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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Africa & The West! (915 Views)
UK PM: "Kemi Badenoch Has Appointed Herself Saviour Of The West" (Video) / How Christians Destroyed Nigeria, Africa & The World / Religion Moves The North, Politics Moves The West, Ethnicity Moves The East (2) (3) (4)
Africa & The West! by Bigkoko: 1:36pm On Dec 25, 2021 |
Col. Gaddafi led the country of Libya over four decades. He could have been a dictator, tyrant or repressive. Sometimes that's really needed to Craft long lasting reforms. My reasons? The West won't get a fertile ground to use an opponent to forment trouble or derail the collective progress! Africans always have one naive idiot who thinks the West loves him/her more than their interest! Let me tell you this! Obama, Blair, Sarkozy, et Al should be in prison for the Carnage in Libya. Through that singular invasion of a relatively stable, peaceful country, lots of firearms, terrorist cells now plague West & central Africa. Col. Ghadaffi may have been a terrible leader but some articles I stumbled upon changed my perspective about this man. Under his reign : * The GDP per capita of Libya in 2010 was 12064.8 USD . It was 7529 USD in 2018. * Nursing mother was given 5000 (US dollars) for herself and the child. * There were no electric bills as it was completely free. * A house, farm land, live stock and seeds were given free of charge to those who wanted to start farming . * Education and medical treatment were absolutely free. * Generous subsidies were given for weddings, housing and car purchase. * He built the largest irrigation system in the world recognized as “the eighth wonder of the world” its purpose was to supply water to all Libyans across the country. The hard truth is that only few western countries can afford such largesse for their citizens as above! Now Libyans have to pay full price for everything. Including dodging bomb blasts! His last words to his killers were “ what did I do to you?” honestly in my opinion, he didn't deserve this treatment. Who were his real killers? Western Govt led by the frog eared Obama & shaggy looking french man; Sarkozy! Was he really a terrible leader or were the people tired of him? None! The West, as usual, just decided to get rid of him. Look my friends, gone are the days when some overfed European aristocrats will sit in a posh Berlin boulevard and carve Africa according to their interest. We must resist them. It starts with remaining in Africa, setting up a business in Africa & developing Africa! To set up/register a Company in Kigali Rwanda, plus other Business Support Services, send us a message today. Thanks everyone & merry Christmas to you all!
Re: Africa & The West! by Bigkoko: 8:50am On Jan 26, 2022 |
Perhaps it's time the whites and Developed Europe and America kill themselves in a war of aggression and attrition! What I'd hate to hear is some stupid, inept African president or puppet taking a side! Don't fight their stupid wars. Those alien can't stay without fighting a war, or formenting one in Africa or Asia. Eastern countries led by Russia & China, Western countries led by USA & Britain, UK, England... which ever name those flopish manipulator decides to bear now, are different wings of the same vulture! They better nuke themselves to obliteration. Maybe, just maybe Africa will heave a sigh of relief! |
Re: Africa & The West! by Bigkoko: 7:03am On Feb 27, 2022 |
As an African, trust the white at your own peril... Did anyone notice the Russians are not using heavy military tactics in Ukraine? No serious bombing? No staffing? If it was White & a black country, total subjugation & military strangulation is what we see! 1 Like 1 Share
Re: Africa & The West! by McGg: 7:17am On Feb 27, 2022 |
Good morning sir... Please it's a task before us to gather like minds. Our African brothers are brain wash into believing everything the west dishes out to them. I suggest you create a forum that can gather people like us together, then from their we can emerge as a changing force for the liberation of Africa. 2 Likes |
Re: Africa & The West! by Minime10(m): 9:02am On Feb 27, 2022 |
