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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. (1944 Views)
I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity / Signs You Are Losing Faith In God / I Am Beginning To Doubt The Existence Of God (2) (3) (4)
Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by Gratefulsoul202: 11:52pm On Feb 02, 2022 |
Hello everyone, Have been a very active guest on nairaland since about last year. Have been reading and going through so many atheist believes here and I somehow find it sensible to me cause each day I go through a lot I pray fast and do many more it just seems as if the thing won't change. Then I remembered how my mom was a chronic church lover who never misses a church program. If you read my previous post about how my dad is to me you would understand the sorrow she has gone through before she died. Mainly the post on nairaland that has made me realize that Indeed these prayers dont work was an old post from hardmirror(sorry for the mention sir) I came across It i read everything and realize this man is making sense. Although I still attend church services like normal Christians but my zeal for Christ have gone each time am in church I don't feel like it makes sense to me to come to the church on basis of praying praying and praying which mostly doesn't work. ![]() 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by funshint(m): 12:21am On Feb 03, 2022 |
May God intervene speedily into your situation no matter what it may be. Amen! |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by Nobody: 12:26am On Feb 03, 2022 |
funshint: Same god that’s yet to intervene in so many ills and evils going on in the world. 8 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by MisterBash(m): 6:50am On Feb 03, 2022 |
*IMPROVE YOUR SERVICE* 3rd February, 2022. *Determined Asking* ''And Jesus fasted forty days and forty nights, and afterward He was *HUNGRY.* And the *TEMPTER* came .....'' (Matt.4:2- 3) *This story of Jesus calls for understanding & watchfulness. Our prayers may not instantly remove our difficulties, but may transiently reduce. It's such a time that the devil will target to show up. Satan doesn't use to come when we're in abundance. He uses our period of insufficiencies to tempt us. Pray on with caution, we'll receive.* |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by MaxInDHouse(m): 7:01am On Feb 03, 2022 |
Gratefulsoul202: Have you met the true Christians? Note that they won't pray with you unless you are ready to practice the same sacred service with them! John 17:8-9 compare to Proverbs 28:9 Which means you might be praying while the true God doesn't even look at your side at all because you were doing it the wrong way! Matthew 6:5 Note that God doesn't answer all prayers {Jeremiah 11:14} so do you know the criteria for prayer before you can expect God to take you serious? The Bible says: And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that no matter what we ask according to his will, he hears us. 1John 5:14 Do you know the will of God so that you can pray accordingly? |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by LordReed(m): 7:32am On Feb 03, 2022 |
Gratefulsoul202: Prayer works but not in the supernatural way people imagine it does. Prayer helps bring calm to your mind and helps you keep focus on solving your problem, it's not a magic spell that prompts genies to come to your aid. You get the same effect from meditation techniques so there is no special thing about prayer. 9 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by MaxInDHouse(m): 8:35am On Feb 03, 2022 |
LordReed: This is factual! But there's something prayer can also do that no meditation can achieve. When you pray to God for personal request He will guide you into knowing how to go about it through the calmness of mind and focus. But when it comes to issues having to do with many people meditation won't do anything what will work perfectly at that time is PRAYER. For instance, we're all looking forward to a time when people from all races under the heavens will come to their senses and end WARS. Many organizations has been formed to help people see reasons to stop this madness but all to no avail. But with diligently study of the Bible, thorough meditation and fervent prayer to the one and only true God Jehovah's Witnesses have achieved this throughout the earth so that all their members numbering in millions have vowed never to raise weapons against their fellowman again! Isaiah 2:2-4 Now that's something only JEHOVAH the true God is working on presently in the midst of His prospective earthly subjects in the future: He is bringing an end to wars throughout the earth. He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; He burns the military wagons with fire. Isaiah 46:9 For now He is working on how to perfect this plan without turning His earthly subjects into robotic ants who only live on instinct but they're happily and joyfully obedient to this arrangement globally both old, young, male, female, rich, poor, highly educated or ordinary craftsmen. Soon He will end all suffering by EXTERMINATING rebellious humans throughout the earth for peace to reign globally! Luke 19:27 compare to Daniel 2:44 |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by Workch: 8:56am On Feb 03, 2022 |
Gratefulsoul202:Dude, I became happier since I lost faith in God and religion. The quality of my life improved as I'm no longer subjected to dogma and unsubstantiated claims. I started living by facts and not fictions/presumed lies. Try it and see your life change for good. I started making informed decisions instead of depending on imaginary beings and revelation. Critical reasoning helps dude 11 Likes |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by Workch: 8:58am On Feb 03, 2022 |
LordReed:touche |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by oteneaaron(m): 9:05am On Feb 03, 2022 |
