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Nigeria: As UK Withdraws From Funding FP, Medical Women Asks Nigerian Government - Health - Nairaland

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Nigeria: As UK Withdraws From Funding FP, Medical Women Asks Nigerian Government by Kennying: 3:18am On Jun 07, 2021
The National President of the Medical Women Association of Nigeria under the Partnership for Advocacy in child and family health At Scale, Dr Minnie Oseji, has lamented the decision of United Kingdom Government to withdraw the annual £3 million into the basket fund for FP commodities of Nigeria.
Dr Oseji, in a statement issued to newsmen in Abuja, asked the Minister of Finance and Nigeria's federal government to step in and fill the gap to prevent the negative consequences poor funding of family planning can cause in an already overpopulated country with dire demographic challenges.
" Between 2012 to 2020, the UK government pledged and paid into the Nigeria FP commodities basket fund a total of 21million pounds for the procurement of FP commodities. UK government support contributed to saving the lives of millions of Nigerian women who would otherwise be unable to delay pregnancies and be at risk of maternal death." She said
She however, lamented that the same Conservative Government which pledged to save lives of women in the developing world has beaten a retreat from this commitment, signaling that the UK will no longer be paying the annual £3 million into the basket fund for FP commodities of Nigeria.
" Nigerian women could only expect one-fifth of this sum for 2021, with no certainties about future funding. So, Nigeria is facing an 80 percent cut from the UK government's contribution to the procurement for FP commodities. This is coming at a time when families are increasingly unable to meet the out-of-pocket expenditure for commodities, cannulas, and cough syrup." She added.
Dr Oseji revealed that several experts in the Nigerian maternal health space have questioned the timing and merit of this decision because, according to her, the withdrawal of family planning funding in Nigeria will undoubtedly have a harmful impact on the UK government flagship Lafia health project, a project with FP as one of the three most significant components. In addition, financial savings gains may well lead to programmatic failure for the UK.
" We the 23 civil society organizations of the Partnership for Advocacy in Child and Family Health at Scale project, join with the maternal health community of Nigeria to call on the UK government to rethink this ill-timed and harmful decision to Nigerian women, we also recognize the opportunity in the moment for the Nigerian Government. " She appealed.
Re: Nigeria: As UK Withdraws From Funding FP, Medical Women Asks Nigerian Government by Upton: 4:04am On Jun 07, 2021
Lol. And the stupid BMOs will come here to be talking about sovereign nation when it has to do with twitter ban and their stupid government policies. They forget that Nigeria will be in shambles if not the aid they are getting from these foreign countries.

UK funds this in Nigeria, US funds that, China funds this, EU funds that.... every time ffs!

As for the topic of the thread, I have nothing to say other than the federal & state governments should take up it's responsibility and do the needful. You can't claim to be the giant of a continent and still be collecting aids meant for developing countries. Developing giant ni.
Re: Nigeria: As UK Withdraws From Funding FP, Medical Women Asks Nigerian Government by NwaAmaikpe: 4:52am On Jun 07, 2021

I actually support the United Kingdom Government's decision to withdraw their annual contribution of 3 million Pounds into the basket fund for FP commodities of Nigeria.

Because Nigeria is like that useless relative that gives birth to 9 children in the hope that his other relatives will take these kids and train for him while he uses his freedom to make more babies.
Who is fooling who?

The population of children birthed in the North alone within the period the UK has been contributing has almost tripled inspite of the insurgency there, maternal mortality rates nearly doubled, free drug supplies for neonatals in hospitals absent.
So what is this money used for?

If Dr Oseji is so concerned, she should use some of the money she has saved up as Permanent Secretary of the Delta State Ministry of Health to support this cause of it is that worthy to her.

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Re: Nigeria: As UK Withdraws From Funding FP, Medical Women Asks Nigerian Government by houseontherock: 6:01am On Jun 07, 2021
That's a lot of money from the UK, I hope they used it judiciously while it lasted...Nigerian organisations hardly save for raining days
Re: Nigeria: As UK Withdraws From Funding FP, Medical Women Asks Nigerian Government by houseontherock: 6:03am On Jun 07, 2021
That's a lot of money from the UK, I hope they used it judiciously while it lasted...Nigerian organisations hardly save for rainy days!
Re: Nigeria: As UK Withdraws From Funding FP, Medical Women Asks Nigerian Government by Nasww22nasww: 9:25am On Jun 07, 2021

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