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Boko Haram, Terrorism & Secession! - Politics - Nairaland

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Boko Haram, Terrorism & Secession! by fsb(m): 7:23pm On Jun 17, 2011
, On the above issue, I believe the best solution is secession of the south from the north. Since the discovery of oil, the north has remained contributed little economically or otherwise to the entity called nigeria, well, except for population,

The earlier secession occurs, the better for us all. Boko Haram successfully detonated a bomb at the NPF HQ yesterday and in theory, they have access to thousands of suicide bombers (almajiris).

For how long will southern oil fund the northern liability? In the north, students get paid to go to school. Last I heard, Jigawa paid medical students 60,000 per month from 400level. I'm not sure of the current rate but it should have risen, meanwhile, children in Bonny, Brass and Finima run around in nothing but dirty pants,

Anyway, in my opinion, secession is the solution. Enough of islamic fundamentalism, suicide bombers and the threat of bombs, funding of an economically unviable region and their politicians who feel it is their birth right to rule those who actually own the wealth of the nation.

Power to the People!

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