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"Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) - Health (9) - Nairaland

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Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by philus66(m): 2:50am On Dec 18, 2021
For those who are accusing the person that recorded the video why he did not rescue the deceased, are you guys blind to see that the guy was sitting in a dangerous position. Any attempt to hold him at that moment would have resulted in both the guy and the rescuer falling inside the lagoon. So unfortunate he died that way.
At the same time, I condemn early marriage in its entirety. Imagine blaming the parents for not taking care of a married man, when he is supposed to be taking care of his parents. If you have a means of livelihood, you can marry anything you want, otherwise, why rushing into marriage at such early stage. Such depression would have been avoided if he did not have a family to cater for at the age of 25 years without tangible means of sustenance, considering the perilous times we find ourselves orchestrated by evil old men who call themselves leaders.
May his soul rest in peace.
Thank you
Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by sharone21(f): 3:19am On Dec 18, 2021

That is how they stop People from Jumping from Buildings or other dangerous places

Many of them latter go back to say" Thank you" because they didn't realize what they were doing at Time

Do you know Nnamdi Azikiwe was so frustrated that he tried to kill himself when he was just 23 years old

It was a kind hearted Black American that saw him and dragged him off the Railway Tracks and encouraged him to keep on living

Look What Nnamdi Azikiwe later became the Premier of the Eastern Region and the first Ceremonial Nigerian President before he passed away at almost 94 years

Seems u enjoy reading biographies of great people like me.

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Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by Nobody: 4:18am On Dec 18, 2021
viscosity...there is a force called viscosity...its the impact on water..there is a force ontop of the water...your weight needs to break it if u must survive
Hmm na wa o. Which physics textbook you read abeg because all the physics I have studied in life. The above explanation doesn't make sense to me at all
Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by Vireani79: 4:22am On Dec 18, 2021
I said it
It's was too clear
Guy took ice
They always seek large water when they take it
Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by Nobody: 4:23am On Dec 18, 2021

Viscosity is rate of flow of liquid.
Engine oil, honey, petrol will flow at different rate because of different viscosity.
It's not how you explained it
; Don't mind him for a little while I con dey think say I be olodo. Abi shey I no know wetin be viscosity again?

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Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by Odichi(f): 4:25am On Dec 18, 2021
May God heal her. Since that oba uttered that igbos go jump into the lagoon The reverse has been the case. May God intervene, and put an end to this. Suicide is not the way out.
Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by buzorcharles(m): 4:28am On Dec 18, 2021
For those who are accusing the person that recorded the video why he did not rescue the deceased, are you guys blind to see that the guy was sitting in a dangerous position. Any attempt to hold him at that moment would have resulted in both the guy and the rescuer falling inside the lagoon. So unfortunate he died that way.
At the same time, I condemn early marriage in its entirety. Imagine blaming the parents for not taking care of a married man, when he is supposed to be taking care of his parents. If you have a means of livelihood, you can marry anything you want, otherwise, why rushing into marriage at such early stage. Such depression would have been avoided if he did not have a family to cater for at the age of 25 years without tangible means of sustenance, considering the perilous times we find ourselves orchestrated by evil old men who call themselves leaders.
May his soul rest in peace.

Nice one but disagree on the issue of early marriage. Depression most times is caused by high expectations. Epe is the cheapest village in Lagos and he works in a nice company. so I don't think it's hunger that lead him to suicide I think it's the drug and greed ( high life expectations)
Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by chukel(m): 4:58am On Dec 18, 2021
The wife said he did drugs, was married with a kid and probably low resources to maintain the family, lived in a country full of frustration...so many things to make him depressed. The parents may not even be any better and probably didn't support his lifestyle which may explain why they didn't contact the wife. May his soul RIP and I hope his wife gets the help she needs undecided
he did not live in a country full of frustration. Let's stop this nonsense. That guy frustrated himself. What sort of uselsess mentality is the wife harboring, claiming that his parents refused to cater for a married man? He carried responsibility too much for him. Why would he get married when he had no sustainable means of livelihood. His parents catered for him, he got married, had a child and still expected them to continue catering for the 3 of them. What sort of wickedness, selfishness and irresponsibility is that. The youths of this day find suicide as an easy way out of the frustration they plunged themselves into.
Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by Tzar(m): 5:13am On Dec 18, 2021
Trust me our minds have different matrix & thresholds to withstand pressure and stress before insanity sets in.
What you can handle with ease without going crazy, your twin with a similar DNA may not be able to tolerate it.
Some people will live a fulfilled and stress free life even when neck deep in unpayable debt, others will become defeatist and suicidal at the thought of owing debt they have assets to pay off.
Human beings are complex creatures.

