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Letter To The Sad And Depressed.... - Romance - Nairaland

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Letter To The Sad And Depressed.... by WHIZKIDEFE(m): 9:01pm On Dec 18, 2021
Don't know what's happening but...

Everyone seems to be going through alot this period.

Checking up on my loved ones- family and friends - I discovered that most seem to be at their breaking point.

See, forget those nice pics and cute posts you see on people's status o... Most of them are going through hell offline/lowkey. ��‍♂️

Most times, they use the memes, jokes, and nice pictures as coping mechanism...

.... or because, they don't want to be explaining their situation to (insensitive)people- who may later use it to mock them or something like that...

If you got loved ones, please, check up on them... You may be their only source of joy, inspiration and motivation - trust me.

... that one message/call/text - from you could be the reason they may hold on to - to keep pushing on.

Thought I was the only one having it rough till I started checking up on my loved ones, omo... people dey go through stuff o... (mheen)

Those times, I'd forget about my own worries and start cheering and motivating them cos - e choke.

Life na your mate?


To you, who is feeling depressed and tired of life already,

I'm writing this for You......


Hey pal,

How are you doing?

Not cool, I guess.

So you're feeling down cos things aren't going as you planned, right?

... like, you wake up sad and angry with everything and everyone cos your life feels like a mess, huh?

I get it.


A part of me wants to bash you like...

" WTF is wrong with you?

You think you're the only one going through stuff?

Are you okay?

Why are you acting like a victim of life cos of these temporary setbacks?
( you dey fall my hand, walahi )"

I wanted to say, but...

I won't say it.

I understand what you're going through at the moment...

Heck, I've felt it several times,  I still feel it sometimes.
... and, it's one of the worse feelings in life.

Like, being in that dark corner of life - where you're not even sure about your future.

Where everything seems bleak.

I mean, when it seems like there's no end in the tunnel of life's struggle, woes and worries...

like, you can't even see any light.. not even a dim one at sight to help you navigate through the dark tunnel.

No solution in sight.

Seems like your world is crumbling.

All your dreams and aspirations seems to be fading away with each passing day - while you watch, helplessly.


Whenever you think about the progress level of your life -

.. its just like you're moving 1 step ahead, 3 steps backward. (Its fucking annoying)

Whenever you have these thoughts, you feel like smashing things or screaming your lungs out - to get those thoughts out of your head... but,

...you just can't do it, and, the thoughts won't go, even when you try to... you can't help it, you think... ( I understand)



Lemme tell you something.

Do you know that life is not a straight line?

It's a zigzag, like this ---▪︎..•..•..▪︎~~...¿---->

See, the road to our dreams and goals is not smooth, and it was never meant to be a smooth ride either.

... there was never a time life was all rosy.

Not in our forefathers' time... not even in our parents' time...

Ermmm, maybe life was all rosy and sweet before Adam n Eve ate the forbidden fruit - (can't tell )


If that should tell you anything,

...it means everyone from our great grand parents to our parents had all went through these phase too, at some points in their lives.

But, they didn't let it crush their spirit.

You get it?

I'm not trying to Discard your feelings, hell nah.

Your feelings are very valid, trust me.

But, what I'm trying to make you understand is that - dwelling on the sad thoughts won't make things better either.

Instead, it'd get your thoughts and emotions bleeped up- more.

Cos, trust me, Law of Attraction works.

I mean, the universe has a way of giving you more of what you think about the most.

Like, your mind is a neutral magnet, it attracts more of your dominant thoughts.

It means, if you're thinking about your failures and sad thoughts all the time - your mind would attract more failures and sad events for you.


Because, it can't differentiate good thoughts from bad thoughts.

It's like a computer, it gives you what you give it.

If you feed it with positive thoughts, it'd attract positive events and people into your life.

But, if you feed it with negativity, it'd sure attract more negative circumstances that'd Bleep your life up the more.

Like.... it'd attract things that'd make your life go from bad to worse - real quick!

So, be calming down o.


