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"Do Not Become Slaves Of Men." - Stop Following Cults - Religion - Nairaland

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"Do Not Become Slaves Of Men." - Stop Following Cults by Nobody: 5:41pm On Jun 06, 2011
"You were bought with a price; do not become slaves of men." [/b]So the Apostle Paul implored the church of Corinth (1 Cor. 7:23).

[b]The Christians of Corinth had hardly grown beyond spiritual infancy before their church was split by factions.
Paul was not holding out with them. He diagnosed Corinth's spiritual disease immediately – they were following men, not Christ: "each one of you is saying, 'I am of Paul,' and 'I of Apollos,' and 'I of Cephas,' and 'I of Christ.' Has Christ been divided? (1 Cor. 1:12, 13)

Available evidence indicates no church of New Testament times had more problems than Corinth. These corruptions within Christ's church were the inevitable fruit of a bitter root – a selfish prejudice towards the body of Christ. Here is Paul's counsel which all who claim to witness to the one God, one Lord, one Spirit and one faith of the New Testament are compelled to observe:

I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, entreat you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing forbearance to one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. (Eph. 4:1-3)

If we impatiently and unlovingly alienate or oppress God's people we run the dire risk of dividing the body of Christ, or even becoming entangled in a cult. There are many cults today. You may be familiar with the biggest ones, oldest ones or the most sensational ones; but did you realize that there are tens of thousands of smaller ones now? Did you know that most of them do not differ outwardly from most churches? Yes they often even teach most of the same things as the real church.

Most people do not see beyond these things and do not realize at first what they have got themselves into. But eventually everyone begins to see certain traits appear that make up a cult. These will either be brushed off in denial or as tolerable 'needs',--while increasingly enslaving the same undiscerning people. Or they will be examined by the word of God and cause the same sincere questioners to be persecuted and pressured to totally submit to that form of teaching in the group.

If any adherent within the group should dare to so wonder, even humbly questioning certain practices, you can be sure that there will be very little of the above (Eph. 4) loving instructions. But rather a manipulated hasty response, which is not ashamed to use every fallacy in the book; and whose chief appeal is an unproven self-asserted claim to being God's prophet or having the monopoly on truth.

Everyone finding themselves in such a shocking exchange with their leaders they once so highly respected, could hardly imagine experiencing anything like this. They once said, 'It could not happen to me because cults are so obvious.' But they did not know how easy it was to be deceived by the attractive values of the group, especially the dynamic enthusiasm. It would have been good if they had considered more seriously the repeated warnings of the critics about this group being a cult.

But there is no way my church is a cult! Just remember, every cult has both good and bad people calling it just that; and it would do you well to consider this fact. So how do you know when you have unwittingly become captives of a cult?


Pyramid Power Structure.

Most ancient pagan religions vested all authority in an all-powerful priesthood. This pyramid power structure, high priest apex, is imitated by many modern cults. Adherents totally depend upon the meditation of a hierarchical figurehead, whether one "prophet" or a collective "governing body": The Mormons (Joseph Smith), the Seventh Day Adventists (Ellen G. White) and Jehovah's Witnesses (C.T. Russell) were all kick-started by latter day "prophets", through whom, it is claimed God revealed His will for this day. Whether as extreme in error as these groups, the authority of the leaders of all cults are practically considered absolute while they are alive; and this is often passed on to a collective leadership whose (derived) authority is still effectively absolute – you cannot challenge THEM without challenging GOD. The Holy Spirit warned us in advance about such sectarianism, likening those responsible for fragmenting the flock of God to "savage wolves" who "draw away the disciples AFTER THEMSELVES" (Acts 20:29, 30).

You will find that even though they deny that you should submit your conscience to them, nevertheless, they will practically pressure you to do so in many areas; and you will find them never correcting those devout souls in their group who do so. But does any man on earth have such authority–absolute as Christ Himself ?


Mind Control by Men, not the Spirit.

