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Meet The Prophet Who Told His Church Member That He Could Act As Daniel - Religion - Nairaland

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Meet The Prophet Who Told His Church Member That He Could Act As Daniel by Voice22: 12:32pm On Oct 19, 2021
A Nigerian prophet identified as, Prophet Daniel Abodunrin/Ebodunrin, has been killed and eaten up by lions at the University of Ibadan Zoological Garden. This is an old real life story but we're bringing it to our readers.

According to reports, the horrific death of pastor Daniel Abodunrin took place in 1991. He went to visit the lions in the zoo to test God. He forgot so soon that God can't be and can never be tested.

Remember the story of Daniel in the Bible? - He was called out by men in Babylon and he got thrown into the den of lions. Fortunately for him, he got saved by God, who sent his messenger to shut the mouths of the lions in the den. In the end, he was taken out of the den after surviving the death trap.

Now, that was what Prophet Daniel tried to do but he's own case was different from that of Daniel's. According to reports, Prophet went out on a fateful day to the University of Ibadan Zoological Garden to test God. He wore a red garment/robe with a gigantic Bible in his hand, which he later put under his armpit.

He got the Zoo and told the keepers that he wanted to perform a miracle. The zoo keepers refused but somehow he later had his way. According to another record, it reported that Prophet Daniel sneaked in to the zoo and had his way to the lions' den or cage.

After having access into the den of the lions, he began to quote scriptures from his big Bible. The lions were staging themselves on how to attack him; while Prophet Daniel kept quoting different Bible passages. In the end, he got attacked, overpowered and devoured by the lions. It's a true life story. It happened for real in Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria, in 1991.

Re: Meet The Prophet Who Told His Church Member That He Could Act As Daniel by Zaxbash1: 12:37pm On Oct 19, 2021
Re: Meet The Prophet Who Told His Church Member That He Could Act As Daniel by illicit(m): 12:41pm On Oct 19, 2021
Mumu man
Re: Meet The Prophet Who Told His Church Member That He Could Act As Daniel by adeoyekay(m): 12:58pm On Oct 19, 2021
The story is truth have heard about it before.

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