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Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) - Religion (4) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) (106613 Views)

Pastor Kumuyi’s Wife Esther Looking Good In A Stylish Gown With A Cool Hat & Bag / Pastor Kumuyi Coming Down From Limousine / Dr. Intercessor Jehovah Buys His Third Hummer Limousine, Shows It Off In Aba (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by Kelvin30286063(m): 11:27am On Sep 26, 2021

There is no church in heaven
See you glorifying Deeper life and talking down on redeem. Isn't the same God and Jesus you guys serve?
Stop all this division in the body of christ. Let love lead
I believe we are talking about doctrines. I never said anything about heaven or body of christ.
Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by Cowbell521: 11:28am On Sep 26, 2021
Does the Limo belong to Kumuyi?
I'm just asking
Is an idiot. Funniest thing be say, na even airpeace get D Limousine. Na weytin dem they take pickup VIP 4rm Tamac to the arrival lounge. Shey make dem honor him ride make E reject am? But weytin u want people wey never enter airport b4 talk?

This man wey dem they speak against no get any property 2 in name. No house no car. Everything na 4 church. Airpeace honor am with limo and una still dey shout


Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by AlabiKILLER2021(m): 11:28am On Sep 26, 2021
It started with the television which he called "the devil's box" suddenly becoming a "ministry tool".
Now it's limo rides and jets. If you ask they'll say their God is not a poor God. My question is, the poor members who donate their sweat and blood for the ministry to move forward daily, is their God a poor God?

At the end of the day,

Only you have to work yourself out of poverty

99% of Christians in Nigeria are criminals

Of course, when a pastor have rich folks attending his church he's bound to be rich
After all, politicians also go to church

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Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by nkemoma(m): 11:29am On Sep 26, 2021
The success of every and any BUSINESS is in the ability of its owners to build and maintain CUSTOMERS BASE

Oyedepo, Adeboye, Kuumuyi and their gangs have understood and mastered this ART.



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Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by Kelvin30286063(m): 11:30am On Sep 26, 2021
Doctrine dey different 4rm tradition guy. Deeper life doctrine be like 10 or 14 or so and I dey hear them talk Holiness sanctification bla bla bla... Doctrine still dey campe. I no be ur member but this I know.
How do you know. Mention 5 other doctrines that you know with deeper life apart from TV and marriage. Yeye undecided
Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by JOemmy(m): 11:31am On Sep 26, 2021
These are just pastorprenures Jesus never lived in this kind of affluence. undecided
Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by Cowbell521: 11:33am On Sep 26, 2021

How do you know. Mention 5 other doctrines that you know with deeper life apart from TV and marriage. Yeye undecided
U no say u be illiterate. So check D meaning of doctrine and modify b4 u disgrace ur generation here. TV?Marriage? You call those doctrine? I no be Deeper life member so I no go fit answer u.

Sanctification and Holiness sha dey there


Check D link wey I just Google now


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Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by Reference(m): 11:34am On Sep 26, 2021
Nobody is asking him to use archaic stuffs, a 2018 Toyota corolla is not archaic its a car that will also take him from point A to B comfortably.

He may not like corolla, Honda is there, other middle class looking vehicles to mirror his followers are there to use .

To mirror what followers.
What are you talking about.?
Is he living for God or living to please men?

Is there any man on earth not relative to another.
Show me the rich and I will show you richer even in his congregation.
Show me poor and I will show you poorer in his congregation, so where do you want any man to stand.

Even you who speaks. There are several, thousands of poorer people around you.
Let me see you empty your house and go around na.ked because of them.
When Jesus was accused of similar 'ostentation' by non other than deceitful pharisees His reply was simple.
"The poor will always be around you'...... YOU, YOU, YOU fellows always critical. So go and do your part.

Jesus said so because he knew the value of numbers and as God who played His own part in feeding the poor and healing the sick He sends us out to play our own part knowing the fact that poverty is all about numbers and can only be conquered if EVERY MAN (including the Pharisees) played their part in giving and sacrificing not waiting for any specialist in sacrifice or those more endowed.

An egalitarian society is not any single man's possibility. Give all you have and you will still not scratch the surface of societal poverty so I cannot see what the difference in cost between a 'limousine' and a 'Corolla' will do to conquer poverty in Nigeria or in The Deeper Christian Life Ministries.

Let the man be abeg. He doesn't ride limousines on the streets of Lagos to oppress the poor so he clearly is not possessed by the spirit of the world. Just one appearance on a chariot and weak, ignorant Christians are losing their minds?..... haba.


Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by PrimadonnaO(f): 11:37am On Sep 26, 2021
Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by Iseoluwani: 11:39am On Sep 26, 2021
Many of the people spreading propagandas about Deeper life are outsiders who don't know Jack about the doctrines of the church. I was born into deeper life and aside from those old days, deeper life have moved on from many of those. But many outsiders keep spreading the old doctrines.