Cult leaders pretending to protect the "unity" of their flocks, impose a tight control over the information reaching their "sheep". The One flock, in union with One shepherd (John 10:16), find themselves kept firmly in the fold by another shepherd, wielding his staff like a whip. But the apostles, whom Christ legitimized as leaders of His flock by "signs of an apostle" (2 Cor. 12:12), did not feel the need to so lord it over Christ's lambs. Even John, threatened by the prophesied "wolves" trying to tear away Christ's flock, appealed not to his own authority, but to the "annointing" – that Spirit enduement all Christians share – as the best protection from false teaching:

But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you all know… these things I have written to you concerning those who are trying to deceive you. And as for you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you; but as His anointing teaches you about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you abide in Him. (1 John 2:20, 26-27)

A careful "testing of the spirits" will reveal the arguments of these 'shepherds' to be void of fairness, even though on the surface they will feel persuasive. But if you try to investigate this they will never admit a possible err, nor will they point you to Jesus to teach you; but they will pressure you to accept what they say by using manipulated accusations against your character as tool to enslave you. They will show no tolerance for differing minds, nor any patience for careful thinkers. No truth can be received into the church without coming through these mediators. You are not welcome to have any manly independence of thought at all. (Rom. 14)


Isolating the Sheep.

Cult leaders must control the information reaching their followers if they are to retain power over them. Therefore they must isolate followers from potential critics. Most likely such criticism will first come from family or friends of the new recruit; therefore early in the convert's training he/she will be instructed to minimize association with family. Such attempts, of course, will be accompanied by a shower of attention by the new "spiritual family," in order to soften the blow of estrangement, from (former) loved ones. Isolation from past influences accomplished, control of converts will yet be but partial if any free flow of information remains unchecked. Therefore recruits will be discouraged from – even made to feel guilty about – reading "spiritual indecency", literature critical of the group. Any such criticism will be viewed as "persecution".

In most cults, much pressure is exerted to keep the members in as much ignorance as possible. The leaders perpetually provide numerous impressive 'facts' to support their few causes and equally numerous insights on how to live an "unworldly" or holy life (but in fact keep such people ignorant of the true Way of salvation, and in bondage to personal sin). Fascinated by the seeming wisdom and holiness of the leaders, and loaded down with too many activities and information to process, each believer is easily captivated. Soon every thought of the believer is held captive to the self-appointed prophet of the group. But even the cult's "high priest" is isolated from the full range of the wisdom of God, due to his failure to acknowledge that the Spirit wills to whom He will give His gifts (1 Cor. 12: 11, 18).


Christ is the Way;

but We're The Way to the Way (and you cannot go directly)

"WE have the mind of Christ", said Paul, curtly defying those among the Corinthians who thought to monopolize God's wisdom (1 Cor. 2:16). Generations before, Job had flattened his self-flattering friends with "Truly you are the people, and wisdom will die with you!" (Job 12:2). Solomon's name has become synonymous with wisdom, yet even he was not so arrogant as to think God could only speak through Him. "In abundance of counselors there is deliverance," Solomon claimed, adding "the way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man is he who listens to counsel… without consultation, plans are frustrated, but with many counselors they succeed" (Prov. 11:14; 12:15; 15:22). The mind of Christ, Paul claimed, is the possession of ALL who have the Spirit of Christ (1 Cor. 2:12). But while we may greatly profit by the gifts and ministry of other Christians, we must NEVER become dependent upon them.

If we do, we will forever remain children, tossed here and there by waves, and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming." These groups would each have us grow up into their group in all conformity. But instead we are to "grow up in all aspects into Him, who is the head, even Christ" (Eph. 4:12, 15).


Slandering Opposition Unmercifully.

It is the inevitable claim of the cults that they are restoring "New Testament Christianity." Since the doctrines of such groups almost always become opposed to the historic doctrines of the church, the restoration notion becomes a crowbar for leaders desirous of prying potential converts from "Babylon's" grip.

