Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Timfreds(m): 12:02pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Kobojunkie: God is Holy and He , through His Spirit, only inhabits vessels that are Holy/Perfect or Sinless. So, unless you are sure you are a Holy vessel, without sin, something that is quite possible, I am afraid to inform you that what you experienced yesterday may not have been the baptism of the Spirit of God but simply the expression of the gift of tongues which is instead a sign to follow those who believe in Jesus Christ - Mark 16 vs 17-18 
Basically, speaking in tongues IS NOT a sign or confirmation of Holy Spirit Baptism, but instead a sign that one believes in Jesus Christ. 
In order to become a vessel worthy of the Spirit of God, you must become a Son of God - one who is free from bondage to sins and is holy/perfect. According to Jesus Christ, the only way to achieving this is through continual submission to and obedience(Know) the teachings and commandments of Jesus Christ(the Truth of God), for it is by knowing the Truth that the Truth then sets one free from slavery to sin.  Please leave the brother alone with your mixed up theology. He's baptized with the Holy Spirit, praise God with him. 1 Like |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Biggcake: 12:20pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
LilMissFavvy: As you received it, you should guard it and continue to immerse in the word to avoid loosing it. I have personally received it over 4times, yet I lose it after a long while. You mentioned redeemed, church, I guess I will look for a Redeem over here and attend to see if It can be restored. Just a word of advice. You sure say no be evil spirit you dey receive? Why the thing dey leave you like that na... |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by herlecks(m): 12:30pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Firstly, there is no such thing as "giving your life to Jesus." That's it. If you will be saved, you must first see your need for the blood of Jesus and be desperate about it, you must see how filthy and worthless you are, you must see yourself as God sees you, full of filth. That's what prompts you to ask for mercy and confess your sins, acknowledging the blood's cleansing power. Immediately, you will receive a peace sensation which signifies the entry of the Holy Spirit and cleansing of your conscience.
Secondly, you must differentiate being filled with the Spirit from being baptised in the Spirit. You can be filled many times, but you're baptised once. Being filled empowers you for holy living, but baptism empowers you to witness for Christ. You don't get baptised immediately you're converted, NO. You must g through a process of testing and faithfulness, you must nurture a relationship with God, relationships takes time build. Ask Peter, "the Spirit is given to them that obey Him."
Thirdly, which of the disciples had a sensation when the Holy Ghost came upon them? None. And don't think you have the Spirit because some sensation came upon you. Look, I will give you a test. The Spirit's presence always produce fruit, demonic experiences are often fruitless. In the next 7days, observe the fruits of your life in ministry, how effective and comfortable are you now in sharing Jesus with your "girl friend?" Because the incoming of baptism isn't necessarily there to liberate your tongue to speak unintelligible languages, but to liberate your senses for effective witnessing. When men listen to you, they acknowledge there's something different with this guy, why? Another element has been added to your makeup. So, forget the experience and focus on the result of the encounter. |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by BePrepared: 12:53pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
SanctifiedSista: Keep listening to all Apostle'joshua Selman messages on youtube everyday and obey the instructions plus read papa books esp law of faith, born to win , Satan get lost and walking in dominion Come to church tomorrow as well Exactly we must strive to grow |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by BePrepared: 12:58pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Adamgeneral12: One day me self will receive Holly ghost power  That day can/should be today, just fast for even if half day, enter any living church eg Rccg Deeper life LFC Assemblies of God tell the pastor to lay hand and pray 4 u |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by BePrepared: 1:00pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
LilMissFavvy: I don't know why you like spamming the religion section, Whatever doctrine you belong to is your concern o, I've told you in the past to keep your beliefs to yourself. Atimes when you fail to keep nurturing the gifts of the spirit, you may lose it , or it's simply there but inactive.
Mark 16:17 "and these signs shall follow them that believe: in my name shall they cast out devil's, they shall speak with new tongues.
ist Corin. 14:2 for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God.......
Acts 10: 45-46 .....also was poured out the gift of the holy Spirit,for they heard the news speak in tongues and magnify God.
