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God Rewards Even The Smallest Good Deed - Religion - Nairaland

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GOD rewards gradually as you grow Spiritually / Book Of Romans (We are baptized to produce fruit or good deed for GOD) / Chapel On Biku Hill: World’s Smallest Church In Uganda, Accommodates Three Only (2) (3) (4)

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God Rewards Even The Smallest Good Deed by EvangLouisAba: 8:56am On Sep 27, 2021
"Whoever gives you a cup of water in My name, will by no means lose his reward."
(Mk. 9:41)

Re: God Rewards Even The Smallest Good Deed by Anieke77(m): 9:11am On Sep 27, 2021
Am a testimony to that praise GOD
Re: God Rewards Even The Smallest Good Deed by Geminiempress: 12:10pm On Sep 27, 2021
Ije uwa....... How does it pay?? I dey give my last card on a steady yet stay hungry. Sometimes pure water go finish I go drink drum water.
Well there's this satisfaction that comes with giving
Re: God Rewards Even The Smallest Good Deed by Dtruthspeaker: 12:49pm On Sep 27, 2021
So shall He reward even the smallest sin and evil deed.

Don't forget that!

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Re: God Rewards Even The Smallest Good Deed by Dtruthspeaker: 12:55pm On Sep 27, 2021
Ije uwa....... How does it pay?? I dey give my last card on a steady yet stay hungry. Sometimes pure water go finish I go drink drum water.
Well there's this satisfaction that comes with giving

Because you are not God's Own. His promises are only for His children and not enemies/strangers.
Re: God Rewards Even The Smallest Good Deed by Ayo081(m): 1:13pm On Sep 27, 2021

Because you are not God's Own. His promises are only for His children and not enemies/strangers.

What about heavenly rewards?
Re: God Rewards Even The Smallest Good Deed by Ayo081(m): 1:16pm On Sep 27, 2021
Ije uwa....... How does it pay?? I dey give my last card on a steady yet stay hungry. Sometimes pure water go finish I go drink drum water.
Well there's this satisfaction that comes with giving

Heavenly rewards?

34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.

35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,

36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?

38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you?

39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Matthew 25:34‭-‬40 NIV
Re: God Rewards Even The Smallest Good Deed by Geminiempress: 1:20pm On Sep 27, 2021
Who are u to decide God's own,enemies or strangers.... Cane ur lane, u don't know wot's going on on the other lane.
Live and let's live
Let Love Lead

Because you are not God's Own. His promises are only for His children and not enemies/strangers.

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Re: God Rewards Even The Smallest Good Deed by Dtruthspeaker: 1:33pm On Sep 27, 2021
Who are u to decide God's own,enemies or strangers.... Cane ur lane, u don't know wot's going on on the other lane.
Live and let's live
Let Love Lead

When did I decide who shall be God's Enemy and Stranger?

What I have seen is that God is taking very good care of His Own True Children.

And those who are not His Children are the ones complaining!
Re: God Rewards Even The Smallest Good Deed by Dtruthspeaker: 1:35pm On Sep 27, 2021

What about heavenly rewards?

Heavenly Rewards also fall on earth or shall later fall on earth or you shall cash it out if it is those Rewards that should come After Judgement Day!
Re: God Rewards Even The Smallest Good Deed by Nobody: 1:49pm On Sep 27, 2021

When did I decide who shall be God's Enemy and Stranger?

What I have seen is that God is taking very good care of His Own True Children.

And those who are not His Children are the ones complaining!

Buhari, Hushpuppi,Lai Mohammed, Taliban,Rich Gays,Rich drug barons,Rich kidnappers,etc are not complaining

So THEY are God's children

What a wonderful family!!!!!
Re: God Rewards Even The Smallest Good Deed by Ayo081(m): 2:00pm On Sep 27, 2021

When did I decide who shall be God's Enemy and Stranger?

What I have seen is that God is taking very good care of His Own True Children.

And those who are not His Children are the ones complaining!

This is not totally true. I mean in material things you know.
Re: God Rewards Even The Smallest Good Deed by Nobody: 2:04pm On Sep 27, 2021

This is not totally true. I mean in material things you know.

All the rich traditional rulers are God's children since they are rich

That's part of the message he is spreading!
Re: God Rewards Even The Smallest Good Deed by Ayo081(m): 2:13pm On Sep 27, 2021

All the rich traditional rulers are God's children since they are rich

That's part of the message he is spreading!

Not true.
Re: God Rewards Even The Smallest Good Deed by Nobody: 2:22pm On Sep 27, 2021

Not true.

Off course

It's not true

But that's the message or that's part of
"Those not complaining are God's children"
Re: God Rewards Even The Smallest Good Deed by Geminiempress: 3:04pm On Sep 27, 2021

When did I decide who shall be God's Enemy and Stranger?

What I have seen is that God is taking very good care of His Own True Children.

And those who are not His Children are the ones complaining!
you said earlier in ur quote that am not God's own
Anyways peace
Re: God Rewards Even The Smallest Good Deed by Dtruthspeaker: 3:05pm On Sep 27, 2021
you said earlier in ur quote that am not God's own
Anyways peace

Nne, I did not say that O, it is you who judged yourself!
Re: God Rewards Even The Smallest Good Deed by Dtruthspeaker: 3:22pm On Sep 27, 2021

This is not totally true. I mean in material things you know.

If only you understood what the Bible teaches, you would know that it is Totally True.

God indeed provides and Gives All the Good things His Children Need!

For you (for I understand and know what you are doing), I will give you what I do not want to fully disclose which is the Word "His Children".

Try giving yourself a Lecture on "God's Children" and see if you shall See!

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Re: God Rewards Even The Smallest Good Deed by Geminiempress: 3:26pm On Sep 27, 2021

Because you are not God's Own. His promises are only for His children and not enemies/strangers.

So na ur village people come epp u write dis one bah Man up and own up to ur comment let's start from there
U na church goer/bench warmers. Na eye service christian u be be dat, u just dey go ansa present.
Re: God Rewards Even The Smallest Good Deed by Geminiempress: 3:42pm On Sep 27, 2021
U neva read reach where dem write am 4 Bible say thou shall not lie yet u lied by denying ur own very comment. Abi na upside down u dey study ur own bible?

Nne, I did not say that O, it is you who judged yourself!
Re: God Rewards Even The Smallest Good Deed by Dtruthspeaker: 4:42pm On Sep 27, 2021

So na ur village people come epp u write dis one bah Man up and own up to ur comment let's start from there
U na church goer/bench warmers. Na eye service christian u be be dat, u just dey go ansa present.

Nne, I know call your name. All I said was for you to examine yourself if you are God's Own.

And that one is for you to do for yourself if you like, e no concern me.
Re: God Rewards Even The Smallest Good Deed by EvangLouisAba: 1:20am On Feb 08, 2023
Re: God Rewards Even The Smallest Good Deed by EvangLouisAba: 9:46pm On Jul 04, 2023
"Whoever gives you a cup of water in My name, will by no means lose his reward."
(Mk. 9:41)


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