He is having a program in Abuja, for all you know, his members may have arranged for the vehicle that will pick him at the airport.
In all, I don't think anyone should have a problem with how another person chose to spend his own money as long as he made it legitimately. And he never said his members shouldn't have a life. If you attend deeper camp programs, you will see the kind of cars the pastors drive.
There are just too many lies about the church and most of them are circulated by outsiders like you who have zero knowledge of happening within the church.
They said deeper life members don't use TV, yet if you go to deeper church you will see that every single deeper life church has a TV in it. Infact, it's compulsory.
They said the church has a ridiculous marriage doctrines yet Redeemed have a tougher marriage doctrines and no one is talking about it. I married my wife in a Redeemed church and I know what we went through. Even as a deeper life member, I found it annoying at a point! I mean that church rejected her wedding dress 5 times. If it was deeper life, people will start talking.

Rccg in all its doctrine is strict Bro. We make sure everything is of biblical standard. Same with deeper.
Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by puzzlegate(m): 11:39am On Sep 26, 2021

Yes. Pastor Kumuyi once said of late that his desire is to change a lot of those doctrines that the members have taken too far.
You people are even taking that statement out of proportion. He never said anything thing about changing DOCTRINES, it was just about few processes meant to guide marriage committee that some how seem too strict to young people having to go through them in order to avoid immorality as they go about their different stages of marriage arrangements. Nothing like changing DOCTRINES ! DOCTRINES are GOD'S word. Stop putting words into one's mouth.


Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by Cowbell521: 11:39am On Sep 26, 2021
There’s nothing wrong in using expensive things if it serves the purpose.
D Limousine is for airpeace. They usually use it to pick VIPs from Tamac to their main car at arrival lounge. But people here dey too local less exposed to know what's up. I leave in Abuja and I don enter VIP lounge twice. So I know what I'm saying.
Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by Kelvin30286063(m): 11:39am On Sep 26, 2021

Rccg in all its doctrine is strict Bro. We make sure everything is of biblical standard. Same with deeper.

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Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by Cowbell521: 11:40am On Sep 26, 2021
You people are even taking that statement out of proportion. He never said anything thing about changing DOCTRINES, it was just about few processes meant to guide marriage committee that some how seem too strict to young people having to go through them in order to avoid immorality as they go about their different stages of marriage arrangements. Nothing like changing DOCTRINES ! DOCTRINES are GOD'S word. Stop putting words into one's mouth.
Leave D Idiots. Mistakening tradition 4 doctrine
Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by Nobody: 11:41am On Sep 26, 2021


©✍️✍️✍️T.D. Alfred (September, 2021)
Storyteller•Writing Instructor.

Everything you wrote here are what the Pharisee were known for. I will never condem Kumuyi or his counterpart but will just take you back to Jesus's lifestyle.

Jesus's teaching has always be Love and Meekness. Jesus was so humble to the stage that people don't know the difference between him and his followers and this is the lifestyle Jesus wants his followers to exhibit.

Now, if Jesus is around do you think he will have private jets or exotic cars? No! Let me break down for you.

Jesus will rather be happy to sell all this exotics to make his followers filled.

I won't blame all this people but I am telling you that the only thing that can justify thier earthly possession is that if there is none of their followers has financial needs (atleast to an extent).

Look at Ananais. Look at the real disciples of Christ. Their possession were sold to cater for the needs of the brethrens.

Let me stop here
Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by sematec(m): 11:41am On Sep 26, 2021
Tell me what is not worldly things
Limo are all worldly things
Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by am4truth(m): 11:42am On Sep 26, 2021
It started with the television which he called "the devil's box" suddenly becoming a "ministry tool".
Now it's limo rides and jets. If you ask they'll say their God is not a poor God. My question is, the poor members who donate their sweat and blood for the ministry to move forward daily, is their God a poor God?

Give, and it would come back to you. Even Christ Jesus wasn't poor....Get your fact straight and stop misquoting the Bible

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Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by desiredhome: 11:43am On Sep 26, 2021
You obviously don't know who you're speaking about otherwise you'd understand you speak ignorantly.

You seem to allow sentiments to becloud your good judgment that you can't see any good thing about any Nigeria church leaders. I'm not driven by sentiments or hatred as you are but the Truth.
You can only trust yourself, a lot more gullible Nigerian church goers see their leaders/pastors as their God and will believe anything they say without thinking/reasoning by themselves......
Read your Bible and get wisdom, ......You become a slave to the one who reads for you
Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by mountmoriah(m): 11:44am On Sep 26, 2021
Well....he's deserving of it. Things have changed though, I must confess.
Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by desiredhome: 11:46am On Sep 26, 2021

Where you born there?

Go and ask your parents.....
Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by am4truth(m): 11:48am On Sep 26, 2021
These are just pastorprenures Jesus never lived in this kind of affluence. undecided

You are ignorant...
The Pastor never forced you to pay any money....
Calling Men of God pastorprenures show the height of decay in you...
Get a life , give your life to Christ
Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by Omohena: 11:48am On Sep 26, 2021
Wrong perception of Deeper Life.For long I have known them to be the church whose members drive the most expensive cars .They love expensive cars eeell
Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by jaxxy(m): 11:48am On Sep 26, 2021
D Limousine is for airpeace. They usually use it to pick VIPs from Tamac to their main car at Departure lounge. But people here dey too local less exposed to know what's up. I leave in Abuja and I don enter VIP lounge twice. So I know what I'm saying.

