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If God Created This Universe, What's To Say He Didn't Create Another? - Religion - Nairaland

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If God Created This Universe, What's To Say He Didn't Create Another? by Viserion: 3:35pm On Sep 26, 2021
Come to think of it..

Fictional movies depict theory of the multi-verse.

What's to say God didn't create another universe or a parralel one � please like and share, I need more views

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Re: If God Created This Universe, What's To Say He Didn't Create Another? by Nothingserious: 3:41pm On Sep 26, 2021
Come to think of it..

Fictional movies depict theory of the multi-verse.

What's to say God didn't create another universe or a parralel one �

God made everything. If there are multiverses, God would still be the God that has a necessary existence in all the universes.

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Re: If God Created This Universe, What's To Say He Didn't Create Another? by budaatum: 3:42pm On Sep 26, 2021
Ignorance of other universes and the need to believe what one is told, is enough to convince many other universes might not exist.

Those seeking knowledge are on the way to Jupiter and Uranus so they can set up a springboard to other galaxies so they may find out.

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Re: If God Created This Universe, What's To Say He Didn't Create Another? by KnownUnknown: 3:44pm On Sep 26, 2021

God made everything. If there are multiverses, God would still be the God that has a necessary existence in all the universes.

No, God is limited to this universe. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang created the substrate that holds the different worlds created by the different deities.
Re: If God Created This Universe, What's To Say He Didn't Create Another? by Kobojunkie: 3:44pm On Sep 26, 2021
Come to think of it..

Fictional movies depict theory of the multi-verse.

What's to say God didn't create another universe or a parralel one �
Does it really if God created other universes? The rules He gave where for living in this one and we have yet to accept that... so of what great good will knowing of others serve us? undecided
Re: If God Created This Universe, What's To Say He Didn't Create Another? by Viserion: 3:49pm On Sep 26, 2021
Does it really if God created other universes? The rules He gave where for living in this one and we have yet to accept that... so of what great good will knowing of others serve us? undecided
man's quest for knowledge is endless!

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Re: If God Created This Universe, What's To Say He Didn't Create Another? by Nothingserious: 3:52pm On Sep 26, 2021

No, God is limited to this universe. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang created the substrate that holds the different worlds created by the different deities.

Ok. We don’t need to waste our time on that until the multiverse theories are demonstrated to be true. Then we can test for all the conditions of life and nature present in our universe in those realms.
Re: If God Created This Universe, What's To Say He Didn't Create Another? by Kobojunkie: 3:54pm On Sep 26, 2021
man's quest for knowledge is endless!
Quest for knowledge of what exactly? Truth or just knowledge for the sake of Knowledge? undecided
Re: If God Created This Universe, What's To Say He Didn't Create Another? by KnownUnknown: 3:55pm On Sep 26, 2021

Ok. We don’t need to waste our time on that until the multiverse theories are demonstrated to be true. Then we can test for all the conditions of life and nature present in our universe in those realms.

Sorry to break it to you but we will never test nor theorize for all conditions of life in our galaxy talk less of the universe.
Re: If God Created This Universe, What's To Say He Didn't Create Another? by budaatum: 4:34pm On Sep 26, 2021
man's quest for knowledge is endless!

It should be. Unfortunately we have lots of ignorant believing Adams amongst us, as opposed to knowledge and wisdom seeking Eves.
Re: If God Created This Universe, What's To Say He Didn't Create Another? by Nothingserious: 6:13pm On Sep 26, 2021

Sorry to break it to you but we will never test nor theorize for all conditions of life in our galaxy talk less of the universe.

Okay. For now multiverses are simply hypotheses
Re: If God Created This Universe, What's To Say He Didn't Create Another? by Viserion: 7:54pm On Sep 26, 2021

Okay. For now multiverses are simply hypotheses

But what if?
Re: If God Created This Universe, What's To Say He Didn't Create Another? by Viserion: 7:55pm On Sep 26, 2021

It should be. Unfortunately we have lots of ignorant believing Adams amongst us, as opposed to knowledge and wisdom seeking Eves.

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Re: If God Created This Universe, What's To Say He Didn't Create Another? by Viserion: 7:55pm On Sep 26, 2021
Quest for knowledge of what exactly? Truth or just knowledge for the sake of Knowledge? undecided
all of it
Re: If God Created This Universe, What's To Say He Didn't Create Another? by KnownUnknown: 8:20pm On Sep 26, 2021

But what if?

out there exists a planet, a planet revolving around a blue star with a race far more intelligent than humans. Comparing their intellect to ours is like comparing chimpanzees’ to humans’. What would they think of human concepts of divinity?
Re: If God Created This Universe, What's To Say He Didn't Create Another? by Nothingserious: 8:24pm On Sep 26, 2021

But what if?

God made all things already took care of the what ifs.
Re: If God Created This Universe, What's To Say He Didn't Create Another? by obonujoker(m): 9:33pm On Sep 26, 2021
He created another, which will be for those saved by Jesus at the last day of this feckled earth
Re: If God Created This Universe, What's To Say He Didn't Create Another? by Viserion: 3:38pm On Sep 27, 2021

God made all things already took care of the what ifs.
Re: If God Created This Universe, What's To Say He Didn't Create Another? by Viserion: 3:39pm On Sep 27, 2021
He created another, which will be for those saved by Jesus at the last day of this feckled earth
can you prove it?
Re: If God Created This Universe, What's To Say He Didn't Create Another? by Dtruthspeaker: 5:18pm On Sep 27, 2021
Come to think of it..

Fictional movies depict theory of the multi-verse.

What's to say God didn't create another universe or a parralel one � please like and share, I need more views

grin That's what the Parables of the Talents and the Labourers also tell you. grin

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