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Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? - Celebrities (36) - Nairaland

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Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by EnvyandHate: 9:30pm On Aug 29, 2023
All gangstalkers are human traffickers.

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by EnvyandHate: 7:47pm On Aug 30, 2023
Hindu pedophiles

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by EnvyandHate: 11:37am On Aug 31, 2023
All mass shootings are hoaxes perpetrated by the Deep State of Freemasonry as justification to flood the community with dossiers of target individuals whom may be whistle blowers, light workers and those they want to discredit and suppress. You are right the timing with the full moon is witchcraft. Yet I searched the news for the name of the white supremacist shooter and read a report that said the authorities were not releasing the name of the suspect nor victims. That means it didn't even happen and that is how the Deep State falsifies incident to lay justification for targeting innocent people especially since school is returning both public and private which means they can dossier their target's to a vast number of people. The whole purpose is to isolate the targets by having the whole community around put on alert about their identity. The Illuminati Freemasonry divided the people by having some spy on and watch others while no one is watching them. The Deep State uses mass shootings, cases of public officials and celebrities caught in rape and pedophilia scandals as perfect timing to dossier targeted individuals.

On August 26, 2023, three people were fatally shot by a gunman in a mass shooting that took place at a Dollar General store in Jacksonville, Florida. Authorities identified Ryan Christopher Palmeter as the gunman,described as a 21-year-old white male. Palmeter shot and killed himself after he barricaded himself in an office.The incident has been described as a terrorist attack,[9][10] is believed to have been racially motivated,[8] and is currently under investigation as a hate crime.

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by EnvyandHate: 11:18am On Sep 01, 2023

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by EnvyandHate: 1:07pm On Sep 01, 2023
Homeless Pedophiles in purple.

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by EnvyandHate: 6:00pm On Sep 01, 2023
The Purple Transgender President

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by EnvyandHate: 6:49pm On Sep 01, 2023
Purple Perverts

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by EnvyandHate: 8:58pm On Sep 01, 2023

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by EnvyandHate: 4:23pm On Sep 02, 2023

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by EnvyandHate: 7:06pm On Sep 03, 2023
Gangstalking Freemasonry Illuminati whores

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by EnvyandHate: 9:55pm On Sep 04, 2023
Pedophile Mob

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by EnvyandHate: 8:08pm On Sep 05, 2023
Homeless Pedophiles, they utilize all kinds of people in their satanic network.

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by EnvyandHate: 7:42pm On Sep 07, 2023
Blacks and Jews make the majority of the underworld of evil human trafficking.

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by EnvyandHate: 2:21pm On Sep 08, 2023
What is the other meaning of prophecy?
Some common synonyms of prophesy are forecast, foretell, predict, and prognosticate. While all these words mean "to tell beforehand," prophesy connotes inspired or mystic knowledge of the future especially as the fulfilling of divine threats or promises

Make no mistake my goal is to warn about disastrous changes coming upon the Earth. So that the people who love God can prepare for what is already been written.

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by EnvyandHate: 9:10pm On Sep 08, 2023
Black Lives Matter Satanic Pedophiles

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by EnvyandHate: 5:44pm On Sep 09, 2023
Lots of Hindus involved in human trafficking.

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by EnvyandHate: 2:04pm On Sep 10, 2023
Brother Polight Fooled His Fans by Saying The Sex Child Abuse Charges Were Dropped; Today He Was Sentenced to Seven Years Following a Plea Deal.

Over and over again Freemasons and their various cults are caught red handed molesting children.

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by EnvyandHate: 1:56pm On Sep 18, 2023
Pedophile Greeks

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by EnvyandHate: 1:59pm On Sep 18, 2023
Green Lesbian Pedophiles

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by EnvyandHate: 6:00pm On Sep 20, 2023
Purple Perverts

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by EnvyandHate: 7:02pm On Sep 21, 2023

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by EnvyandHate: 7:43pm On Sep 24, 2023
What's the secret connection between pedophiles and whores? Yes heterosexual men and boys are under attack by the Pedophile order of Freemasonry Illuminati. Why are wayward women given autonomy over men in such cases of false rape allegations and false paternity? This doesn't happen to men of the brotherhood but it is the brotherhood behind the police and courts that take the side of women even in the lack of evidence. I knew a woman who was taking her dead beat ex husband who was a Freemason to court for child support and the paperwork kept getting loss. Even when the poor woman finally got him into court the dead beat Freemason got away with little or no child support because the judge was a brother. Yes is it Freemasons behind the attack upon innocent men and boys because they need to show law and order in a system that they control and corrupt. Nothing like innocent blood on the altar of demons to steer the attention away from their many corruptions. The Purple Transgender President. Google it.

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by EnvyandHate: 10:06am On Sep 25, 2023
Alpha Kappa Alpha lying whores and Witches
Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by EnvyandHate: 5:29pm On Sep 27, 2023
In 1974 Henry Kissinger Recommended homosexuality for population's control in Black community. In 2015-2018, The Agenda is real! And wonder,why your son is punkin' and your daughter dying.
Homosexuality as a population control strategy in the black community.