They have an impressive appearance of reformation, and thrive where the professing church is dead as Pluto. But their reform is altogether selective. While it claims its source from the law of God in its few areas of reform, it utterly neglects His law in many others. Some outward practices are impressively brought back to the church, but the deeper matters of the heart are left to wait for a latter day (even though there is much talk about heart submission). It becomes inevitable that the leaders reveal themselves as much harsher than they are merciful. They could never weep for their opposition.

There is no time for such goats! There can be little room for tolerance of any age or people who differed from the cult's exalted ideas. "They slander those things which they do not understand" because they fear the change that might result to a candid investigation, and the authority that could be lost from the exposure.

The leaders are a harsh band who are accustomed to evil assumptions against any challenging internal seeker. It matters not who the person is inside or outside the group, if the leader is placed in a position to defend his unjustified claims, if there is any truth in it or not, he will cunningly slander someone to prove his point at some time in the explanation. They might sound sweet and delightful in moments of agreement with you; but if you search for some foundations for their pet ideas, half-truths, gross generalizations, and their wild logic you will be sorely crossed.

And if you persist, in good time an evil report will forever remove you from the confidence of all loyal disciples. Your name once stigmatized will forever be ruined unless there is an impressive recantation and absolute surrender of the conscience to the entire collection of ideas and leadership. God will never lead you to do this.

But there is hope for you, even if you have found yourself in this very place with this powerful group. God is calling a people out of these groups into the Truth, even though it may seem impossible to them to ever find God again. In fact this conflict between you and these kind of men is evidence of God's desire to give you the truth and them an even further delusion. (2 Thess. 2: 10-13) Your conflict is needful (1 Cor. 11: 19) and if you look meekly to Jesus, you will find the Way, and the Truth, and the Life that this cult has no knowledge of.

To those who have become prey to religious leaders who match the above description, we plead DO NOT BECOME SLAVES OF MEN! Do not allow your mind to become captive to other humans, no matter their claims, evident sincerity, or powerful persuasion. Christians should be "taking every thought CAPTIVE TO THE OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST" (2 Cor. 10:5).

Re: "Do Not Become Slaves Of Men." - Stop Following Cults by Nobody: 5:42pm On Jun 06, 2011
My Diagnosis :

Stop following Christ Embassy, TB Joshua etc etc.

In other words stop following MEN otherwise you are doomed.
Re: "Do Not Become Slaves Of Men." - Stop Following Cults by Jenwitemi(m): 6:38pm On Jun 06, 2011
Re: "Do Not Become Slaves Of Men." - Stop Following Cults by Jenwitemi(m): 6:40pm On Jun 06, 2011
My friend, the entire christiandom is one big CULT.

My Diagnosis :

Stop following Christ Embassy, TB Joshua etc etc.

In other words stop following MEN otherwise you are doomed.
Re: "Do Not Become Slaves Of Men." - Stop Following Cults by Nobody: 6:42pm On Jun 06, 2011

No bro, there is THE CHURCH ( BODY OF CHRIST ) and then the PHYSICAL DENOMINATIONS of which many are CULTs.
Re: "Do Not Become Slaves Of Men." - Stop Following Cults by Nobody: 6:43pm On Jun 06, 2011
One of the hallmarks of every cult is its propensity to gather closely around a leader and to elevate that leader to a kind of kingly status both in their minds, and in their treatment of this leader. The leader's words and sayings becomes law. The leader is often viewed as being above reproach. In Christian circles, it is often viewed as "carnal" and "unruly" to be critical of the leader, particularly if that criticism deals with doctrinal positions taken by the leader, or pronouncements that are viewed by some as contrary to Scripture.

In Christianity today, we are witnessing a dramatic rise in the cult of the personality resulting in a flood of bad pastors standing in our pulpits. Today, we are seeing two distinct movements within Christianity. First, there is the fleshly, man-centered risings of certain churches, always occasioned by man with a powerful, dominating personality, who takes control over the church, leading it according to his own sense of direction.

