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America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High - Foreign Affairs (10) - Nairaland

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Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by kponkedenge(m): 3:05pm On Feb 20, 2022
See how they are deceiving ukrainians to their graves.
Russia would attack and there would be no response from the liar america.

I tell you if europe fumble and join any war just hand grenade thrown from russia can reach me here.

America never said they will join the war. They are only providing weapons and equipment to Ukraine. The only thing they said they would do if Russia attacks is sanctions.

If America joins this war, then NATO as a whole would have to join and it may turn to third world war.

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Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Pootle: 3:07pm On Feb 20, 2022
cant wait to see dis world scatter
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by wiseoneking: 3:08pm On Feb 20, 2022
US no even get super tucano ?
And dem wan fight mighty Russia.
I pity US.
The earlier they call buhari the better for them
ignorance at its best. Acquire more knowledge about America arsenal
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by kponkedenge(m): 3:08pm On Feb 20, 2022

America is just overhyped,bro.
Was it not the same US that was heavily defeated and disgraced by Vietnam in the American- Vietnamese war.
Russia will soon tame their arrogance and mouth making.

Lol, go and read about second world war. As small as Germany was, they defeated USSR (present day Russia). It was US that came to Russia's aide.

How Russia is hostile now, is how Germany was hostile during the Nazi era. Russia will eventually be tamed..... That thing they are looking for, they will eventually get it.


Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by roomus(m): 3:12pm On Feb 20, 2022
Was all this necessary... On top Ukraine/US/Russia matter...I hope someone in these countries is analyzing naija issues like this too with passion

you're just a low life bacteria infected Christian swine. I'm not a Muslim or Christian b4 u think I'm one. U guys in Christianity are the worst set of people on Earth, u support every evil America does because of your stupid religion, you support destruction in Palestine, killing of children and forcefully taking their lands because of your Christianity but when fulani are killing you and overrunning your lands you complain. You guys deserve every horror Boko Haram unleash on u Christian pigs. I really hate you mehn, so dumb. Before America Egypt was world power, Rome was world power, even Greece and Persia were all world powers at a time but because a slave like you who is meant to die a dumb hopeless slave have been indoctrinated to believe evil America will be world power forever, when there was covid19 outbreak we all saw how US citizens were dying like flies till now. World power didn't save them. When the time comes, slavish pigs like you will perish in a more gruesome death compared to dead rats. Stupid pig
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Entprys(m): 3:23pm On Feb 20, 2022
ignorance at its best. Acquire more knowledge about America arsenal
U no get sense.
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Alexpetra: 3:39pm On Feb 20, 2022
Jack Bauer : Mr President I think we still have some negotiation window.
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Kizyte(m): 3:47pm On Feb 20, 2022
US no even get super tucano ?
And dem wan fight mighty Russia.
I pity US.
The earlier they call buhari the better for them
Sarcasm of the highest order grin
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by useni1: 3:50pm On Feb 20, 2022
I am just laughing at BIDEN........ If Russia invade Ukraine (which I know they have no intention of invading) and America by mistake get on the way of Russia and then it boils into a world war situation,...... Putin has just one thing in mind to end the world war and that is the sent a barrage of hypersonic nuclear intercontinental missiles into white house, capitol, and pentagon.... Putin have no intention of flying over USA ........ And for those who think that USA is prepared for war against Russia, let me remind you that USA does not have an anti missiles defence against an hypersonic missiles....... The hypersonic missiles technology has only been mastered by China, Russia and north Korea
Russia don't need hypersonic missiles to attack America. Old Soviet nukes from the 70's will all hit America cities. America air defence is a myth that has been proven a trillion times. America deployed Patriot missiles battery in Israel during the first gulf war yet 99% of Iraq 1940 era scud missiles still hit tel aviv. Yemen cow rearers launched drones and missiles at the biggest oil facilities unchallenged. The Saudis got angry after buying $100billion worth of bullshit America weapons. Just two days ago Hezbollah flew a drone deep inside Israel. The drone was in Israeli airspace for over 40mins with useless iron dome unable to intercept it. Russia is wasting money building hypersonic r weapons..all their nuke missiles made from 1950 will hit American cities

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Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Dbegining: 3:52pm On Feb 20, 2022

You’re running from pillar to POST . Let NATO go and retrieve Cremea Back from Russia let us check something. Why didn’t NATO stood for Ukraine if she’s already a member when cremea was Annexed grin

Guy, see what you're saying. Why will they take back a territory that has been annexed since 2014?
If they do that, you'll be the one shouting here and there.

And just to clear things, then, Ukraine wasn't a member of NATO so, the U.S was obligated to do nothing.

