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Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

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Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Azeemokoya: 8:46am On Sep 11, 2021
The Taliban, after overthrowing the government of Afghanistan, have announced key posts for their new interim government with strong non-conformist and wanted terrorists as part of the new regime.

Mullah Mohammad Hasan Akhund, who is on a UN sanctions list, was named as leader of the new government, while Taliban co-founder Abdul Ghani Baradar, was named as his deputy at a news conference in Kabul.

Here is a rundown of several key senior officials announced into the Taliban government:

Mohammad Hasan Akhund, Acting Prime Minister

Mullah Mohammed Hasan Akhund is a Taliban veteran who was a close associate and political adviser to Mullah Omar, the founder of the movement and its first Supreme Leader.

A member of the group’s Supreme Council, he served as Deputy Foreign Minister in their previous regime, and was placed on a UN Security Council sanctions list connected to the “acts and activities” of the Taliban.

From Kandahar, he previously served as the Taliban Governor of the key province. He also served as Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister during the Taliban’s first stint in power in Afghanistan in the 1990s.

The United Nations said he had a reputation of having been “one of the most effective Taliban commanders”.

Abdul Ghani Baradar, Acting Deputy Prime Minister

Abdul Ghani Baradar, named as Deputy to Hasan, was born and raised in Kandahar, and like most Afghans, Baradar’s life was forever changed by the Soviet invasion of the country in the late 1970s, transforming him into a fighter.

He was believed to have fought side-by-side with Mullah Omar. The two would go on to found the Taliban movement in the early 1990s during the chaos and corruption of the civil war that followed the Soviet withdrawal.

After the Taliban government was toppled in 2001 by US-led forces, Baradar is believed to have been among a small group of Taliban members who approached interim leader, Hamid Karzai, with a potential deal that would have seen the group recognise the new administration.

Arrested in Pakistan in 2010, Baradar was kept in custody until pressure from the United States saw him freed in 2018 and relocated to Qatar.

While in Qatar, Baradar was appointed head of the Taliban’s political office and oversaw the signing of the troop withdrawal agreement with the US.

Sirajuddin Haqqani, Acting Interior Minister

The son of a famed commander from the war against the Soviets, Sirajuddin Haqqani, has doubled as the Deputy Leader of the Taliban and head of the powerful Haqqani network.

The Haqqani network is a US-designated “terror group” long viewed as one of the most dangerous armed groups in Afghanistan.

It is infamous for its use of suicide bombers and is believed to have orchestrated some of the most high-profile attacks in Kabul over the years.

The network is also accused of assassinating top Afghan officials and holding kidnapped Western citizens for ransom, including US soldier Bowe Bergdahl, who was released in 2014.

Known for their independence, fighting acumen, and savvy business dealings, the Haqqanis are mainly based in eastern Afghanistan and hold considerable sway over the Taliban’s leadership council.

Mullah Yaqoob, Acting Defence Minister

The son of Taliban co-founder Mullah Omar, Mullah Yaqoob heads the group’s powerful military commission, which oversaw the vast network of field commanders charged with executing the rebellion.

On Tuesday, he was named as Defence Minister. Yaqoob’s father enjoyed cult-like status as the Taliban leader, and that potent lineage makes him a unifying figure in the movement.

Mawlawi Amir Khan Mutaqi, Acting Foreign Minister

Originally from Paktia province, Mutaqi calls himself a resident of Helmand. Mutaqi served as Minister of Culture and Information during the previous Taliban government, as well as Minister of Education.

Mutaqi was later sent to Qatar and was appointed a member of the peace commission and negotiation team that held talks with the United States.

Neither military commander nor religious leader, according to Taliban sources, Mutaqi is the chair of the Invitation and Guidance Commission, which, during the insurgency, had led efforts to get government officials and other key figures to defect.

In statements and speeches while fighting raged for control of the country, he projected a moderate voice, calling on forces holed up in provincial capitals to talk to the group to avoid fighting in urban areas.

