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WW3 Fears As US ‘warned It Could Face Pearl Harbor-style Attack’ ( Pix) - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

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WW3 Fears As US ‘warned It Could Face Pearl Harbor-style Attack’ ( Pix) by HolinessForever: 5:56pm On Jul 01, 2021
WORLD War 3 fears are raging in the Pacific as tensions rage between the US, China and Russia with dire warnings of the threat of another "Pearl Harbour".

Japanese defence minister Yasuhide Nakayama gave a chilling assessment of the situation as discussed threats from China to Taiwan and potentially to Hawaii from Russia.

Mr Nakayama was speaking at the Hudson Institute and reportedly claimed China and Russia are preparing jointly for the threat of a major war exploding in the region, according to the Washington Exaimer.

"We have to show the deterrence towards China, and not just China but also the Russians, because, as I told you, that they are doing their exercises together," he said.

And to hammer home is point about the threat in the Pacific, he pointed to recent war games which Russia carried out just 35 miles from the US state Hawaii.

He compared the threat to that of Pearl Harbor, the Japanese surprise attack that dragged the US into World War 2 at the end of 1941.

"Seventy years ago, we attacked Pearl Harbor, but now the U.S. and Japan [are] very good allies, one of the best allies all over the world," he said.

"I don't want to remind [us of the attack] 70 years ago, but we have to be careful of the exercising of the Russians.

"They are taking place [off] the western side of that, Honolulu, I mean, in Hawaii."

Russian war games saw the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier and its strike group deployed to the region for its own exercises.

And meanwhile Vladimir Putin's forces practised sinking enemy ships nearby with "missile and artillery firings" designed to check their readiness in a "hot climate".

Mr Nakayama described the stretch of sea between Japan and Hawaii - an area of around 4,100 miles - as becoming zone often used by Russia and China.

He said: "So, [for] the United States, the protection line is going to be backwards a little bit."

US forces had to scramble F-22 fighter jets to meet Russian bombers near Hawaii to ensure they did not enter US airspace - an incident which took place as Putin was due to meet US President Joe Biden.

Putin has this year ordered a succession of military exercises across Russia’s eleven time zones amid the highest tension between East and West since the collapse of the Soviet Union three decades ago.

And amid the warnings in the Pacific, NATO war games are taking place in the Black Sea following a tense stand off between the Russian navy and British destroyer HMS Defender.

Mr Nakayama also spoke about the seemingly constant threat from China towards Taiwan - with the Communist giant seeking to "reunify" with the breakaway island that has declared independence.

Chinese military exercises near the island have been taking place, and its feared that Beijing could be preparing for an invasion.

The Japanese minister said: "I think the Taiwanese are really concerned. And also, they’re focusing on the two big countries collaborating and [presenting] a lot of threat towards Taiwan."

China regards Taiwan as a renegade province, by the island's government maintain a positive relationship with the US who appear willing to defend them from aggression from Beijing.

"He have to protect Taiwan as a democratic country," he said.

And as expected, China reacted angrily to Mr Nakayama's description of Taiwan as a "country" on multiple occasions.

China's ambitions to reclaim Taiwan were hammered home again today as the Communist Party marked its hundredth anniversary with a fiery speech from President Xi Jinping.



Re: WW3 Fears As US ‘warned It Could Face Pearl Harbor-style Attack’ ( Pix) by HolinessForever: 5:57pm On Jul 01, 2021

Re: WW3 Fears As US ‘warned It Could Face Pearl Harbor-style Attack’ ( Pix) by LikeAking: 5:59pm On Jul 01, 2021
I pity China, just one law their economy will crumble.
Re: WW3 Fears As US ‘warned It Could Face Pearl Harbor-style Attack’ ( Pix) by SenatePresdo(m): 6:05pm On Jul 01, 2021
These countries don too chest beat, they should get it done already.


1.80 odds vs 5.60 odds.

I place my bet on 5.60 odds of Russia/China. Russia/China straight winning and . grin


Re: WW3 Fears As US ‘warned It Could Face Pearl Harbor-style Attack’ ( Pix) by Henrydonland(m): 6:10pm On Jul 01, 2021
These countries don too chest beat, they should get it done already.


1.80 odds vs 5.60 odds.