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Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Michael662(m): 4:11pm On Feb 20, 2022

From the book of Daniel...the feet of the statue seen by Nebuchadnezzar in his dream. Now, you're the one without understanding. I didn't need to ask you before I could understand it. Muntula! cool

You are describing what you see DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT IT MEANS?
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Zulu2022: 4:12pm On Feb 20, 2022

Lol, go and read about second world war. As small as Germany was, they defeated USSR (present day Russia). It was US that came to Russia's aide.

How Russia is hostile now, is how Germany was hostile during the Nazi era. Russia will eventually be tamed..... That thing they are looking for, they will eventually get it.
u get time de reply dis ppl,ussr that comprises Russia Moldova Romania, Bulgaria and other countries,was brought to kneel by Germany,if not fr intervation of just one bomb,the have to call off the war,just one bomb,nd u tink since den American are not preparing somtin special in this modern world,u want Dem to com nd hype like Russian DT only invented AK47 way de knock sef,which other thing de don invent ,u will see them go offline?

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Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Zulu2022: 4:14pm On Feb 20, 2022
Russia don't need hypersonic missiles to attack America. Old Soviet nukes from the 70's will all hit America cities. America air defence is a myth that has been proven a trillion times. America deployed Patriot missiles battery in Israel during the first gulf war yet 99% of Iraq 1940 era scud missiles still hit tel aviv. Yemen cow rearers launched drones and missiles at the biggest oil facilities unchallenged. The Saudis got angry after buying $100billion worth of bullshit America weapons. Just two days ago Hezbollah flew a drone deep inside Israel. The drone was in Israeli airspace for over 40mins with useless iron dome unable to intercept it. Russia is wasting money building hypersonic r weapons..all their nuke missiles made from 1950 will hit American cities
stop lying,100billion dollar wat,oga de read international news nd history no b sun news paper
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by olugabbie(m): 4:14pm On Feb 20, 2022
I am just laughing at BIDEN........ If Russia invade Ukraine (which I know they have no intention of invading) and America by mistake get on the way of Russia and then it boils into a world war situation,...... Putin has just one thing in mind to end the world war and that is the sent a barrage of hypersonic nuclear intercontinental missiles into white house, capitol, and pentagon.... Putin have no intention of flying over USA ........ And for those who think that USA is prepared for war against Russia, let me remind you that USA does not have an anti missiles defence against an hypersonic missiles....... The hypersonic missiles technology has only been mastered by China, Russia and north Korea

The AEGIS is a very capable defense system. But both the Kinzhal and Zircon hypersonic missiles were designed to take out the AEGIS defense system.
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by CosmicJames(m): 4:15pm On Feb 20, 2022
Then you really don’t want peace in the world if you think Xi, Putin and Kim is the problem, those world leaders parading themselves as police of the world are the major problems, go to Middle East today most of their countries are destroyed to the ground all in the name of peace keeping, while one shooting will happen in the US everyone will start panting have you considered what happens when they keep putting nose into other peoples affair? Ukraine is known to be part of Soviet Union and former USSR the fear of them seeing it reunited is why they’re luring Ukraine to be under European Union this is a political war game of winning allies, if you do not see US and their allies as a problem then you don’t really understand what’s going on in the world
Putin is trying everything within his power to stop Ukraine from joining NATO. But from look of things, Ukraine is bent on joining NATO because of Russia.
NATO really want Ukraine as one of their Allies.
Putin cannot win this game. The odds for Putin to win is very high.

China, an upcoming world power that support Russia is still learning where America dey.

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Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by FamTomx2(m): 5:05pm On Feb 20, 2022

Ukraine will never join NATO. The country is not qualified. For a country's to join, the country must be stable. The country must not have any territorial dispute. Ukraine will never join NATO. RUSSIA is not interested in fighting the US. Puttin doesn't want Ukraine to join Nato and he will get what he wants.

Ukraine's sovereignty should be respected by Putin, they are an independent country..

They can choose and how to live and where to belong..even Ukraine's president attested to it.

He has made up his mind to join NATO for a reason, and he got the backing of his citizens.

US defence minster affirmed that Ukraine's military has been ostensibly upgraded since 2014 after they loosed Crimea to Russia, they are still pained abt that!

So you can see Ukraine's military will not back down easily either.

Putin can't invade Ukraine and he knows that, but if he does he will get a bold reply.

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Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Arkmanbuddy(m): 5:31pm On Feb 20, 2022

You are describing what you see DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT IT MEANS?

Typical ! God through the book of Daniel again and learn.
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by godliman: 5:34pm On Feb 20, 2022
This is world war looming.....

Because these countries will depend on their allies to win the fight....

Nigeria is likely to be at the side of USA...

But what about China? with their advance technologies? I believe American will lose this war, if they pick on Russia...
which China? I laugh in kanuri.