Naturally, his position is that the direction he is taking the church is towards God, because, after all, he is following Christ. It is not uncommon for such strong leaders to become, in a real sense, an "extra-biblical" manifestation of Christ and His Word to the people. They will come to feel that they are seeing God manifested in this man, and that this man is so close to God, that when he speaks, it is as though God speaks. In other words, these men, these bad pastors, these corrupt leaders within the Body, these wolves in sheep's clothing,  become so powerful that they are often able to turn the people away from God, and are able to lead the people completely astray.

Cults will always defy God. They may pay lip service to God, but they are nonetheless, defying God. They have rejected His Word, they have rejected His commandments, and they have rejected Him. They have committed the sin of idolatry, for they have built themselves a god they will serve, and it is a god of their imagination. Debate it, analyze it and study on it, but when you're done, it still comes down to idolatry. That is the ultimate destination of any group that goes down the Cultic Path.

It is a contradiction of terms to call a Christian ministry a cult. A cult cannot be Christian, but a Christian or a group can be cultic. A ministry may be cultic and still be Christian. In other words, it may retain all the trappings of basic, Baptistic Christianity, but still exhibit cult-like attributes. For example, a group may follow traditional Christian beliefs in most areas, but may also adopt a doctrine or practice of handling snakes, or drinking poison, or some other irrational, strange doctrine which is, when all is said and done, a doctrinal abberation that is cultic and clearly not of God. They may be "born again" believers. But, because of their doctrinal ignorance, they are on the Cult Path.

Erwin W. Lutzer described the beginning of a cult rather aptly when he discussed the beginnings of idolatry which Gideon brought into the land. He said: "Once Gideon had set himself up as a high priest and placed the center of worship in his hometown, idolatry swiftly followed. The biblical account says starkly, : 'All Israel prostituted themselves by worshipping it [the ephod] there, and it became a snare to Gideon and his family.' " (Jud. 8:27). WHEN A GOOD MAN FALLS, Erwin W. Lutzer, Victor Books, 1986, p. 47.

Idolatry, which is always built on a foundation of pride and covered with a veneer of self love, is easily the greatest single element in the corruption of a ministry; and probably, there one single thing that causes the cult meter to register completely off the scale in determining whether a Christian ministry is going down that path.

It has to do with how the members of the church treat a fellow member when that member has, by word or deed, shown disloyalty to the leader.

Now let me first lay some foundations before I continue. First of all, some definitions: Unfaithful: "Not adhering to a pledge or contract." - Websters. Disloyal: ", faithlessness." - Websters. Faithful: "Adhering strictly to the person, cause, or idea to which one is bound: dutiful and loyal." - Websters. Websters lists several words as synonyms, including "faithful, loyal, steadfast, constant" and "true."

We are commanded to love one another (John 13:34; 15:12, 17). We are told to love Jesus and that our love for Jesus shows love to God (John 16:27). He noted that if we loved Him, we'd do His commandments. "If ye love me, keep my commandments." - John 14:15.

Thus, it follows that where a Christian sins by not being in obedience to Jesus, logic would tell us (or at least suggest degrees) of the following: (1) that person is not demonstrating love for God; and (2) that person may not love Jesus; and (3) certainly that person loves his or her sin more than God; and (4) at the very least, that person has been unfaithful to and disloyal to Jesus, because that person has turned against Jesus' commandments (some of which is to walk upright, to be holy, to love God).

Say what you want, but when a Christian chooses to sin, he or she chooses not to obey God. That's the long and short of it. When such a person chooses to sin, he is saying he desires that sin more than pleasing God. He chooses to please the flesh instead of God. He has chosen sin over God. He has been unfaithful to God. He has been disloyal to God. If you hear I have gotten drunk, you can reckon that I chose to disobey God, and you can assume, logically, that my desire for sin was greater than my desire to please God. And you could, with all authority and truthfulness say to me: You have been disloyal to your God and your calling as a Christian.

That said, I have a question for some pastors. Tell me, you pastors who seek the adoration of your congregation, ye who seek the prominent place in your congregation, which is worse: to be disloyal to you, the pastor, or to be disloyal to Jesus? Is it worse for a church member to betray you, or God?