I place my bet on 5.60 odds of Russia/China. Russia/China straight winning and . grin

U no well grin
Re: WW3 Fears As US ‘warned It Could Face Pearl Harbor-style Attack’ ( Pix) by Righteousness2(m): 6:14pm On Jul 01, 2021
Atimes I begin to wonder if these Major Endtimes players go to Search the HolyBible before they make their moves and Decisions.

All the puzzles are Falling in place Just as The KING of kings, JESUS Christ said it will be in the Season leading to His Coming.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Except we Conciously decide to make a Fool of ourselves, We all know that we are in the Last of the Last days.

I take GOD beg all and sundry, quit living life anyhow. Enough of anyhow living. Take the Matter of your Genuie salvation in JESUS Christ very seriously.
One of these days, those who miss it will be lamenting " Mr. Righteousness warned us o"
Get Prepared Folks! The Breath we have now is not in our Power.

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Re: WW3 Fears As US ‘warned It Could Face Pearl Harbor-style Attack’ ( Pix) by Baawaa(m): 6:21pm On Jul 01, 2021
They are talking without action
Re: WW3 Fears As US ‘warned It Could Face Pearl Harbor-style Attack’ ( Pix) by Kingpin1000: 6:24pm On Jul 01, 2021
There should be no war abeg.. of way happen,how I want take dey get parts from china. Dollar self go scarce .
Abeg let their be peace,na online know wetin covid19 do me
Re: WW3 Fears As US ‘warned It Could Face Pearl Harbor-style Attack’ ( Pix) by tillaman(m): 6:30pm On Jul 01, 2021
Re: WW3 Fears As US ‘warned It Could Face Pearl Harbor-style Attack’ ( Pix) by Draslo(m): 6:34pm On Jul 01, 2021
Atimes I begin to wonder if these Major Endtimes players go to Search the HolyBible before they make their moves and Decisions.

All the puzzles are Falling in place Just as The KING of kings, JESUS Christ said it will be in the Season leading to His Coming.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Except we Conciously decide to make a Fool of ourselves, We all know that we are in the Last of the Last days.

I take GOD beg all and sundry, quit living life anyhow. Enough of anyhow living. Take the Matter of your Genuie salvation in JESUS Christ very seriously.
One of these days, those who miss it will be lamenting " Mr. Righteousness warned us o"
Get Prepared Folks! The Breath we have now is not in our Power.
You no dey tire? This planet will continue spinning for billions of years. The human race will never be wiped out because we can think and do. Even if the planet becomes uninhabitable, people will live in space. All these idiot countries fighting for nonsense will team up and build mother spaceships in the blink of an eye leaving us in Africa to pray.

Imagine having $50 billion but you can't spend it. That's how these world powers feel with all their military might. The
US Defense Department is asking Congress for $715 billion in its fiscal 2022 budget. China's defence budget for 2021 is about $200 billion, Russia, about $80 billion for 2021 and Japan spent about $54 billion for it's military this year. Una think say na play abi?
Re: WW3 Fears As US ‘warned It Could Face Pearl Harbor-style Attack’ ( Pix) by SenatePresdo(m): 6:42pm On Jul 01, 2021
Atimes I begin to wonder if these Major Endtimes players go to Search the HolyBible before they make their moves and Decisions.

All the puzzles are Falling in place Just as The KING of kings, JESUS Christ said it will be in the Season leading to His Coming.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Except we Conciously decide to make a Fool of ourselves, We all know that we are in the Last of the Last days.

I take GOD beg all and sundry, quit living life anyhow. Enough of anyhow living. Take the Matter of your Genuie salvation in JESUS Christ very seriously.
One of these days, those who miss it will be lamenting " Mr. Righteousness warned us o"
Get Prepared Folks! The Breath we have now is not in our Power.

Over 1 Billion Muslims, both the good and evil ones will be going to Hell fire since they don't wanna accept Jesus as their Lord an Savior.

We rise grin
Re: WW3 Fears As US ‘warned It Could Face Pearl Harbor-style Attack’ ( Pix) by SenatePresdo(m): 6:48pm On Jul 01, 2021
They are talking without action

Honestly, talking is what they know how to do.

I thought they would start the War during North-Korea missile crisis, yet nothing happened.

