NGO’ and stated, that, Uduak Apkan, the self confessed killer of a job seeker, Iniobong Umoren met with one Kufre Effiong at the CCCRN premises

David Hundeyin decided to misguide the public by denying the intent of Newswire statement on CCCRN. Is this a plot to cover his mistakes at all cost? Or is this part of his game plan?

Davok Suites (which David Hundeyin Later claimed belongs to Sen Godwill Akpabio’s wife):
“This would be the ideal location for a trusted associate of a politician – say, a senior civil servant – to lay his head while running a clandestine errand for his boss.
An errand such as sourcing human parts for use in a ritual sacrifice ahead of the upcoming election season, for example. Whatever it is that happened or is happening at 58, G Unit, Ewet Housing Estate – and for whose benefit – is a question only Kufre Effiong can answer. Cavernous as this story has become, there is still one more twist”
Evidence provided for Davok Suites involvement:
Frank and Kufre Effiong met at Davok Suites
“Due to the convoluted house numbering system in Uyo, the property labeled as 58, G Unit, Ewet Housing Estate is also recognised on most digital maps as Plot S.9, Unit G, Ewet Housing Estate. That address is also home to Davok Suites, which is a popular upmarket hotel in Uyo favoured by high profile guests including the Cameroon national team”
My thoughts/questions on the evidences:
• The cell tower on the call shows just one location but the report shows two addresses: CCCRN and Davok suites. 58, G unit Ewet Housing Estate is different from Plot S.9, Unit G, Ewet Housing Estate. A quick search on google map shows that the two places are not close to each other. So the question is, which address/organization is the correct one? Is it important to investigate into this before indicting any one?
• How does visiting a hotel equate the owner’s involvement in a murder case?
• Nobody in Uyo and Davok Suites ever claimed that Mrs Akpabio owns the suite, so where did David Hundayin get such information from? Did he just make it up to make his story more sensational? is this a blackmail on Sen Akpabio?

The Aftermath (for David Hundayin):
• His followership on social media has tremendously increased with his followers attacking anyone with alternate views on his statements and David himself deleting any intelligent comment questioning his “investigation”
• His popularity has increased as more people now interested to know “the fearless” investigative journalist who busted an organ trafficking syndicate in Akwa Ibom
• Over the last few days, he has been invited for several interviews and received several awards.


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Re: Feeding On The Dead: Another Look At David Hundeyin's Report by Thetruth101: 8:11am On May 19, 2021
This is the most revealing article on David Hundeyin's report I have ever seen

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