Bigkoko: Nigeria is number one Country on planet Earth that believes and trust so much in the West. Britain is still colonizing Nigeria till date. And China is like the second creator of Nigeria . It baffles me, how poor miserable Nigerians folk will leave their pitiable conditions and be forming moral catalyst, by blaming Putin for whatever her reasons may be, to fight his fellow imperialist. The annoying thing, is how uninformed Nigerians sing to high heavens, the praises of America, as if America has any moral justification to criticize Russia . When America invaded Libya, wasn't Libya a sovereign State ![]() When America invaded Afghanistan, wasn't Afghan an Independent State that ought to have been respected of their rights, by the Americans? When America invaded Irag what right did they have to do so. Nigerians are not only hypocrites, but fools. You can imagine, the dumbest president in the history of mankind, joining other useful idiots of leaders from Africa to issue statements condeming Russia in its fight with Ukraine. And you want to ask, where were these cursed fools, when America was destroying Libya and killing innocent civilians in their bombardment of the City of Tripoli ![]() How many condemnable statements did African useless leaders issue against America ![]() |
Re: Africa & The West! by System202: 9:22am On Feb 27, 2022 |
will America ( West ) ever allow Africa to develop? |
Re: Africa & The West! by Bigkoko: 8:03am On Feb 28, 2022 |
A critical Mass is all that's needed.. Absolutely all leaders in Africa is a appendage of Bretton Woods or IMF.. Truth like lie is infectious. Keep saying the Truth, perhaps one day the critical Mass we need would come up! McGg: |
Re: Africa & The West! by Bigkoko: 8:06am On Feb 28, 2022 |
The greatest misfortune to befall Africa is the Berlin Conference where Africa continent was shared amongst overfed European Aristocrats sitting in boulevard in Paris, London, Munich.. In foreign policy? All African countries toe towards Washington, London, Paris, Berlin or Mecca! They got none of their own. Minime10: |
Re: Africa & The West! by Bigkoko: 8:07am On Feb 28, 2022 |
System202: Yes. It takes political will and vision to break lose from Washington London Paris Berlin! 1 Like |
Re: Africa & The West! by BloomingDale(f): 8:16am On Feb 28, 2022 |
Minime10: There are lots of western agents on this forum, and most of them are black. Unbelievable. |
Re: Africa & The West! by Bigkoko: 8:23am On Feb 28, 2022 |
BloomingDale: It won't hurt if we start calling them out! No doubt, CIA, MI6, Mossad etc has infiltrate all places of gathering, but we can not add to their advantage by keeping quiet! |
Re: Africa & The West! by Bigkoko: 8:25am On Feb 28, 2022 |
It's on record that Africans are the only race that actually sold their kith and kin enmass for frivolous items like liquor, mirror, clothes etc! And stupid African leaders of our time are no different! |
Re: Africa & The West! by Bigkoko: 7:00pm On May 13, 2022 |
Africa was destroyed in the Berlin conference of 1888 by the Europeans. But it was a destruction fashioned out for good, according to the elites then. I understand! They're ain't one of us, at least by their skin color! What about black, African born, African breed stooges destroying what ever hope, Cause, pathways Africa should tend? United States of America, promised to destroy colonialism, neocolonialism and European/Asian Expansionist tendencies. Largely they have succeeded. But along the lines, the French, the Japs and Brits co-opt the Americans to forsake it's earlier promises. Thus, the birth of NATO. This was purely a British and French dreams! However, modern destruction of Africa was designed, Packaged, well concealed & sent to other African countries through Nigeria! The legendary strike the Shepard, and the sheep goes astray. This time it wasn't with guns or gun boat diplomacy, it was with religion.... Nigeria led the fight against colonialism, neocolonialism and with active support from Nkruhman Ghana,they fought the Brits & French without howitzer's, just pens and education, that was then, the same can not be said about now! Sometimes I look at those they call leaders in Nigeria, I can not help but shudder at the mere thought of it! It's enough to give a sane mind burst of nightmares! I know what I'm saying! But these whole things were all arranged by The West. How can someone with political and religious baggages aspire to be a leader? Just take a look at Nigeria. I wish, even though I know wishes don't make dreams come true, I wish God & Nature's God would have pity on Africa, (if you believe in that sort of thing. Yes. I believe in God; the Bible God!), and for once rid it off Western stooges and idiots fronting as leaders! Bunch of intolerant, religious clowns & sit tight misfits! |
Re: Africa & The West! by Nobody: 7:08pm On May 13, 2022 |
Bigkoko: Libya at the time of the 2011 overthrow was 1.The fifth largest producer of oil 2.Had 5 million people. 3.That's why it could afford all those nice things. 4.Basically it was like Saudi Arabia, a pro-western royal islamist dictatorship. An oil rich nation with an abundance of oil money 5.I don't support the overthrow of Ghaddafi by the West though. I also regard him as a dictator . But economically speaking....Libya, Qatar and Saudi Arabia are/were all economically vulnerable. If oil crashed to say 10 dollars a barrel in 2005, when Ghaddafi was still in power, the economy would be in a bad state. 6.Strong nations are nations like China and Japan and Germany and so on....exporters of manufactured goods. Not one trick ponies like Libya. |
