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How To Abort Unwanted Pregnancies In Dogs - Pets - Nairaland

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How To Abort Unwanted Pregnancies In Dogs by Wasky101: 8:03pm On Nov 03, 2021
Please help my lhasa apso is pregnant for a strange dog, got backone day and my neighbour told me she saw a strange dog mating my dog after she snuck out, I was so angry but there was nothing I could do.
Fast forward 2 weeks later,she is throwing up and has lost appetite .

Never had intentions of breeding her and I still dont.
Question is how can I terminate the pregnancy.
Re: How To Abort Unwanted Pregnancies In Dogs by TarOrfeeek: 8:28pm On Nov 03, 2021
Imagine if your mother's guardian angel asked this question to his fellow angels about her pregnancy of you.

Will you be happy?

If you still want to abort the pregnancy. Why don't your super impose your seed to supplant the rogue dogs'
Re: How To Abort Unwanted Pregnancies In Dogs by Truvelisback(m): 10:30pm On Nov 03, 2021
Allow the dog born abeg.
Re: How To Abort Unwanted Pregnancies In Dogs by meobizy(f): 10:55pm On Nov 03, 2021
Let the dog give birth then sell the puppies. It's a win for you. As for lack of appetite, take the animal to the vet.
Re: How To Abort Unwanted Pregnancies In Dogs by West2North(m): 10:12pm On Nov 04, 2021
Let the dog give birth then sell the puppies. It's a win for you. As for lack of appetite, take the animal to the vet.

There is no win in selling mutts as Lhasa puppies. It’s unethical to plan to distribute puppies of a strange origin into the society. I know he can’t keep the pups there’s no win for him in any case cause it’s a mishap
Re: How To Abort Unwanted Pregnancies In Dogs by meobizy(f): 5:59am On Nov 05, 2021

There is no win in selling mutts as Lhasa puppies. It’s unethical to plan to distribute puppies of a strange origin into the society. I know he can’t keep the pups there’s no win for him in any case cause it’s a mishap
I will buy one if he's in Port Harcourt.
Re: How To Abort Unwanted Pregnancies In Dogs by Henuell(m): 9:08am On Nov 05, 2021
bro if you love your dog let her have the puppies you know dogs reproductive organs are like humans some girls abort babies and die in process u know Lhasa aspos are not strong dogs u can really hurt her if u abort the puppies and can lead to death jux chill,when she gives birth sell the puppies or dash it out don't abort,#SAYNOTOABORTION

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Re: How To Abort Unwanted Pregnancies In Dogs by Chizzyk: 1:36pm On Nov 05, 2021
Give out the puppies then
Re: How To Abort Unwanted Pregnancies In Dogs by tranxo(m): 5:18pm On Nov 05, 2021

Imagine if your mother's guardian angel asked this question to his fellow angels about her pregnancy of you.

Will you be happy?

If you still want to abort the pregnancy. Why don't your super impose your seed to supplant the rogue dogs'
Hmm. Nice to know YOU can equate YOURSELF to a dog. Nawaooo.
Re: How To Abort Unwanted Pregnancies In Dogs by Cutezt(m): 12:45am On Nov 06, 2021
Something similar happened to my eskimo.

It stays in a relatives house and one day, the relative had electrical fault and called an electrician around the area to fix it, meanwhile, the eskimo was on heat and we already arranged for a male eskimo to cross her the next day, unfortunately, the electrician came with a local dog without the knowledge of anybody, and while he was busy fixing the light inside, the local dog was busy fixing the eskimo outside. I was very sad, my relative said he really hit the male dog very hard when he saw them stuck. We called a vet and tried to take out the pregnancy immediately, but to our shock, e no gree comot, summary, she gave birth to 5 puppies yesterday. I no even know wetin to use them do, eski-ekwuke Combo embarassed embarassed


Re: How To Abort Unwanted Pregnancies In Dogs by priestcharm(m): 8:01am On Nov 07, 2021
Go to a vet. They're just making jest of your question. It is better to get rid of that pregnancy than allow a cross breed that degenerate the breed standard.
Re: How To Abort Unwanted Pregnancies In Dogs by Explicit02: 8:09am On Nov 07, 2021
Something similar happened to my eskimo.

It stays in a relatives house and one day, the relative had electrical fault and called an electrician around the area to fix it, meanwhile, the eskimo was on heat and we already arranged for a male eskimo to cross her the next day, unfortunately, the electrician came with a local dog without the knowledge of anybody, and while he was busy fixing the light inside, the local dog was busy fixing the eskimo outside. I was very sad, my relative said he really hit the male dig very hard when he saw them stuck. We called a vet and tried to take out the pregnancy immediately, but to our shock, e no gree comot, summary, she gave birth to 5 puppies yesterday. I no even know wetin to use them do, eski-ekwuke Como embarassed embarassed
abeg make I see the picture of the combo
Re: How To Abort Unwanted Pregnancies In Dogs by Henuell(m): 11:25am On Nov 07, 2021
Something similar happened to my eskimo.

It stays in a relatives house and one day, the relative had electrical fault and called an electrician around the area to fix it, meanwhile, the eskimo was on heat and we already arranged for a male eskimo to cross her the next day, unfortunately, the electrician came with a local dog without the knowledge of anybody, and while he was busy fixing the light inside, the local dog was busy fixing the eskimo outside. I was very sad, my relative said he really hit the male dig very hard when he saw them stuck. We called a vet and tried to take out the pregnancy immediately, but to our shock, e no gree comot, summary, she gave birth to 5 puppies yesterday. I no even know wetin to use them do, eski-ekwuke Como embarassed embarassed
make we see the pups abeg

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