Now, most pastors would not have trouble answering those questions correctly. I suggest many would not answer it truthfully, though. Their actions, and the actions of their congregation betray them. If a church member in certain churches I know, backslides and gets drunk, or commits adultery or fornication he will not be voted out, will not be formally disciplined, and will not suffer any serious repercussions. Perhaps the pastor will quietly counsel with him, and will seek to encourage him back onto the path of righteousness. Or a friend will try and restore him. But he will not be shunned, nor will he be booted out the door. Oh, there are some churches that will expel such a one if he refuses to be repentant about the matter, or shows no evidence of a change in his life. But mostly, nothing will be done to such a person besides, perhaps, getting several to pray for him, perhaps visit him, and perhaps, at worst, move away from him socially. He will still be treated in a friendly fashion at church. (Hey, in some churches, he will continue to hold a position of some kind in the church and held in high esteem.) Ah, but you let that same man say a bad word about the pastor or side with someone who has been critical of that pastor and suddenly, it's different.

Now, he's treated like a gay leper with AIDS. He may be told by security at the church that he cannot attend the services any more. He may even be voted out of the church membership. Why? Because of disloyalty to the pastor. They will, in defense, say it is dealing with an unruly brother, or separating themselves from one who doesn't follow the teachings of the Bible, or some other reason, like calling that person a "disgruntled" church member. Whatever it is, the bottom line is that person who has been so bold as to offend by being "disloyal" to the pastor, is suddenly an evil person, a person to be shunned, and a person to be driven out of the church. Some of you know this is true. Some of you have experienced it. And those of you who are in churches like this, or who have been in churches where the pastor is held in a god-like esteem, know what I'm talking about. You know what I've just said is true.

Well, for the record, let me say that I think such churches and the membership are cultic. I think the excuses they dream up for such unruly church members is often a disquised attempt to rid themselves of individuals who have seen through the facade, and who refuse to commit idolatry any longer.

Sorry guys. I don't buy your excuses anymore. You are cultic and your membership is cultic.

The second movement is one that is more difficult to see and more difficult to combat. Under the ruberic of "love," some Christian churches has begun aligning themselves and their people with other churches that are on the perimeters of Christianity (and some are beyond the pale). Some churches and Christians have moved into a stream of affiliations and ties that will soon become snares. They are attempting to mesh doctrinal differences or in some instances, deliberately avoiding the differences, and concentrating on the "positives."

I contend that both of these movements tend to create churches that are cultic. Both of them lead to the same destination, albeit by different routes. But, though the journey may take different turns, and may have different sights, at the end of that road there is a final stop-- Idolatry. The ultimate sin that is pervasive in the congregation is the substitution of a man, for God. They never see it, and would never admit to it. But it is there.

Now a cult is a difficult thing to define in the English language. If you look at the strict dictionary definition, all of Christianity might be called a "cult." But in fact, historically, the term has been taken to mean those groups which are religious abberations, that is, they have abandoned traditional Christian doctrine and forged new doctrines that are both contrary to the Scripture and to doctrine long established and recognized by Christendom.

I have my own definition for a cult.

Where a group of people place their ideas, their words and their persons in a position that cannot be challenged by the Bible and who refuse to accept the authority of the Bible, but instead devise cunning and clever doctrines that fit their fancy, then this group is a cult.

Please continue to rest of article here - http://brevia.com/Spiritual/Idolatry.htm
Re: "Do Not Become Slaves Of Men." - Stop Following Cults by ogoamaka99(m): 6:47pm On Jun 06, 2011
 You know  i don't like replying to your posts because you are confused and that is why you go about deceiving others.
 With due respect, members of this forum will appreciate your telling us what you know about TBJ and Pastor Chris of CEC. This is necessary because i doubt if you know any of them. I mean what you know about them and not what you have read about them. Have you ever worshipped in any of their churches?
Re: "Do Not Become Slaves Of Men." - Stop Following Cults by Nobody: 10:56pm On Jun 06, 2011

People in a cult are always in self denial. It's a normal thing according to psychology.

