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China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea - Foreign Affairs (5) - Nairaland

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Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by meccuno: 5:20pm On Jul 12, 2021
We urge the United States to immediately stop such provocative actions,” the Southern Theater Command said in a statement.

In other words china no send their papa cool grin
undecided undecided undecided undecided

Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by blacknoir: 5:23pm On Jul 12, 2021
All hail.. China.. The new world power.
They will be the ones to end the reign of the USA and westernization.
Do u know that China is even a greater evil
Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by APOSTLECHUMA: 5:31pm On Jul 12, 2021

Are u a bright assembly member?

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Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by Freelane33(m): 5:32pm On Jul 12, 2021

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Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by iPresh4s(m): 5:37pm On Jul 12, 2021
Maybe na shortcut, The Ship been dey pass 'innocently' to another location
Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by noisy45(m): 5:41pm On Jul 12, 2021
Imagine the line China is drawing to claim the whole sea to themselves. Because they are super powers they think they can bully others. Same thing they are doing in the mountains in India.

They should know that if war breaks out, it's going to be the other Asians, and NATO facing them. They cant win that war no matter how advanced they are. And Russia will not openly support them 100%.

I need to meet the person that sells weed to you��
Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by noisy45(m): 5:43pm On Jul 12, 2021

China will eventually overtake USA because of the man power, but for now they are not yet there. .

They need to do more research and inventions and focus on their precision.

So far the US dollar currency is 100 percent used in international trade even among enemies of US, China will and never overtake the US economically.
Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by engrchykae(m): 5:47pm On Jul 12, 2021
Damnnn niggarrrr
Make China calm down

Maybe it is just an innocent passage
there is nothing innocent in such action.
US likes to bully people
Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by Nobody: 5:51pm On Jul 12, 2021
In another news, Buhari has warned the United States to steer clear China Waters!
Stressing that there will be repercussions if they refuse
undecided undecided undecided undecided undecided undecided
Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by falopey: 5:54pm On Jul 12, 2021
China is actually a military super power now, so they can try that.
China never pass any exam yet. Which war has China ever fought in the history of the modern world? China is like a student that has all the latest textbooks in the world but never passed a single exam and still claiming he is brilliant. Who takes such serious? That’s China. How can it match up with someone that has passed many exams and failed a couple of other thereby having a tone of experiences that makes him get better and better. That’s US
Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by Sheriman(m): 6:06pm On Jul 12, 2021
Let's say the reality US don dey too much. Dey don dey pass dia boundary from the US you sail on water downwards to South China. What is US aims and objective? What is their plan. No country will accept that effrontery even a weak country will see it as a provocation and warn against it. Every nation must respect national sovereignty.
Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by Eriokanmi: 6:19pm On Jul 12, 2021
All hail.. China.. The new world power.
They will be the ones to end the reign of the USA and westernization.
In your dreams abi? Can you compare Chinese quality standards with that of America. Go to Chinese Market in ojota and compare with what you see inside ikeja mall. America still makes airplanes for China till tomorrow. America moved their plants and factories to China cos of cheap labour and most of the companies existing in China today are owned by Americans... computers, automobile, fabrics, electronic, equipment...name it.
Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by realray(m): 6:27pm On Jul 12, 2021
it is russia that can deal with US but not china and na Russia dey give china moral because china can't face US one on one America will deal with them forget their advancement o...
Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by EBEk101(m): 6:35pm On Jul 12, 2021
China are.just aggressive. . USA will wipe.them out.

The only country America is still codedly scared of is Russia.

China, North Korea, Iran, Lebanon are just noice makers for now.

USA are not scared of Russia
Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by pacespot(m): 6:42pm On Jul 12, 2021
Wetin USA from north America dey do in south Asian south China sea? These people just want to fight a war in other people's territories and keep their shores in north America safe.
Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by AyoII(m): 6:50pm On Jul 12, 2021
Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by tempest01(m): 6:59pm On Jul 12, 2021

I need to meet the person that sells weed to you��

You are dumb

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Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by Bukden16(m): 7:18pm On Jul 12, 2021
Psalm 24

King James Version

24: The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.

2: For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.

Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by Topmaike007(m): 7:37pm On Jul 12, 2021
Imagine the line China is drawing to claim the whole sea to themselves. Because they are super powers they think they can bully others. Same thing they are doing in the mountains in India.