Gratefulsoul202: Don't forget that you and EVERY human being on earth today, has DIRECT ACCESS to God. While it is true that God means different things to different people, when I talk about "GOD", I am actually referring to the INFINITE MIND behind the whole cosmos. Not the God of religion. When you study the history of religion, this God of religion is sometimes referred to as the Demiurge. Demiurge = Yahweh = Zeus = Jehovah = Enlil = same person. That is why he is given human characteristics like, Jealousy, Hate, Anger, etc. You should understand that you don't need to look outside yourself or to any sky daddy for the answers. Everything you have ever needed has been buried deep inside you all along. Stop giving your power to any religious leader nor any established religion - they are all instruments of INDOCTRINATION. When you are part of a religion, you are never allowed to think for yourself, you are only expected to do what you are told to do. Stop looking outwards, instead look inside yourself. If only you know who you truly are, you go realize say wetin you de find for sokoto, is already inside your sokoto. Religion is not the answer. For research purposes, try and study this book - WHO IS THIS KING OF GLORY? - by Alvin Boyd Khun. 2 Likes |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by Workch: 9:06am On Feb 03, 2022 |
oteneaaron:There's no evidence that a god exist. Zeus is not the same description as yahweh 5 Likes |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by oteneaaron(m): 9:16am On Feb 03, 2022 |
Workch: Do your research man, go way back to ancient sumeria. Enlil is the half brother of Enki. Enlil is Zeus, who is also Yahweh, who is also the Demiurge. Enki is Poseidon, who is also the serpent or Satan in the Bible. There is an INFINITE MIND behind the whole cosmos. He (or she) is referred to as THE ALL. The term "GOD" is used to make it easy for people to grasp the concept of an INFINITE CONCIOUSNESS... |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by Workch: 9:25am On Feb 03, 2022 |
oteneaaron:You don't need to do any research to know that Zeus, the alpha Olympian God, son of Cronus is not Jewish Yahweh, both are also different from Odin Norse god. You only need to stop cherrypicking stuffs that suits your imaginations. And all of these gods don't exist. No evidence that they do. The term God is an English statement meaning "any supernatural diety". Stop deluding yourself 7 Likes |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by Gratefulsoul202: 10:08am On Feb 03, 2022 |
Workch:hmm..... |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by Gratefulsoul202: 10:08am On Feb 03, 2022 |
Workch:Really? |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by Truvelisback(m): 10:26am On Feb 03, 2022 |
Gratefulsoul202:U have been praying for what? |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by Workch: 10:30am On Feb 03, 2022 |
Gratefulsoul202:yes, financially and otherwise. Though that doesn't mean that prosperity has anything to do with atheism, it just means that prosperity is not a factor of your belief system. Stop wasting your time looking for help where there's none 4 Likes |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by oteneaaron(m): 10:55am On Feb 03, 2022 |
Workch: Hahahaha He calls me deluded. ![]() You can't just discount my research if you have no idea how much information I have garnered. History has shown that the Annunaki's of ancient Sumeria are still the same people behind every single myth and legends of God's and Goddesses in every culture of antiquity. But the truth is we are saying the same thing in different languages and from different POVs. Is religion the biggest problem we have in the world today? I completely agree. But, there is an INFINITE MIND behind all of the entire cosmos. Do we need religion to help us realize our connection to this INFINITE MIND? Abosultely not. We already have everything we need, all we have to do is look inwards. PS: I am very open to expanding my world view. If you have research materials to share, kindly do - I am always willing to learn. Gracias!! |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by Nobody: 10:57am On Feb 03, 2022 |
The Jews are Blessed and are the richest race in the world and also have the world's top scientists. why because their faith is in the true GOD of the Old Testament and not the FAKE gospels of the New Testament created by the Romans. Don't lose faith in GOD, but turn to the Old Testament and keep GOD's Ten Commandments HE gave to Moses and also read the Book of Psalms. |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by Nobody: 11:28am On Feb 03, 2022 |
MindHacker9000:Where was this god during the Holocaust? 1 Like |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by Nobody: 12:03pm On Feb 03, 2022 |
maynia: There are differents Gods fighting to control this world and The GOD of the Jews in the Old Testament forth back for the Jews during the Holocaust and today the GOD of the Jews have put them back on their feet and stronger. |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by Nobody: 12:10pm On Feb 03, 2022 |
MindHacker9000: How did he fight back? 1 Like
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by Nobody: 12:12pm On Feb 03, 2022 |
MindHacker9000:China is an atheist country much stronger than Israel in all ramifications, guess the Jew god no too get level, even the Arab god try pass am. 2 Likes |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by Nobody: 12:19pm On Feb 03, 2022 |
maynia: You are wrong. Watch 1. Israel is a Tech Capital of the World with only 2% population of the US. 2. Israel is the most advanced country in agriculture. |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by Nobody: 12:27pm On Feb 03, 2022 |
MindHacker9000: Great consolidation for the over 6 million Jews that died. Most advanced country in tech and agriculture is not in top 10 biggest economy while atheist China are battling it out with USA as the biggest economy, the Jew god no try at all 3 Likes |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by Workch: 1:47pm On Feb 03, 2022 |
oteneaaron:I'm not interested in this, I just want to correct the narrative that Zeus and Yahweh are the same concepts. They are not, the only thing they share in common is that they are both figments of imagination from ancient humans. 3 Likes |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by bigjackass: 7:16pm On Feb 03, 2022 |