I am not deceiving anyone only pointing out biblical truths.

We should honour men BUT we must be followers of JESUS.

JESUS is the great shepherd but many hirelings are trying to steal his flock and that is why he will fight them shortly and deliver them from the Lion's mouth ( false teachers ), just like David delivered his sheep from the Lions mouth.

"I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand ( false teachers )  is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf  coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. [b]The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep.[/b]I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep " - John 10:14 -16
Re: "Do Not Become Slaves Of Men." - Stop Following Cults by Joagbaje(m): 6:01am On Jun 07, 2011

My Diagnosis :
Stop following Christ Embassy, TB Joshua etc etc.
In other words stop following MEN otherwise you are doomed.

Your diagnosis is wrong. You will kill the patient grin

What do you say to these scriptures.

2 Thessalonians 3:7
7 For yourselves know how ye ought to follow us: for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you;

1 Corinthians 4:16
16 Wherefore I beseech you, be ye followers of me.

Philippians 3:17
17 Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample.

1 Corinthians 11:1
1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.

Every christian must have a pastor and worship in a church. That' doesn't take away the universality of the church . You must belong to a local church .

You may be sincere , but sincerely wrong
Re: "Do Not Become Slaves Of Men." - Stop Following Cults by nuclearboy(m): 6:39am On Jun 07, 2011

Aside self-denial, such people utilize aggression also. Which is why the emptyheadamaka will dare to call "YOU" of all posters, "confused" or a "deceiver"? I mean, talk of dark-gray calling white "black" and seeing black (jo) beside him and keeping quiet about him.

Anyways, of most importance in the identification of any Christian or ministry is the fruit they produce. TBJ seems to have this seeming "love" which he displays with his giving and which is commendable. But why would anyone broadcast and actively advertise such if the motive is truly love?

CEC with its band(s) and gangs of thieves, 419, immoral people shows fruit suited to cults. David Koresh (head of another cult who ended up seeing himself as the last messenger) also had this same manner - violence (as seen when journalists are assaulted in a "christian" church), multiple bed-partners etc and he ended up causing the WACO massacre.

Here on NairaLand, the representatives of Chris Oyaks are known as a group of lying, boastful, deceitful people headed by a pastor who will twist, lie, manipulate and support evil just to push his agenda. That FRUIT more than anything else proves this "church" is a cult
Re: "Do Not Become Slaves Of Men." - Stop Following Cults by Nobody: 8:39pm On Jun 07, 2011

Your diagnosis is wrong. You will kill the patient  grin

What do you say to these scriptures.

2 Thessalonians 3:7
7 For yourselves know how ye ought to follow us: for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you;

1 Corinthians 4:16
16 Wherefore I beseech you, be ye followers of me.

Philippians 3:17
17 Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample.

1 Corinthians 11:1
1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.

Every christian must have a pastor and worship in a church. That' doesn't take away the universality of the church . You must belong to a local church .

You may be sincere , but sincerely wrong

Please show me in the bible where it says YOU must HAVE A PASTOR  undecided undecided

There were Christians in the churches of those days who had the office of pastor ( shepherd ), evangelist etc, but they were never called by that title. For example pastor meant shepherd, who was supposed to feed and tend for the sheep, or Evangelist who was to preach the gospel etc .

By the way the leadership of those days was never like you have it today , where the leaders are cult figures and lord it over the brethren.

The logic of having many elders in the church was to counter false doctrine, prevent disorder ,feed the sheep, exhort, etc etc.

"Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”" - 1 Peter 5:5

"Let the elders who rule well ( not those who lord it over the brethren )  be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching." - 1 Timothy 5:17

"But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves." - Luke 22:26

"Are any of you sick? You should call for the elders of the church to come and pray over you, anointing you with oil in the name of the Lord" - James 5:14

The concept of having one man as pastor and the entire congregation looking up to him is NO different from what you have in the catholic church where the priest is supreme.

Problem is that if the priest or pastor is wrong, or falls into sin or mischief,  the sheep scatter and many lose their faith.