Kobo biko leave this ur argument, we are here to edify each other carry ur argument waka |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Gambit23: 1:00pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Sharrpguy: I gave my life fully to Christ early this month, lemme add that I have been attending Church since I was little, but i believe as per say I have been attending Church means I have automatically given my life to Christ.
Lately I have been wanting the baptism of the Holy ghost since a few months now, buh honestly I was scared like really scared because of some deliverance and some spiritual stuff that happened in my secondary school.
So it happened yesterday night at church, we were having a 12 hour praise night of worship. I just said ah lemme just Go oooo. So I went sha started the service like normal prayed and praised The LORD GOD. And then one of those singing said " the spirit of the lord is moving, is there anyone here who doesn't have the Holy spirit come out to the front.". In my mind I just dey like ogbeni not today jhoor. So while those who came out were being prayed for I just sat down and was relaxing then I felt this strange warmth and tingling, then that was how I began to speak in tongues. Praise the Lord.
Let me just add it was one of the most awesome thing I have ever experienced, like super Awesome, To say I was blessed is small, I was filled with GOD's glory. Praise the Lord. "" I felt this strange warmth and tingling"" These a feelings created by ur subconscious, It happens to a lot of people both in church and any other place. ""that was how I began to speak in tongues."" U did not understand any of the things u said, Ur pastor doesnt understand it as well and no one in ur church or family understood any things said, Meaning that u were just gibberish,Making meaningless sounds. Speaking in tongues is a scam, Church is a scam, religion as a whole is scam. Free ur urself from mental slavery |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Gambit23: 1:01pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
SanctifiedSista: Keep listening to all Apostle'joshua Selman messages on youtube everyday and obey the instructions plus read papa books esp law of faith, born to win , Satan get lost and walking in dominion Come to church tomorrow as well Scam. |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by afesco: 1:08pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Sharrpguy: I gave my life fully to Christ early this month, lemme add that I have been attending Church since I was little, but i believe as per say I have been attending Church means I have automatically given my life to Christ.
Lately I have been wanting the baptism of the Holy ghost since a few months now, buh honestly I was scared like really scared because of some deliverance and some spiritual stuff that happened in my secondary school.
So it happened yesterday night at church, we were having a 12 hour praise night of worship. I just said ah lemme just Go oooo. So I went sha started the service like normal prayed and praised The LORD GOD. And then one of those singing said " the spirit of the lord is moving, is there anyone here who doesn't have the Holy spirit come out to the front.". In my mind I just dey like ogbeni not today jhoor. So while those who came out were being prayed for I just sat down and was relaxing then I felt this strange warmth and tingling, then that was how I began to speak in tongues. Praise the Lord.
Let me just add it was one of the most awesome thing I have ever experienced, like super Awesome, To say I was blessed is small, I was filled with GOD's glory. Praise the Lord. I recommend a book titled "Good Morning Holy Spirit by Benny Hinn". This is one book dt has touched millions of lives all over the world. It changed my spiritual life n it will change us too. |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by afesco: 1:14pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Sharrpguy: I gave my life fully to Christ early this month, lemme add that I have been attending Church since I was little, but i believe as per say I have been attending Church means I have automatically given my life to Christ.
Lately I have been wanting the baptism of the Holy ghost since a few months now, buh honestly I was scared like really scared because of some deliverance and some spiritual stuff that happened in my secondary school.
So it happened yesterday night at church, we were having a 12 hour praise night of worship. I just said ah lemme just Go oooo. So I went sha started the service like normal prayed and praised The LORD GOD. And then one of those singing said " the spirit of the lord is moving, is there anyone here who doesn't have the Holy spirit come out to the front.". In my mind I just dey like ogbeni not today jhoor. So while those who came out were being prayed for I just sat down and was relaxing then I felt this strange warmth and tingling, then that was how I began to speak in tongues. Praise the Lord.
