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My Girlfriend Broke My Heart Because I Want To Follow My Dreams-pls Advise - Romance - Nairaland

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My Girlfriend Broke My Heart Because I Want To Follow My Dreams-pls Advise by Loveandromance: 9:29am On Aug 03, 2021
I got into a relationship with this beautiful lady two years ago.I can say we are both very much in love and to be honest, I would really love to make an honest woman out of her. I do not want to just date and dump her.

Ever since, I made my intention known to her but things have not just picked up for me. I studied Biochemistry in school but I have always wanted to be an entertainer: a comedian actually. I told my babe and she supported me. But since we been together, things have not been really too good for me financially.

I do Instagram skits and all. I try to look for shows to be booked but things are still not stable. Now, my girl is beginning to get restless, asking me where is our relationship heading to, that its almost two years. I reminded her that its towards marriage but she has to be patient.

Now, my girl and her parents are beginning to make me have second thoughts. The parents are telling here that being a comedian is not a career a serious family man should have …so now, my girl wants me to have a job until I blow. You see, I tried to work before in a company but it will not afford me the opportunity to build my craft so I quit.

My girl putting pressure on me is not something I enjoy. So, I told her if she cannot wait for me to blow, she can decide to leave. She became emotional, started to cry and say I am insensitive, after giving me two years of her life. So, I apologized to her and old her to believe in me cos this is my dream. I have always wanted to be a comedian from childhood.

After a while, I started noticing that she is becoming withdrawn. I asked her what is wrong, that is it the issue of she cannot wait again? She said no o. Just that she is under pressure to get married. That she is 27. She wants to be married before 29 or 30. I told her to have faith…things can change before that time.

To God who made me, this has made me work harder than ever, I want to marry this girl…I want to prove her parents wrong. There are many successful comedians in this country and even abroad and I will soon be one of them. I swear, my name will be a household name one day.

My girl continued to be withdrawn, I try to stay focused. Until I decided to let her be. I would call sometimes, she will not pick and say she is working, busy or she did not see the call. I then told her I was travelling to Enugu for a gig. Through out the time I was away, she did not even call and I did not call.

I began to suspect things were not ok. I asked my flat mate to help me go to her place on Sunday evening. She does not go out on Sunday evenings except she is at my place. My flat mate went and told me he asked for her pretending to be an old school friend and was told she was not around.

I begged my flat mate to wait to see when she will be back and he found out that she came back around 11.20pm. I then stayed back another week, came back on Saturday, spied on her on Sunday and followed her to when she stepped out on Sunday afternoon till she stopped at a restaurant. I gave her a few minutes before confronting her where she was sited with a man.

After waling into them, she was like she saw a ghost. I did not say a word, I just left and went home. I cried when I got home.


Re: My Girlfriend Broke My Heart Because I Want To Follow My Dreams-pls Advise by ahnie: 9:35am On Aug 03, 2021
One word for you...

Nwannem chuba ego.

See love doesn't exist and it's highly overrated...what you feel for each other is infatuation.

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Re: My Girlfriend Broke My Heart Because I Want To Follow My Dreams-pls Advise by Bedtec: 9:42am On Aug 03, 2021
Build your life, I don't blame her tho according to Nigerian tradition age is not on her side , so let her be cos if you go into marriage broke, you will regret the day you where born

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Re: My Girlfriend Broke My Heart Because I Want To Follow My Dreams-pls Advise by donbachi(m): 9:48am On Aug 03, 2021
Its a good thing,u have a dream u're chasing.if u love her dat much.make her part of ur dream.
Re: My Girlfriend Broke My Heart Because I Want To Follow My Dreams-pls Advise by Polynek(m): 10:18am On Aug 03, 2021
As she walked out now, she ll still be pressuring the new guy, she wud hv exercise patient and help D guy build His career
Re: My Girlfriend Broke My Heart Because I Want To Follow My Dreams-pls Advise by Spider20: 11:33am On Aug 03, 2021
Mr OP pls get your ass back to school, I got marvelled on your words.

Anyway here's my candid advice
Nigerian girls are foolish all of them..............
Re: My Girlfriend Broke My Heart Because I Want To Follow My Dreams-pls Advise by Cerebellum: 12:49pm On Aug 03, 2021

After waling into them, she was like she saw a ghost. I did not say a word, I just left and went home. I cried when I got home.

To slap you dey hungry me
Re: My Girlfriend Broke My Heart Because I Want To Follow My Dreams-pls Advise by suaveBrother(m): 2:04pm On Aug 03, 2021
... do what makes you happy. There concern is there opinion ...
Re: My Girlfriend Broke My Heart Because I Want To Follow My Dreams-pls Advise by YoungLionken(m): 2:28pm On Aug 03, 2021
Dear brother, it is obvious that you're so soft and truly in love with this girl..

Take my advice below seriously:

1) Look for a day(don't procrastinate), see a movie titled: ACRIMONY (2018 American movie). You can download. Try very much to persuade her to watch and reiterate your promise of hope to her again.

2) If number one didn't work on her, then it is time to let go and develop your life alone or with someone else.

3) Go and research about the motivation behind Basketmouth's success story, after his then ex girl left him for 2face..

4) Change your attitude towards her( I don't care anymore), you've have played your part, it is left for her to play hers..

5) Begin to forget about her with the mindset that, even though you got married to her, she might still when things go south(this is reality, happening nowadays)..

6) Begin to hunt for another girl, even if you don't really love her but to divide attention, so you don't die from over thinking(men have a higher number of suicide case than women)..

7) You must continue with your dream, no matter what. As that is basically the reason for your existence..

cool When they say run from simping, y'all see it as an insult begotten from bitterness grin. Well, look at you grin grin. Hit the redpill pages here on nairaland and have a dose, work with them then come back and share testimonies, just as others(who used to be SIMPs) like you. You might want to disagree with this point but, truth doesn't care who likes it..

On a second thought, you don't have money and you're delaying your destiny with someone's daughter? You deserve to be dumped! ...

Re: My Girlfriend Broke My Heart Because I Want To Follow My Dreams-pls Advise by Isokoson1: 4:01pm On Aug 03, 2021
Mehn this is beyond local man logistics

Bros live woman. .Hustle for ur life ...if she no fit wait make she go
Re: My Girlfriend Broke My Heart Because I Want To Follow My Dreams-pls Advise by Clickguy44: 4:20pm On Aug 03, 2021
May your parents live long enough to witness your success.


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