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Awakening Of Emotions In A Woman by Matrixlord2021: 3:25pm On Jun 10, 2021 |
Definitely,women are weaker vessels and are prone to emotions.wenknow that it wasn't so right from the beginning ,not until son came.into the world. They were now weak and this weakness is manifested in their emotional response to every action ,reactions or inactions . Gods word is sure and true and non of it would ever return void and null but would perform what it is sent for. Emotion is one of the responsive faculty in human beings. Apart from the will ,intellect or mind,we have EMOTIONS . NOWADAYS,people are appealed to emotionally but this mostly fall on the women because they need to be cared for ,loved by their husbands. This was not the order in the perfect world before sin came. Eve wasn't around Adam mostly for most of the times and that was why Satan speaking through the serpent had begun to appeal to her emotions day by day until Eve was totally captured emotionally. Once she was captured that way,it became easy for Satan to manipulate her will,intellect and control her mind. Definitely,Satan was In the garden of Eden before the world of man came into existence. How did Satan awaken sinful emotions in Eve?? Let's see the scriptures. Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? The serpent wasn't subtle before ,not until Satan possesed it.satan had now taken possession and control of the serpent and was speaking through it to Eve. The serpent was beautiful,was always flying and was a good friend of Eve and was always communicating with Eve. This scenario shows that Eve was an independent woman and could do whatever she wished so far she was in obedience to God's word !!!! Eve was still obeying God's word forbidden her to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. So Eve would always leave Adam and go to other parts of the garden and be with the serpent. Satan must have know that she was Alone and being a weaker vessel,Satan now began his ear of manipulation and deception by possessing the serpent. It is not recorded in the Bible how the friendship between Eve and the serpent was so strong,but from close study in his scripture it is glaring that it was a very strong relationship. This continued for sometime and Eve didn't suspect that Satan had possesed the serpent Already!!!! Eve had become emotionally attached to the serpent Already!!!! It was only a matter of time before she now took on the nature of the serpent too!!! Satan began appealing to her emotions until it got the better of her. No matter how emotions are strong,once it disobeys God's laws and his will or purpose,it has become evil. So Satan spoke through the serpent to QUESTION GODS AUTHORITY BY APPEALING TO EVES EMOTION!!! After Satan had questioned God's authority and Eve's obedience to God's word,he now told her something that looked good and it appealed to her "EMOTIONALLY" Genesis 3:2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: 3:3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: SATAN TOLD EVE THROUGH THE SERPENT " YE SHALL NOT SURELY DIE!!!! sometimes by refusing women things ,you discover that it makes them emotionally responsive to you as a man. It is noted that by not refusing women things and easily agreeing to them,they can become emotionally detached from you. This explains the modern day scenario that now affects women and woman hood in general. They get afraid of being rejected if they throw themselves to a man. In other words,this was not the nature of women before ,it became the serpent nature. Today,such nature is the green light effect!!! Women switch moods emotionally from Green to yellow to red and it is the nature of the serpent which sheds it's skin and also in switching is cunning and crafty and never straightforward. By refusing to obey God's word ,women took on the nature of the serpent which is that of the devil too. It is also why ,they are now so much complicated and not easy to understand by men nowadays!!!! That serpentine spirit has taken a strong foothold. We see that woman power became Satan power to throwdown families and homes. For once the home is destroyed then nothing can hold. Let's see how the emotion played out!!!! Genesis 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. Sometimes we keep hearing love at first sight,then later we hear Love is blind. Later we hear Love hurts etc The woman was now manipulates fully by Satan and deceived with an imagination that appealed to her emotions positively. Immediately this happened ,her righteous sense and mind,will and intellect became porous and it affected her sight !!! She desired to eat of the fruit and saw something poisonous and unpleasant as good and pleasant. Eve also now wanted to be a god!!!! This was a different lesser position than that which God had made her to be. This is because gods were fallen angels then not created in the image and likeness of GOD. God only spoke the word and these fallen angels who were formerly angels of God became living beings called spirits. This case scenario was entirely different from Adam and Eve. Adam was created in the image and likeness of God and God breathe his own life into Adam and Adam became a living being. Eve was