Who hasn't been in debt before? Even Nigeria dey owe money. They frustrated the young chap jawe.


Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by cybernaut(m): 6:35am On Dec 18, 2021
If you are not ready to take care of family don't enter, age is a number but never you marry lazy woman because of beauty if you are not capable financially . Rip young man
Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by LucemFerre: 6:43am On Dec 18, 2021

Really..then thunda will surely faya that black American. angry

Lmao grin grin cheesy cheesy

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Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by ElonMosque(m): 6:52am On Dec 18, 2021
So sad!

So what happened to his beautiful Pam Slippers he was wearing?

Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by ElonMosque(m): 6:55am On Dec 18, 2021
Nobody gets close to jumpers....... Any step taken by d guy with the camera, would hasten his jump...........

He couldn't have done any thing to save him anyways, cos the jumper's mind was already made up...

Perhaps, you've seen this movie, "Man on the ledge"....

It can only take a true genuine psychologist to talk the man out of jumping...... Reminding him of how he can still start all over, and that killing himself will only transfer the agony to his family.... And not ending it....

But for an average Nigerian, who must have come across the jumper by chance has no knowledge of what to do! He did the best thing to him, video!....

Yeah. The jumper was unlucky because there was no one with such experience of psychology to save him. "Suicide is not an option" doesn't help matters.
Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by ElonMosque(m): 6:58am On Dec 18, 2021
he did not live in a country full of frustration. Let's stop this nonsense. That guy frustrated himself. What sort of uselsess mentality is the wife harboring, claiming that his parents refused to cater for a married man? He carried responsibility too much for him. Why would he get married when he had no sustainable means of livelihood. His parents catered for him, he got married, had a child and still expected them to continue catering for the 3 of them. What sort of wickedness, selfishness and irresponsibility is that. The youths of this day find suicide as an easy way out of the frustration they plunged themselves into.

I'm scared of this being a norm with the joblessness and addiction to gambling of the youth.
Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by LucemFerre: 7:01am On Dec 18, 2021
Why are people saying "suicide is not an option?" Do y'all know what "option" even mean ?
It is a fvcking option and a way out too.

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Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by SOLTEM: 7:04am On Dec 18, 2021
Suicide is never an option.
Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by SOLTEM: 7:07am On Dec 18, 2021
Why are people saying "suicide is not an option?" Do y'all know what "option" even mean ?
It is a fvcking option and a way out too.

Hmm.. Suicide is a way out of what?
Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by Nobody: 7:25am On Dec 18, 2021
He was seeking parental care at 25 ?

I left home at 19 !!! if you fall into depression, fight your way out !!!!

Wahala no dey ever finish, what you cannot help, no point thinking about it .........

Na so one mugu for poultry that year say him leave aws at 11 years old. I hail una.
Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by Negroid001(m): 7:25am On Dec 18, 2021
Trust me our minds have different matrix & thresholds to withstand pressure and stress before insanity sets in.
What you can handle with ease without going crazy, your twin with a similar DNA may not be able to tolerate it.
Some people will live a fulfilled and stress free life even when neck deep in unplayable debt, others will become defeatist and suicidal at the thought of owing debt they have assets to pay off.
Human beings are complex creatures.

Yeah this is true.
Some people no go even send at all. Especially Sanguines.
Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by Lexusgs430: 8:17am On Dec 18, 2021

Na so one mugu for poultry that year say him leave aws at 11 years old. I hail una.

I have been independent financially and otherwise, since 19.....