They should know that if war breaks out, it's going to be the other Asians, and NATO facing them. They cant win that war no matter how advanced they are. And Russia will not openly support them 100%.
have you ever been told that China have a military personal in every family in mainland China?

China, North Korea, Iran and Russia are good friends..
Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by tempest01(m): 7:40pm On Jul 12, 2021

I need to meet the person that sells weed to you��

You are dumb :
Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by Topmaike007(m): 7:41pm On Jul 12, 2021
Don't pray that China will emerge as the number one super power nation in the world, someday. The day such happens, a vast number of third world countries will either be colonised or re-colonised by means of subtle or forceful expasionism agenda.
The Chinese are a bred of mean communists, they are also racists and overly ambitious.
I prefer that type of China communism I swear and western that colonized us where have it gotten us to?

Do you know that Europe have the highest number of racism than other continent.

Abeg I prefer China joor
Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by aidameoryou: 7:42pm On Jul 12, 2021

Based on what?

ask am based on what ooohhh
people always writing trash.

so long as military and fire power is concerned, US is still leading every other damn country, you do not even dare
Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by aidameoryou: 7:42pm On Jul 12, 2021

Based on what?

ask am based on what ooohhh
people always writing trash.

so long as military and fire power is concerned, US is still leading every other damn country, you do not even dare.
Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by Topmaike007(m): 7:44pm On Jul 12, 2021
In your dreams abi? Can you compare Chinese quality standards with that of America. Go to Chinese Market in ojota and compare with what you see inside ikeja mall. America still makes airplanes for China till tomorrow. America moved their plants and factories to China cos of cheap labour and most of the companies existing in China today are owned by Americans... computers, automobile, fabrics, electronic, equipment...name it.
China ti take over joor.. The phone wey you dey use bash China is even made and owned by China..
Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by Nobody: 7:45pm On Jul 12, 2021
All hail.. China.. The new world power.
They will be the ones to end the reign of the USA and westernization.


World power that US just rained sanctions on!

Cant you how the US is crippling their economy!

And come to warfare grin grin grin China just has same fake substandard military hardware`s

Never fvck with the US! They years ahead.
Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by FoolishBoy419: 7:54pm On Jul 12, 2021

English and Action no be the same thing. Yes, China is developing but the USA is not sleeping. China being the second-highest military spender is not even spending up to half of USA spendings. So understand the developments

What most of you don't take into consideration is what those funds are used for. Consider the high wages of American soldiers, high number of US bases around the world, overpriced weaponry, etc. And lastly, it's not money alone that wins wars.

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Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by FoolishBoy419: 8:00pm On Jul 12, 2021

USA will not start a war without a strong reason. There's no thing like drove away, where is the video

Point of correction, USA doesn't start a war AGAINST COUNTRIES THAT CAN FIGHT BACK. Clear your inferiority complex and look at the wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and so on.

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Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by tempest01(m): 8:01pm On Jul 12, 2021
have you ever been told that China have a military personal in every family in mainland China?

China, North Korea, Iran and Russia are good friends..

Go and read on the exploits of US, UK, Canada, Germany, NATO. You'll know that you don't want to go to war with them no matter how advanced you are. US alone can wage war on all you mentioned alone and match them.
Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by Mystery9(m): 8:07pm On Jul 12, 2021
Did the Agama lizard learnt to protect its space from these countries or they learnt from the Agama?
Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by Pharaoh4rin(m): 8:15pm On Jul 12, 2021
It's a trap for china. U.S is about to ask china to
Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by Bluffly: 8:25pm On Jul 12, 2021

Point of correction, USA doesn't start a war AGAINST COUNTRIES THAT CAN FIGHT BACK. Clear your inferiority complex and look at the wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and so on.
My friend mind your words, telling me I have inferiority complex
Re: China Military ‘drove Away’ US Warship In South China Sea by Bluffly: 8:45pm On Jul 12, 2021

What most of you don't take into consideration is what those funds are used for. Consider the high wages of American soldiers, high number of US bases around the world, overpriced weaponry, etc. And lastly, it's not money alone that wins wars.
Give or take, USA has built a strength of being at the door steps of most nations including, Russia and China and Russia and China have not been able to do that and cannot. In the days of USSR they couldn't stand USA.
This brief shows USA is still way ahead with other super countries that are ready to join forces even if the likes of NK, Indian, Russia join with China.

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