Let me just add it was one of the most awesome thing I have ever experienced, like super Awesome, To say I was blessed is small, I was filled with GOD's glory. Praise the Lord. I recommend this book to you "Good Morning Holy Spirit by Benny Hinn". This is one book that has touched many lives all over the world. The first time I read the book, my body was shaking for abt 2 weeks n even Pastor Chris Oyakhilomhe talked abt how d book impacted his life many years ago. I must tell you dt the book is one of d best book on d person of the Holy Spirit. |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Ayodele92: 1:19pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Let me introduce you to a great Bible teacher that would help you spiritually as u walk with God. His name is ZAC POONEN .You can listen to thousands of his messages on Facebook. 1 Like |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by chelsea04(m): 1:30pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
fake |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by oluwaahmed: 1:31pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
4] Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? [5] Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
So op if u were not born of the water(baptism) then u cannot be born of the spirit. I think pentecostal churches misuse or lack understanding of the word "born again". 1 Like |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by livingchrist: 1:35pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
What you experienced was being FILLED (Controlled) with the Holy Spirit. It manifests in several forms including speaking in unknown tongues, faith, prophecy etc.
We are commanded to be FILLED with the Holy Spirit (for it is under your control to do activities that will make you drunk with Him) Eph 5:18-19: "And do not be drunk with wine, in which is excess, but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;"
Baptism of the Holy Spirit takes place ONCE in your life time (at the point of salvation). Rom 6:4: "Therefore we were buried with Him by baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised up from [the] dead by the glory of the Father; even so we also should walk in newness of life."
Eph 4:5: "one Lord, one faith, one baptism,"
Col 2:12: "buried with Him in baptism, in whom also you were raised through the faith of the working of God, raising Him from the dead."
Every child of God ALREADY have the Holy Spirit (He is our Seal untill the day of our redemption).
Being Baptised by the Holy Spirit is NOT a command! Being Filled is a command and it should take place as often as we live our Christian life
Cc: LilMissFavvy: you are right, it is the baptism of the holy Ghost that lead to being filled and it manifest in various forms like speaking in tongues, preaching the word with boldness, prophecy, words of knowledge etc 2 Likes |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by shadeyinka(m): 1:43pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
livingchrist: you are right, it is the baptism of the holy Ghost that lead to being filled and it manifest in various forms like speaking in tongues, preaching the word with boldness, prophecy, words of knowledge etc Baptism of the Holy Spirit leads to being Born again (Baptised into Christ). Being Filled (being intoxicated) with/by the Holy Spirit leads to Tongues, Faith, Boldness, Prophecy etc. These are two different things often mixed up in confusion. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by waldigit: 2:22pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Sharrpguy: I gave my life fully to
Let me just add it was one of the most awesome thing I have ever experienced, like super Awesome, To say I was blessed is small, I was filled with GOD's glory. Praise the Lord. You have just moved to the next level in the faith, which is called baptism of Holy Ghost. You still have other levels like justification and sanctification. Hence keep up the growth in faith, brethren. 1 Like |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Kobojunkie: 2:29pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
This is not of God, young man. God does not indwells an already Holy Life... infact, YOU CANNOT BE HOLY BY YOUR EFFORT. that is the reason the Holy Spirit comes. He indwells us and help us live a Holy Life by producing in us, his very nature
So what you just said is synonymous to putting the cart before the horse. It is biblically unsound and very unscriptural. The day a man becomes born again, he is declared Holy by God and the Holy Spirit indwells him from that VERY DAY. The speaking in tongues (or the receiving of the anointing) is actually an evidence of an overflowing of that indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in Us and He is there to help us live godly and obey the commands and instructions of God without struggle it stress So, a Holy God will inhabit a sinful vessel in order to make the sinful vessel Holy? If He is already able to live inside this sinful vessel, why bother making it Holy then? Where do you get this teaching from?  Read what Jesus Christ told you of the Father coming to live inside of you in John 14 vs 20 -22. . He said it is inside of those who are continually submitted to and obeying His teachings and commandments that He and His Father, the one you call the Holy Spirit, will come and live inside of, what you call indwell.  So you tell me, where did Jesus Christ teach you that God indwellls those who do not love Him , those who do not obey His teachings and commandments?  |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Kobojunkie: 2:31pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Please leave the brother alone with your mixed up theology. He's baptized with the Holy Spirit, praise God with him. You do realize that the one you call the Spirit of God is God Himself - the one who is the seal of the New Covenant and according to 1hwt He has told you, He cannot abide that that is filthy with Sin?  |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Kobojunkie: 2:32pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Please stop, don't be a confusionist. What of what I stated confuses you?  |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by stancydg: 2:33pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Interesting thread, full of insights. Pray the eyes of those who are yet to know Christ will be opened to see what they're actually missing out on. Carrying all of The Fullness of God literally everywhere you go, in the person of The Holy Spirit isn't something to miss out on at all. I have spoken to batteries, phones et al and they start working by the Power of The Holy Spirit, in the Name of Jesus. Such wonderful daily experiences.
