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Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention - Family (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by Olaideolayemi(m): 4:23pm On Nov 19, 2021
Evil is an intention and choice..Evil is bad..We must always avoid it at all cost..
Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by shantti(m): 4:38pm On Nov 19, 2021

I agree with him...
Some supposed "evil" can be deemed "acceptable" depending on the circumstance...

Take for instance, we're told that killing a person in cold blood is bad, buh let's assume you were kidnapped and by some stroke of luck, your kidnappers forgot to lock the door, you courageously took the risk and peeped through the door, thinking of a way to escape... The sight that greets you from where you're peeping through is one of your kidnappers fast asleep on the chair, with his/her gun on the floor... Once again you summoned the courage and reach for his/her gun, hoping to use it as leverage to find your way out of their den, and just as youre about to leave after picking the gun, he/she wakes up and blocks the door...

You have two options, shoot him)her and escape or waste your time negotiating with him/her until his/her reenforcement arrives...

What would you do??

Shoot his leg, I don't have the heart to kill no matter what
Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by felixawe(m): 5:10pm On Nov 19, 2021
No. It's sad that 90% of Nigerians justifies evil
Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by Nobody: 5:20pm On Nov 19, 2021

1. The question of this thread is if evil should be justified and not if "evil is circumstantial".

2. There is nothing to get here. You stated the obvious. Everyone knows that killing in self-defense will be judged differently in court than killing for pleasure or because of greed. The latter should not be justified to bring you back to the question of this thread.

1. Madam calm down and read before you comment o... The thread is "should evil be justified REGARDLESS OF THE INTENTION" ((take note of the caps words))...
I'm simply saying if the intent ((which can be based on circumstance)) is self defense ((just as I stated up there)), then that supposed act cannot be termed "evil", buh if otherwise, then it isn't justifiable...

2. That's because you don't calm down to read and UNDERSTAND... You only argue blindly ((or for whatever other reason))...
Because if you had UNDERSTOOD my write up, then maybe your comments would have had more sense to them ((no offense))...

And I take God name beg you...
Read and understand before you come back on my mention...
Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by Dazall: 5:43pm On Nov 19, 2021
Dear OP the answer you seek is in this Havard university lecture

Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by murmee: 9:02pm On Nov 19, 2021

I agree with him...
Some supposed "evil" can be deemed "acceptable" depending on the circumstance...

Take for instance, we're told that killing a person in cold blood is bad, buh let's assume you were kidnapped and by some stroke of luck, your kidnappers forgot to lock the door, you courageously took the risk and peeped through the door, thinking of a way to escape... The sight that greets you from where you're peeping through is one of your kidnappers fast asleep on the chair, with his/her gun on the floor... Once again you summoned the courage and reach for his/her gun, hoping to use it as leverage to find your way out of their den, and just as youre about to leave after picking the gun, he/she wakes up and blocks the door...

You have two options, shoot him)her and escape or waste your time negotiating with him/her until his/her reenforcement arrives...

What would you do??
Whatever you do at that point is self defense. Kidnapping you in the first instance is evil. Stopping you from escaping is also evil. So it's ok if you have to kill him to escape.
Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by bukatyne(f): 9:11pm On Nov 19, 2021

Everybody has that innate defence mechanism. It's the same reason we go to church to bind, cast, destroy and command evil doers to die even though we know that certain evil doers could be from within (family, workplace, neighborhood, etc.)

The way we deploy that innate defence mechanism is what makes the difference. You can go to jail for doing the right thing.

grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

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Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by bukatyne(f): 9:12pm On Nov 19, 2021

Wait till u join politics

grin cheesy
Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by Dtruthspeaker: 9:20pm On Nov 19, 2021

Only God that can determine what is evil.

And He has set the difference between Good and evil.


I believe that is the reason God does not allow human to pass judgement.

We are supposed to check our Judgement with Him and we actually do, which have seen play out that in one case, a thief is whipped and burnt and in anoher case a thief is whipped and sent away with a warning.

Men think it is them passing and executing Judgement, But it is actually God Himself.

