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President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili - Politics - Nairaland

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President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by HonNL: 6:16pm On Sep 29, 2021

President Muhammadu Buhari is deeply saddened by the gruesome killing of Dr Chike Akunyili, the husband of the late former Director-General of National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), Prof Dora Akunyili.

The President shares the pain of the offspring of Prof and Dr Akunyili, their families and friends whose lives will never remain the same after the inhuman and reprehensible act that happened in Onitsha, Anambra State.

President Buhari has fond memories of working with the late Dora Akunyili at the Petroleum Trust Fund (PTF) and Nigerians will never forget the memory of the amazon, who distinguished herself as a courageous, dependable and patriotic citizen.

Enjoining security agencies and leaders of thought to work harder to bring an end to the violence being unleashed on innocent Nigerians, the President assures the grieving families who lost their loved ones in the incident that the perpetrators of the heinous act will face both the judgment of man, and that of God.

Femi Adesina
Special Adviser to the President
(Media & Publicity)
September 29, 2021

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Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by Baawaa(m): 6:17pm On Sep 29, 2021
Do they remember his wife for once,they are now mourning husband.

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Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by Ammishaddai: 6:19pm On Sep 29, 2021
Buhari can only mourn the death of cows ; not human beings

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Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by chatinent: 6:23pm On Sep 29, 2021
Human government cannot save lives.

Human government has failed.

By the way, where is Holiness/Righteousness? Has Longevity shut him up?


Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by Warriboy1235: 6:23pm On Sep 29, 2021
Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by slawormiir: 6:23pm On Sep 29, 2021
Damnnn niggar.

Tackle insecurity you dickkk and stop mourning

Imagine a general administration is marred with insecurity

47 Likes 1 Share

Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by Bornsinner7: 6:24pm On Sep 29, 2021

Look how he was reduced to nothing.. killed and dumped like a dog...

Damn.. Bleep.. all man for himself.. the government has failed the people

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Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by omooba969(m): 6:24pm On Sep 29, 2021
Failure personified is mourning DR CHIKE AKUNYILI. grin

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Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by MANNABBQGRILLS: 6:24pm On Sep 29, 2021
Enjoining security agencies and leaders of thought to work harder to bring an end to the violence being unleashed on innocent Nigerians, the President assures the grieving families who lost their loved ones in the incident that the perpetrators of the heinous act will face both the judgment of man, and that of God.

@the bolded,
So shall it be in Jesus name.
Insha Allah.
May it be so as long as God lives.

From all of us @[b][/b] : May the Wonderful and Beautiful Souls of Mr and Mrs Akunyili Rest in Perfect Peace.

God never sleeps or slumbers.
All the people involved in this man's death will never witness the month of December.
Untimely and gruesome deaths await them all.
So shall it be.

We Rise.

This man was a father,uncle,husband and aSavior of life by profession. Look how his life was cut shot by wickedness of man against man. Tommorow they will run to one church and one pastor will tell them that their sins has been forgiven.As they have killed him and he is dead,death is still on the door of his killers and their 5th generations will continue to suffer it.
So shall it be in Jesus name.
They can never escape a very brutal end.
cry cry cry

8 Likes 3 Shares

Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by sematec(m): 6:24pm On Sep 29, 2021
Buhari keep mourning and sympathizing, it has become part of your hobbies.


Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by MANNABBQGRILLS: 6:25pm On Sep 29, 2021
Oloriburuku president

We wish it was you
Becareful what you wish for in life.
Everyone that wished this man's death have died before him, and are still dying.
Karma has everyone's address.

There was a porn.star/albino/mental patient that wished death upon him,
Few months later, he ended up paying the Ultimate price with the deaths of both his parents.
Sane Nigerians know the cow we are talking about,
He is suffering for his crime in prison right now.
(May God never let us have a child that will lead us to our Untimely death).

Again, be careful what you wish for in life.
Golden advice from the elders.

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Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by wexav705: 6:25pm On Sep 29, 2021
R i p
Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by OyigboUpdate: 6:25pm On Sep 29, 2021
Our lovely president who knows no tribe. To me this is actually a case of karma as at some weeks ago his brother Cyril Akunyili was commending the unknown gunmen in a Facebook comment. Now the prey has become the predator.

Karma nice one.


Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by SRANport: 6:25pm On Sep 29, 2021
Hypocrisy of the highest order

Na your brothers kill am

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Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by ivaguide: 6:25pm On Sep 29, 2021
Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by JosephXavier: 6:25pm On Sep 29, 2021
The culprits will never be fished out

We already know who they are and their reason for murdering an innocent respectable man

The blood that Fulani militias has spilled in Nigeria is crying for vengeance and God must bring them and their sponsors to book


Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by tasalanoni(m): 6:25pm On Sep 29, 2021
Every law is illegal.. Every Government upon the face of the earth today is illegal
....Robert Nesta Marley.
Know these words of the great Bob and know peace.
Imagine how a man of such social pedigree was butchered like a cow, and gruesome photos from the scene littered everywhere..
What does that say about the state of affairs in this country? Aren't we yet seeing the hallmarks of a total collapse, of despair and utter hopelessness?

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Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by Karemarealty288(m): 6:25pm On Sep 29, 2021
I weep for Nigeria.


Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by YourhealthNG2(m): 6:25pm On Sep 29, 2021
This is very disheartening. So sad. 24 hours after his gruesome murder, no official response from the police. What a country


Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by caylakays: 6:25pm On Sep 29, 2021
Na wa oooo.....it will not be well with the killers

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Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by weblord1900: 6:25pm On Sep 29, 2021
Publicity stunt.. undecided

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Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by FolabiCash: 6:25pm On Sep 29, 2021


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Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by kingthreat(m): 6:25pm On Sep 29, 2021
Ipob have now become to Igbos what Bandits have become to the Northerners. Your heroes are now a group of uneducated touts shouting Biafla or death. Las las una go get sense.


Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by Lanre4uonly(m): 6:26pm On Sep 29, 2021
Your country failed you, Doctor.
May God rest your soul and give the family you left behind the courage to bear the loss.


Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by ATEAMS: 6:26pm On Sep 29, 2021
I recently realized that life is full of lies and deciet. But can never deceive itself. People pretends, just learnt to be myself, face myself, remain myself, work and focus on what I believe in even when people see me as a time waster. Never to give up because they will talk you down and when you give in, you will be laughed


Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by MANNABBQGRILLS: 6:26pm On Sep 29, 2021

Your point being
Tell us more .......

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Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by mandax: 6:26pm On Sep 29, 2021
Crocodile tears.


Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by MANNABBQGRILLS: 6:26pm On Sep 29, 2021
May the soul of Dr Chike Akunyili rest in peace.

May his killers never witness peace all the remaining days of their remaining short and sad lives.

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Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by Cuddly27: 6:26pm On Sep 29, 2021
Can somebody poison this man already

Mist Useless president in the history of this country

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Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by lovebird65(m): 6:26pm On Sep 29, 2021
Monster president we all know you killed him!?!!


Re: President Buhari Mourns Dr. Chike Akunyili by Pamoutoukou(m): 6:26pm On Sep 29, 2021

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