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Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! - Family (7) - Nairaland

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Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by pseudonomer: 3:34pm On Jan 16, 2022

She is not a therapist, it is not her work to help someone who is addicted. It is the addicted person that will decide to seek help, if not, frustration will kill her inside that house.

If it was the wife sleeping around with men outside the home, would you be advising her husband to help her overcome her addiction? Do you have any idea what addiction does to the loved ones of these addicts? Do you know how easily their lives can be ruined because they want to help someone who is sick?

She has a child she should be looking out for. What about the child? What happens when she suggests he get help and this religious man would rather not spread his dirty linen outside? You think religious people who commit adultery want to tell strangers of their adulterous ways?

Some of you are actually very wicked people and your words reveal you to be such. You give people advice that you cannot take or would not give your loved ones.

This is a sick man and it is not his wife that will cure him, he needs to want to cure himself first.

I have seen people who got out of their addictions with help from family and friends.

If your son, let say got addicted to gambling, clubbing or alcohol, you’ll rather leave him to rot and commit suicide one day than to help me because he’s causing so much hurt to you.

I don’t even understand what love is to you people? Is it all the good side and all that.

Anyway, you are always right your way.


Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by pocohantas(f): 3:35pm On Jan 16, 2022

I liked your previous reply to someone above, not this one. Truly, call girls utterly disgust some single guys like me. I am decent enough to find weird the idea of asking a woman 'how much' for sex. But there is nothing wrong about the op in this situation cultivating the ashewo vibes first for a try. We can then later understand if her man wants variety rather than ashewo vibes. Many men work out and work on their looks for their woman too Ma.

Many men work out in which country? You people work out by swallowing beer and peppered kpomo at bars across the federation?

This man is having wild sex with call girls. Anal and all sorts. That is a man with a sexual fantasy. No man engages in anal because he is sexually starved.

He is a churchy man and married a churchy sister to keep up appearances. He should have married his kind. Men always stuck between marrying who they want and who the society wants to see them with. Marry your kind! Ashewo sef fit be your perfect wife material.


Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by Richy4(m): 3:35pm On Jan 16, 2022
Check below and stop disturbing Nairaland with stories you cooked up.

Canada has rules and you already know what to do:

By bringing this were u implying that there are no prostitutes in Canada?.. or u think that they do stand on Road sides the way they do in Nigeria?... Hmmmmm!!!
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by Nobody: 3:36pm On Jan 16, 2022
Hello everyone, I'm in need of an advice, I got married to a man 5yrs+ ago. He relocated some months after marriage to Canada, I went to meet him 2 years after. And we had a baby 10months after my arrival. Immediately I arrived his place, I noticed he flirt alot onlline, Sex chats, Video sex chats, Visit porn sites, visit Prostitue Sites, and the rest. I caught him red-handed twice and he begged and pleaded not to do such again. I forgive him and I believe maybe because of the distance we had in two years.

We move on and I promise myself not to even go near his Laptop or mobile phone anymore.

I adhered to that for more than a year, which I'm still doing that till December 23 of 2021.

My daughter threw his I-watch inside water. Then I picked it up to drain for some minutes, after I drianed, I realised a message popped up , which Read " Do you enjoy me yesterday Do I book you for tomorrow again"

I was forced to check what's this. I saw hell. In short, he visited two different Prostitues in a hotel to book 30 minutes session with them for $160 and $220, I also saw other messages asking for Anal sex from these Escorts. I realised, he visited them 3rd, 1st 22nd of December. During these period, I was the one begging him for sex. He said he's not interested that he's Fixed with many activities and Shifts at work.

I was in the house hopping my husband as gone to work, not knowing he's doing something else within his short break and free time.

Immediately I saw this, I was devastated,I was mad at my self. We are very religious. Why all these for God sake, this is the 3rd time, what have I done to myself, have made a wrong choice?

I called his brother back in Nigeria and I inform and sent all what I saw to him, he called and talked to him, the next day, my husband came to me, apologize and promised not to do that again. I accept and forgive him.

Few days ago, I have been having this kind of feeling, I feel like I'm not beutiful because why will my husband prefer a Prostitue than me.

I hate myself, I think about it every minutes, whenever I see him, my mind keep breathing fast. I'm sad and I'm not happy, I don't know what to do.

I can't discuss with my parents, because they see my husband as the most religious person.

He doesn't talk much, keep friends nor drink.

I need advice dear mummy and daddy please is this a red light?

Not your beauty, since he loves sex, you should learn sex and practice sex with him.

Not fvck....