Still deciphering kobojunkie's motive though but s/he sounds like s/he is for the kingdom with knowledge that I agree with, to a large extent. What I find contradictory however, are the attacks against the Kingdom s/he seems to know much about.
My understanding of his/her point on this thread is the fact that there are growth stages in Christ even though I think s/he muddled it up with The Baptism of The Holy Spirit, which happens once and at the point of salvation and not as a result of any personal effort.
Being filled with The Spirit however as some have already posited, is a command we should obey to constantly stay in fellowship.
Whether or not there's a higher spiritual class that God is able to promote us to, based on our maturity in the things of God, is something for us all to research. The Word after all says; "The path of the just shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day". 1 Like |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Kobojunkie: 2:34pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Lifebenzy: Once you get baptized in the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in other tongue you will never doubt the Power of the gospel or the existence of Christ no matter how far you might be weak spiritually. Because you will be sure you had something genuinely supernatural Speaking in tongues is not evidence of the baptism of the Spirit of God but instead evidence that you believe in Jesus Christ, and this according to what Jesus Christ said of the signs which will follow those who believe in Him, of which speaking in a foreign tongue is one of them - Mark 16 vs 15 - 18  |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Kobojunkie: 2:35pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
stancydg: Interesting thread, full of insights. Pray the eyes of those who are yet to know Christ will be opened to see what they're actually missing out on. Carrying all of The Fullness of God literally everywhere you go, in the person of The Holy Spirit isn't something to miss out on at all. I have spoken to batteries, phones et al and they start working by the Power of The Holy Spirit, in the Name of Jesus. Such wonderful daily experiences.
Still deciphering kobojunkie's motive though but s/he sounds like s/he is for the kingdom with knowledge that I agree with, to a large extent. What I find contradictory however, are the attacks against the Kingdom s/he seems to know much about.
My understanding of his/her point on this thread is the fact that there are growth stages in Christ even though I think s/he muddled it up with The Baptism of The Holy Spirit, which happens once and at the point of salvation and not as a result of any personal effort.
Being filled with The Spirit however as some have already posited, is a command we should obey to constantly stay in fellowship.
Whether or not there's a higher spiritual class that God is able to promote us to, based on our maturity in the things of God, is something for us all to research. The Word after all says; "The path of the just shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day". If you havea question about anything I have stated, ask.  I am not the one muddling things up here. You are! Baptism of the Spirit of God does not happen when you are saved...instead what happens when you become saved & born-again, this as Jesus Christ explained to you in John 3 vs 1 - 21, is that you are born of Spirit(not to be confused with Holy Spirit). Formerly, you were just a physical being but when you are born-again, you are given a new spirit by God - Ezekiel 36 vs 24 - 25, and again, this new Spirit is not to be confused with the Holy Spirit.  |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by stancydg: 2:40pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Kobojunkie: If you havea question about anything I have stated, ask. 
I am not the one muddling things up here. You are! Baptism of the Spirit of God does not happen when you are saved...instead what happens when you become saved & born-again, this as Jesus Christ explained to you in John 3 vs 1 - 21, is that you are born of Spirit(not to be confused with Holy Spirit).  Are you a believer? 2 Likes |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by stancydg: 2:42pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Kobojunkie: If you havea question about anything I have stated, ask. 
