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This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) - Foreign Affairs (6) - Nairaland

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Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by darediamond(m): 6:08am On Feb 21, 2022
this oyinbo people don go far Oo
No, Say It Rigth, Russia Don Go Far Before Britain Born The Boy called USA.

This is one of the major reasons Anglo-America have never dare to FIGTH Russia Face to Face. But majority of you here would say No.



Imagine Russia overring above USA War ship for days to gather intelligence without they knowing!!

It was when the Russians finished there Intel gathering that they unmasked the Rader of the Sub so as to let USA guys realise who is the Son and Grandpa when It comes to such level.

NO American Soldier likes confrontation with Russia.

Russia is A GENTLE BIG BULLY. But When Angred like all these some of foolish and stupid European Nations and USA have done now, hmm, SATAN 2 or SAMAT might be used to chastise them one by one like Vladimir Putin Promised them All.

The Patience Of Russia do not mean weakness. Anglo America knows this too.


Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by darediamond(m): 6:19am On Feb 21, 2022

At least this is a test but one country have used 2 nuclear bombs before.

That’s was Soviet built nuclear bomb.
Russia owned it and they have many of it.
The USA have planned to Nuclear bombs over Cuba, N.Korea and Northern Vietnam but the fear of USSR doing same on Southern Vietnam and South Korea, made USA stopped.
The military general was even removed from NK because the Soviet said they will turn Seoul to Dusk if USA used nukes close to USSR border.

That is it oh bros. Anglo-America(britain/USA) bois on Nairaland who know nothing about History thinks It is just a child's play when USA always avoid face to face confrontation with his Great Grandpa Russia!!

Why is Biden yelling at Americans in Ukrain to get out and now threatening Russia face to face confrontation if AFTER THE INVATION, Russia targets Americans in ukrain?


Shebi he get power and allies na. Abi USA no get them again?

Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by darediamond(m): 6:25am On Feb 21, 2022
Can anyone point to one single thing this country called Russia has contributed to the advancement of humanity, with all their so called scientific prowess or is it that they are just cursed of the devil to excel in destruction.
You hear am so:
"The official language in Space station is Russian.
If you know about Space engineering

Fear He Who Rules Air!!

Russia Na Great, Great Grandpa Of All Nations In Science oooo!!!

Do you know Late Nikola Tesla, He as Russian roots.
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by darediamond(m): 6:28am On Feb 21, 2022
grin cheesy grin
Hollywood fans cheesy
The tittle of the movie he watched was 'Bombs In The Air'
grin grin grin
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by darediamond(m): 6:36am On Feb 21, 2022
you failed to answer the guy’s question . He asked what has the Russia contributed to the advancement of humanity ? How have they helped humanity in general ..
That you are able to communicate via High frequencies enabled devices was as a result of Russian Scientists Innovation Starting from Nokolai Tesla and others

Today you and I ought to have access our own individual Self Powered Earth Electric Sucker Generators Invented By Tesla. Who killed the Idea? Americans!!!

1 Like

Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by darediamond(m): 6:45am On Feb 21, 2022
I bet you don’t know the first country to start space race?
Spy on who?
If Russia is not the best then why is USA government paying over €500M to Russia to help her send USA citizens to Space

When Space X is power by Russian engine.
Allien X, why replying an 'Hollywoodian'?
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by darediamond(m): 6:48am On Feb 21, 2022
you people talking as if the world is just a one room apartment that you can just destroy just like that. If not for political affiliations, all their nuclear bomb effect will not even cross the Mediterranean. the size of the world alone is beyond human imagination not to talk of ending it. Like professor mulumba will always says that...when the European tribes engaged in a tribal conflict, they call it world war. I guess that's why you're relating to the world as small,and I cannot also ignore the effect of what you watched in foreign movie cos they always use that line...when this happens,'it will be the end of the world.'
The super destructive climate change those Nukes would cause is the point here Oyiboman69.

Do you get it now?
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by darediamond(m): 6:56am On Feb 21, 2022

All this lies u spewed here are they the lies u tell your self before u sleep at night?? Or u just said them to sound smart?? Yes the Russians started the space race but the US overtook them. The Russian still make use of space rockets till date but the US advanced to space shuttle a long time ago. The US made lunar landings and other space exploration. Even space arming was first brought up by the US during Ronald Reagan’s regime.

And who told u Space X is powered by a Russian engine?? For your info the Space X engine also know as SpaceX Merlin Engines, is built in the US by SpaceX's main factory in Hawthorne, California, before they are transported to McGregor for testing where they use cryogenic liquid oxygen and rocket-grade kerosene (RP-1) as propellants.

Stop misleading people on this forum

Have you finished talking?

If you have, go quietly read about History OF Space Exploration you via that discover What Russians are Made Of.

IT was recently that USA people partly stop depending on Russia for the development and lunching of there space exploration.

