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80 Essay Topics On Every Major Academic Discipline To Make Your Choice Easier - Education - Nairaland

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80 Essay Topics On Every Major Academic Discipline To Make Your Choice Easier by davidmartin1: 6:57am On Aug 27, 2021
The selection of an amazing topic is the first step to strengthen your position to score good marks for the essay writing assignment. Hence, you need to invest some valuable time at this phase to make the entire procedure of essay writing easy and to-the-point. Understandably, choosing a specific topic for your essay is a confusing practice.Sometimes, it becomes difficult to choose one topic from a wide range of themes and diverse ideas for the essay "essay writer". To accomplish this phase, you should have proper knowledge about the entire process of choosing one topic from many Essay Topics according to your essay requirements. Another thing you need to do is to observe a variety of essay topics, so you get better to apprehend how a good essay topic looks like. For this, it is always best to visit different online essay writing services. This practice will surely lead you in a better position to pick an outstanding topic for your next essay assignment. 

As strong support for you, we are also committed to helping to make the process of choosing an essay topic easy for you "write my essay". We are going to present you with a list of essay topics on every major academic discipline.

Essay Topics on Different Academic Disciplines

● How the phenomenon of climate change can influence the presence of coral reefs?
● Critically analyze the perspective of profitability of the airline industry
● Discuss the influence of unemployment on the market
● Critically examine the short-term and long-term influences of drug abuse
● Role of social variables such as poverty and parenting on the overall approach of cognitive environment
● Examine the influence of mirror neuron in case of empathy
● How the element of mindfulness can help people to deal with the psychological concern of General Anxiety Disorder?
● Discuss the significance of voice therapy to address the issue of anxiety
● Compare and contrast the significance of Hitler and Mussolini’s Rise to Power
● Examine the women’s position in British society during the periods of 1920s and 1950s
● Compare and contrast some of the popular books of Jane Austen
● How the factor of racism presented by Joseph Conrad in ‘A Heart of Darkness’?
● Analyze the feminine empowerment in the ‘Lord of the Rings’
● Rhetorical analysis of the inaugural speech of Barack Obama
● Analyze the perspective of the Oberth Effect
● Identify and explain the role of government to manage biodiversity
● Role of a business corporation to implement the approach of waste management
● A narrative essay on your dream house
● Your memory of first college trip
● Your visit to a museum
● Critically analyze your favorite character from ‘The Hamlet’
● Describe the most embarrassing experience of your life and what you learned from it?
● A memorable moment of success
● How technology cause trouble in your life?
● An event of your life that restore your faith in humanity
● Narrative essay on your first time away from home
● Illustrate significant strategies to address the problem of depression
● Process of choosing majors in college
● Compare and contrast the functioning of Apple and Microsoft
● Coke versus Pepsi
● The significance of Antebellum versus Reconstruction period in American history
● Dogs versus cats as pets
● Examine the similarities and differences between Christianity and Judaism
● Rap vs. pop music
● The effectiveness of cash versus credit cards
● Gandalf versus Dumbledore
● Examine the effectiveness of nuclear power and solar power
● Discuss the economic systems of communism and capitalism
● Online versus the conventional approach of education
● Discuss the popularity of reality TV shows and Sitcoms
● The effect of the teacher on children's development
● The consequences of cramming
● The influences of peer pressure on teenager’s personality development
● Discuss the reasons due to which students cheat in exam
● The impact of a parent's divorce on children
● The importance of college degree on career development
● The influence of racism in the case of the workplace setting
● Discuss the benefits of doing regular exercise
● Why having pets is good for depressed people?
● The effects of technology on everyday lives
● The negative impact of social media
● Influence of individual’s performance on team performance
● Main causes and effects of air pollution
● Role of developed countries to address the global problem of poverty
● Why online games replace the trend of outdoor games
● Discuss the growing trend of online shopping
● Main reasons for college drop out
● The influence of the growing trend of eating fast food
● Discuss the existing connection between consuming junk food and obesity
● The long-term effects of unemployment
● Reasons for the popularity of horror movies
● Analyze the effectiveness of advance forms of transportation
● The influence of video games on children
● Causes and social impact of homelessness
● The growing risk of eating disorders among teenagers
● Describe the importance of trust to save the friendship
● How kindness is a solution to solve many social problems?
● Differentiate between good and bad teacher
● Impact of changing fashion trends on the society
● Describe the main characteristics of visionary leadership
● Role of the UN to ensure the better prospect of human rights
● Impact of beauty contests on society
● Describe the main characteristics of good parents
● Role of technology as a tool of communication
● Discuss the revolution of the automobile industry
● The growing role of women in the field of military
● Gender roles and society
● Impact of digital technologies on the learning process
● Discuss the ethical concerns in case of Surrogate pregnancy
● Role of healthcare providers to promote a healthy lifestyle

Re: 80 Essay Topics On Every Major Academic Discipline To Make Your Choice Easier by ArnasPatterson: 8:19pm On Jun 13, 2023
I highly recommend the cheap essay writer I hired. They were reliable, responsive, and delivered an excellent essay that met all my requirements.

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