created out of Adam. One thing was certain and that was that they were greater than gods since they had the life of GOD in them. Satan was created from stones and God didn't breathe his own life to make Satan a living being Therefore one was the master and the other was the servant. Man was the master,angels were the servants no matter how powerful they were created. Satan brought sin into the world to change mankinds status to master serving servant status than what God made and planned for. Since Satan refused to serve GOD and rebelled,he came to the garden being angry and jealous of the GOD-MAN relationship and brought sin,to make man become his own servant. Eve therefore became a catastrophe of this satanic implementation and now fell into sin. Her eyes were opened and Satan consciousness was awakens in her.After her emotions were completely taken over by her response to the devil ,then it was easy for her now to start reacting emotionally to Adam!!! This her emotions had now being awakened by Satan's deception and what was her first ACTION ? she made her husband disobey GOD by her own emotional appeal to Him!!!! Genesis 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. She took of the fruit thereof,and ate it(disobeyed God) ,then she also gave into her husband with her and he did eat!!! Adam knew that it was against God's word to eat the forbidden fruit. But he ate it therefore making God to be angry with him!!!! Eve's first emotional reaction to Adam was her disobedience to God's word. It is therefore a very dangerous situation for a woman to disagree with her husband . If the woman is reacting emotionally to her husband and the husband disobeys God,then he is in serious trouble. What happened after this successful victory of Satan over mankind initially!!!! God prophesied Satan's coming defeat and doom through the same woman. Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Therefore,women became emotional right from that time. Envy,jealousy,anger,guilt,frustration,disgust etc became signs of emotional reactions in the life of a woman. This became the easiest way to control a woman. Today,women are easily wired by those who can press their emotional buttons in the positive or in the negative way!!! It is no news why girls or ladies love bad guys or men. It is no news why they have mood swings . It is no longer news why sadness and sorrow a company them during conception until delivery. It was the consequence of disobeying God. Today what should be a healing to women becomes a hurt once it touches their emotions negatively !!! Now we have emotional abuse!!!! Then we have trauma that comes from various abuses.its unfortunate that majority of these things affect women emotionally . Let's go back to our story and see what God pronounced on Eve!!!! Genesis 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. It happens that a woman who is emotionally abused cannot or may not be able to raise her children properely once she sees signs of what she suffered around her family. The sorrow and torment of such awakens new emotions in her be it anger,bitterness,hatred, envy,jealousy,LUST or revenge!!!! It's unfortunate that just as the emotions were affected positively to a bad reaction so also it is affected negatively to a good reaction. The next actions,reactions or inactions occur on the emotions are triggered again positively or negatively. Therefore ,this has an effect on their minds and makes them more complicated. Some women swallow their emotions all up till it torments them to a state of depression or suicide.. Lack of sharing these experiences would make them a time bomb. Nowadays,more attention is given to women who have been raped or abused at a younger age because it is an emotional abuse. However,the trauma of such incidents or occurrences are devastating. This was because consent was not given at he beginning but it was taken by force. In the case of Eve ,she gave her consent and even lured her husband into it. Therefore when God questioned her she immediately voiced out that it was the serpent that BEGUILED HER!!!!! She didn't accept her guilt or accept the fact that she disobeyed God. She only acknowledged it after she had done it . So also it goes for emotional reaction.one emotion gets in the way of anything,it beclouds judgment. Men too have EGO!!!! BUT THAT is another topic for another day. The worst form of emotions displayed by women today are ENVY,JEALOUSY,REVENGE,HATRED AND BITTERNESS!!!! This types of emotions are rampant among women and it is because of the work of Satan. The serpent nature must be dealt with. This has nothing to do with how good or how bad a woman is. At one time or the other this nature manifests and womanifests. One thing certain however is that men must be careful of Awakening emotions in a woman. The only way to kill satanns wave is by obeying GODS WORD!!!!! If a man's wife disagrees with him and he is obeying God's word,it is better than OBEYING THE EMOTIONAL WOMAN and disobeying God. When women are displaying various types of emotions ,men must beware and make sure it is screened by the word of God because Satan can easily manipulate a woman. Lust today has strong force of emotions in a woman. The moment a woman starts loving a man and he