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40 Passes From Human To Chanyuan Celestial by ivysunday(f): 10:00am On Sep 26, 2021
Deiform Buddha

Without the change of non-material structure of life, there would be no change of the nature of life. 40 passes must be broken through for the change from a human being to a Chanyuan Celestial.

Consciousness of human being__________Consciousness of Chanyuan Celestial

1. Materialism__________Idealism

2. Atheism__________Revere the Greatest Creator

3. Everything evolve__________Everything is created

4. Regular thinking__________Irregular thinking

5. Life is limited__________Life is unlimited

6. Death is the end of life__________Death is a leap of life

7. Life is a process from birth to death__________Life is a journey

8. Love secular family__________Love big family which is like a heaven with peace and happiness

9. Success depends on human effort and man can conquer nature________Everything runs according to Tao, and Tao manages everything

10. Man must make arduous efforts___Take things as they come, dispose things as they go, acting follow nature, achieving follow chances"

11. Everything happened is a coincidence__________Everything happened is a destiny, there is no coincidence

12. Benefactor is benefactor while enemy is enemy__________Benefactor is enemy while enemy is benefactor

13. Live for others__________Live for oneself

14. Death is the completion of life__________Going to the thousand-year world, ten-thousand-year world, the Elysium world and Celestial Islands Continent after death

15. Get married and have a family__________No marriage and no family.

16. Be a member of some groups or organizations__________Be independent in consciousness and follow the will of the Greatest Creator

17. Try to be a good man, a great man or a hero__________Take it easy and be merry

18. Pay attention to other people and social evaluation__________Concern about inner pleasure and serene.

19. Behave according to norms__________Be adaptable to ever-changing conditions.

20. be lawful and follow regulations__________Be moral and follow one's consciences

21. advocate beauty and fairness__________Advocate natural and real

22. Like private ownership__________Like non-ownership

23. Money,power, fame and benefit-driven__________Be driven by perfecting the non-material structure of life

24. In pursuit of long life__________In pursuit of Buddha-fruit

25. Aiming at the satisfaction of desire__________Aiming at the sublimation of human nature

26. Value the form__________Value the essence

27. Differentiate the relationship according to ethics__________Differentiate the relationship according to the frequency of vibration of life

28. Be happy for being alive__________Be happy for being death

29. Be happy for being married__________Be sad for being married

30. Be conservative for love and sex__________Being open for love and sex

31. Doing__________Non-doing

32. Focus on color, sound, smell, taste, touch and Dharma__________Focus on spiritual pure land

33. Plan on the basis of hundred of years__________Plan on the basis of thousands and ten thousands of years

34. Be physically and spiritually at the material world__________Be physically and spiritually at the non-material world

35. Treat life seriously__________treat life as merely playing games

36. Dream to become a man with profound wisdom__________Dream to become a child

37. Strive for possessing__________Strive for abandoning

38. Learn how to live__________Learn how to die

39. Be scared of death__________Be scared of life

40. Admire Dharma and magic__________ Admire Non-form and Holography

What is listed here from the left to the right is just the process for taking flight to the land of the immortal. How difficult it is depends on your own experiences.

October 22, 2006

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