Re: Africa & The West! by Bigkoko: 9:54am On May 14, 2022 |
Every country can not be like resourceless countries! Gadaffi was killed for exactly what Putin is doing economically... Threatening the stability of the West. Only that Gadaffi didn't invade any country. Even at this point, to show you how the infrastructure of Libya was strongly built by French and German engineers, electricity is still stable. Road network still ok.. standard of living still higher than 90% of other African countries. That's despite having warring warlords, fighting and civil strifes. Can we say the same for Nigeria? That's practicing British democracy? Equitoria Geiunea produces close to as much Oil, has low population, but the same can not be said after then, also under a dictator! Ohh yes....the West left the Equitoria Geiunea dictator alone! subsidywise18: |
Re: Africa & The West! by Nobody: 10:42am On May 14, 2022 |
Bigkoko: Well if Nigeria had one million insteead of 210 million we would look like Libya, Saudi Arabian and Qatar. At the end the problem with Nigeria and Libya and Saudi Arabia and even Guinea Equateur is simple. We don't use our available resources to make goods and services for export to the world. That's why we are broke, even with good health. Good morning. You missed my point. Completely. PS: By extension using your argument we can safely say that you like the western backed dictators of Saudi Arabia and Qatar and Bahrain too since they Libya PS2 : I don't care which nation backs which. I want African nations to stop relying on selling oil, cocoa, copper, palm oil, platinum, etc and start exporting manufactured stuff. So that our economies are not slaves to European and American set prices of commodities. |
Re: Africa & The West! by Bigkoko: 9:10am On Jun 09, 2022 |
It's quite clear the West holds African nations in a vice like grip...…. From to West, North to South... one western player behind the scheme controlling their useful puppet! |
Re: Africa & The West! by Bigkoko: 4:33pm On Sep 22, 2022 |
Japan & Nigeria: Two years f a kind! No Country in Asia was ridiculed like the Japs. No Country in Asia was resisted like the Japs. No Country in Asia played the West on it's own game like the Japs! No matter what you do, or where you go, think home. Use local. Buy local. Patronize Local.. Enforce Local! As Japan in early 1900s was to the West so is Nigeria now to the West! Without the Tenacity of Hirohito & Hideki, (two leaders the west villifies as war criminals, despite having later day Bush & Obama), the West would Never have accepted Japan as common sense Partner, one worthy of been on top of the food chain! Even though Japanese engineers constructs better war machines (Yamato, Zero Planes, Rapid shooters, top performance engines), automobiles than these group of plunders from Europe! Just like a badly schooled Nigerian kid can easily rival a well schooled British or American Kid in emerging Techs like Cryptos, Marketing etc etc...... It's instructive to know that Japan actually shown the rest of Asia the way out of underdevelopment! Nigeria & Nigerians must lead the turf war! There's no single Country in Asia that UK, France, Germany or US can single handly influence their foreign Policy not to talk of regime Change. That's what the Japanese did for Asia even though its not recognized by Western Media! That is why at Bigkoko, we encourage Bigkoko GIft Cards buyers to accept our Services in Local Currencies pegged against the Nigerian Naira Sometimes you fight to get accepted... Nigeria; Africa needs brave fellows like Hirohito, I'm not talking of those puppies who turned cab conductors on the funeral of a dead queen whose glamour reeks of properties stolen from their countries! Trust me, my puppy is brave! I am talking of fellows who can initiate Reforms & see it through even at risks of Sanction! BIGKOKO.......Your Local Tech Company! |
Re: Africa & The West! by Bigkoko: 11:11am On Sep 27, 2022 |