Stop preaching FALSE DOCTRINE.

Re: "Do Not Become Slaves Of Men." - Stop Following Cults by Joagbaje(m): 10:32pm On Jun 07, 2011
You spoke erroneously about followership and You didn't comment on the scriptures I quoted. I'm waiting for your comment on those scriptures
Re: "Do Not Become Slaves Of Men." - Stop Following Cults by Joagbaje(m): 10:32pm On Jun 07, 2011

Please show me in the bible where it says YOU must HAVE A PASTOR  undecided undecided

There were Christians in the churches of those days who had the office of pastor ( shepherd ), evangelist etc, but they were never called by that title. For example pastor meant shepherd, who was supposed to feed and tend for the sheep, or Evangelist who was to preach the gospel etc .

By the way the leadership of those days was never like you have it today , where the leaders are cult figures and lord it over the brethren.

The logic of having many elders in the church was to counter false doctrine, prevent disorder ,feed the sheep, exhort, etc etc.

"Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”" - 1 Peter 5:5

"Let the elders who rule well ( not those who lord it over the brethren )  be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching." - 1 Timothy 5:17

"But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves." - Luke 22:26

"Are any of you sick? You should call for the elders of the church to come and pray over you, anointing you with oil in the name of the Lord" - James 5:14

The concept of having one man as pastor and the entire congregation looking up to him is NO different from what you have in the catholic church where the priest is supreme.

Problem is that if the priest or pastor is wrong, or falls into sin or mischief,  the sheep scatter and many lose their faith.

Stop preaching FALSE DOCTRINE.


You are the one that should stop false doctrine dude.  Your doctrine is against christ. He is the one building the church. You are attacking the structure of the church unknowingly , it is wrong . No matter how sincere you think you are.  The eldership of the church makes reference to leadership generally.  But among these leaders there is hierarchy . Among the apostles ,peter was leader. In the early church peter led. Then james the brother of Jesus  took over.There must be a head. It is Gods structure.he is nit author of confusion. You can't have several heads. God always deal with people through a leader. The doctrine you are spreading is satanic.  You give impression as though people should not attend church services. Not submitted to leadership. It is wrong. You can't make Gods people sheep without shepherd .

You attacked local church membership

Hebrews 10:25
25 Let us not neglect our church meetings, as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of his coming back again is drawing near.

You attacked pastoral leadership

Hebrews 13:17
Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.

Leadership is not lordship , but you manipulate the idea of leadership to mean lordship . It is wrong.
Re: "Do Not Become Slaves Of Men." - Stop Following Cults by Snowwy: 11:42am On Jun 08, 2011

My Diagnosis :

Stop following Christ Embassy, TB Joshua etc etc.

In other words stop following MEN otherwise you are doomed.

Are you fighting a common enemy or you are fighting churches. I really do not understand you.
You gave a full explanation of the 'problem' and a very inconclusive ambiguous diagnosis with NO PRESCRIPTION.
What kind of doctor are you?

You have highlighted the problem, the solution has to be thorough. That is the problem with you critics, you always bring out all the negatives and do not proffer a good solution.
Re: "Do Not Become Slaves Of Men." - Stop Following Cults by Jenwitemi(m): 7:39pm On Jun 08, 2011
Well, there you have it. You have confirmed it in your own words. In the case of the cult of christiandom, this leader is the figure of Jesus.

One of the hallmarks of every cult is its propensity to gather closely around a leader and to elevate that leader to a kind of kingly status both in their minds, and in their treatment of this leader. The leader's words and sayings becomes law. The leader is often viewed as being above reproach. In Christian circles, it is often viewed as "carnal" and "unruly" to be critical of the leader, particularly if that criticism deals with doctrinal positions taken by the leader, or pronouncements that are viewed by some as contrary to Scripture.
Re: "Do Not Become Slaves Of Men." - Stop Following Cults by Sweetnecta: 10:04pm On Jun 08, 2011
@Frosbel; a slave of jesus is nothing other than a slave of man. are you a slave of the man named jesus?

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