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Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria - Romance (6) - Nairaland

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Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by SouthSouth1914: 1:21pm On Jul 17, 2021

It was way worse during Sodom and Gomora times of the Bible...why didn't the world end then?

Hahaha!! You can’t compare then and now. Sodom and Gomorrah were two cities mentioned in the Book of Genesis and throughout the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, and in the deuterocanonical books!

The notoriously sinful cities in the biblical book of Genesis, was destroyed by “sulfur and fire” because of their wickedness (Genesis 19:24).

Remember Lot’s wife? Don’t look back!
Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by Nobody: 1:28pm On Jul 17, 2021

I already figured what I wanted to do with my life before leaving primary school.
Something like 20 years ahead of my classmates in terms of thinking. They often called me ITK then until they realized my passion and uniqueness
Hope you've achieved (or achieving) your dreams.
Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by temitope27(m): 1:31pm On Jul 17, 2021

What's your problem cabroñ
my probs is that I need to Bleep ur mama pussy grin
Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by DIVINEEVIDENCE: 1:32pm On Jul 17, 2021

Show me a society where a father won't accept bride price just cos his female child is not a virgin, I will accept whatever you say, but if you can mention a single country in the whole universe where as low as 25% of her female teenagers are virgin, I will agree ur head is turned upside down when you are dishing out comment

Have you read about the sexual laws of North Korea?
Oya goan educate yourself.
Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by Theunbothered: 1:37pm On Jul 17, 2021

For one you don’t have sections on FB. For two, you can’t keep at archive of photos on your profile. Okay, smooth rain?

See what happens when you don't read what you post. This is why an IQ test should be mandatory for nairaland users. Too many people talk as if they didn't pass through primary school.

Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by Efe42(m): 1:38pm On Jul 17, 2021
Hey guys I'm kind off new here and I'll just go straight to the point.

This is my second date probably she will be mine I've told her already I'm building a strong relationship with her that will lead to marriage, because I really do love her so much our relationship started last month but my little problem with her, she already dated 3 guy's previously who doesn't deserve her and all 3 guy's broke her heart she told me she like me but she doesn't have feeling towards me because she don't want too go through such emotional trammel again and that's really drive me crazy when she say those injury words.

I need little advice on what's to tell her on how much I'd care about.
Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by SomeRandomWeeb(m): 1:42pm On Jul 17, 2021
There's this thing called puberty, you see...
Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by Efe42(m): 1:43pm On Jul 17, 2021
There's this thing called puberty, you see...

What's that ??
Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by 1F30M4(f): 1:44pm On Jul 17, 2021
Social media is just bringing all these to limelight and making it easier. Else, it has been there from time immemorial. I attended village school in the 90s and relationships were also like if you are not doing, you don't belong, from JS 1 to SS 3. I believe that even now, children with proper orientation could still approach it with sense

Yes yes yes, this is it.. These things have been going on, decades back.. It was really crazy then.. Talk about students having carnal knowledge of themselves right there in their classrooms or is it how they did abortions in the most crude way, using iron hangers, etc in the same classroom or some secluded places.. Most parents didn't know what their wards did behind their back; so intoxicating that some "lovebirds" even sneaked out of sight to spend some more time together.. Yes, they were very very discreet in their doings, the fear that relatives/neighbours could see them and eventually tell on them hahaha that fear of the wrath of our parents but it is not like that now & in recent times..

OP I totally understand what you mean by having purposeful relationships.. Purposeful in itself is relative and in this context you can see that there is always a purpose behind any action or deed orrr anything at all.. I feel a lot of them have it all wrong, I mean with the way they're going about it, insane trends and for social validation smh.. Now, I'm not saying they shouldn't "like" someone or have a "crush" on someone orr get infatuated, we all did at some point but then they shouldn't lose themselves just cos of that..

Also, as parents please let's normalize hearing them out, bond with them, guide them, be in the know about things that affects/bothers/excites them(get them to talk about all that goes on with them even if it means going down to their level), give them proper orientation about life & these things, please don't just shut them out or get aggressive with them aand above all let's pray for them, pray with them as well.


Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by SomeRandomWeeb(m): 1:49pm On Jul 17, 2021

What's that ??
Puberty?, A phase in life that turns children into different people, entirely different, somewhat stupid too, it's exciting at first yunno, when the boys start seeing increases in the sizes of their reproductive organs, but then they meet disappointment when they realize it comes with hair growing in between the ass cheeks undecided, and other things I wouldn't want to mention
Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by Fiscus105(m): 1:53pm On Jul 17, 2021

You don't have to force someone to accept what you believe, he just spoke from his own perspective and what he believes exist. To think that there are no virgins in this present generation is absurd. Everybody is not conforming to the society , so long ppl are living differently and the way they wish, certainly you should expect the good and bad.

Thank God you use the word "Force" . In like manner a father cannot force his own daughters, fully mature daughters to remain virgin till wedding night.
Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by Efe42(m): 1:53pm On Jul 17, 2021

Puberty?, A phase in life that turns children into different people, entirely different, somewhat stupid too, it's exciting at first yunno, when the boys start seeing increases in the sizes of their reproductive organs, but then they meet disappointment when they realize it comes with hair growing in between the ass cheeks undecided, and other things I wouldn't want to mention

You're full of shit!!

1 Like

Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by Farid24224(m): 2:17pm On Jul 17, 2021

Yeah mehn!!
Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by DrDax: 2:43pm On Jul 17, 2021
I am the bold type, I just figured it out too early that it was a waste of my time.
I began reading about the History of Nigeria at 8, I began studying about purpose and vision at 9. At 12-13 I already concluded to either be a lawyer or engineer, of which presently I am an engineer.
I did a detailed study on beauty between 12 and 14 and learned that beauty fades.
Till date I am consumed by being purposeful and making impacts than crushing after ladies up and down. If I were interested in a lady, I don't waste time I just ask for a yes or no.
May be I am not romantic, for me there is more to life than wasting my emotions away

Not to annoy you, I understand your type.

You will learn in time.

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Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by Ynix(m): 3:11pm On Jul 17, 2021

Hope you've achieved (or achieving) your dreams.
Every day I pursue that for years now, the good part of it is that my life purpose does not need popularity or being at the center of attraction which is not the kind of life I desire
Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by luvmijeje(f): 3:23pm On Jul 17, 2021
Well. My first date was when I was in secondary school. It's part of growing up. You can only hope and pray they don't make a mistake that mars them for the rest of their life.

Let's teach our girls and boys sex education. Let's do our own part as parents and guardians and hopefully they make the best decision and even if it is a wrong one, they learn from it and bounce from it.
Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by C505: 3:26pm On Jul 17, 2021
It's normal, na puberty dey cause am, just that they need proper orientation and guidance.
I see nothing wrong in a teenager falling in love, all that matters is that the paradigm of boundaries be taught and followed. Also the need to checkmate negative peer pressures for them.
For me I never had a girl friend all my teenage days because I was way ahead of those things.

It's normal for a teenager to fall in love?

That's why there are few doers of the word and loads of listeners. The world provides the trend and people jump in thinking it's normal.

It's only the truth that'll set anyone free and that's only if you know the truth.

What's their purpose of even going into a relationship?

1 Like

Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by SomeRandomWeeb(m): 3:46pm On Jul 17, 2021

You're full of shit!!

Technically, we all are, it's just easier to be an expert on everyone else but ourselves smiley
Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by loswhite(m): 5:25pm On Jul 17, 2021

Even in developed countries, You can only be admitted into university at 18 yrs old except for special kids such as some altruistic Kidz who needs to get their brain working.

Of course if you've got everything settled at a young age (education, finance, emotional intelligence etc) and you meet a capable mate, it's not wrong to settle down at a young age if that's what the person wants. But what we see here today is people who can't even take care of themselves let alone children yet bring forth children that will become nuisances to the society in future!
it has nothing to do with young age. We also have old ppl that cannot take care the ones they have produced... Blame it on bad Economy bad Governance and bad labour laws.
Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by KGD10: 5:28pm On Jul 17, 2021
it has nothing to do with young age. We also have old ppl that cannot take care the ones they have produced... Blame it on bad Economy bad Governance and bad labour laws.

