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Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. - Religion - Nairaland

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Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by Nobody: 3:07pm On Sep 21, 2021

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Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by LilMissFavvy(f): 3:28pm On Sep 21, 2021
Too bad, infact.....it's shameful. Yes it is majorly the Nigerian malefolk that watch these things. In romance section guys create threads on their stuggles against masturbation and pornography. Men in other nations spend time creating breakthroughs, inventions, but here it's all about sex, our culture supports them to mess around. Father's raping daughters, Yahoo, kidnapping, drug addiction. They say they are polygamous in nature, some churches supports them, they advice wives to keep mute even if the man is bringing in STDs, matcheeww!
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by Ayo081(m): 6:16pm On Sep 21, 2021
Too bad, infact.....it's shameful. Yes it is majorly the Nigerian malefolk that watch these things. In romance section guys create threads on their stuggles against masturbation and pornography. Men in other nations spend time creating breakthroughs, inventions, but here it's all about sex, our culture supports them to mess around. Father's raping daughters, Yahoo, kidnapping, drug addiction. They say they are polygamous in nature, some churches supports them, they advice wives to keep mute even if the man is bringing in STDs, matcheeww!

Nawaaaa, the way you neglect the adversary satan.

@OP data is expensive. But the evil one is not taking it easy on them, he'll provide the money for them cry
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by danny56: 7:16pm On Sep 21, 2021
Too bad, infact.....it's shameful. Yes it is majorly the Nigerian malefolk that watch these things. In romance section guys create threads on their stuggles against masturbation and pornography. Men in other nations spend time creating breakthroughs, inventions, but here it's all about sex, our culture supports them to mess around. Father's raping daughters, Yahoo, kidnapping, drug addiction. They say they are polygamous in nature, some churches supports them, they advice wives to keep mute even if the man is bringing in STDs, matcheeww!

What you think is common sense solution is highly influenced by the devil. Your logical explanations is controlled by demons.
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by LilMissFavvy(f): 7:26pm On Sep 21, 2021
That is how you shameful lots blame the devil over your shameful acts. Don't go and learn self control, continue to blame the devil, nonscence.

Your logical explanations is controlled by demons.

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Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by Nwchkwgz: 2:44am On Sep 22, 2021
Even person way Dey self-service go follow talk
If everybody deny am now
Where the statistics Dey come from?
Which man here fit go 6months no cum
Then come imagine people way no get Barney and money shey make them kill themselves?
I never hear say person use porn or masturbation or Bleep kill him neighbor way Dey on him own
Instead of being hypocritical and judgmental advice people to have safe sex more like a better option
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by danny56: 6:03pm On Sep 22, 2021
That is how you shameful lots blame the devil over your shameful acts. Don't go and learn self control, continue to blame the devil, nonscence.

I am married drunkard. Self control comes with discipline backed by God. EVERYTHING in the physical is controlled whether you know it or not. Learn it fast before you logically kill yourself later. undecided
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by LilMissFavvy(f): 6:23pm On Sep 22, 2021
Take a look at this foooool. Does marriage stop your shameless ilks from committing all kinds of abominations? Keep deceiving yourself.

I am married drunkard. Self control comes with discipline backed by God. EVERYTHING in the physical is controlled whether you know it or not. Learn it fast before you logically kill yourself later. undecided

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Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by Kobojunkie: 6:36pm On Sep 22, 2021

Nawaaaa, the way you neglect the adversary satan.

@OP data is expensive. But the evil one is not taking it easy on them, he'll provide the money for them cry
Even God seems to "neglect" this so-called adversary whenever he judges man's actions. Ever wonder why that is? undecided
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by Kobojunkie: 6:39pm On Sep 22, 2021
What you think is common sense solution is highly influenced by the devil. Your logical explanations is controlled by demons.
What logical explanation is controlled by Demons? undecided

You are literally stating here that what is commonsense aka wisdom is of demons. Do you realize that? undecided

Jesus Christ never even taught anyone that demons were responsible for sins nor did he suggest that they caused men to commit sins so where does this mind of yours come from? undecided

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Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by danny56: 9:40pm On Sep 22, 2021
Take a look at this foooool. Does marriage stop your shameless ilks from committing all kinds of abominations? Keep deceiving yourself.