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Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Moneyboyz: 5:46pm On Feb 20, 2022
If they are not careful, enemies will blow shit up making it look like Russia or NATO did it, before you know jack heads are rolling.
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by shiwex: 6:11pm On Feb 20, 2022
Quietly eliminating these belligerent leaders like Putin, Xi and Kim will definitely guaranty world peace.
You be fool...America is the real problem... Did Russia come to Africa to take black man as slave?


Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by infogeneral: 6:22pm On Feb 20, 2022
The world will definitely not remain same again if war should break out between Russia and the US. But I doubt if anyone of them has the nerve to start the war. It's all mind games.

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Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Bigchristo: 6:25pm On Feb 20, 2022

Putin is trying everything within his power to stop Ukraine from joining NATO. But from look of things, Ukraine is bent on joining NATO because of Russia.
NATO really want Ukraine as one of their Allies.
Putin cannot win this game. The odds for Putin to win is very high.

China, an upcoming world power that support Russia is still learning where America dey.

From a reliable source I heard Ukraine are currently in dialogue with Russia, we sit in our various home peacefully but Ukrainians most especially the ones living at the border town are mount with pressure of war I believe they will urge their government to align with Russia to avoid going to war
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Bigchristo: 6:30pm On Feb 20, 2022
You be fool...America is the real problem... Did Russia come to Africa to take black man as slave?
that’s exactly what some of us don’t understand, the US and it allies are the real problems of the world invading peoples countries all in disguise of making peace, Afghanistan and Pakistan, Yemen and Syria is left in mess today that’s the results of the US forming police in another peoples territory, first they will claim a particular country have weapons of man destruction so they will find it justifiable to invade them.
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Essence20(m): 6:31pm On Feb 20, 2022

The origin of the issue is:
There was free and fair election in ukraine, the man considered as more closer to russia won the presidential election.
Obama america rejected the election outcome and also bully european countries to reject the election result.

Russia was angry and fought back, some part of ukraine that are russian ethnic group like crimea decided to join russia.
America now want ukraine to join NATO, so that they can put their dangerous weapon near russia border.
Russia say NO. Russia is fighting for their existence. They have to stop america from putting dangerous weapons near their border.

Ukraine issue is between america and russia.
EU countries and UK are just doing follow follow america. They have no mouth. America tell them what to say and what to do.
Interesting, that means Russia is looking for trouble: attacking Ukraine because they want to join NATO is uncalled for, they should use diplomacy and convince them not to join. These world powers sef. Thanks for the info

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Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Nobody: 6:46pm On Feb 20, 2022
B-52 stratofortress aka THE BONE cheesy
You do not want that shiit in your airspace.

Anyways WW3 loading

Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Nobody: 6:51pm On Feb 20, 2022
Abeg my people [b]which ally Nigeria be sef? [/b]For America or for Russia because I know this country does not have directions,they play politics with everything... angry
We are allies with anywhere belle face cheesy
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Nobody: 7:00pm On Feb 20, 2022

America is just overhyped,bro.
Was it not the same US that was heavily defeated and disgraced by Vietnam in the American- Vietnamese war.
Russia will soon tame their arrogance and mouth making.
Totally overhyped...the same country spent 20 yrs fighting Taliban only to replace Taliban with Taliban cheesy
Russia na different animal sha. Both presido should enter ring abeg......make Putin give that weak Biden dirty slap na torchlight dem go take dey find him head for afternoon.

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Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by anonymous1759(m): 7:35pm On Feb 20, 2022

Guy, see what you're saying. Why will they take back a territory that has been annexed since 2014?
If they do that, you'll be the one shouting here and there.

And just to clear things, then, Ukraine wasn't a member of NATO so, the U.S was obligated to do nothing.

Ukraine isn’t a member presently . The manner at which the west were blabbing that’s how they’re doing now . Nothing was done . If Russia decides to invade only sanctions will be meted out. I was laughing when I heard the USA send just 4,000 troops to hold over a 100,000 soldiers. Ukraine knows better. They shouldn’t allow themselves to be used as pawns.
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by djoe21(m): 8:01pm On Feb 20, 2022
my fear be say make them no use Africa as experiment ground.

we no get nothing except God

Person wey get God get everything.
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by EmptyGarden(m): 8:08pm On Feb 20, 2022
You be fool...America is the real problem... Did Russia come to Africa to take black man as slave?
Your blindness gives me hope.
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Happened: 8:40pm On Feb 20, 2022
US no even get super tucano ?
And dem wan fight mighty Russia.
I pity US. RCCG Night Prayers
The earlier they call buhari the better for them
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Gainman: 9:01pm On Feb 20, 2022

Well, that's your cup of tea, not mine.
me I no dey drink tea so ho I go get cup of tea. Nah your own problem be dat

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