I'm lumping them together. I did say if the said young person is capable enough, he or she could. However, what we have today are people who can't even take care of themselves let alone children yet they keep birthing children to cause more nuisance on the street. You would even see some young girls with pregnancy on the street. What's that? Children on the street without functioning home or guardians. Maybe we should even go the way of China of 1-2 children per family!

In fact the best way to prevent overpopulation apart from family planning is late marriage because most of these individuals won't want to give birth to many children as they wouldn't want to be saddled with much stress. That was what curb USA population.
Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by Ynix(m): 5:39pm On Jul 17, 2021

It's normal for a teenager to fall in love?

That's why there are few doers of the word and loads of listeners. The world provides the trend and people jump in thinking it's normal.

It's only the truth that'll set anyone free and that's only if you know the truth.

What's their purpose of even going into a relationship?
Ok, it seems you are an overt spirikoko, tell us the truth were you not having moody feelings for someone as a teenager?
I want to see whether you will tell a lie or not.
Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by Gfskw: 5:42pm On Jul 17, 2021
Coz they are young but will later realize to take their life serious first when they grow up and face their own struggles
Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by C505: 7:28pm On Jul 17, 2021

Ok, it seems you are an overt spirikoko, tell us the truth were you not having moody feelings for someone as a teenager?
I want to see whether you will tell a lie or not.

Brother, moody feelings is normal for all puberty boys which I had too. I love what you said earlier that they need proper orientation and guidance

Going into a relationship at that stage is what is wrong. Now I really need you to imagine and not think. If you had a teenage daughter, what would you advice her?
Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by Ynix(m): 7:55pm On Jul 17, 2021

Brother, moody feelings is normal for all puberty boys which I had too. I love what you said earlier that they need proper orientation and guidance

Going into a relationship at that stage is what is wrong. Now I really need you to imagine and not think. If you had a teenage daughter, what would you advice her?
I will advise her to focus on her future though but if there is someone she likes or likes her I will want to know, if possible I would love to meet the young chap. For me it is an opportunity to protect a future, I recently discovered that not giving priority to learning about man to woman relationship as teens also contributes to late marriage.
For me, all that matters is that I have trained the girl to protect her worth and not become a foolish one that engages in frivolities.
The way my parents raised us all, there was no need asking if we have boyfriends or girlfriends they already gave us the most important thing any parent will give to their children which is knowing God and living a purposeful life.
Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by bengrayce: 8:26pm On Jul 17, 2021
If you hook up or serious relationship or girlfriend join this what's App link
Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by Nature8(m): 2:07am On Jul 18, 2021
Many teenagers have recently joined the dating pool. Every secondary school student now has a "special someone".

I am quite appalled at the staggering rise at which teenagers enter relationships just to join the trend.

Going into relationships without being friends first, for financial and sexual benefits, to update Instagram and Facebook?
It gets worse after several months of love-playing and exhausting infatuation, one party becomes bored and wants to try someone else and then the night falls on your undefined relationship. You then proceed to "chop breakfast".

No long term goals or aspirations, no detailed commitments. Just vibes and fulfilled emptiness.

Young people need to reevaluate their decisions and stop jumping on bandwagons. Focus on your education and your goals, that is what matters most now. And if you must, be with someone who you can grow with, share each others goals and ideas, have meaningful conversations, pray or attend religious gatherings.

Let your relationship be purposeful.

Shower thoughts with OneMarvee- E1S2
Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by Hotspotbro(m): 12:25pm On Jul 18, 2021
Average nigerian teenage girl (especially 13-19)-inspired by korean drama,always nice to fine boys even if these boys are less than their age but well loaded,tries to force herself on a guy who doesn't care,expects recharge card from dudes,gangs up on a dude to accept a relationship he doesn't want,asking a guy if "he doesn't like fine girls",May not want to have sex because it is "bad thing"

Average teenage boy(13-upward)-spends time with other boys,talks about how simple and cheap their girlfriends are,how Mary allowed him to touch her,other boys give him ideas he can try on her,someone suggests a rimjob,the others laugh,guy brings out a phone,plays mini militia,we join him and talk about the girls trying to seduce us with their thighs.
Re: Relationship Trends Among Teenagers In Nigeria by Fourwinds: 5:57pm On Jul 18, 2021
They want to taste the forbidden fruit

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