Be patient, marry first. you'll very soon understand. You'd be too dull to understand now. undecided Talk is cheap!
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by Ayo081(m): 9:55pm On Sep 22, 2021
Even God seems to "neglect" this so-called adversary whenever he judges man's actions. Ever wonder why that is? undecided

You have a point,

So tell me?
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by Ayo081(m): 9:57pm On Sep 22, 2021
What logical explanation is controlled by Demons? undecided

You are literally stating here that what is commonsense aka wisdom is of demons. Do you realize that? undecided

Jesus Christ never even taught anyone that demons were responsible for sins nor did he suggest that they caused men to commit sins so where does this mind of yours come from? undecided


How do you think the devil attacks?
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by danny56: 10:00pm On Sep 22, 2021
What logical explanation is controlled by Demons? undecided

You are literally stating here that what is commonsense aka wisdom is of demons. Do you realize that? undecided

Jesus Christ never even taught anyone that demons were responsible for sins nor did he suggest that they caused men to commit sins so where does this mind of yours come from? undecided

Jesus told his disciples of his death, burial and resurrection.. How he must suffer.. In Mathew 16:21

See peters reply... In (vs 22 ) Peter took Jesus aside and rebuked him that it will never happen to him.

Vs 23) Jesus rebuke the devil talking in him.

Question was Peter's concern logical or not?
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by LilMissFavvy(f): 10:02pm On Sep 22, 2021
Did I tell you I'm single? Go and learn self discipline Mr. Man.

Be patient, marry first. you'll very soon understand. You'd be too dull to understand now. undecided Talk is cheap!
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by Standing5(m): 10:06pm On Sep 22, 2021
Any ISP that will boldly blacklist porn and the grey web will make money because anyone not patronizing that ISP will be tagged a consumer of what the blacklist.
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by Kobojunkie: 10:13pm On Sep 22, 2021
You have a point,
So tell me?
It is simple really... the adversary is not to blame or at fault where your disobedience of God's commandments are concerned... you and you alone are. undecided

So you should ask yourself why you continue to heap blame where God Himself has refused to lay blame? undecided

1 Like

Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by Kobojunkie: 10:14pm On Sep 22, 2021
How do you think the devil attacks?
You didn't answer the questions posed undecided

Again ... What logical explanation is controlled by Demons? undecided

You are literally stating here that what is commonsense aka wisdom is of demons. Do you realize that? undecided

Jesus Christ never taught anyone that demons were responsible for sins nor did he suggest that they caused men to commit sins so where does this mind of yours come from? undecided
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by Ayo081(m): 10:15pm On Sep 22, 2021
It is simple really... the adversary is not to blame or at fault where your disobedience of God's commandments are concerned... you and you alone are. undecided

So you shouldn't ask yourself why you continue to heap blame where God Himself has refused to lay blame? undecided

Not blaming the evil one tho, meant we should be ignorant of how he attacks undecided
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by Ayo081(m): 10:19pm On Sep 22, 2021
You didn't answer the questions posed undecided

Again ... What logical explanation is controlled by Demons? undecided

You are literally stating here that what is commonsense aka wisdom is of demons. Do you realize that? undecided

Jesus Christ never taught anyone that demons were responsible for sins nor did he suggest that they caused men to commit sins so where does this mind of yours come from? undecided

I wasn't in the original discussion. Only asked how do you think the devil attacks?

In the absence of light what do we have?

In the absence of the holy spirit what do we have?
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by danny56: 10:19pm On Sep 22, 2021
Did I tell you I'm single? Go and learn self discipline Mr. Man.

Naaaa.... Your type may be in a marriage all by yourself. Talking about discipline, you can't come close if you ever see me in action, that I can guarantee you. Bye!
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by LilMissFavvy(f): 10:21pm On Sep 22, 2021
My friend will you shut*up. Who born a de*vil like you to think you know about my life or can speak over my life, are you cra*zy? From talking about this to that, was that the topic here? You call yourself a Christian, yet can't respect yourself.

Naaaa.... Your type may be in a marriage all by yourself. Talking about discipline, you can't come close if you ever see me in action, that I can guarantee you. Bye!
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by LilMissFavvy(f): 10:24pm On Sep 22, 2021
Don't be stupiddd, next time you see my username, pass it and stop running your mouth. As you see me, I have the grace to be ignoring people who insult or troll me here, but for now I will not be ignoring your kinds, I will do that in future.

