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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Health / You Are Enough But That's Not Enough For Your Emotional Health! (147 Views)
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You Are Enough But That's Not Enough For Your Emotional Health! by Nobody: 12:52am On Oct 24, 2021 |
You are a unique being, in this world. You have a powerful mind, that can reshape your reality. You have gifts & abilities that can take you towards whatever you really desire. You are enough! Now, though saying to yourself affirmations, like the ones above, is empowering... definitely won't be enough to effect change in your life, if it isn't followed with certain steps. Hey! You cannot expect a chronic smoker to quit smoking if he still hangs around smokers! Hope isn't a strategy, a wise one once said. Do you know we are all walking, breathing "emotional batteries". Besides your daily experiences, every person you interact with will either boost or drain your battery level, a little or a lot! And you know what happens, when a battery drains down to 0%? You certainly don't want that for you! So, you gotta be mindful of the quality of the people you surround yourself with! You certainly cannot leave this to chance. Here is a quick to-do list, culled from the 1st phase of my social-shift blueprint, which will help you improve the quality of your social circle & consequently, the quality of your life. � Think about all the people in your life (and in your environment) that make you feel tense, doubtful of self, afraid or angry. � Talk less, with them if you share the same roof. � Spend less time with them, if they are physically away from you. � Sever ties with some of them, completely, if it will bring no dire consequence to you. � Then think about all the people who make you feel at peace, loved & joyful about life and the possibilities, therein. � Spend as much time with them, as possible! Take charge of your existence. No one but you can! |
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