Gratefulsoul202:God does not exist. Free yourself from the mental distress of praying and believing for a divine intervention. Start taking your life in your own hands. Change the things that you can change. Do whatever is possible for you to do. As for any situation that is out of your control, just make peace with it. 2 Likes |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by NNTR: 8:28pm On Feb 03, 2022 |
Gratefulsoul202:Your dad is sleeping and resting from the great sorrow and travail of this fractured, evil and fallen world Be thankful that though he cant RIP, he at least, is RIP (i.e. if he cant Return If Possible, he's at least Resting In Paradise) Mark it that, faith is not the belief that God will do what you want. It is the belief that God will do what is right. Gratefulsoul202:Luke 22:39-42 '39And He (i.e. Jesus) came out and went, as was His habit, to the Mount of Olives; and the disciples followed Him. 40When He arrived at the place [called Gethsemane], He (i.e. Jesus) said to them, “Pray continually that you may not fall into temptation.” 41And He (i.e. Jesus) withdrew from them about a stone’s throw, and knelt down and prayed, 42saying, “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup [of divine wrath] from Me; yet not My will, but [always] Yours be done.” ' The kind of prayers that dont work, are slot machine prayers. Other kind of prayers that dont work, are carnal influenced prayers. Prayers, said and done the Luke 22:42b way, always work. Meaning, when you do a 'Yet I want Your will to be done, not mine' prayer, that kind of prayer is a sure banker that always come up trumps and works Gratefulsoul202:Mark 9:24 'Immediately the father of the boy cried out [with a desperate, piercing cry], saying, “I do believe; help [me overcome] my unbelief.” (i.e."I do believe: strengthen my weak faith." "I do have faith, but not enough. Help me have more!'')' Brother, if you lose faith in God, and even on top if you lose faith ordinarily, then you'll be a lot more worse off, because be like a person, going to the market to buy stuff, but havent got money on you to trade and do exchanges with. Everything has a currency of its own. Dont you know that, faith, is the currency of the Kingdom of God? You see, when you go to the market to buy or do business with people you need money, equally when you do business with God, you need faith. What I am advancing to you, is that, faith is the only currency that counts, so brother, put up your guard and keep faith in God because faith is the most powerful of all forces, operating in humanity and when you have, faith in depth, nothing can get you down. God is for you, He is not against you, so dont lose faith in God I understand that, you would love to know the answers to all your teeming questions, but think about this too, if we knew everything, we wouldn’t have a need, to have faith. Faith, is not an assurance that everything is going to go all your way or how you expected to see things turn, but it is the assurance that, no matter what, God is in control. Watch this Gratefulsoul202, three things are eternal, meaning, three things will last forever— they namely are, faith, hope, and love — and the greatest of them three, is love. LordReed:You'll be wise, to hear and pay attention to words of wisdom coming from not only a contemporary of Hardmirror, but from someone who also happens to be a celebrated atheist, equally well known on Nairaland as Hardmirror maynia:Same God before creation had already intervened in to reverse and cancel the perpetuity of each and all so many ills and evils going on in the world. MindHacker9000:Faith, is different from proof, the latter is human, the former is a Gift from God. Faith, is what is left, after all your proofs and/or beliefs have been blown to blown to smithereens. You are twice armed, if you fight with faith maynia:Isaiah 52:14 'Many were horrified at what happened to Him. But everyone who saw Him was even more horrified because He suffered until He no longer looked human. Many people were shocked when they saw Him; He was so disfigured that He hardly looked human.' God, during the Holocaust, was in the same place He was, when He was inflicted with uncountable grievous bodily harms, assaulted and beaten up beyond recognition as He was painfully abused. Of all these, He didn't complain. He was silent like a lamb being led to the slaughter and butcher, He was, as quiet as a sheep, having its wool, cut off. MindHacker9000:1 Corinthians 8:5-7a ' 5For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as there are many so-called gods and lords), 6yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we exist. And there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we exist. 7But not everyone has this knowledge.' There is only one God. There doesnt exist Gods. There doesnt exist co-Gods. Only one God is in existence. The God of Israel, The God of the Jews in the Old Testament, is a universal God. He is the God of yesterday, the God of today, the God of tomorrow and the eternal God. Personal text: Jesus is not a theologian. He is God who told stories. |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by LordReed(m): 9:55am On Feb 04, 2022 |
MindHacker9000: By what measure are they the richest race in the world and how are Jews a race? Are Igbos a race? 4 Likes |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by Nobody: 12:09pm On Feb 04, 2022 |
LordReed: You need to do your own research and post your findings here. It is acceptable to refer to them as a race or maybe you would prefer the word people instead. |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by LordReed(m): 12:34pm On Feb 04, 2022 |
MindHacker9000: No, I won't do my own research since you are the one making the claim, show me the research you did to reach this conclusion. And yes group of people is a better phrase and no it is not accepted to refer to them as a race. 2 Likes |
Re: Am Beginning To Lose Faith In God. by arantess: 12:48pm On Feb 04, 2022 |
Gratefulsoul202:Don't be tired of praying bro Your prayers will form a memorial before God in due season and He will answer God exists no matter what people may say otherwise, He will come through for you in due course |
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