On a more serious note, you should study those ashewos, act like them and be more clingy, so as to occupy him.
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by Goodnigga: 3:37pm On Jan 16, 2022
I'm honest with my story. And I have never for once deny him of sexual intimacy. Infact, most time I make move, almost all the time. I swear to God Almighty. I'm feeling as if I'm ugly and not good looking enough
Another area is that, I believe there was no pre-marital sex before marriage since both are religious. My guess is this, your man is religious, so it started this way: he does not want to cheat or have strength for wooing women, so he started watching porn and masturbating to it while you were in Nigeria. One day, he came across a prostitute site, the girls looked like one of the porn stars he masturbates to, he decided to try it so far it's not cheating and you his wife wouldn't know. It was fun then it became an addiction, that is how your husband started.
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by kansoboy: 3:37pm On Jan 16, 2022

U dey abroad already so u can divorce him, now u have justified reason...( Onyibo law)

I do not have any thing to tell u, but that Ur husband visit prostitute no be case.
African men are built to have many women, argue with Ur keyboard.

My verdict...mind Ur biz and take care of Ur family and ignore those whey they give y mind oo....even Ur papa and grand papa no be only Ur mama or grand mama he bleep.
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by linearity: 3:38pm On Jan 16, 2022

If she leaves him, she still has a right to stay back in Canada and rebuild her life independently as a single mother and the man will mandatorily pay for their daughter's support....the man has more to lose as his reputation before all those who know him as a religious person would go south, he has to financially support a daughter he no longer lives under the same roof with but given just visitation rights and that would not make him a happy man

He is addicted to prostitutes and need the professional help of a sex addiction therapist.

Divorce don’t look pretty on the lady either and it is easier said than done.

Most married women know their husbands cheats, and are at a cross road on what to do despite the option of a divorce. Many who were merely suspecting their husband are cheating and went to investigate, even after gathering all the evidence, they are hesitant in walking the divorce route, many are even regretting even investigating the issue.

It is not easy been a single mom, child support is it going to cover the whole bills and challenges of single motherhood.

Yes, the current situation of her husband cheating can’t continue. The truth is, it is both of their problem because that problem is destroying the home they both built together and their kids future.

Saying that, it is the guy’s problem alone and that he can’t change is not true. Both of them have to own and tackle the problem together, after all when they got married, they were pronounced as ONE!
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by Enugurangers: 3:38pm On Jan 16, 2022
I had to read the post again. He doesn't seem to have a good job yet spends that high on regular olosho

Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by Imjustagirl(f): 3:39pm On Jan 16, 2022
Hello everyone, I'm in need of an advice, I got married to a man 5yrs+ ago. He relocated some months after marriage to Canada, I went to meet him 2 years after. And we had a baby 10months after my arrival. Immediately I arrived his place, I noticed he flirt alot onlline, Sex chats, Video sex chats, Visit porn sites, visit Prostitue Sites, and the rest. I caught him red-handed twice and he begged and pleaded not to do such again. I forgive him and I believe maybe because of the distance we had in two years.

We move on and I promise myself not to even go near his Laptop or mobile phone anymore.

I adhered to that for more than a year, which I'm still doing that till December 23 of 2021.

My daughter threw his I-watch inside water. Then I picked it up to drain for some minutes, after I drianed, I realised a message popped up , which Read " Do you enjoy me yesterday Do I book you for tomorrow again"

I was forced to check what's this. I saw hell. In short, he visited two different Prostitues in a hotel to book 30 minutes session with them for $160 and $220, I also saw other messages asking for Anal sex from these Escorts. I realised, he visited them 3rd, 1st 22nd of December. During these period, I was the one begging him for sex. He said he's not interested that he's Fixed with many activities and Shifts at work.

I was in the house hopping my husband as gone to work, not knowing he's doing something else within his short break and free time.

Immediately I saw this, I was devastated,I was mad at my self. We are very religious. Why all these for God sake, this is the 3rd time, what have I done to myself, have made a wrong choice?

I called his brother back in Nigeria and I inform and sent all what I saw to him, he called and talked to him, the next day, my husband came to me, apologize and promised not to do that again. I accept and forgive him.

Few days ago, I have been having this kind of feeling, I feel like I'm not beutiful because why will my husband prefer a Prostitue than me.

I hate myself, I think about it every minutes, whenever I see him, my mind keep breathing fast. I'm sad and I'm not happy, I don't know what to do.

I can't discuss with my parents, because they see my husband as the most religious person.

He doesn't talk much, keep friends nor drink.

I need advice dear mummy and daddy please is this a red light?

Your husband is a pervert and a sex addict. He probably has a lot of sex demons attached to his life especially with his sleeping with prostitutes.