People have varying favours...... I was lucky & grateful .......
Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by 6ixT8: 8:22am On Dec 18, 2021
one thing ive come to relise is that killing oneself is the most difficult thing to do. Those who successfully did it are those with balls to which society describe as weakling...

What am trying to say is that; to saddle this life requires one to be really strong. No one is having it easy, it isaa always high today and maybe low tomorrow...

This world would have been reduced to below half if killing one self only require wishing/saying a specific word.

The wife of this decease wont tell us how she contributed to make the life of this young man hell to the point he coulnt take it no more.

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Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by 6ixT8: 8:29am On Dec 18, 2021
Suicide is never an option.
stop scribbing this cliche.

if it isnt an option, no one would think about it in the first place.


Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by Psoul(m): 8:45am On Dec 18, 2021

I worked where many lives were saved that way a Train Station

The idea is to keep the Person talking until he is Persuaded to Stop or until he is physically subdued without harming anyone

Many come back later to say Thank you, they didn't know what they were doing

Rescuing someone from train station may be easier than this particular guy's situation.
The person attempting suicide at train station/rail line may have time to listen cos the train may still not be in sight. So he will have a long time to wait. He may even be forcefully rescued. Inherent danger is minimal.

The guy in this thread was already sitting at the edge of the bridge. U may not have enough time to gather people who will be willing to grab him in order to foil the crime. Even trying to rescue him may pose danger to those trying to rescue him. He may drag them into the lagoon with himself.

Yes, there is possibility of rescuing him if someone was able to melt his heart by the word such a person says to him/ That will make him have a change of mind.

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Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by DrinkWater10: 9:09am On Dec 18, 2021
your question is dumb
Why, because you don't have an answer to it?
Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by christistruth01: 9:34am On Dec 18, 2021

Rescuing someone from train station may be easier than this particular guiy's situation.
The person attempting suicide at train station/rail line may have time to listen cos the train may still not be in sight. So he will have a long time to wait. He may even be forcefully rescued. Inherent danger is minimal.

The guy in this thread was already sitting at the edge of the bridge. U may not have enough time to gather people who will be willing to grab him in order to foil the crime. Even trying to rescue him may pose danger to those trying to rescue him. He may drag them into the lagoon with himself.

Yes, there is possibility of rescuing him if someone was able to melt his heart by the word such a person says to him/ That will make him have a change of mind.

The Train Tracks are heavily electrified
Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by BluntTheApostle(m): 9:35am On Dec 18, 2021
Hmm...someone who would have saved his life was busy taking video of him so that he can post on social media and trend.

Let's think about this, marijuana is one of the causes of depression in many smokers , it reduces dopamine level in their brain and make them numb to emotions, the pain excessive marijuana intake causes to your sense of reality can literally make a smoker commit sucide. It is always cool when people think you smoke marijuana but the damage it does to your brain is sometimes irreversible.

The sad part is that the man has left this world and his wife will have to continue the journey of taking care of their daughter by any means possible.

There is no evidence that marijuana causes depression in users.

However, marijuana use co-occurs with depression because depressed people may use alcohol or marijuana to try and alleviate their depressive symptoms.

In other words, depression leads people into drinking and substance abuse.

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Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by Odani: 9:58am On Dec 18, 2021
By Alao Abiodun

Source: The Nation

You are married to d man but you are calling on his parents to come and take care of him. If na money will u call his parents? Na dat time una go de quote a man shall leave his family and cling to his wife. Rubbish
Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by Odani: 9:59am On Dec 18, 2021

The Train Tracks are heavily electrified

Not true my g. Pipo go thru train tracks
Re: "Why My Husband Jumped Into Lagos Lagoon" - Wife (Video) by samwillyco1(m): 10:06am On Dec 18, 2021
If he was suffering from depression can't d wife give me support or encourage him why wait for his family not an excuse pls d wife would have gone a long way to help him in dealing with depression except she was part of d guy been depressed

That's when you married a matured lady that can handle issues, and not marrying all those small small girls that only knows how to collect different sizes of dick with empty brain of reasoning

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