In the weeks after the fall of Kabul, Mutaqi played a similar role with the lone holdout province of Panjshir, calling for a peaceful settlement to hostilities.

read more: https://newsroundtheclock.com/taliban/

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Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by slawormiir: 8:58am On Sep 11, 2021
Damnnn niggar

6 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Ppogbae: 8:58am On Sep 11, 2021
I wish a hearty congrats to the new Afghan government. I hope our FG can perform some diplomatic outreach to them in hopes of fostering new relations. We have alot in common and can use Taliban expertise to improve our beloved nation. They in turn, can use some of our expertise as well.

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Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Matheusmartin: 8:58am On Sep 11, 2021
What are we meeting them for??.

40 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Profprom(m): 8:58am On Sep 11, 2021
Govt of the talibans for the talibans and by the talibans. Na sporadic gun shoots go be there national anthem


Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by dapsoneh: 8:59am On Sep 11, 2021
All D ick best
Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Ask4bigneyo(m): 8:59am On Sep 11, 2021
Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by WonderManly(m): 8:59am On Sep 11, 2021
I beg, shift make i see...

Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Nobody: 8:59am On Sep 11, 2021
America America the Mighty America cheesy cheesy cheesy


Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by BigDolph(m): 8:59am On Sep 11, 2021

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Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by soleexx(m): 8:59am On Sep 11, 2021
A new country, a new system


Don't buy milk at the store, Breastfeed until you are 75years old

Be A Man!!

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Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Coalkendar(m): 8:59am On Sep 11, 2021
They will still betray themselves


Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Moneyboyz: 8:59am On Sep 11, 2021
Them they use mic,TV and phones sef, they should burn all cars, computers, disconnect power supply and go back to camels and donkeys.
That way no western influence.
The moment these people get their hands on nuclear weapons which I believe Iran and co will be happy to supply, it's the end. Chaos will reign.


Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Scamreportnl: 8:59am On Sep 11, 2021
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Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Mokason288(m): 8:59am On Sep 11, 2021
I won’t be surprised if I see BUhari’s name on that list

8 Likes 1 Share

Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Astra101: 9:00am On Sep 11, 2021
Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Skoonheid(f): 9:00am On Sep 11, 2021
Operation Cyclone seed now fully mature Taliban tree. Lol. This government is a creation of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) . Don't be deceived people, there's no coincidence in this world.

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Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Decentdave(m): 9:00am On Sep 11, 2021
See their stone faces sad....Islamist lipsrsealed
Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Ibkhaleel001: 9:00am On Sep 11, 2021
You accused Taliban of not allowing females to go to school. Now that they are going to school, you still accused them of separating their seats in the classroom.
You can not used your religion as a yardstick to judge Islam. You can only learn from Islam so as to live a better life. Islam is free from free mixing of matured male and female. That is the standard of Islam.

16 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by sematec(m): 9:00am On Sep 11, 2021
Let them practice their own system of govt. Let's see what it will look like in the next few years

1 Like

Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Jsucre(m): 9:00am On Sep 11, 2021
Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by saferoom: 9:00am On Sep 11, 2021
Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by VeeVeeMyLuv(m): 9:00am On Sep 11, 2021
Must all of u including infants wear beards?

In falseprophet voice, I see Taliban forcing Afghani women to grow beards in the nearest future! lipsrsealed


Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by WibusJaga: 9:00am On Sep 11, 2021

Pls who knows if spare parts business will move there? Asking for a friend.
Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Taiwojon(m): 9:00am On Sep 11, 2021

We all want peace but there is no peace outside JESUS.

No peace in the world
No peace in any other except Christ Jesus.

Repent turn away from your sins and know everlasting peace in Jesus.

Jesus saves

7 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Ibkhaleel001: 9:00am On Sep 11, 2021
It is always clear....nairaland is using Christians that hate muslims to catch cruise with ridiculous anti taliban propaganda. Where were you when muslims are been killed unjustly in Palastine? Of a sudden you have turned to an analyst of Afghan

Islamophobia Southerners will masturbate on this NEWS like always, after they will claim they are smart

Bitterness,hatred,and frustration is their major reason for existence

5 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by RapistOnBail: 9:00am On Sep 11, 2021

They even have foreign minister


Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by visijo(m): 9:00am On Sep 11, 2021
When you build a house let your wife decorate the ceiling for you......She has seen more ceiling designs than you.. I repeat give it to your wife�


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