The people (judges) just felt and knew that was the right judgement in both cases and if you look closely, you would see that all who hear that judgement do affirm it was right even if they expressed their desire for other judgements to be added upon or taken away.

That is the Power of God in Action.


In some cases to human,we can determine evil but not in all cases. What seems evil to us may not be evil,hence it may be called justification of evil to human but not God who sees differently.
Above all,God cannot justify evil.

And this is where Moses and His Family, the Levites hold sway being Law,ers now Lawyers.

God taught Moses The Law and Judgments which he in turn taught His Family making them Law,ers as himself.

And all Laws all over the world come from Israel who had the best Laws Ever, so all law,ers follow after Moses (and ought to follow after him for their own soul's sake), which is why law,ers have the power and validity to determine evil, for Law Comes from God and It is He who taught law,ers The Law!
Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by Hathor5(f): 9:37pm On Nov 19, 2021

1. Madam calm down and read before you comment o... The thread is "should evil be justified REGARDLESS OF THE INTENTION" ((take note of the caps words))...
I'm simply saying if the intent ((which can be based on circumstance)) is self defense ((just as I stated up there)), then that supposed act cannot be termed "evil", buh if otherwise, then it isn't justifiable...

2. That's because you don't calm down to read and UNDERSTAND... You only argue blindly ((or for whatever other reason))...
Because if you had UNDERSTOOD my write up, then maybe your comments would have had more sense to them ((no offense))...

And I take God name beg you...
Read and understand before you come back on my mention...

You asked if evil can be justified REGARDLESS OF THE INTENTION.

Now you are saying that depending on circumstance a certain act can't be termed evil.

If it is not evil then it needs no justification. If it is evil then it can't be justified.

It's simple but you are still confused. Don't worry, you are on the right track, getting there. wink
Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by Dtruthspeaker: 9:46pm On Nov 19, 2021

The same scriptures that tells you, "thou shalt not kill" in exodus 20:13, then tells you in exodus 21:29 that "any man who's ox has a habit of maiming people and the man having been warned refuses to keep the ox in checked, that man should be killed"
It also says in exodus 22:2 "that if a thief be found stealing and he is struck and he dies, the one who struck isn't guilty"

So do you see that what we term "evil" is circumstantial (ie based on circumstance)...

All you are saying is that evil is determined and Prescribed by Law in all situation aka circumstance.


If all killings According to you is evil, why would God say that a man who killed another man isnt guilty of that evil

I never said that!

I simply described the Law Full places of the words conveying the lawful or unlaw full killing of a person.
Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by Dtruthspeaker: 10:12pm On Nov 19, 2021
It can never be justified and most times I see those who try to justify evil in whatever way as lacking integrity.

Speak the whole Truth, you wanted say that they are evil themselves.

Exactly as a thief will not be willing to condemn his fellow thief.
Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by Dtruthspeaker: 10:14pm On Nov 19, 2021

Killing a person in cold blood and saving yourself are two different things. Defending yourself from your kidnappers is not evil so you would not need to justify any evil here.


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Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by Dtruthspeaker: 10:19pm On Nov 19, 2021

The way we deploy that innate defence mechanism is what makes the difference. You can go to jail for doing the right thing.

You are not supposed to go to prison for doing the right thing, that is what The Original Law Said.

But killers have deceived everyone into not knowing The Truth of What The Law hath Said.

Which is "He who law fully exercises his rights, does no Wrong".

They never teach this Law in Law Schools or in Law Classes, so you can imagine my shock when I found it.

And it is because of this replacement of Just Laws with unlawful laws, that is why injustice is in the land, for people are taught that these unlawful laws are Laws whereas they are all unlawful and illegal and void.

But people do not know and most lawyers too for they taught these unjust laws as if they were True!
Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by GboyegaD(m): 10:21pm On Nov 19, 2021

Speak the whole Truth, you wanted say that they are evil themselves.

Exactly as a thief will not be willing to condemn his fellow thief.

What are you saying?
Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by Dtruthspeaker: 10:29pm On Nov 19, 2021

What are you saying?

I believe you wanted to say that any person who attempts to justify evil, proves he himself is evil.