US and Iran tension, yet nothing happened.

Na Russia tension them go come fight war? I doubt.
Re: WW3 Fears As US ‘warned It Could Face Pearl Harbor-style Attack’ ( Pix) by rottennaija(m): 6:57am On Jul 02, 2021
I pity China, just one law their economy will crumble.

Which one law is that?
Re: WW3 Fears As US ‘warned It Could Face Pearl Harbor-style Attack’ ( Pix) by Plut01: 7:13am On Jul 02, 2021

The Japanese have really regressed military wise. The Japanese of then will not be voicing out about a prominent attack, they just wait for you to do any bvlshit and strike you.

China used to be the one crying when they hear Japan but it is the other way these days.

Well, any war that breaks out between US, Russia, China and Europe right now will send us back to stone age. Nuclear winter is not a thing that will affect the warring countries alone, it affects all.

Re: WW3 Fears As US ‘warned It Could Face Pearl Harbor-style Attack’ ( Pix) by Kayberg: 9:13am On Jul 02, 2021

Will all these old bad boys go to rest and not destroy the planet after they have all enjoyed their own lives to the fullest?
Abi which kind wahala be this now?
Re: WW3 Fears As US ‘warned It Could Face Pearl Harbor-style Attack’ ( Pix) by LikeAking: 11:24am On Jul 02, 2021

Which one law is that?

If Europe and the USA ban their goods.
Re: WW3 Fears As US ‘warned It Could Face Pearl Harbor-style Attack’ ( Pix) by rottennaija(m): 11:30am On Jul 02, 2021

If Europe and the USA ban their goods.

Let them ban and see what happens. When USA ban Russia from agricultural produce, it made Russia look inward and today, they are the biggest producer and exporters of wheat. As climate change continues to ravage the world, it favours the Russia more and more.

Trump ban China from using goggle services, today, Huawei has come up with an OS that will dwarf goggle in the next 4 years and make IoT possible and they are pushing it big time. It's an OS that cuts across all platform seamlessly, Android devices, PC, smart watches etc.

The more the US bans, the better China and Russia gets.


Re: WW3 Fears As US ‘warned It Could Face Pearl Harbor-style Attack’ ( Pix) by LikeAking: 11:35am On Jul 02, 2021

Let them ban and see what happens. When USA ban Russia from agricultural produce, it made Russia look inward and today, they are the biggest producer and exporters of wheat. As climate change continues to ravage the world, it favours the Russia more and more.

Trump ban China from using goggle services, today, Huawei has come up with an OS that will dwarf goggle in the next 4 years and make IoT possible and they are pushing it big time. It's an OS that cuts across all platform seamlessly, Android devices, PC, smart watches etc.

The more the US bans, the better China and Russia gets.

Its not possible for Huawei to beat google. Though its a good dev.

The Chinese are still unpopular, as regard the international world. They have not our favs for now.

China depends of exports to survive, the moment they gang up agianst China, Na big problem be that.
Re: WW3 Fears As US ‘warned It Could Face Pearl Harbor-style Attack’ ( Pix) by Massiveglory: 2:15pm On Jul 02, 2021
Lalasticlala these guys are really hitting things up. The world is so tensed .
Re: WW3 Fears As US ‘warned It Could Face Pearl Harbor-style Attack’ ( Pix) by thundafire: 4:01pm On Jul 02, 2021

The Japanese have really regressed military wise. The Japanese of then will not be voicing out about a prominent attack, they just wait for you to do any bvlshit and strike you.

China used to be the one crying when they hear Japan but it is the other way these days.

Well, any war that breaks out between US, Russia, China and Europe right now will send us back to stone age. Nuclear winter is not a thing that will affect the warring countries alone, it affects all.

they world powers banned them from any mission outside Japan. So instead they are in full alliance with USA. USA are in gratitude to them for the numerous exploit the Japanese did in creating and curing so many diseases during WW2 even though it was brutal against the Chinese,so the Chinese have an axe to grind with Japanese.
Re: WW3 Fears As US ‘warned It Could Face Pearl Harbor-style Attack’ ( Pix) by thundafire: 4:02pm On Jul 02, 2021
Both sides are waiting for any pilot to slip up by accidental discharge grin grin and watch out for retaliation

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