Naaaa.... Your type may be in a marriage all by yourself. Talking about discipline, you can't come close if you ever see me in action, that I can guarantee you. Bye!
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by Kobojunkie: 10:25pm On Sep 22, 2021
Jesus told his disciples of his death, burial and resurrection.. How he must suffer.. In Mathew 16:21

See peters reply... In (vs 22 ) Peter took Jesus aside and rebuked him that it will never happen to him.
Vs 23) Jesus rebuke the devil talking in him.

Question was Peter's concern logical or not?
I don't follow. Here's the passage you referred to again..
21 From that time Jesus began telling his followers that he must go to Jerusalem. He explained that the older Jewish leaders, the leading priests, and the teachers of the law would make him suffer many things. And he told his followers that he must be killed. Then, on the third day, he would be raised from death.

22 Peter took Jesus away from the other followers to talk to him alone. He began to criticize him. He said, “God save you from those sufferings, Lord! That will never happen to you!”

23 Then Jesus said to Peter, “Get away from me, Satan[f]! You are not helping me! You don’t care about the same things God does. You care only about things that people think are important.” - Matthew 16 vs 21 - 23
1. From the passage, it seems Peter's concern was born of Peter's emotions rather than logic, and so his, Peter's, rebuke of Jesus Christ seemed an attempt at exerting CONTROL over the Will of God for Jesus Christ. Understandably, it was followed by a rebuke from Jesus Christ. undecided

But I am more interested in why you chose to introduce this passage into this discussion. Please explain to me how Jesus Christ's rebuke of Satan amount to Him, Jesus Christ, suggesting Satan was to blame for a sin of some sort? undecided

Read Jesus Christ's rebuke of Satan carefully to see what I see and why I am puzzled. undecided
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by Kobojunkie: 10:27pm On Sep 22, 2021
Not blaming the evil one tho, meant we should be ignorant of how he attacks undecided
1.How he attacks whom, what? undecided

2. Did Jesus Christ teach you to pay attention to the devil or instead to focus all of your attentions on Him and Him alone? undecided
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by Kobojunkie: 10:32pm On Sep 22, 2021
I wasn't in the original discussion. Only asked how do you think the devil attacks?

In the absence of light what do we have?

In the absence of the holy spirit what do we have?
If you are truly in the light .I.e. in Jesus Christ, what business do you have with the darkness?, undecided

If you are in the dark, why do you fight against the darkness that you chose for yourself? undecided

The devil does not need to attack those who are surrendered to him... those in the darkness with him. He instead attempts to fight those who are not his, to try to bring them back to him. However, those who are in the light belong to Jesus Christ and He already overcame(2000 years ago) the world on their behalf, so they have no need to pay attention to the darkness and its schemes. undecided
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by danny56: 10:33pm On Sep 22, 2021
I don't follow. Here's the passage you referred to again..
1. From the passage, it seems Peter's concern was born of Peter's emotions rather than logic, and so his, Peter's, rebuke of Jesus Christ seemed an attempt at exerting CONTROL over the Will of God for Jesus Christ. Understandably, it was followed by a rebuke from Jesus Christ. undecided

But I am more interested in why you chose to introduce this passage into this discussion. Please explain to me how Jesus Christ's rebuke of Satan amount to Him, Jesus Christ, suggesting Satan was to blame for a sin of some sort? undecided

Read Jesus Christ's rebuke of Satan carefully to see what I see and why I am puzzled. undecided

Bro your translation could mislead you. Get it from Authorized KJV or NKJV so as not to go out of context. Thanks!
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by danny56: 10:37pm On Sep 22, 2021
Don't be stupiddd, next time you see my username, pass it and stop running your mouth. As you see me, I have the grace to be ignoring people who insult or troll me here, but for now I will not be ignoring your kinds, I will do that in future.