doesn't know,there is trouble if he doesn't find out in time. Just as I said that there is a very high likelihood that once you press a button,it never stops working .it only depends on which type of emotions you awaken in a woman. The scripture is clear . Genesis 3:17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; A man must see and know that today we see women responding positively or negatively to thins that appeal to them or people that appeal to their emotions than to the word of God. In such a dangerous time as this women need to pray that God should take control of their emotions. So also men need to pray that God takes control of their Emotions so that they don't respond positively to a woman and disobey God and they don't respond negatively to a woman and also disobey God. We are just talking of emotions.we also know that women require emotional needs. It makes them susceptible and prone easily to temptations. Sometimes once a woman is under serious pressure she easily succumbs to those who provides a momentary solution to her problems so far it appeals to her emotions. She may later regret her emotional response to it or acknowledge it but the damage done in the cause of it or in the name of such help would require God's grace to mend. Romans 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: Today ,fashion and style , cosmetology and various things women respond emotionally too are in direct disobedience to God's word. Just as Eve saw something evil as good for food and pleasant to the eyes,so also many women are emotionally moved to see these things are good yet it being evil in God's sight. It's unfortunate that a woman should rather surrender her emotions to The HOLYSPIRIT to keep so that she doesn't react emotionally to various actions of the devil and fall into sin or make her man to disobey God!!! By surrending emotions to God,sin is defeated and it's lust in our members that war against God's will. No matter the situation,such women would not be overcome emotionally by it as it presents itself. Romans 7:5 For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death. This means that when a woman things emotionally and it disobeys God's word,then she is likey to react emotionally under the motions of sins and then it manifest in her members ie her body or body parts. Just as Eve wanted to be a god knowing good and evil,she lusted after the fruit and ate it and also gave her husband Adam. By eating or drinking something,it shows one is part of the action or cause of such a thing bodily. So when a sinful emotion is awakened,it results to a sinful reaction in the person. They would instead be saved in childbearing than it destroying them. 1 Timothy 2:15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety. |
Re: Awakening Of Emotions In A Woman by LordReed(m): 6:30pm On Jun 10, 2021 |
Misogynist sighted. 2 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Awakening Of Emotions In A Woman by Matrixlord2021: 3:33pm On Jun 11, 2021 |
LordReed: You are wrong,nothing can change God's word brother. Women have been suffering and so is man.but the suffering is also due to their EMOTIONs So am.not what you think IAM. Sin created gender inequality |
Re: Awakening Of Emotions In A Woman by LordReed(m): 4:29pm On Jun 11, 2021 |
Matrixlord2021: misogynist noun [ C ] UK /mɪˈsɒdʒ.ən.ɪst/ US /mɪˈsɑː.dʒən.ɪst/ a man who hates women or believes that men are much better than women You are merely dressing your misogyny in religious garb. 2 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Awakening Of Emotions In A Woman by Image123(m): 11:57am On Jun 12, 2021 |
LordReed: Hypocrite. Are you the wife in your house? |
Re: Awakening Of Emotions In A Woman by LordReed(m): 1:31pm On Jun 12, 2021 |
Image123: Lagbaja Nothing For You! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fd-MeDtmIbA 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Awakening Of Emotions In A Woman by Image123(m): 1:58pm On Jun 12, 2021 |
LordReed: Nothing should really mean that you do not even reply na. But you go all the way out to type and post some cryptic youtube video. Keep learning, you must learn by force or faith. |
Re: Awakening Of Emotions In A Woman by LordReed(m): 2:33pm On Jun 12, 2021 |
Image123: Lagbaja Nothing For You! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fd-MeDtmIbA |
Re: Awakening Of Emotions In A Woman by Kobojunkie: 11:30pm On Jun 12, 2021 |
Matrixlord2021:God's Word, I know but your words are nothing but your inner demons revealed to all - nothing to do with the Truth of God. Suffering is due to "their" emotions? Do men not have emotions then? Do you even realize that God masterfully engineered the human emotion system as a sort of feedback system to help me accurately express the state of our mental to those around us, but instead here you have taken to labeling that God made and declared good a source of evil. Where exactly did God tell you that sin - disobedience of God's commandments - is a result of emotions of the female of the human species ? 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Awakening Of Emotions In A Woman by Mindlog: 3:40am On Jun 13, 2021 |
Kobojunkie: Well captured. |
Re: Awakening Of Emotions In A Woman by Matrixlord2021: 9:09am On Jun 18, 2021 |