Why The West led by USA & her Allies must set Africa Free, or risk fighting a new potent but unconventional war targeted against her citizens by unscrupulous nerds. This war has been going on for close to 20 years now. This war will have no clear winner, but pockets of pyrrhic wins & lost of resources! These are my Reasons! Millions of youths in Africa lack the very basic of needs to make it in Life, due to tolerance or outright support for Dead vegetables calling themselves African leaders. This also,includes exploitation of African Resources through preposterous Bilateral Agreements with Leaders who barely under the words used to covey the T&C. For instance, France has zero gold mine, yet has hundreds of vaults filled with Gold. On the other hand,i know several African Countries with Gold Mines with zero Gold Vaults! I dare add, this is the sole reason why one of the leading monarch in the world can comfortably wear a royal regalia filled with stolen properties, and leaders of the Countries where these properties were stolen from have the effrontery to grace their invitation! The West has to let it go! * Every one -two hundred years a Major Nation joins up on the TOP FOOD CHAIN. Portugal. France. Britain. USSR. Japan. USA. China At the turn of twentieth century, Nigeria has all the makings of a top dog until western sinister groups working for their secret establishments decided to interfere. Bunch of meddlesome interlopers. This interference is led by none other than UK's MI6. The rest is history. But this awful Trend can be revised and stopped. Now is the turn of an African Nation to join the fry, hopefully to led other African Countries out of chronic under development, Nigeria is poise to do just this! Let's support sane LEADERS to lead African Countries, not extremists, int'l criminals or drug barons! |
Re: Africa & The West! by Bigkoko: 4:35pm On Nov 23, 2022 |
Their plan was to destroy Nigeria beyond repair! Thank God the Igbos refused to fall into the bait! Thank God the Avengers refused to continue! Thank God it's only few disgruntled elements that are still shooting! We defeated the West in their quest to balkanize our Great Country. Come 2023, Nigeria will be on the path of growth again! |
Re: Africa & The West! by Bigkoko: 3:56pm On Nov 24, 2022 |
What you should Never do as an Entrepreneur! Never Scale up too Quick! Instead Buy Tech or Intel on how to improve Processes! Easy money breeds laziness! I laugh when African Entrepreneurs go take funding from Western INTERESTS. No matter what fanciful names they call it; Seed Capital, Accelerator Funding, etc. You are been primed to fail. You end up been TOLD WHAT TO DO; you get overstaffed, over burdened, over stressed and skewed badly to fail. Just like projects IMF or World Bank fund in Africa...hahahhahaha, they simply stuff these projects with needless bottlenecks......and over bloat the projects with lots of Consultant fees that ends up recycled back to them through their cronies & proxies acting as Consultants. What are they Consulting for a Project with Blueprints! Ask your self who gave the Japs Accelerator Funding when they were building the Tech needed for Aircraft CARRIERS, JET ENGINES, PLANES during 1900s? The West has nothing to give an African Entrepreneur, if in doubt go collect & compare your Company with Bigkoko African Integrated Services L.L.C in five years! With your funding have you made profit? Say the truth!! Ask your self what Aids by these Sharks to your Government have attained? How has IMF & Other Bretton Woods loans impacted on African Economies? An abysmal failure. It simply yoked the economies into further debts! The servicing of such debts simply broke the Economy. There is only One way Africa can get it right: Bond together like a herd of Buffalo. Build Super Companies like the Asian Keiretsui or Chaebol. Group together like they do under Orgs like NATO, EU. Do stuffs together & Share technology & Intel like the Americans & British do. One bright CEO/MD should organize & bring 10-20 Companies under a JV and slug it out with competitors. I tell you no Western Start up of our Size can Compete with Bigkoko in like Business because our Strategy is special, unlike what is taught in Class room! In Nov so far Bigkoko has made more than $900 in profits after expenses because we have niche services the customer is willing to pay a premium on! Why do i say this? Growth is painful, slow & gradual. If you make the mistake of taking funding to scale up, you have simply leap more than you can bear or what your original strategy can tolerate. Show me any Start up with all sort of funding that can boost of profits within months of commencing business? The reason is simple....they are trying a European or American Business Model in Africa. The closest Model that ought to be practiced should be a mix of Asian & African. Seed money for Entrepreneurs by Western Interests = Aids by IMF/Bretton Woods = Economic Slavery! My Guru told me to avoid any form of economic aide/loan, except during a state of War as survival should be paramount, and delay might not provide the required time needed to regroup and tackle the situation! Instead of Seed Funding, strive to buy Tech, Intel, R& ![]() At's One Focus, One Success!
