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BUK Student: Hisbah Arrested Us In Our Hostels, Conducted HIV, Pregnancy Tests - Education (5) - Nairaland

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Re: BUK Student: Hisbah Arrested Us In Our Hostels, Conducted HIV, Pregnancy Tests by Chirowman(m): 10:38am On Aug 13, 2021
This is very bad of them
Re: BUK Student: Hisbah Arrested Us In Our Hostels, Conducted HIV, Pregnancy Tests by Kdon2: 10:44am On Aug 13, 2021
Kano Islamic Police Arrested Us In Our Hostels, Conducted HIV, Pregnancy Tests On Us—Bayero University Student Narrates Ordeal With Hisbah


That's why we don't want to share country with retarded and backward people.
Re: BUK Student: Hisbah Arrested Us In Our Hostels, Conducted HIV, Pregnancy Tests by middlebelter(m): 11:00am On Aug 13, 2021
Much as I like Gaduje, this man keeps getting into the wrong side of public opinion. This time around, his Islamic police are stepping beyond bound. Now, some sections of the North are opposed to Amotekun, a state police set up to fight crime, how do we explain the unrestricted harassment of ladies in their hostel/hotel? They did not only take bribes, they raped some? If this report is true, honestly the Governor and all the top-ranking officers of that extremist police body need to taste jail.
Re: BUK Student: Hisbah Arrested Us In Our Hostels, Conducted HIV, Pregnancy Tests by DaRuud(m): 11:35am On Aug 13, 2021
If this is true , then the useless Hisbah is a useless and satanic group .

Emir's daughter post half naked picture , they turn blind eyes to it , Supposing it's Rahama Sadau they will start barking like a dog

Kano Islamic Police Arrested Us In Our Hostels, Conducted HIV, Pregnancy Tests On Us—Bayero University Student Narrates Ordeal With Hisbah

Re: BUK Student: Hisbah Arrested Us In Our Hostels, Conducted HIV, Pregnancy Tests by m1d2y3u0suf: 11:41am On Aug 13, 2021
They are claiming that they are followers of sharia, but reverse is the case.

Re: BUK Student: Hisbah Arrested Us In Our Hostels, Conducted HIV, Pregnancy Tests by shoprite: 11:54am On Aug 13, 2021
Hisbah Arrested Us In Our Hostels, Conducted HIV, Pregnancy Tests

Still trying to spot the difference between Hisbah, Bandits / Terrorists undecided

Re: BUK Student: Hisbah Arrested Us In Our Hostels, Conducted HIV, Pregnancy Tests by ronyman(m): 12:03pm On Aug 13, 2021
You arrest people to prevent them from sex but ask for sex to release them! Is that what your religion teaches? It goes to show that religion has failed and has no semblance with walking after the spirit, which is 4he original plan of God.
Kano Islamic Police Arrested Us In Our Hostels, Conducted HIV, Pregnancy Tests On Us—Bayero University Student Narrates Ordeal With Hisbah

Re: BUK Student: Hisbah Arrested Us In Our Hostels, Conducted HIV, Pregnancy Tests by Tvoice: 1:41pm On Aug 13, 2021
Foolish hypocrites.
Re: BUK Student: Hisbah Arrested Us In Our Hostels, Conducted HIV, Pregnancy Tests by Awise09(m): 2:27pm On Aug 13, 2021
This Hisbah go soon Jam wetin pass them... just very soon!!
For where? Your bed room?
Re: BUK Student: Hisbah Arrested Us In Our Hostels, Conducted HIV, Pregnancy Tests by Novice1(m): 3:15pm On Aug 13, 2021
Sahara Trash and Fake News
Re: BUK Student: Hisbah Arrested Us In Our Hostels, Conducted HIV, Pregnancy Tests by DrMuzungu(m): 6:50pm On Aug 13, 2021
Those hisbah guys are all gay, b@nging each other night and day, so why are they so cruel to normal citizens? WTF?!

Re: BUK Student: Hisbah Arrested Us In Our Hostels, Conducted HIV, Pregnancy Tests by Poleski: 11:54am On Aug 14, 2021
May Obasanjo die a horrible death for allowing the creation of Sharia in the North, during his corruption riddled administration!

How could a secular country have a religious law on one section of the country? And how could a country have two different laws?!

This is an absolute batshit! This could only happen in a zoo called Nigeria!!

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