Kobojunkie: The curse has made it all revealing and it is glaring as I have said that what makes a woman weak is their emotions. God is not the author of confusion .Everything he created is good but he also warned mankind about the consequences of disobedience . And sin is disobedience .Adam and Eve experienced a drastic change and that is what am telling you here but it seems u are misunderstanding and too direct with your approach. I ask you a simple question! Did God create emotions of envy ,jealousy,hatred ? Are they not all sins? Is God the Creator of sin? Satan is the origin of sin and he manipulated Eve's emotion and awakened sin in her because she was weak.This is the Crux of the matter here so stop clamouring and making baseless points here. God didn't create a cunning serpent, it is Satan that possesed the serpent and made it cunning!!! Perhaps you should read your Bible more and be able to analyze what happened |
Re: Awakening Of Emotions In A Woman by Matrixlord2021: 9:14am On Jun 18, 2021 |
Kobojunkie: Suffering is due to their emotions and because she emotionally responded to disobeying God's word,she became awakened to sin.The suffering here is that she died to righteousness and was awakened to sin and sin brought forth the curse on man and woman. She reacted emotionally when God questioned her and refused to own up to her disobedience. Instead she said the serpent deceived her,this means she was aware of what she was doing and her emotions were awakened . It was when she died to what is right and woke to what is wrong that she now realized and Her eyes were opened!!!! When you see something and not what is inside but someone told you that it is evil but u choose to eat it and disobey the person who told you because the thing emotionally appeals to you. If u eat it and something happens who would you blame for your sufferings? No one else but yourself!!! |
Re: Awakening Of Emotions In A Woman by Matrixlord2021: 9:17am On Jun 18, 2021 |
Kobojunkie: Romans 7:5 For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death. The flesh is the body of death and when Eve was emotionally awakened to commit sin by seeing what was evil as good and disobeying God's word it brought suffering because what is perishable ie the flesh was awakened while what is imperishable died in her |
Re: Awakening Of Emotions In A Woman by Matrixlord2021: 9:19am On Jun 18, 2021 |
LordReed: I don't hate women,I only fear what they do when they emotionally react!!! Things get destroyed in a second and some are not repairable. Eve lost her home and lost what is eternal by taking a decision based in her emotion. Simple |
Re: Awakening Of Emotions In A Woman by LordReed(m): 9:58am On Jun 18, 2021 |
Matrixlord2021: Men do the same. 1 Like |
Re: Awakening Of Emotions In A Woman by Kobojunkie: 11:07am On Jun 18, 2021 |
Matrixlord2021:1. Yes, God created all emotions, including envy/Jealousy, hatred, and no, they are not sins, unless explicitly declared so by God, something He did not do. And you know this because ... 1. All things, including emotions, were created by God 2. God Himself experiences jealousy/envy , anger and hatred And since we are made in His image...it is not rocket science here. The stories goes that God created all animals including the serpent. Whether the serpent was "possessed" is an entirely separate story from what is written of in Genesis. As to the origin of sin, God Himself had to have created sin, again this because He alone is creator-nothng is created without Him. |
Re: Awakening Of Emotions In A Woman by Kobojunkie: 11:17am On Jun 18, 2021 |
Matrixlord2021:1. According to the story, Adam was the first to give such a response as the one you blame Eve for, so why is this about Eve instead? 2.. Did God tell you somewhere in that story that if Eve had not blamed the serpent for her failings, woman-kind would have been spared the consequences of her disobedience of God's commandment? 3. Adam is the one to whom the command was given by God, and so it was not until Adam ate of the tree that the consequences of sin was made manifest in both Adam and Eve, this according to the story. So why are you here railing against Eve instead? |
Re: Awakening Of Emotions In A Woman by Kobojunkie: 11:24am On Jun 18, 2021 |
Matrixlord2021:1. There is no evidence of this emotional awakening to commit sin you continue to harp on since our emotions were created good by God Himself, and so to attribute which God declared as good to sin is to spit on God's own work. 2. Man was created a physical being from birth - there is no evidence of Him being born of Spirit - so I am not certain what it is you claim died in him. |
Re: Awakening Of Emotions In A Woman by budaatum: 12:26pm On Jun 18, 2021 |
Matrixlord2021: If I read past this point I would be insulting myself, because the above is enough to show you do not know the difference between stupid ignorant enslaved mindless mud Adam, and intelligent use her God given senses Eve. I bet you'd argue also that the Adam and Eve who lived a very long and fruitful life that you likely believe culminated in your very own self, died on the day that they ate the Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil too! May the Lord God Almighty please open your eyes.
