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So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! - Politics (2) - Nairaland

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I’m A Christian But I Don’t Joke With Ifa — Olusegun Obasanjo / Governor Wike: Rivers Is A Christian State – No Apologies / Boma Goodhead: "Is Osinbajo A Christian? He Sold His Soul To Devil For Crumbs" (2) (3) (4)

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Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by sammyj: 9:40pm On Jun 19, 2021
I will do more researchon it. Thank for the update

Are you aware that Turkey (Anatolia) was largely occupied by Christian Byzantine (Greeks) and Armenians before the invasion of Turks from Central Asia?

Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Sudan e.t.c were all Christian nations before they became Islamized. In the Middle east, safe for Arabia, Iranians (Persia) are the only ones who switched directly from Zoroastrianism to Islam (without becoming Christians).
Even Arabia had large Christian populations before the spread of Islam.
Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by Nobody: 9:49pm On Jun 19, 2021

Turkey was 100% christian country
And you telling the guy to go check history when you should be the one checking
I believe you referring to the Byzantine Empire which was Christian but invaded by ottoman jihadists that birthed the current day turkey
Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by olugabbie(m): 10:48pm On Jun 19, 2021
Nigerians kai how this put food on your table do you want to open a shop there.

These guys are sharing knowledge. If you lack the capacity to contribute, why not just read thier comments to learn...

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Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by Atiwaye: 10:51pm On Jun 19, 2021
Okay I'm sorry.

These guys are sharing knowledge. If you lack the capacity to contribute, why not just read thier comments to learn...

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Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by olugabbie(m): 11:02pm On Jun 19, 2021
Okay I'm sorry.

I am sorry too sir. Do have a great night.

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Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by Okoroawusa: 11:14pm On Jun 19, 2021
Every African that hates another African because of the two block sucking religions of Islam and Christianity is of all men most miserable.


Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by LeviAckerman: 12:37am On Jun 20, 2021
Na wa solves nothing
Intense prayer..dats d game changer
Make sure the prayer is focused and mixed with fasting
Sounded like you had a real solution when you said Na wa solves nothing

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Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by MansoryMX(m): 2:25am On Jun 20, 2021
Some nigerians think it is not possible to islamise this country. I dey laugh.

It’s impossible because we aren’t one tribe but a land filled with multiethnic group of people. This alone makes it difficult! Except you serious war! How many tribes the north fit fight at same time? Remember every tribe has one or two soldiers in the Nigeria army and if an all out war is declared! The Nigeria defense will be scattered and weak. Leaving the entire nation vulnerable for attacks from by scavengers neighboring countries.

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Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by engrchykae(m): 2:53am On Jun 20, 2021
Lebanon the jewel of the middle east till Islam destroyed it
and the cedar stopped growing
Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by engrchykae(m): 2:54am On Jun 20, 2021
Go check your history well, Turkey was never Christians. They are pagans
Ephesus is in turkey

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Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by damienwayne(m): 4:05am On Jun 20, 2021

No limeta.. Emperor Constantine, the Romans & Byzantians all came to Turkey and established Christianity.. then later the Ottomans who took over and established Islam.

Upon independence Turkey was declared Secular nation, just like Naija

I know these info from personal experience
Personal experience?!
Are you immortal shocked

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Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by phemmyfour: 7:00am On Jun 20, 2021
Some nigerians think it is not possible to islamise this country. I dey laugh.
It's not possible. Those that achieved the feat, did so in the stone age. Today, the World is a small village. You can't attempt it and you won't be exposed

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Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by StaffofOrayan(m): 7:15am On Jun 20, 2021
Na wa solves nothing
Intense prayer..dats d game changer
Make sure the prayer is focused and mixed with fasting

If your ancestors has prayed and fasted, you would be a full blown fulani slave by now
Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by lereinter(m): 7:17am On Jun 20, 2021
What do you refer to as Christian nation?

Did Jesus Christ build a nation for Christians on earth?

Even counties that have cross symbol on their flag, don't you see non-Christian ruling them

Didn't the Bible warn us not to store treasure on earth

The only nation for Christians is HEAVEN

Go read your Revelations well

All this big cathedrals, camps etc will still be collected by Muslims and antichrist after rapture

Let's continue to look unto Christ and may we be saved.


Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by malcom1X: 7:28am On Jun 20, 2021
Na wa solves nothing
Intense prayer..dats d game changer
Make sure the prayer is focused and mixed with fasting

Prayers doesn't solve anything. Having more kids will solve it.
No to family planning.
Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by SanctifiedSista(f): 7:31am On Jun 20, 2021

Prayers doesn't solve anything. Having more kids will solve it.
No to family planning.

grin grin grin grin that's what an analyst on CNN said wen he predicted Nigeria will be wiped out by COVID-19. Today, prayers and answers from God has prevailed
Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by Exjoker(m): 7:34am On Jun 20, 2021
na WA o.
now, na only 37% remain...
and even Muslims sef na only 57% o!
but Hamas want make all man think sey na Muslims get d country
this Islam sef.

I believe you meant to say Hisbulah (at the bolded) the militant group who want to implement sharia in Lebanon. Lebanon is the only Arab nation with large Christian population. Their leadership positions is divided among the Christian (President) and Muslim (prime minister). The Christians their put and a serious resistance to Islamic militant, if not they would have been overpowered and subjected to Islamic sharia.