There is nothing wrong with you. Even if you're Bianca ojukwu he will still cheat

He has a very serious problem and you can't change him. Only God can. And for him to change will require serious continuous prayers on your part and serious deliverance and true salvation on his part.

This is going to be a long and arduous journey. Can you handle it? It most probably will take years cos this kind of issue is not a day's job.

If you know you can't handle the stress, tears, pain, persistence etc that this will take, then I advice you to think of leaving the marriage. Or prepare to become depressed and suicidal if things remain like this.

If you decide to leave, make a plan first and then seek for how to become financially independent before you leave. You live in Canada, that should not be difficult.

If you choose to stay and help him then get ready for the battle ahead. Spiritually, mentally, psychologically. Addiction is a very strong spirit to battle with. But it is defeatable.

Stop talking to people about the situation, except they are people that can help you out with the situation. That is counselors, your pastor/priest etc

Above all, get closer to God. You need Him now more than ever no matter the decision you take. Develop a relationship with the Holy Spirit cos only Him can guide and lead you through this.

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Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by JONNYSPUTE(m): 3:39pm On Jan 16, 2022

First and foremost is not my wife and I'm not the one that needs HELP here.

Secondly na people like you will advise others couple to leave at slightest opportunity but if the such happens to you , you will cover it up .
... Put her in your shoes and answer it. Hypocrisy is bad.

If I'm in such,I will divorce my wife without even thinking twice.
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by venabili: 3:39pm On Jan 16, 2022
Go online and ask what attract men to prostitutes,then act like one to your man..Be his prostitute..

You also have what those prostitutes have...

People go bash u for ds ur advice oo. The funny thing is that its a great piece of advice. While the husband cheating is abhorent, there are just few choices you have: divorce is sorry ass, look away at is indiscretions (and die day by day) or simply get to know what he is been offered outside and determine wat you can offer him. You dont have to do all, but most men are not religious when it comes to sex. We all love a bit of kinky


Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by ceeceeuwa: 3:39pm On Jan 16, 2022
You see this over zealous religious people, fear them! Na so my neighbor they form worker in church but he has been fingerings their 13years old house help and pressing her breast. He beats her with all the anger in him. The list is endless joor! It is better you don't expect so much from people, so when dey fall your hand you won't be so disappointed.
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by MideMrPossible: 3:39pm On Jan 16, 2022
Things dey happen.
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by Enugurangers: 3:40pm On Jan 16, 2022

By bringing this were u implying that there are no prostitutes in Canada?.. or u think that they do stand on Road sides the way they do in Nigeria?... Hmmmmm!!!

They do not stand on the road side like Nigeria.

They hide on classified website to sell sex just as the woman mentioned. Then they meet at motels or the prostitute place.

Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by kissCleo: 3:41pm On Jan 16, 2022
Sorry dear , sadly this is the reality of most Women,
C eh babes you ve to very wise now ok

I won’t advice you to leave
These are what I think you should do
Give him another 5years…..in it u should;

1) start to save money, hold your heart n emotions don’t allow anything offend you ….pray to God for strength.
2) have all the children you want to have …..( it’s better to have them in one place with one man )
Cos Note na only 3 Nigerian men holy ooo, the rest r like ur hubby or worse sef,
3) Love yourself …enjoy your children , be happy n look good for you .
4 )ask him for cash more
5) take care of you , go out more ,get a job or go back to school . Any online course
Don’t report to anyone again cos u don’t know who is adding fire ,report him to God instead .
After you are done having children, ps kindly insist on condom .
When next you see any exhibit don’t tell him or anyone , just table the matter to God …ask him to make him impotent when he is with them and remind God that he said what he has joined together let no man put asunder .n u just relax n Comot mind .
one day one day God will surely arrest him .
Take care

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Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by pargelenis(m): 3:41pm On Jan 16, 2022
There should be an addiction support hotline you can both call.
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by venabili: 3:42pm On Jan 16, 2022

I'm not a Prostitue. I said above that we are both religious. Even he's more than I do.

No man is religious when it comes to sex. The religious facade is for outsiders. Inside his house especially in his room, a man wants to abandon all pretext of religion. If he feels the wife wont understand or is too religious, he goes outside to fulfil those yearnings secretly. Doesnt make it right, but its reality.
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by Pacify: 3:43pm On Jan 16, 2022

You are stupid. Very stupid.


Rule 2
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by Richy4(m): 3:44pm On Jan 16, 2022


They do not stand on the road side like Nigeria or some other 3rd world countries.

They hide on classified website to sell sex just as the woman mentioned.

Yea I know that.. they are well organised and they even pay taxes.. That guy probably thinks it was the type he sees in Nigeria... That was why I was trying to make him know that what he brought there was irrelevant..