Lol cheesy At least I gave your busybody work. You buy market ni.
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by Kobojunkie: 10:43pm On Sep 22, 2021
Bro your translation could mislead you. Get it from Authorized KJV or NKJV so as not to go out of context. Thanks!
Mislead me how? undecided

To indulge you, I picked from KJV, so now will you answer my question? undecided
22 Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee.
23 But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men. - Matthew 16 vs 22 - 23
1. From the passage, it seems Peter's concern was born of Peter's emotions rather than logic, and so his, Peter's, rebuke of Jesus Christ seemed an attempt at exerting CONTROL over the Will of God for Jesus Christ. Understandably, it was followed by a rebuke from Jesus Christ. undecided

2. But I am more interested in why you chose to introduce this passage into this discussion. Please explain to me how Jesus Christ's rebuke of Satan amount to Him, Jesus Christ, suggesting Satan was to blame for a sin of some sort? undecided

Read Jesus Christ's rebuke of Satan carefully to see what I see and why I am puzzled. undecided
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by danny56: 11:20pm On Sep 22, 2021
Mislead me how? undecided

To indulge you, I picked from KJV, so now will you answer my question? undecided
1. From the passage, it seems Peter's concern was born of Peter's emotions rather than logic, and so his, Peter's, rebuke of Jesus Christ seemed an attempt at exerting CONTROL over the Will of God for Jesus Christ. Understandably, it was followed by a rebuke from Jesus Christ. undecided

2. But I am more interested in why you chose to introduce this passage into this discussion. Please explain to me how Jesus Christ's rebuke of Satan amount to Him, Jesus Christ, suggesting Satan was to blame for a sin of some sort? undecided

Read Jesus Christ's rebuke of Satan carefully to see what I see and why I am puzzled. undecided

Okay, for me, I see Peter employing a simple logic rather than emotions. Peter became sad because what Jesus represented to them is what the Holy Spirit is to us now. Jesus too was a "stand by" and a "comforter" also a Helper. Who would want to lose such a company of person?

2) I chose this passage when it was argued that men's action has little or nothing to do with spiritual forces but Rather a self discipline prowess. Whereas careless statement in the Bible was motivated by spirit nicely played to the physical without the people themselves knowing.
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by Kobojunkie: 12:00am On Sep 23, 2021
1. Okay, for me, I see Peter employing a simple logic rather than emotions. Peter became sad because what Jesus represented to them is what the Holy Spirit is to us now. Jesus too was a "stand by" and a "comforter" also a Helper. Who would want to lose such a company of person?

2) I chose this passage when it was argued that men's action has little or nothing to do with spiritual forces but Rather a self discipline prowess. Whereas careless statement in the Bible was motivated by spirit nicely played to the physical without the people themselves knowing.
1. Your ideas of Jesus Christ aside,
What you described is exactly that, an emotional response on the part of Peter, which again, Jesus Christ did not decry as sin. undecided

2. Peter did not sin, and Jesus Christ did not rebuke Peter for a sin. So Jesus Christ's rebuke of Satan was not that of sin committed. This passage does not in any way help your assertions so far. undecided

To top it off, consider what the same Jesus said to Peter in Luke 22
31 “Satan has asked to test you men like a farmer tests his wheat. O Simon, Simon
32. I have prayed that you will not lose your faith! Help your brothers be stronger when you come back to me.”

33 But Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, I am ready to go to jail with you. I will even die with you!”

34 But Jesus said, “Peter, before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will say you don’t know me. You will say this three times.” - Luke 22 vs 31 - 34
Pay particular attention to what Jesus Christ said in response to Peter's claim in verse 33. undecided

Reading that passage above and taking a close look at Jesus Christ's response to Peter's claim, one sought of begins to see Satan as God's Quality control manager, who tests each person to determine those who are of God and those who are not. Whether a person passes or fails the test does not depend on Satan nor the modes of his supposed test or what many of you like to call "attacks", but instead on the disposition of the tested. Blaming Satan pretty much amounts to blaming your examiner for your failing WAEC or JAMB. undecided

Jesus Christ made it clear to Peter that He Peter would fail the test. And interestingly, Jesus Christ never mentions Satan being to blame for Peter's failure to come nor did Jesus Christ advice Peter to pray against the test nor be on the 'lookout' for Satan, the tester. undecided

This is not far from the image we are presented of Satan in the Book of Job where God sends Satan out to test Job. God didn't warn Job of Satan, neither did the name Satan get any mention from Job throughout
ordeal. And we learn that the reason Job did not fail God's test was because Job held on to his conviction aka self control. undecided
Re: Very Religious Country But Also The Highest Porn Watching Country In The World. by Ayo081(m): 5:11am On Sep 23, 2021
If you are truly in the light .I.e. in Jesus Christ, what business do you have with the darkness?, undecided

10 Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’”

11 Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.

Matthew 4:10‭-‬11 NIV

12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Ephesians 6:12 NIV

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