Like we can see and foresee, an evil man will not see anything wrong with the wicked act of his fellow evil man.
Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by udumosam23(m): 10:29pm On Nov 19, 2021
I had a discussion with someone recently and he was of the opinion that we can and should sometimes justify some bad behaviors as just our nature and evil as a form of defence.

According to him, some bad things can be justified especially when it's for one's defence.
I understand all humans have the capacity to commit evil given the right circumstances and evil people aren’t always evil in isolation but as a result of their circumstances.

But regardless, should we justify them?

It is most often the intention not the action that justifies evil. So depending on where you are deducting the evil from. If in action, then yes, it can be justified. For some bad actions are borne of good intentions.

But if the evil is been deducted from intentions, it can't be justified no matter how good the action is.

And since we're often very ignorant of a man's true intentions, we can hardly judge accurately what evil exactly is.
Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by Dtruthspeaker: 10:32pm On Nov 19, 2021
One day I would buy a Gun.. any fulani that tries trash with me ehhh.. SMH! smiley You gerrit?, if you don't get it, forget about ittt

He who exercises his law full rights, does no wrong.
Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by Dtruthspeaker: 10:39pm On Nov 19, 2021

Evil is when you burn down police stations and roast alive police men all because you didn't get justice, that is barbaric

No, it is not!

It may be excessive but, it may not be wrong. For the house of justice can not be the place of injustice.

And if it would not do the justice it was set up to do, then it is law full that it be deleted.

Nature will provide another avenue of justice.
Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by Dtruthspeaker: 10:52pm On Nov 19, 2021

Nothing is good or bad. Good or bad depends on your point of view. It's your motive that creates the illusion of good or bad. Something could be bad to me but good to you.....and vice versa.



Let me give you few examples:-
From your point of view that would be a good thing, in fact, most religious people would go give testimony in church. However, from the point of view of the armed robbers, that would be a very bad day.


When you do an unlawful act, YOU LOSE YOUR RIGHTS.

Thus, the views of the armed robber does not come up for consideration at all.

Which is why no one asked the unlawful man "how do you see it?" No.

All that is asked is "Did you do so so and so...?"

That is what God has done.


Another example:-

If you love a beautiful girl seriously but she doesn't love you back but instead loves your neighbor. Is that good or bad?

This is a Clash of Rights! There is no evil where rights are.

And this is where you mix up the feeling of pain and loss and disappointment and wrongfully elevating/downgrading them to evil.

This just shows that you are not yet able to distinguish evil from other unpleasant factors.
Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by Nobody: 10:52pm On Nov 19, 2021

1. You asked if evil can be justified REGARDLESS OF THE INTENTION.

2. Now you are saying that depending on circumstance a certain act can't be termed evil.

3. If it is not evil then it needs no justification. If it is evil then it can't be justified.

4. It's simple but you are still confused. Don't worry, you are on the right track, getting there. wink

1. I didn't ask that....that's the title of the thread, abi, you missed that one too??

2. Go back and read my post again...

3. Go back and read my post again, I addressed this already...

4. Shakes head and walks away from a hopeless course...

Have a nice night ...
Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by Dtruthspeaker: 10:55pm On Nov 19, 2021
Just as every human on earth have a certain level of envy in them, but the control is what separates them.

You can't justify evil. What is bad is bad and what is good is good.

More like a married man confessing to his wife about his sexcapade after he was caught red handed by his wife, "Honestly Baby, it is not what you think, I inserted my D into her hole because she told me she is cold and seriously feverish, so she needs heat and something to make her sweat, I volunteered to help her since there was no one around to assist her."

Conscience: Eminem and Dre

"She tripped, fell, landed on his dee.k"l grin
Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by Dtruthspeaker: 11:01pm On Nov 19, 2021

I think one of the instance op meant is when you cheat someone because you want a better life yourself and your family.
Doing crimes and fraud as an avenue to escape poverty is evil... But justifiable because it's benefitial to the perpetrator.

I think that's an example

Justification means exculpation (Removal of Guilt) and not "Mitigation" of Punishment. (Allocution/Allocotus).

