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Why Do Women Love Seem Fixed To A Person - Romance - Nairaland

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Why Do Women Love Seem Fixed To A Person by armyjassy101(m): 2:38pm On Jun 08, 2021
hello guys,I have been noticing this for some time now though I might be wrong but I noticed majority of women seem to love a particular ex lover despite not being together again which when they remembers the person they sometimes become moody or at worst cries even if they were the one that instigated the break up why is this so guys have you been with a girl that constantly remember their ex this annoys me a lot and its a turn off for me in a lady that does that

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Re: Why Do Women Love Seem Fixed To A Person by fati2001(m): 2:39pm On Jun 08, 2021
hello guys,I have been noticing this for some time now though I might be wrong but I noticed majority of women seem to love a particular ex lover despite not being together again which when they remembers the person they sometimes become moody or at worst cries even if they were the one that instigated the break up why is this so guys have you been with a girl that constantly remember their ex this annoys me a lot and its a turn off for me in a lady that does that

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Re: Why Do Women Love Seem Fixed To A Person by donbachi(m): 2:41pm On Jun 08, 2021
Maybe dem no live to enjoy the fruit of their labour...not like she'S missing him.

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Re: Why Do Women Love Seem Fixed To A Person by QueenSuccubus(f): 3:17pm On Jun 08, 2021

Prolly she can't get over the guy yet. The pain is still in there. The "extra baggage" she kept carrying jor.

But on the other hand, some ladies are just like JLo sha! She get a bf, then engage, then decide to break & move on to the next. cool
Re: Why Do Women Love Seem Fixed To A Person by Feddie3(m): 4:06pm On Jun 08, 2021
That's what you get from a worthless lunatic
Re: Why Do Women Love Seem Fixed To A Person by mosdii(m): 7:52pm On Jun 08, 2021
Nigerian Girls Are Useless...All Of Them


Re: Why Do Women Love Seem Fixed To A Person by MrCork: 9:20pm On Jun 08, 2021
hello guys,I have been noticing this for some time now though I might be wrong but I noticed majority of women seem to love a particular ex lover despite not being together again which when they remembers the person they sometimes become moody or at worst cries even if they were the one that instigated the break up why is this so guys have you been with a girl that constantly remember their ex this annoys me a lot and its a turn off for me in a lady that does that

did EbonyQueen001 reject u sir? angry
Re: Why Do Women Love Seem Fixed To A Person by bepositive11: 12:11am On Jun 09, 2021
Nigerian Girls Are Useless...All Of Them

Who broke your heart? grin
Re: Why Do Women Love Seem Fixed To A Person by xemof53557: 12:42am On Jun 09, 2021
That's what you get from a worthless lunatic
Re: Why Do Women Love Seem Fixed To A Person by Airlohim(m): 10:14am On Jun 18, 2021
Nigerian Girls Are Useless...All Of Them
I always see you bash girls. So hilarious bro grin grin
Re: Why Do Women Love Seem Fixed To A Person by Dtruthspeaker: 11:18am On Jun 18, 2021
hello guys,I have been noticing this for some time now though I might be wrong but I noticed majority of women seem to love a particular ex lover despite not being together again which when they remembers the person they sometimes become moody or at worst cries even if they were the one that instigated the break up why is this so guys have you been with a girl that constantly remember their ex this annoys me a lot and its a turn off for me in a lady that does that

That is The Law of "He made them male and female" at work!
Re: Why Do Women Love Seem Fixed To A Person by tnerro1(m): 12:11pm On Jun 18, 2021
This country na wa embarassed

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