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Reno Omokiri Attacks Follower Who Cautioned Him Against Ethnic Posts - Politics (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Reno Omokiri Attacks Follower Who Cautioned Him Against Ethnic Posts by Airfixltd: 9:56am On Jan 16, 2022
This Reno guy has become something else these days. Well, I feel for those who are cheering his delusion.
Re: Reno Omokiri Attacks Follower Who Cautioned Him Against Ethnic Posts by louqas: 10:09am On Jan 16, 2022

South east is the only zone in Nigeria without a federal government funded power plant ...none as in zero no other zone has one even minimum is 2 but south east has none

BIG FAT LIES....aba power plant...egbema power plant and alaoji are all in the east

Shouldnt you hide your face in shame rather than come and rant...... while PDP in 16 ýears was building power plants all over the country your region...with 99% votes for pdp didnt get any.....Shame on you
Re: Reno Omokiri Attacks Follower Who Cautioned Him Against Ethnic Posts by Hardfacts234(m): 10:28am On Jan 16, 2022

Bros when you are done with your lies... And you are ready to type the truth ... Then quote me...
Lol so you're shocked and surprised about the Igbo contributions to the Nigerian entertainment industry that I highlighted, which we didn't make noise about.

Just prove one thing that I pointed out there to be a lie and I will deactivate my account. I dare you!
Re: Reno Omokiri Attacks Follower Who Cautioned Him Against Ethnic Posts by mrvitalis(m): 10:40am On Jan 16, 2022

BIG FAT LIES....aba power plant...egbema power plant and alaoji are all in the east

Shouldnt you hide your face in shame rather than come and rant...... while PDP in 16 ýears was building power plants all over the country your region...with 99% votes for pdp didnt get any.....Shame on you
Those are private power plants oga ...smh
Re: Reno Omokiri Attacks Follower Who Cautioned Him Against Ethnic Posts by walefresh3(m): 11:20am On Jan 16, 2022

Lol u could not counter my facts rights ?


Singapore was considered a parasite and Malaysia chased them to form their own country ...that's what u do to parasites ...u don't try to intimidate them to stay in the same country with you
I didn't see any fact in what you stated above you only typed same rubbish from ipob anus...
I don't know of the future.. but presently that region it's a parasite and a liability to other regions... A region that receive more than it contribution to federal purse , its a para.......
I have sari DOKUBO as a witness...
I think he know better than you Brain washed ipob.. grin grin grin

Re: Reno Omokiri Attacks Follower Who Cautioned Him Against Ethnic Posts by asanausana91: 12:32pm On Jan 16, 2022
Says IQ deficients unity beggar, who is apparently suffering from acute delirium..

Thesame motion that was moved by our Braved House of Rep members, and was bluntly rejected by your Fulani Deputy speaker in his cause of unity begging...

UN and other global Charters which acknowledged the right for self determination and which has Nigeria as thier signatory, are best place to achieve our secessional quests, not your compromised national Assembly that will never held to that quest as the video below clearly review..

Watch video below: National set on fire over motion to divide Nigeria..


let me ignor your foolishness and lecture you. Politics is about lobby, bridge building, and numbers. If you don't have the numbers all you can do is lobby the majority to support your request. Let me tell you something, nobody will give you biafra without the support of the national assembly.
Stop fooling yourself around " water begger"
Re: Reno Omokiri Attacks Follower Who Cautioned Him Against Ethnic Posts by Emergingnation0: 12:37pm On Jan 16, 2022
[s] let me ignor your foolishness and lecture you. Politics is about lobby, bridge building, and numbers. If you don't have the numbers all you can do is lobby the majority to support your request. Let me tell you something, nobody will give you biafra without the support of the national assembly.
Stop fooling yourself around " water begger"[/s]
I won't answer you..

Biafra must be Actualised, unity beggars should rots in hell for all we care
Re: Reno Omokiri Attacks Follower Who Cautioned Him Against Ethnic Posts by Tumbulum: 12:45pm On Jan 16, 2022

Those eaten are no longer with us
ok you left them in benni Idp camps ?
Re: Reno Omokiri Attacks Follower Who Cautioned Him Against Ethnic Posts by louqas: 3:32pm On Jan 16, 2022

Those are private power plants oga ...smh

BIG FAT LIES....only Aba is privately owned...egbema and Alaoji is owned FG...

What you should shake your head for is if i am wrong isnt it insane that the whole iboland didnt get power plants when places like papalanto which is thousands of miles from gas sources in niger delta got.....ibos should hide their head in shame rather than come and rant about that.....so much for slavery loyalty to a party
Re: Reno Omokiri Attacks Follower Who Cautioned Him Against Ethnic Posts by adefitim(m): 7:12pm On Jan 18, 2022

You should know by now that yeebos are insecure. Any praise for any other tribe set them on edge. They've been fed high on delusion since childhood. It should always be about them.

It really shows in their character
Re: Reno Omokiri Attacks Follower Who Cautioned Him Against Ethnic Posts by adefitim(m): 7:18pm On Jan 18, 2022
That's not what reno or whatever said. He actually said that Yorubas have dominated the music industry from the earliest time till date.
People who felt his claim wouldn't survive proper research scrutiny challenged him with facts and instead of countering their argument, he started attacking them and started playing ethnic card. If he only praised Yoruba music, even his dumbest Igbo follower could care less.

Where are the lies in what he said? He
Pinpointed his fact with Date nobody denied it among they were just angry unnecessarily just because he praised Yoruba in that sector....

It seems you have contrary opinion on that can you state any other tribe musicians that can compete with Yorubas dating back to 60s?
Re: Reno Omokiri Attacks Follower Who Cautioned Him Against Ethnic Posts by adefitim(m): 7:55pm On Feb 20, 2022
That's not what reno or whatever said. He actually said that Yorubas have dominated the music industry from the earliest time till date.
People who felt his claim wouldn't survive proper research scrutiny challenged him with facts and instead of countering their argument, he started attacking them and started playing ethnic card. If he only praised Yoruba music, even his dumbest Igbo follower could care less.

Are you sure you read well?

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