Thanks for the clarification I think many people are unnecessarily hard on pastors for different reasons some might be valid.


Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by derecho(m): 11:49am On Sep 26, 2021
It was by no accident that Jesus’ earthly parents were carpenters.
It was by no accident that Jesus supported his early life through carpentry.
It was by no accident that Jesus made is triumphant entry on a donkey.
It was by no accident that Jesus was fleeing when they wanted to make him King.
It was by no accident that he washed the feet if his disciples.

Despite being the ONLY son of the ALMIGHTY God, Jesus was an epitom of humility. He could have lived a lavish life on earth as the son of the most high but he did not. If the founder of Christianity (Jesus) portrayed such outstanding humility, why should it be any different for pastors who are supposed to be “FOLLOWERS” of Christ?
Matthew 6:24
Was He supposed to ride on a Lion to Jerusalem?Why was it a Triumphant entry? Bro, Take time to digest scriptures before making general statements.
I don't support ostentatious lifestyle for believers but I doubt the car belongs to kumuyi. Yes, it may not be necessary to use a limousine just as it's not necessary to board a flight from Lagos to Abuja. Kumuyi have been known to be modest so oblige him this treat.
So if na you get that limousine(for business), you no fit use am carry Pastor Kumuyi or any beloved believer?
Secondly, if Kumuyi was the President of one obscure country and he went on a visit to the White House and the official ride to take him there is a Limo, he should decline and ride a bicycle into the white House?

Make I no lie, if I get the best things of life, I won't mind blessing any true man of God especially those that have been mightily used of God.
If I can bless unbelievers , why won't I joyfully bless a Kumuyi or Gbile Akanni if they'd accept my gift?

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Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by Benjaniblinks(m): 11:50am On Sep 26, 2021

Go and ask your parents.....
You don't open your mouth like an slowpoke and spit rubbish based on hear say.
Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by akanke79: 11:50am On Sep 26, 2021

Nigerian pastors need the country to remain poverty capital of the world... All thanks to the evil politicians

The poor tends to be more religious.. more gullible to their pastors..

There's a reason why Nigerian politicians and pastors are the richest in the world.

It's the people... So gullible and easy to deceive

After what the country is passing through in the hands of Buhari.. some people are chanting Tinubu 2023.. no be Juju be that.

A vote for Atiku 2023 is a continuation of fulani herdsmen of killings and displacement(IDP camps).
Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by JOemmy(m): 11:51am On Sep 26, 2021

You are ignorant...
The Pastor never forced you to pay any money....
Calling Men of God pastorprenures show the height of decay in you...
Get a life , give your life to Christ

Judgement will surely begin from the church it's actually u and ur so called pastor that needs this repentance u are talking about the most
Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by emapeteum(m): 11:51am On Sep 26, 2021
grin grin grin

This is a funny thread.... The thing is, no matter what you do, people will still talk.

If he had used that old car, people would have still call him names.... I understand the reason they are attacking him, which is because of his past laid doctrines.
People are talking because this same
ministry condemned the usage of television by their members in the 90s.Has God changed?
Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by joyandfaith: 11:52am On Sep 26, 2021


©✍️✍️✍️T.D. Alfred (September, 2021)
Storyteller•Writing Instructor.

Religious and political leaders are perfectly aligned to keep masses in perpetual state of zombiesm.
Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by Ekugbeh(m): 11:54am On Sep 26, 2021
It started with the television which he called "the devil's box" suddenly becoming a "ministry tool".
Now it's limo rides and jets. If you ask they'll say their God is not a poor God. My question is, the poor members who donate their sweat and blood for the ministry to move forward daily, is their God a poor God?
I know you are confuse but you don't know

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Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by BigYash: 11:55am On Sep 26, 2021
It started with the television which he called "the devil's box" suddenly becoming a "ministry tool".
Now it's limo rides and jets. If you ask they'll say their God is not a poor God. My question is, the poor members who donate their sweat and blood for the ministry to move forward daily, is their God a poor God?
Maybe.. And them no put gun for their head to be donating money they should have used to better their lives.. Keke them no get,but they donate for the GOs to cruise life.. grin Even God go dey smile at their stupidity

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Re: Limousine: Pastor Kumuyi, What They Expected Of Him Vs What He Came With (Photo) by hosemujica: 11:55am On Sep 26, 2021
I'm done trying to save these gullible followers, they can never be saved. For those of you that are smart enough and is awake to the fact that Nigeria its running a religious based society as opposed to knowledge based society, its time to move past this God of men and start building an organized society .

This is 21st century guys, we can't continue like this, white guys used religion to enslave blacks, now we can't let our own kind use religion to keep us stagnant.

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