Re: Awakening Of Emotions In A Woman by Matrixlord2021: 1:25pm On Jun 27, 2021 |
Kobojunkie: I suggest you read your Bible well.maybe interpretation of what is being discussed seems to be troubling you. Gods consciousness ie the life of God breathe into Adam died the day he ate of the fruit.Do you know man was a tripate being in one whole before ?? When the life of God ie immortal life died in Adam then there was an asunder ie division of the spirit ,soul and body. It was his body that was now awakened to sin and then his soul afterwards. The death we are talking about here is spiritual death to immortality and Awakening of a life of sin. There could have not being the word time at all but sin brought it into play. So we see lifetime as the limitation and a sign of what man lost. The motions of sin are at work in our bodies today ie we lust through our eyes,curse with our mouth, fornicate with our private parts. The emotions were awakened in Eve .if it was not awakened she won't disobey God. She won't acknowledge the fact that the serpent beguiled her. Adam also didn't acknowledge his sin because he was dead to what is righteous after eating he fruit . I hope it's clear now.when someone cannot do what is right and never owns up to doing what is wrong then another knowledge has crept in!!! |
Re: Awakening Of Emotions In A Woman by Kobojunkie: 1:40pm On Jun 27, 2021 |
Matrixlord2021:You believe you read the Bible yet 99.9999% of that you spew here has no bearing in what is infact written in the book. 1. Where in the Bible do you find it written that what God breathed into man at creation was His own immortal consciousness or life? If so, then what was the essence to God having a Tree of Life right there in the garden of Eden where God put man? 2. Where in scripture can I find reference for your claim that there was a division of body, spirit and soul when Adam died? Where in scripture can I find evidence for your claim that his body was first awakened to sin and that his soul followed only afterwards? 3. Where in the Bible are you told that emotions awakened in eve and those emotions are to blame for her disobedience of God's command? You speak of the motion of sin at work in even your own body today, yet you turn around to try to pin it on Eve? You likely need help of the psychiatric kind too, and this is not meant as an insult, mind you. |
Re: Awakening Of Emotions In A Woman by Matrixlord2021: 2:55pm On Jul 05, 2021 |
LordReed: Women did first |
Re: Awakening Of Emotions In A Woman by Matrixlord2021: 3:44pm On Jul 05, 2021 |
Kobojunkie: 1)Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. The tree of life was so that they are renewed since their natural bodies was dust.its like regeneration. Since man was not meant to die and there was no sin.That tree of life was meant to be eaten to renew them. If not for sin man could have been celebrating his 10,000th birthday and still look like a 20 year old teenager no matter the age. But when sin came,corruption came and then the power of Satan to destroy life.ie death. Like I said it's not like they died on the spot instantly,but spiritual life which is immortal life died in them instantly and sin was alive in their body. God knew that if they ate again of the tree of life,then sin would become immortal and that was not God's plan for sin to reign eternally so God drove them out of the place of life . Can a dead person be in a place of life and not stink ,smell or decompose.? Would they not bury the body? If they bury the body then where does the spirit and soul go to. Are you not aware that Satan was fighting over the body of Moses with angel Micheal . Do you know it was the Lord that buried Moses himself but no one knows where he was exactly buried? To show you that Satan claims sinners ,he came for the body of sin and wanted to take Moses to hell again. So can u imagine that . That's the answer to your first question. Without that immortal life man was never alive because he is only dust. 2)Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. If there was or no division existed after the fall it won't be quoted here. The body returns to the dust The spirit back to God The soul to paradise or lake of fire!!!! If there was no division then Adam would only have been dead forever without spirit or soul. 1 Corinthians 15:35 But some man will say, How are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come? 1 Corinthians 15:37 And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may chance of wheat, or of some other grain: 1 Corinthians 15:38 But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body. 1 Corinthians 15:44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. The natural body is the one composed of flesh and bones ie dust. The spiritual body has no flesh and bones ,it is incorruptible and glorious.it is the body raptured and resurrected Christian's would be clotheed with. It is the loss of that spiritual life that made Adam and Eve loose the spiritual body wholly and they lost tripatie nature of God as the body ,soul and spirit was now ASUNDER. They now saw their unclothedness .This is different from before when they were naked and they were not ashamed. 2 Corinthians 12:2 I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth such an one caught up to the third heaven. Apostle Paul said he himself was out of his body and with the spiritual body entered a spirit realm and heard unutterable languages. 2 Corinthians 12:3 And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth James 2:26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. The natural body composed of blood,flesh and bones cannot enter the kingdom of God that is the dust we talking about and is called the BODY Since the earth is no longer eternal God sent Jesus Christ to die the same death of sin Adam and Eve died so that sin might be destroyed in the flesh and man can now live spiritually to God . You know that sin reigned from Adam to Moses . When Jesus Christ arose the body he had was spirit. It had neither flesh nor bones . Are you understanding now. Also Jesus Christ was seen by 500men at once .it is only a spirit that can do so. It has no mass or weight and can appear in many places. In various locations. Can a dead body do so? 2 Corinthians 5:1 For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. 