Re: Africa & The West! by Bigkoko: 10:54am On Dec 07, 2022 |
Never for once think the West think well of African Countries. No other person drives these secret policies open, like Ex Pres Trump. It's ''WE'' over ''YOU''. And we are ready to use whatever ''MEANS'' necessary to achieve our own goals! Grow up Africans, it should be ''Technology for Resources'' No more cash for Resources. Cash isn't King anymore. Technology is! 1 Like |
Re: Africa & The West! by Bigkoko: 9:24pm On Dec 26, 2022 |
At Bigkoko® Group Inc, we believe every successful Business Deal should end with a handshake! All our Business Solutions are Customize to fix each client needs! We're better placed to serve you till you get satisfied. For Business Support Services in East Africa, Contact us: Rwanda: Norrsken House. KN 78 St, Kigali Near Car Free Zone. Kenya: 12th FL WestPark Tower Mpesi Ln Nairobi.
Re: Africa & The West! by Bigkoko: 8:30am On Dec 28, 2022 |
The West by nature are nice but predatory... Let me explain. A white person will develop any place he or she is doing business if they have the means, that's been nice but they also exhibit a more wicked tendency of looting the mineral resources where ever they do business. To achieve this they are more than ready to invest & use their funds to see it through to a conclusive end. To show you how wicked they can go, assassination's, regime change, fomenting wars, broad day lies, espionage etc deploy against peaceful Natives are some of their useful tactics! The only place they have as their inheritance is Europe.....any other place a white calls their Country was actually stolen, the natives displaced and worse scenarios murdered! Even though this generation is filled with drunkards & lily livered queers, yet still, i love the ZULUS for one real stuff....they actually made the Dutch, Germans, British, Belgians bleed before over running their country in 1800s. Especially the British who were totally unprepared for the Zulu rampaging bufalo military tactics! You get it now? Africa must think Africa first! Stop wasting money travelling to go be a menial worker in Europe. Sit your black ass in Africa & develop her! Any way if you desire Business Support in setting up a Tech Company in East Africa, Bigkoko Business Solutions is your Best Plug! With Innovation, Planning & Execution, all thing are Possible!
Re: Africa & The West! by Bigkoko: 12:43pm On Feb 02, 2023 |
Recently the Rwandan Defense Force had to use a barrage of anti aircraft batteries to chase out a fighter jet that strayed into Rwandan Airspace. True be told, the provocations; allegedly by neighboring DRC Congo, is the 3rd i have personally witnessed within the past two months. Why is this important for Africa as a whole? It has a tendency of spilling over to Uganda, Tanzania & possibly Kenya. Blame the West. Yes i know you'd love to say something about two African leaders who allowed themselves to be used by the war mongers. After looting resources from the Continent, it's really pathetic that African leaders lay at the mercy of white supremacist's. I have nothing against the WEST, but everything against the war criminals in Washington DC, London, Berlin, Paris etc. Even with this provocations, the Rwandan side have a lot to explain. Rumor has it that the Rebels (M12) has covert support from the West through a willing Rwanda whose citizens also call eastern Congo home. The West and her gigantic Tech industries can not tolerate a strong, stable Congo. Thus every efforts to thwart its stability & ensure mineral resources are continously been stolen on daily basis. So much for the so called bastion of morality & common sense. They are majorly thieves, buccaneers & worse. Any wonder why the British Monarch can comfortably adorn stolen properties on its royal regalia? Shameless misfits! Do you know, that Congo DRC was the real & underlining factor why Nigerian 1st Prime Minister was killed in a bloody coup led by a strong-head Niger Deltan-Igbo? Nzeogwu? No coup happens & succeed without some bits of help from the West. Even when it appears to be failing, they usually follow up threats & sanctions! After Lumumba speech, the then American govt led by Former POTUS Roosevelt, gathered her allies; other NATO West, to declare a fatwa on Lumumba. He was eventually killed. Prime Minister Tafawa Balewa also called for total exit of foreigners in Zaire ( as DRC Congo was then known, they found a willing tool in the person of an Igbo of Niger Delta Origin). It's high time Africa thinks inwards like the Asian tigers! No more free mineral resources gotten through fake JVCs! Let's help you set your hustle straight. We have been in the East Africa market for more than two years, helping other businesses, and also helping our own business grow! Need Buisness Support? Bigkoko can help you. AS a startup, you can run your business with the least of worries because Bigkoko gat your back! Need support? Contact our Rwandan or Kenyan Customer Service. Think Big, Think Africa, Think Bigkoko!! |
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