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Best Vitamins For Hair Growth by muffleitjuhi(f): 11:13am On Sep 29, 2021
Hair is a major thing when beauty is concerned for both men and women. But taking good care of hair is somewhat a tedious task in today’s life. Many do a lot styling to their hair to appear in glowing way. But they forget to realize the fact that natural intake of foods is the root cause for the growth of hair. Artificial products to hair are always a risky task. There is nothing best than the natural foods, fruits and vegetables. Today’s world is running behind the stress since they are engaged with lot of work pressures. But health is first vital factor when the human life is taken into account. The hair loss is mainly due to ageing, stress, work pressures and imbalanced life. Coconut and olive oil should be applied regularly to prevent the moisture content in the hair. The external treatment for the hair like oil massage is also the best treatment since it ensures the better blood circulation. People always feel in stress free manner while massaging. Applying coconut or olive oil often will remove the heat from the body. Though if we give many external treatments to the hair natural intake of best vitamins for hair growth will results in healthy hair.
What Are The Best Vitamins For Hair Growth
Deficiency of essential heath nutrients may lead to hair loss. The best minerals and vitamins are necessary for a strong and long hair. Before the intake of vitamins consult the doctor and check the level of vitamin present in your body. Vitamins also help the hair to regain its original colour. So that you can intake the vitamins accordingly in which you are lacking behind. Here are the best vitamins for hair growth that you should know if you want to grow your hair naturally and healthily:

Vitamin E
It’s responsible for healthy hair. Consuming vitamin E rich food gives good strength to scalp which greatly prevents hair loss and enables the better growth of hair. Plant oils, sunflower seeds, almonds, dark green leaves are some of the E vitamins rich foods that are best to consume.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is rich in its dual activity since its good for hair and also for eyes. Sweet potato, green leaves, carrot, red pepper, cod liver oil, mangoes, whole milk is some of the vitamin A rich ingredients which will show better results.
B vitamins
B vitamins play an important role in keeping the hair, scalp and skin always stay healthy. Lack of B vitamins can lead to anemia, neurological problems, inflammation of the scalp and skin, gray hair and hair loss. The B vitamins are found in foods such as: cereals, bread, green leafy vegetables, beans, soy, yeast, wheat germ, beef (especially the liver).
Vitamin C
C vitamin is strong in helping the immune system to do its functions better. It also helps to fight against diseases. Guava, green leaves and peppers are rich in vitamin C.

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