I am not the one muddling things up here. You are! Baptism of the Spirit of God does not happen when you are saved...instead what happens when you become saved & born-again, this as Jesus Christ explained to you in John 3 vs 1 - 21, is that you are born of Spirit(not to be confused with Holy Spirit). Formerly, you were just a physical being but when you are born-again, you are given a new spirit by God - Ezekiel 36 vs 24 - 25, and again, this new Spirit is not to be confused with the Holy Spirit.  Interesting, go on please. |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Kobojunkie: 2:43pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Are you a believer? More than just that, I am a follower of Jesus Christ. Why do you ask?  |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by MrNipplesLover(m): 2:46pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Kobojunkie: 2:50pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. (2 Timothy 1:6|KJV- One must fan (and keep fanning of cuz) the gift(s) into flame, else it remains like a smoking flax. If your understanding is what we should go by, and believe that God's gifts do indeed go "inactive" when unused, are we then to throw out what Jesus Christ said in Luke 11 vs 5 - 13, of God giving good and perfect gifts should be thrown out then, right?  |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Adamgeneral12: 3:02pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
That day can/should be today, just fast for even if half day, enter any living church eg Rccg Deeper life LFC Assemblies of God tell the pastor to lay hand and pray 4 u OK I will try it |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Sambab(m): 3:42pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Can one receive the spirit of speaking in tongues without being received holy ghost. Pls stop misleading people... Speaking in tongues is among the 9 gifts of holy ghost. No one can receive the gift of tongues without being baptized of holy Spirit. Acts 2 verses 1 to 8 Kobojunkie: God is Holy and He , through His Spirit, only inhabits vessels that are Holy/Perfect or Sinless. So, unless you are sure you are a Holy vessel, without sin, something that is quite possible, I am afraid to inform you that what you experienced yesterday may not have been the baptism of the Spirit of God but simply the expression of the gift of tongues which is instead a sign to follow those who believe in Jesus Christ - Mark 16 vs 17-18 
Basically, speaking in tongues IS NOT a sign or confirmation of Holy Spirit Baptism, but instead a sign that one believes in Jesus Christ. 
In order to become a vessel worthy of the Spirit of God, you must become a Son of God - one who is free from bondage to sins and is holy/perfect. According to Jesus Christ, the only way to achieving this is through continual submission to and obedience(Know) the teachings and commandments of Jesus Christ(the Truth of God), for it is by knowing the Truth that the Truth then sets one free from slavery to sin.  |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Joetttimua1811(m): 3:47pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Amen |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Kobojunkie: 3:52pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Sambab: Can one receive the spirit of speaking in tongues without being received holy ghost. Pls stop misleading people... Speaking in tongues is among the 9 gifts of holy ghost. No one can receive the gift of tongues without being baptized of holy Spirit. Acts 2 verses 1 to 8
Actually, according to Jesus Christ, you can indeed speak in tongues without having the Spirit of God living in you. Please go to and read Mark 16 vs 14 - 18 for details of this. |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by oluwafeolami(m): 3:59pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Kobojunkie: Whenever did I tell you that I do not believe what Jesus Christ said of all those who believe in Him as recorded in Mark 16 vs 17 - 18 ? 
The disciples may have had the gifts of healing given to them by Jesus Christ, but there was no mention of "nuturing" said gift in any of Jesus Christ's teachings, not even in the context of fasting as you claim. In fact, on careful examination of the case of the boy with the evil spirit, the story from which you pulled the reference for fasting from, it becomes clear that nurturing what not what was implied at all by Jesus Christ. 
From the above, we can see that Jesus Christ prescribed this solution only for the ridding of a particular kind of evil spirit and not for all spirits as His statement more than makes clear above. 
Other than that, it wasn't that the disciples lost the ability to heal the sick and cast out demons at all, nor did the ability go inactive in them, only that for the particular kind of spirit, He declared that they had to do more than they had previously been used to doing.  I am very much interested in Why you would believe that one can loose a gift given by God Himself or that it goes inactive if not nutured? 
We are told that God gives good things, can God give an imperfect gift?  They forgot that the gift of the lord is without repentance. No argue with them bro |