Thus, this is not a justification but "A Guilt with Reason"! Eg "I slept with the man so that I could get you the job" or "I stole to feed my family"

These are not justification but admission of guilt with reason.

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Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by Dtruthspeaker: 11:03pm On Nov 19, 2021
As long as you have called it evil, any justification of evil, is itself evil and a furtherance of evil.


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Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by Dtruthspeaker: 11:10pm On Nov 19, 2021
Y'all should understand that not everything that is bad is evil, some things are just not good morally wise...
And morality is relative.

So... my question is
What is evil?

This is where you learn the Grades of Things which are Not Good from the lowest to highest order

"Neither good nor not good" to "Not good" to "Bad" to "Very Bad" to "Very Very Bad" to Badness Infinitum (Evil)

Thus, what is evil?

Answer: That thing which is very very very bad such that you gave up measuring it's badness.

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Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by Dtruthspeaker: 11:17pm On Nov 19, 2021
Our actions as relative. There is no exclusively good did or evil did. What you term evil might be good and beneficial to another. And sometimes, your intention no matter how noble, the result is evil towards some. that is why actions and results are judged, not the intention. Evils are not necessarily a bad thing neither is good necessarily a beneficiary thing.

Wrong the intentions are judged also.

Also, you do not know this, when a person any wicked act, he immediately loses many of his rights, which is why no one would ask him "what is your view?" But rather "Did you do so so and so?" "Why?" (his intention is now under judgement)
Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by musicwriter(m): 9:35am On Nov 20, 2021



When you do an unlawful act, YOU LOSE YOUR RIGHTS.

Thus, the views of the armed robber does not come up for consideration at all.

Which is why no one asked the unlawful man "how do you see it?" No.

All that is asked is "Did you do so so and so...?"

That is what God has done.

This is a Clash of Rights! There is no evil where rights are.

And this is where you mix up the feeling of pain and loss and disappointment and wrongfully elevating/downgrading them to evil.

This just shows that you are not yet able to distinguish evil from other unpleasant factors.

This thread isn't about human rights. It's about good and bad from serious philosophical point of view NOT from political point of view.

I haven't read responses pass the first page but I have a feeling this thread won't be understood.


Just read the thread and only one or two people understand what the topic is about. This thread is a proof that white people have rendered most of us Africans as simpletons incapable of serious thought. No thanks to fake language, fake education, fake god which have all conspired to separate us from having an organic experience with meaning, reason, spiritually, infinite intelligence that can only be had in ones native language.

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Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by Dtruthspeaker: 9:52am On Nov 20, 2021

This thread isn't about human rights. It's about good and bad from serious philosophical point of view NOT from political point of view.

I haven't read responses pass the first page but I have a feeling this thread won't be understood.

grin When you talk about evil, you must talk about Rights and Wrong, Good and Evil, Law Full and Unlawfull.

They are inseparable!
Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by musicwriter(m): 10:02am On Nov 20, 2021

grin When you talk about evil, you must talk about Rights and Wrong, Good and Evil, Law Full and Unlawfull.

They are inseparable!

This topic have many forms it could be based. So, yes, you may be right from your narrow RELIGIOUS point of view and not right from LEGAL, PHILOSOPHICAL, ETHICAL, etc point of view. Sorry, you don't understand what this topic is about.
Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by BabaIbo: 10:08am On Nov 20, 2021

Conscience: Eminem and Dre

"She tripped, fell, landed on his dee.k"l grin

LOL cheesy grin
Re: Should Evil Be Justified Regardless Of The Intention by Dtruthspeaker: 10:10am On Nov 20, 2021

This topic have many forms it could be based. So, yes, you may be right from your narrow RELIGIOUS point of view and not right from LEGAL, PHILOSOPHICAL, ETHICAL, etc point of view. Sorry, you don't understand what this topic is about.

It is you who seeks to wrongfully narrow it.

No matter what, no one in the world can reasonably and validly talk about evil, without talking about The Good nor about Rights and Wrong, nor about Law Full and Unlawfull.

They are an Inseparable Whole!

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