1 Like

Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by MPESA(m): 3:44pm On Jan 16, 2022
... Put her in your shoes and answer it. Hypocrisy is bad.

If I'm in such,I will divorce my wife without even thinking twice.

Easier said than done.

Bye .
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by emekamatthew976: 3:44pm On Jan 16, 2022
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by Enugurangers: 3:45pm On Jan 16, 2022

Yea I know that.. they are well organised and they even pay taxes.. That guy think it was the type he sees in Nigeria... That was why I was trying to make him know that what he brought there was irrelevant..
Oh I get you now boss.
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by fykes(m): 3:45pm On Jan 16, 2022
You forgive him easily and cover up his dirty acts all in the name of religion, reason he sees you as a walk over. He may be religious but he doesn’t have the fear of God, reason i don’t care about anyone claiming spiricoco, i only care about what your heart looks like.

Personally, i may never have sex with such person again as my health is more important to me, i will lock him out or move out for my own sanity, then i will file for divorce after i have gathered all evidence, it is better everyone part way.
If you are not financially independent, allow your people know back home, let them rally round and bring you home, everything will seem rough in the beginning but you will be fine in the end with your child.

Do not think you can change the man or his ways, until he gets into trouble, thats how he will continue living his own life.
Take responsibility for your own life.
Bring her home from Canada with her child?? To this naija like this?
God have mercy
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by chiefolododo(m): 3:45pm On Jan 16, 2022

I'm not a Prostitue. I said above that we are both religious. Even he's more than I do.
the power that rules Canada has captivated your husband, he can help it, it is highly spiritual, Jesus is the way, be prayerful. Nothing is impossible.
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by Uniquequy(m): 3:45pm On Jan 16, 2022
You do not need to hate yourself or hate your hubby and you should never sees yourself as being ugly and neither you should blame yourself for his act.

I want you to know that addiction is very difficult to overcome but the good news is that it's possible to overcome.

Help in place of prayers. Correct him in love and also show him more love. In love, ask him what entices him in those things, what pushes him to do those things...by so doing, you will know the area you need to help him.
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by JONNYSPUTE(m): 3:45pm On Jan 16, 2022

Easier said than done.

Bye .
... Being a man is not just having a dick
Bye too.
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by Enugurangers: 3:47pm On Jan 16, 2022

Go to Canadian govt for help. Leave that house before this man infects you with HIV, Herpes and cervical cancer cacausing virus.
He will never change.
She knows what to do. Just burying her head in the sand.

It's a strong addition that's not going away.

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Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by SLOVFO(m): 3:47pm On Jan 16, 2022
Your husband definitely need deliverance and therapy. Whoring is addictive as gambling. Your husband needs help. Religious people sometimes get caught up in immoral addiction. It's not the end of the road... support your husband. Seek help from pastors that specialises in cases like that
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by Olaoye1988: 3:47pm On Jan 16, 2022
The devil is at work in your family, try and pray to God to restore your husband back to you. it is not easy to be free from the bondage of the devil. he needs you now than before in terms of prayer
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by safarigirl(f): 3:47pm On Jan 16, 2022

I have seen people who got out of their addictions with help from family and friends.

If your son, let say got addicted to gambling, clubbing or alcohol, you’ll rather leave him to rot and commit suicide one day than to help me because he’s causing so much hurt to you.

I don’t even understand what love is to you people? Is it all the good side and all that.

Anyway, you are always right your way.

I have seen people who eventually died of addiction, but not before ruining the lives of loved ones that tried to care for them

Love does not just mean suffering with someone, it means doing your best to make sure the person you love does not have to suffer

Why is it only women you demand love from?

If the man loved his wife, would he be following prostitutes? If he loved her, would he not want to do better for her? If he loved her, would he not have taken actions to make sure his addiction does not bring her pain?

Why do you only mention love when it is the husband messing up? Do women not also deserve love? How can you love someone and deny them sex just so you can go and stick your dick in public private parts?

Love means also loving yourself enough to know when someone is abusing your love. It is love that has brought this woman to Nairaland to seek help. Now, the husband should love her enough to try therapy

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Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by mercy87: 3:47pm On Jan 16, 2022
I can see some people as usual blaming this lady.. like wha-de-hell...... listen a person sleeps with another person because they want to do. Some lack self control and discipline to sleep with their wives alone. ..if possible file for divorce before he gives you hiv or incurable stds
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by femzy190: 3:48pm On Jan 16, 2022
Most times the women causes it with denying the man sex, am saying this from experience, women tends to make shakara with dere body when d man needs sex from them, but when they know the man gets d sex elsewhere, they will be loyal
I'm not sure you read and understood her story.

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