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My Husband Is Abnormal - Romance - Nairaland

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My Husband Is Abnormal by Amb1045(m): 2:30pm On Jan 27, 2022
This was sent in from California, USA by a married lady in her early 20's. She joined her hubby who she had been dating for the past 4yrs. It was a dream come true. Living with her hubby in the USA but it wasn't as straight forward as she thought. Her husband is very handsome, an American citizen born and bred in the USA and very rich and successful in his privately owned business.
She noticed that he hardly touched her when they finalized their wedding and she came over from Nigeria. She didn't think much of it until she noticed that for months, her husband doesn't even want to make love to her but instead getting all cuddly with his trained pet Dog.
She kept complaining about sex starvation until she saw what turned her blood cold one night. She woke up to pee but didn't see her hubby in bed. She tip toed to the other room and saw him having sex with the dog. She was disgusted and appalled but he didn't care that he saw her and continued with it until he was done.

She was shocked and expected an explanation afterwards. He just told her that this is America, a free country, where you do whatever makes you happy and that he is into bestiality and has been since adolescence.

She loves him so much and doesn't know what to do at this point cos he says he still wants the marriage and chidlren while keeping his odd sexual trait.

What do you guys think about this? Any advice for her cos this one weak me
Re: My Husband Is Abnormal by theophorus(m): 2:32pm On Jan 27, 2022
She has become second wife now.
The Dog is the first wife.

Abeg, if she fit afford the trouble of polygamy make she continue.
Yeye and Iberiberism.


Re: My Husband Is Abnormal by donbachi(m): 2:34pm On Jan 27, 2022
Sex sex sex....something husbands and wives suppose take dey baff.
Re: My Husband Is Abnormal by sweetonugbu: 2:41pm On Jan 27, 2022
Tory! Tory!!
Re: My Husband Is Abnormal by Blackdeewhy(m): 2:46pm On Jan 27, 2022
In one word, "go or stay"..... Ire oo
Re: My Husband Is Abnormal by Das1mama: 2:54pm On Jan 27, 2022
If it's in africa precisely Nigeria. They would've said he's a ritualist and now that is a white let me look for a name like ehn... Definitely an End Time Husband. Divorce him Asap before he infects you with another virus and believe me Biblically this is only the Justified reason which is Adultery and this not even with a human being but a dog.... Run for your dear life..

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Re: My Husband Is Abnormal by FERNANDEZISBACK: 3:06pm On Jan 27, 2022
Divorce ASAP..
Re: My Husband Is Abnormal by fikayormi(m): 3:48pm On Jan 27, 2022
You are enjoying the Us citizenship and other luxury he has to offer so cope with it

Or better still

Forgo it and move on

No dey disturb us abeg on some shit fake story

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Re: My Husband Is Abnormal by Judybash93(m): 4:33pm On Jan 27, 2022
Beastiality is illegal in California in fact it is animal cruelty under Penal Code 286.5 PC.
Re: My Husband Is Abnormal by Nobody: 5:02pm On Jan 27, 2022
You're enjoying his money na, while that dog is enjoying the dick angry

If you can't cope with it. Forget the marriage and move on.
Re: My Husband Is Abnormal by dawnomike(m): 5:21pm On Jan 27, 2022
This was sent in from California, USA by a married lady in her early 20's. She joined her hubby who she had been dating for the past 4yrs. It was a dream come true. Living with her hubby in the USA but it wasn't as straight forward as she thought. Her husband is very handsome, an American citizen born and bred in the USA and very rich and successful in his privately owned business.
She noticed that he hardly touched her when they finalized their wedding and she came over from Nigeria. She didn't think much of it until she noticed that for months, her husband doesn't even want to make love to her but instead getting all cuddly with his trained pet Dog.
She kept complaining about sex starvation until she saw what turned her blood cold one night. She woke up to pee but didn't see her hubby in bed. She tip toed to the other room and saw him having sex with the dog. She was disgusted and appalled but he didn't care that he saw her and continued with it until he was done.

She was shocked and expected an explanation afterwards. He just told her that this is America, a free country, where you do whatever makes you happy and that he is into bestiality and has been since adolescence.

She loves him so much and doesn't know what to do at this point cos he says he still wants the marriage and chidlren while keeping his odd sexual trait.

What do you guys think about this? Any advice for her cos this one weak me
She should continue being a mumu and be asking yeye questions... Bestiality is a crime in the US.
Re: My Husband Is Abnormal by Abovebest(m): 5:48pm On Jan 27, 2022
The story is kinda fake

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Re: My Husband Is Abnormal by socialmediaman: 5:50pm On Jan 27, 2022
Even if this particular story was made up, these things really happen abroad. People have so many weird fetishes and behaviors due to the freedom, lack of community, privacy and lifestyle there.

Imagine a couple, a computer engineer for a reputable company and his housewife living in a normal neighborhood, who locked their kids up in the house for almost 30 years, Yes, about 13 kids or so from the same father and mother. For almost 30 years, nobody noticed that children were locked up by their parents at home (not in the basement), lived in dirt (never changed clothes and only showered like once a year, police saw human feces all over the inside of the house), had very limited vocabulary because they never went to school and never interacted with anyone except themselves and occasionally their parents. Don't believe me? Watch the video on YouTube:



Re: My Husband Is Abnormal by Moeman: 5:51pm On Jan 27, 2022
story 4 d gods
Re: My Husband Is Abnormal by ruggedtimi(m): 5:53pm On Jan 27, 2022
So na from that man HIV START grin
Re: My Husband Is Abnormal by jaxxy(m): 6:19pm On Jan 27, 2022
U see what I’ve been saying about abnormal sexual preference. These things are not natural and can never be.

He has developed a strong sexual preference habit that he not thinking normally. It will take a lot to correct his abnormal choice.

Banging ur dog doggie? Smh
Re: My Husband Is Abnormal by Totilopussylick(m): 7:11pm On Jan 27, 2022
To be honest I live in Germany. Getting to 7yrs now.

My experience so far with the white people 99 percent of them own "DOGS" different sizes.

Young and old.

In France where l was before, the same thing.

Honestly the thing weak me too.

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