German and Jewish (from Germany): habitational name for someone from Bad Kissingen or Kissing in Bavaria, both of which are, according to Bahlow, probably named with the lost element kis(s) 'marsh, swamp'.

Oakland man jailed on alleged child sex offenses
Cumberland Times-News, Md.
September 27, 2023, 9:18 am
Sep. 27—OAKLAND — An Oakland man was arrested Tuesday following a joint investigation of alleged child sex offenses that began nearly a decade ago, according to the Garrett County Sheriff's Office.

Police took Henry Kinsinger, 57, into custody on a warrant charging him with sexual abuse of a minor, fourth-degree sex offense and perverted practice following investigation by the sheriff's office and the Department of Social Services Child Protective Services.

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by EnvyandHate: 7:35am On Sep 28, 2023
I'm the Mom of a Black Trans Child—Here's What I Want You to Know
Dahn Dior Ballard says after her son came out, she knew learning more about trans identity, terminology, and rights would be essential in advocating for him.

By Dahn Dior Ballard Updated on June 5, 2023
Medically reviewed by Varuna Srinivasan

What's the secret connection between pedophiles and whores?

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by GodisStriking: 4:58pm On Dec 13, 2023
The war against pedophiles continues..

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by GodisStriking: 4:57am On Mar 24, 2024
Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by GodisStriking: 8:21pm On Mar 28, 2024
All religions on Earth have had priests and priestesses perform exocisms on humans affected with homosexuality, sodomy, etc, to remove demons from them. This is well documented and widely ignored by mainstream media. Majority of recovering homosexuals admit that there was a spirit working in them that was fighting them while they tried to quit permanently homosexuality.

2. The practice of sodomy is far worst than masturbation, which only involves individual lusting and lost of energy, maybe embarrassment if done in public. But the practice of sodomy takes years off the life, spreads disease, invites demons who are attracted to such dirty activities like all filth draws parasites, bacteria both physical and spiritual. Coprophilia widely practiced by male homosexuals, is the love of feces, usually to the point of consumption.
If the term is revolting, it's intentional. The practice is revolting.

3. Homosexuals connect self identity to being homosexual. That's the same as a rapist or murder, identifying their abomination with who they are as a person. This is proof in itself that an alien force has invaded the human being and is demanding acknowledgement of its existence while still remaining hidden, and burying the true identity of the person inside the degraded condition of homosexuality.

4. Nearly all evil cults have sodomy and pedophilia as their initiation and continuous practice to belong. Nearly all evil cults are sodomites and pedophiles groups. These sodomite pedophile cult groups are behind worldwide child trafficking, drug trafficking, organ trafficking, sex trafficking, pedophile rings, human and child sacrifices and cannibalistic restaurants.

5. All societies that practiced pederasty, homosexual culture, were warring societies that constantly enslaved other peaceful societies because they were too busy wasting their lives to build a peaceful and prosperous society of their own so they invaded others. Homosexual demons seem to drive humans to spread to other lands and peoples until they gain cultural supremacy. All technologies developed by peaceful societies, such as gunpowder, homosexual warring societies of the Western Empire made into weapons of mass destruction. Rape is used as a weapon to spread dissexuality and demons.

6. Homosexuality disconnects humans from other humans. Many become closer to animals and engage in sex with animals. Homosexuals even become cannibals like Jeffery Dahma. But Dahma wasn't the first and isn't the last homosexual driven to cannibalism and evil occultism of human and child sacrifice to gain the souls of others because they have lost their own.

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by GodisStriking: 4:30pm On Apr 04, 2024
Scape Goating is what you would define this behavior of false accusing an innocent. For those unfamiliar with this ancient Jewish ritual, the rabbis would take a goat and accuse it of all the sins of the community then send it out into the desert to wander and die from exhaustion and starvation. The practice Idolatry includes Homosexuality, Transgenderism, Feminism, Prostitution and Pedophilia, all these filths now made legal, comes with an image that is ugly. The people who promote these abominations love to appear clean and pure and that they're doing this for the civil rights and human rights of others. Yet secretly they're involved in all of these sins inside their lodges and societies. This is why narcissism and targeting has risen and widely ignored because the idolaters are in power over the church and state.

America has become Babylon, you see it. America is also falling and she has become the habitation of every foul and hateful bird. The proper interpretation for this is the ancient symbolism of idolaters being birds. That's right loads of idolaters are coming into America every single day from third world nations whose ancestors never worshipped God and Idolatry was their religion. These people loved homosexuality, Transgenderism, pedophilia, witchcraft, prostitution, feminism and human sacrifice. Christianity was forced upon their ancestors from Mayans, Aztecs, West Africans, Asians, and some white Europeans who engaged in Odin, Norse and Celtic paganism. Targeting is spiritual warfare against those of us whose ancestors were the Saints who converted to Christianity during first centuries of its rise when the faith was pure and a denouncing of the pagan world that dominated before. And my Jesus that old dark world is rising again.