5:2 For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven: 5:3 If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked. When Adam and Eve sinned ,they became naked ie lost immortality .They became mortal in their body or subject to death in their body. Lost spiritual body and life. Since the scripture likens that body to a cloth it is clear that anyone who is a sinner is naked spiritually and has no life of God in them hence the disconnection. 5:4 For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life. Mortality must be swallowed up by life .man after sin became swallowed up by death bodily. It is after the rapture that mortality would be swallowed up by life .no death to those who are in Christ forever. So we know of our earthly house(Body) of this body is dissolved or after death the decomposition. We have a building of God not made with hands! Ecclesiastes talked about locations of the division of body and spirit after death. Ecclesiastes 3:21 Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth? Ecclesiastes 11:5 As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all. These things can further be revealed to children of God. 3)Genesis 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. Is it not glaring to you that she had been passing that midst of the Garden everyday but what changed on the particular day she decided to eat of the forbidden fruit She saw that the tree was good for food Something that God said is evil,Eve was now seeing it as Good!!! Is that not her emotion at work already? Her action to something that is evil suddenly changed to good. She lost the power to do good and gained the power to do evil .it was at the center of her emotion. Suddenly her eyes saw evil as pleasant to her eyes!!! She wanted another knowledge and desired to be wise!!! Can you not discern that if someone that is wise already now says she is not wise as God made her wise what do you think is going on? A change of her mind and freewill to evil actions became so simple. It is easier to destroy things than to build and that is why Satan came to eve.it was easier for him to convince Eve . It was Eve's own conviction that changed her decision by her emotion to disobey God. This scripture explains it figuratively even though it is not in the same words as you claim you want it to be evidence. Did Jesus Christ not speak in parables to his disciples. Did he not speak plainly after?. Was the serpent not now cunning ie a satanic presence.satan had been in the garden of Eden way long before Adam and Eve were created. 3:7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. I speak of the motions of sin active in my body ,this is possible because the human nature inherited it from their first father and mother or Adam and Eve. So far we are in the mortal body the motions of sin in our members can be at work if we yield to temptations. Their disobedience to God is sin. The world is imperfect because of sin. Sin is in the blood of every human being born into the world and as I told you sin reigned from Adam to Moses. The flesh became an enemy to Man and to God . This is what am trying to say. No one can please God carnally.Thisnis why the body of sin was destroyed onthe cross of Calvary. It is when we are in Christ Jesus that we are free from sin and it's power. Do you know that Jesus Christ also fought this battle against the flesh! Because he took on the sinful nature of the flesh.it almost made him to disobey God. After much prayers he sweated and drops of sweat like blood came out of his body after he won the battle against the flesh. He was ready to now suffer.finally someone obeyed God in the flesh and disobeyed the devil. This is what it was all about my brother. Someone who can obey God in the flesh. When JESUS Christ died,the enmity was destroyed ie the wall of Seperation between God and man. Ephesians 2:16 And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: Man was at enmity against God in the flesh because of sin ,so he couldn't see God in the flesh again and this enmity brought death of the body. When jeuss Christ came he came to reconcile man back to God in one body!!!!! One body... This meant there was an asunder after the fall. Satan came to claim man's body and soul. The spirit belonged to God. When Jesus Christ was about to die,he said father into thy hands I commit my spirit!!! Why? Because he had already destroyed sin in the flesh on the cross ,so the enmity has been destroyed and man can now return back to God . Without this mans soul is doomed to hell. Jesus Christ resurrected and the soul of that thief with him back to paradise. While his spirit had gone to God. This explains why many people who give their spirit to witches ,wizards can leave their bodies at home and come out to the spirit realm and be doing evil. If there is no asunder how is that possible? |
Re: Awakening Of Emotions In A Woman by LordReed(m): 4:01pm On Jul 05, 2021 |
Matrixlord2021: We have no way of know who did what first. Both men and women act emotionally no need to castigate any one particular sex for what both do. |
Re: Awakening Of Emotions In A Woman by Kobojunkie: 4:21pm On Jul 05, 2021 |
Matrixlord2021:99.9999999% of what you have spewed here does not come from what is written of in the Bible but from your imagination. So what am I supposed to do with this? Please go get help for what it is that ails you and stop thinking that you can hide it behind stories of the bible or something and not be noticed. There are good doctors out there who can properly put you on a treatment plan that will work to bring you back down to reality so you can at least properly process the world without projecting your issues on the other sex. |
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