Re: Letter To The Sad And Depressed.... by Ebubechuwku(m): 9:05pm On Dec 18, 2021
Someone that is depressed can never have time to read your long epistle..... zazu....zeh grin grin grin grin grin

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Re: Letter To The Sad And Depressed.... by younglleo: 9:05pm On Dec 18, 2021
Re: Letter To The Sad And Depressed.... by ahmthankgod(m): 9:20pm On Dec 18, 2021
Read my signature
Re: Letter To The Sad And Depressed.... by Amos1423(m): 9:34pm On Dec 18, 2021
I can't read this sorry
Re: Letter To The Sad And Depressed.... by seun9303: 10:01pm On Dec 18, 2021
Thanks for the post OP. I really need it.
Re: Letter To The Sad And Depressed.... by WHIZKIDEFE(m): 11:09am On Dec 19, 2021

I know how you feel when those thoughts hits you…

That moment when you think the whole world is against you, cos….

Everything ( business, investment) you try to do would just go the other way.

E go just be like say your ‘village people’ dey use your life dey play football…


The feeling hits harder when you look around and see all your peers making it and achieving goals…

… that moment, your life would seem like a joke – to you.

E go just be like say you escort people come dis life. ( it’s heartbreaking, mehn)

” God, when?.” You’d ask after celebrating other people’s win.

Then the feeling hits you again.
Feeling of emptiness.

… emptiness from the thoughts of being – broke… single… jobless… stagnant… not living the life of your dream… not being able take care of your needs… failure to assist your parents/siblings/friends/others- and other miscellaneous Bills.


The feeling dey choke, I understand.


I wanna remind you that everyone is still trying to figure life out.

Even those family and friends you look upto – and wish to be like… they’ve got their own battles they’re fighting in silence.

Truth is – we are all going through stuff , one way or the other.

Na only your own you know.

If those people wey you dey admire open mouth tell you wetin dem dey face ehn… you go thank God for your condition.

I’m not invalidating your struggles and pains o, far from that.

Thing is…

we are all facing challenges, but, some people know how to carry it well.

… because they’re not complaining or seeking for sympathy doesn’t mean they are having it all sweet and rosy. (Shey you get? )

So, take it easy on on Yourself, okay? �

As far as you’re not sitting idle waiting for miracle to happen without doing anything…

As long as you’re trying your best, hustling to make a living and a life, your own turn go reach soon – BELIEVE! ✌��

oya, breath innnnn…. breath outtt. �

Do it again.

Exhale those sad and depressing thoughts outta your mind – Now.

You’re too awesome for those virus thoughts eating you up.


Why are you wasting your time stressing about stuffs beyond your control? ( o wrong nau) ��‍♂️

Like Zlatan said, “Over thinking no fit solve problem” ( no try am sef)

Instead, you should just find ways to make the moments better.

If you want to read the full post...

Here --> https://efesblog.com/letter-to-the-sad-and-depressed/

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Re: Letter To The Sad And Depressed.... by WHIZKIDEFE(m): 11:09am On Dec 19, 2021
Someone that is depressed can never have time to read your long epistle..... zazu....zeh grin grin grin grin grin

You think? cheesy
Re: Letter To The Sad And Depressed.... by WHIZKIDEFE(m): 11:11am On Dec 19, 2021

"Tougher than expected?"

But, that's why you're a soldier.

Don't crack, boss. cool

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Re: Letter To The Sad And Depressed.... by WHIZKIDEFE(m): 11:12am On Dec 19, 2021
Thanks for the post OP. I really need it.

You're welcome, chief.

You go dey alright, trust me. smiley
Re: Letter To The Sad And Depressed.... by seun9303: 1:59pm On Dec 19, 2021

You're welcome, chief.
You go dey alright, trust me. smiley
That I know. Thank you.
Re: Letter To The Sad And Depressed.... by WHIZKIDEFE(m): 12:52pm On Jan 01, 2022
This would give you the push you need.

Read, enjoy and share it with your loved ones.



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