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Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by lovere: 7:42am On Jun 20, 2021
Lebanon is a mini Nigeria. It is one of the most corrupt country in the planet earth. It is believed that the Lebanese were the ones that imported corruption to Nigeria.

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Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by stonemasonn: 7:48am On Jun 20, 2021
Lol, Christians were in Mecca, Alepo, Alexandria, Damascus...all the major cities in the middle east. Yemen had Christian rulers at a time.

Christianity was a weak religion, unfortunately the Middle eastern people and Euroasians don't understand weakness.

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Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by PAWG(m): 8:06am On Jun 20, 2021
na WA o.
now, na only 37% remain...
and even Muslims sef na only 57% o!
but Hamas want make all man think sey na Muslims get d country
this Islam sef.


You’re doing Na wa o, how many people have you converted in the last 30 days?

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Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by zombieHUNTER: 8:13am On Jun 20, 2021
Go check your history well, Turkey was never Christians. They are pagans

Turkey was a christain country...
I think it was Constantinople before
Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by Kamanuozuzu: 8:15am On Jun 20, 2021
Na wa solves nothing
Intense prayer..dats d game changer
Make sure the prayer is focused and mixed with fasting

Prayer solves nothing either.
Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by SanctifiedSista(f): 8:19am On Jun 20, 2021

Prayer solves nothing either.

Let's try this week, two of us grin grin grin grin
God will shock u this week and it will be what u never fathomed..glory to God
I await ur testimony in Living Faith church winners chapel ..it will happen, just get ready
Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by siofra(f): 12:16pm On Jun 20, 2021

The Byzantians came from West (I think Rome or Greece) and conqured/ruled the Land of Turkey called Anatolia. When they came they brought Christianity.

Christainity was never in Turkey before the Romans & Byzantians came. This knowledge should answer your other questions

Religion presently is used as a political tool by the political Elite/class.. as is done in other parts of the world, e.g Nigeria & recently France

Bro, I'm relating based on on-ground experience, not hear say or news.. hope u know what i mean wink

Nope it has been used as a political tool in France since the middle ages only in the 17th century did the French revolution try to topple the system.

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Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by siofra(f): 12:18pm On Jun 20, 2021
Lebanon is a mini Nigeria. It is one of the most corrupt country in the planet earth. It is believed that the Lebanese were the ones that imported corruption to Nigeria.

Seconded, very corrupt people, tueh!
Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by RichBoy247: 12:58pm On Jun 20, 2021
na WA o.
now, na only 37% remain...
and even Muslims sef na only 57% o!
but Hamas want make all man think sey na Muslims get d country
this Islam sef.


Lazy youth, go and find work.

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Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by RichBoy247: 1:01pm On Jun 20, 2021

These guys are sharing knowledge. If you lack the capacity to contribute, why not just read thier comments to learn...

Bishop said you are wasting your life on Social Media, isn't he right?

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Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by olugabbie(m): 1:05pm On Jun 20, 2021

Bishop said you are wasting your life on Social Media, isn't he right?

Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by olugabbie(m): 1:30pm On Jun 20, 2021

Bishop said you are wasting your life on Social Media, isn't he right?

People abuse anything/everything. There are pastors who abuse their positions as leaders of the church. May be the Government should regulate them too.
Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by 2elliot: 1:45pm On Jun 20, 2021

It’s impossible because we aren’t one tribe but a land filled with multiethnic group of people. This alone makes it difficult! Except you serious war! How many tribes the north fit fight at same time? Remember every tribe has one or two soldiers in the Nigeria army and if an all out war is declared! The Nigeria defense will be scattered and weak. Leaving the entire nation vulnerable for attacks from by scavengers neighboring countries.
Nothing is impossible. It is very easy sef, without war. Just infiltrate the south with few moslem leaders, from there disenfranchise non Moslems from core leadership and economic power. Then impose subtle Islamic laws. Watch the way the people will rush to lean towards Islam in order to gain power and wealth.
Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by gawu1: 2:22pm On Jun 20, 2021
How is Hamas related to Lebanon?
Wetin you smoke?
Hamas na West Bank abi Gaza.
Unless you mean Hezbollah?
grin grin
So you too spotted that ignoramus.
He smokes hate. That is why his brain calibrates nonsense for him each time he attempts to squeeze words out of his stinking mouth.


Re: So, Lebanon Was Once A Christian Nation?! by Omoakin120: 3:01pm On Jun 20, 2021
That's the same way Christianity got itself to become what's known as present Christian countries. Things like that were not seen as sin then, it was necessary to help in propagating religions, Christianity and Islam are guilty of this that's y they're the two major religion now.

They conquered cities and established their culture especially in the Middle East .
You cannot just expect to bring a foreign and strange religion to overpower your forefathers doctrines without doing that with force.
So, let's stop seeing all these as being bad or something, both religion are guilty of it. War is holy then, it writes great history. Without war, most of us won't be a Muslim or Christian.

That's the reason Hinduism, Budhism, Ogun, Sango and co are only heard in their native land because they didn't propagate it through wars.

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