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How To Save, Invest And Earn In Dollars With Piggyvest App - Nairaland / General - Nairaland

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How To Save, Invest And Earn In Dollars With Piggyvest App by unleashtech: 9:59am On Jan 25, 2022
In this post, I will show you how to save and earn in dollars with the Piggyvest app.
Do you want to save and invest in dollars in order to beat Naira fluctuation? Or rather are you looking for ways to save, invest or earn dollars in Nigeria? Then, you are in the right place
As we know, Naira has been falling against Dollars and it is still likely to fall. Hence, it is better to always find a way to earn, save or invest in dollars. One of such ways to achieve this is through Flex Dollar in Piggyvest.
When you sign up on this Piggyvest link , you also get a 1,000 naira welcome bonus
But before I dive deeper, let me explain what the Piggyvest app is all about for those who may not know.

What is Piggvest App is about
Formerly called piggybank, Piggyvest was launched in 2016 as the first online savings and investment platform across West Africa. Their mission is ‘to give everyone the power to better manage and grow their finances.
Among different ways to save and earn on the app, the Piggyvest Flex Dollar account is something you should try out.

How to save, invest and earn in dollars with Piggyvest app
So how can you invest or save in dollars with the Piggyvest app? It is through the Flex Dollar account .
Flex dollar lets you benefit not only from naira depreciation but also get a 7% interest p.a on your dollar amount. That is the beauty of Piggyvest Flex Dollar. For instance, if you have bought 100 dollars many months ago at the rate of 420 naira and is now 550. Right now, you will have 13,000 naira plus interest. That is over 30% interest in less than a year.
One thing to note is that Piggyvest uses a black market rate and not an official dollar-naira rate. This means that the price you will buy dollars to save in this account will likely be higher than what most banks offer.
And oh sorry, you cannot buy dollars from elsewhere and transfer it to this account. You have to buy it on the app.

Steps to save and earn in dollars with Piggyvest app
Download the app through this link and create an account (if you don’t have one yet)
Thereafter, tap Savings Icon
Next, tap Flex Dollar
Tap on Fund my Flex Dollar to buy dollars
Choose the amount and select funding source either your piggyFlex wallet or your linked card

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