It's true that homosexuality was normal among the Maya and Aztec cultures. The Maya and Aztec cultures both had socially accepted concepts of homosexuality and transgender identities, and both groups practiced same-sex relationships and gender-non conformity. These practices were generally seen as natural within their societies and were not considered to be immoral or wrong.

Homosexuality is quite common among the Latino and Mexican populations. In many Latino countries, for example, it is not unusual for the acceptance of same-sex relationships and marriage to be quite strong and widely accepted. Mexico itself is home to the largest gay pride event in the world every year in Mexico City, and its laws on homosexuality are among the most progressive in the region. Mexico legalized same-sex marriage in all 32 states in 2015 and provides protection for LGBTI people under its federal anti-discrimination laws.

Many Latinos and Mexicans are descendants of the Mayan and Aztec cultures, which were predominantly pagan and non-Christian. When the Spanish conquered the Americas, they forcibly converted many of these people to Christianity, and some of them resisted and fought against the Spanish to maintain their pagan traditions. Eventually, many Latinos and Mexicans were forced into Christianity, and they had no choice but to follow its laws, even if they were not entirely keen on it.

West Africans, like African Americans, were also forced into accepting Christianity when the Europeans colonized their lands. During the transatlantic slave trade, slaves from West Africa were also forced to accept Christianity during enslavement in the Americas and were denied their traditional African faiths. Some slaves were also forcibly baptized. The slave owners did this as a way to erase their African traditions and to control them.

It is true that many third world Asian countries had ancestors who were predominantly pagan, and many aspects of homosexuality, transgenderism, pedophilia, witchcraft, prostitution, and human sacrifice were part of their everyday life. These aspects were very prevalent in various cultures and societies, and it is often difficult to trace back the roots of these practices. When Christianity was forcibly introduced to these communities, there was a lot of resistance from those who did not want to accept the new religious and cultural norms. In many parts of the world, this resistance to Christianity still continues, especially among the older generations.

The white European pre-Christian period, commonly referred to as the "Dark Ages," was characterized by widespread paganism, idolatry, homosexuality, and human sacrifice. The Viking pagans in particular worshipped a variety of Norse gods and goddesses, including Odin, Thor, Freya, and Loki. The Celtic peoples also had a complex set of gods and goddesses, including the Irish goddess Morrigan, the Scottish goddess Brigid, and the British god Lugus. Many of these European pagan traditions were suppressed and replaced by Christianity when Emperor Charlemagne converted the Continent.

When Charlemagne took control of the Franco-Germanic realm, he forcibly converted many of the white Saxons to Christianity. The white Celts, who had been practicing paganism and other non-Christian traditions, resisted this conversion and established the Protestant Movement to maintain their Celtic traditions. The Protestant reformation resulted in the creation of various Protestant denominations, such as the Lutherans, Episcopalians, and Anglicans, among others.

The stone masonry guilds were a way for some white Saxons and White Celts to continue to practice their pagan religion in secret. These guilds were often involved in religious rites and rituals.

Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by GodisStriking: 4:18pm On Apr 11, 2024
Pink And Green Whores And Trannies Black Queens of Babylon by GodisStriking

"Curious about the true identity of the Queen of Babylon and her secret cult?

Click here to read a powerful and concise summary of the latest research.
Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by GodisStriking: 12:28am On Apr 13, 2024
They accuse you of what they're guilty of.
Re: Martial Simon Who Pushed Michelle Go In Front Of Train Gangstalked? by GodisStriking: 9:33pm On Apr 14, 2024
The book "Occult Feminism: the Secret History of Women's Liberation" by Rachel Wilson was published in 2015. The book is an exploration of the history of women's liberation and feminism, and focuses on the role that occult traditions played in advancing the cause of women's rights and equality. The book explores the ideas and practices of occult traditions, such as witchcraft, sorcery, astrology, numerology, alchemy, and more, and their impact on women's liberation and the feminist movement.

Rachel Wilson, in her book "Occult Feminism: The Secret History of Women's Liberation", explores and documents the role of occult practices, such as witchcraft, sorcery, astrology, numerology, alchemy, and more within the feminist and women's liberation movement. She points out that some of the founders of the early women's liberation movement were witches and lesbians, and she also exposes the anti-Christian elements of this early forerunners of feminism.

The anti-Christian elements that were seen in the early women's liberation movement still permeate the feminist movement today.

1. "The early-20th century Feminism and women's movement were influenced by a strong anti-Christian sentiment." p.33
2. "Feminists at the 1973 Women's Strike for Equality called for a 'feminist sabbath' and demanded that feminists abandon all Christian notions of female inferiority which they claimed had been introduced by men." p.33
3. "The most influential feminists of the 1970s and 1980s were witches, and they often sought to attack and subvert traditional Christian beliefs about sexual morality." p.79

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