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ARTDECO Token | New NFT Project With Lots Of Potentials (100X Price Prediction) - Nairaland / General - Nairaland

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ARTDECO Token | New NFT Project With Lots Of Potentials (100X Price Prediction) by artdecotoken: 2:46pm On May 26, 2021
ARTDECO is on a mission (as highlighted on their whitepaper) to make it easy for anyone to interact with their Web 3.0 Dapp platform that utilizes the Binance Smart Chain allowing digital artists and creators to mint and sell custom crypto assets that represent ownership in their digital work.
It is worthy to note that the Elon Musk inspired ARTDECO NFT project will be a marketplace for those assets, as well as a distributed network built on Binance Network that enables NFT creators mint and trade NFTs without a middleman.

The tokens that creators generate on ARTDECO are known as non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Each NFT is unique, and unlike bitcoin they are not interchangeable. This unique property is known as Non-fungibility, which is why tokens on ARTDECO are called non-fungible. Central to the platform is ARTDECO, the platform's cryptocurrency.
By owning ARTDECO tokens, users can vote on proposals that affect the platform, moderate creators and curate featured artwork. About ARTDECO ARTDECO is a marketplace aiming to link sellers (typically content creators such as digital artists, model creators or meme makers) with buyers who can select pieces they wish to purchase. To turn their work into an NFT, creators must first "mint" a token using ARTDECO's Dapps.
Similar to other tokens on Binance, the NFT can be transferred between wallets using ARTDECO's software.

ARTDECO leverages the Binance blockchain to embed within an NFT's code the full history of its owners and transactions. Of note, when a transaction goes through, both the buyer and the seller have to pay transaction fees that go to the ARTDECO network.

One interesting feature of NFTs is the ability to program royalties, or the rights to future cash flows, within these assets. This means that creators on ARTDECO can set a percentage of future sales and collect them automatically by issuing a token. This is a major feature drawing creators to this technology, because unlike with traditional content platforms, NFTs can be designed to pay out royalties immediately. For instance, if a piece of digital art listed a 10% royalty, the creator would receive 10% of any consequent sale of that art.

ARTDECO is on a mission to evolve towards a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), where all decision rights will belong to the platform users.

Artdeco is currently conducting a public sale of 10% of its Total Supply on Bounce Finance at the price of $0.0003.

Source: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/artdeco-token-set-change-nft-090000268.html

Re: ARTDECO Token | New NFT Project With Lots Of Potentials (100X Price Prediction) by artdecotoken: 3:53pm On May 26, 2021
This is a strong project with solid fundamentals

Re: ARTDECO Token | New NFT Project With Lots Of Potentials (100X Price Prediction) by Cabardin: 5:39pm On Jul 15, 2021
I don't really understand the purpose of such a platform, because there are already so many options to buy art online.
Re: ARTDECO Token | New NFT Project With Lots Of Potentials (100X Price Prediction) by Alsonjecs: 6:02pm On Jul 15, 2021
ARTDECO is a decentralized art platform created in partnership with UFOX, London's largest gallery. The platform supports all types of art, from painting to contemporary art. Since then, many NFT Tabloid have appeared, as NFT evolves by leaps and bounds. Its innovative solutions have fundamentally changed the traditional ways of collecting art, offering new ways to invest in art for all who wish to obtain it. In addition, such a system can provide a higher level of security. All this allows more flexible and customizable rules to generate more profits.

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