The official language in that regard still remains Russian. Hope you know what that implies?
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by darediamond(m): 6:57am On Feb 21, 2022

Medicine, space program, uncountable science and technology inventions and advancements.
Most of the satellites that enable us to ask these questions or use google maps or weather forecast were launched into orbit by the Russians.
Infact, Russia has played a key role in space exploration. Most of the time, a simple Google search dey prevent needless arguments.
A Bi oo!
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by Hseffa: 6:58am On Feb 21, 2022

Abeg make una drop this one for Aso Villa with bubu inside make we see if na really bomb proof.
Smallest geopolitical landscape of Nigeria, called South East is entirely within 3000 KM from the same Aso Villa radius.
Oops! The evil you wished another man MAY destroy Mr. CHUKUDI's compound & your parents' too.
Commonsense application, in anger and hatred mood always.

Same UNPROVOKED anger and hatred of folks for other Nigerians in the "60s, CRUSHED 2.2 million to their humiliating graves!
Immigration policies of Gabon, Ivory Coast, Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea no dey friendly again, aboki na. Ka ji ko?
You want Part II of "60s, in HD format? Okorobuchi Nnamdi Kanu knows better inside 2m x 2m boarding school room now! Shege.
Think!!! Mallam Ezenna Selense Obikwe!
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by Hseffa: 7:00am On Feb 21, 2022

Abeg make una drop this one for Aso Villa with bubu inside make we see if na really bomb proof.
The smallest geopolitical landscape of Nigeria, which is entirely within 3000 KM from the same Aso Villa radius.
Oops! The evil you wished another man MAY destroy Mr. CHUKUDI's compound & your parents' too.
Commonsense application, in anger and hatred mood always.

Same UNPROVOKED anger and hatred of folks for other Nigerians in the "60s, CRUSHED 2.2 million to their humiliating graves!
Immigration policies of Gabon, Ivory Coast, Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea no dey friendly again, aboki na. Ka ji ko?
You want Part II of "60s, in HD format? Okorobuchi Nnamdi Kanu knows better inside 2m x 2m boarding school room now! Shege.
Think!!! Mallam Ezenna Selense Obikwe!
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by Nobody: 7:05am On Feb 21, 2022

Tsar Bomba is a soviet bomb.

The U.S did the same gragra and threatened to use nuclear weapons when nuclear armed missiles were installed in Cuba in 1962.

True. And USSR chickened out and publicly removed their missiles from Cuba. Since then, they have never attempted to come close to the Americas. But the US has weapons in countries close to Russia. grin
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by samuelevans(m): 7:22am On Feb 21, 2022
Leave all these gragra Russia and China are doing,if e sure for them America could have been reduced to rubbles.
If America had such nuclear power in the 1940's check-out how advanced they must have gone by now.

and America is as wise as keeping the secret behind their weapons until it happens
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by 900warriorz: 7:29am On Feb 21, 2022

Abeg make una drop this one for Aso Villa with bubu inside make we see if na really bomb proof.
what makes you think if they drop it in Aso Villa, the whole Abuja won't be wiped out?

No be akara bomb o...it's a nuke. undecided
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by seanwilliam(m): 8:01am On Feb 21, 2022

That you are able to communicate via High frequencies enabled devices was as a result of Russian Scientists Innovation Starting from Nokolai Tesla and others

Today you and I ought to have access our own individual Self Powered Earth Electric Sucker Generators Invented By Tesla. Who killed the Idea? Americans!!!
I don’t see how nikola Tesla has any relationship with Russia. Give me a proof to cement your claim ., how does America kill the idea of having individual powered earth electric sucker generators? How does Russia influence ability to communicate on high frequency device? Show me proof!

Compared to the US, how has Russia contributed to humanity development ? What benefit does an average man from this part of the world derive from relationship with Russia ? I’m waiting !
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by tctrills: 8:39am On Feb 21, 2022

Were did they tested it.. Testing missiles is not the Same us testing nuclear weapons na
OK now since you refuse to do the reading, let me post simple new areticles for you.
3rd September 2017.. North Korea tested nuclear bombs.

It's not fair that you have to make me post articles for you when you could have simply researched and read them yourself.
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by Krish09: 9:26am On Feb 21, 2022
I have the odeshi
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by Oyiboman69: 9:55am On Feb 21, 2022

Please educate yourselves on the potency of nuclear weapons... There is something called fallback.. The fallback of a nuclear war will have devastating repercussions on monumental scales.. The seas will be contaminated,, with the land will be contaminated so will be the air.. Check out the effects of the nuclear weapon drop in Nagasaki [/b]till today they are birth defect there.. Diseases... And all that.... Have you heard of global warming... The scientists will tell us the reason why a river overflow his bank or while they are landslide.. Are because of man made action's.. That the reason why the sun is hot on us much is through our gas emissions from automobile we haveweaken the ozone layer.. So is the effect of a nuclear war not just the blast but the effects sir.
[b]Only God can save
like I said,if not for political affiliation, their nuke will only affect their environment not ours. why is China and the rest which are even closer not affected?, global warming is felt all over not because of nuclear bomb from overseas but the various gas flare from all region....
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by Oyiboman69: 9:59am On Feb 21, 2022

Your Professor needs to denounce his professorship. WW2 was fought in America, Europe, Asia ans Africa. if that's not the whole world I wonder what is.
and you're blind not to notice where I vividly talk about 'political affiliation'
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by Oyiboman69: 10:02am On Feb 21, 2022

It's not just nuclear weapons that will destroy the world, but the ripple effects. Infact, they don't need nuclear weapons. We have equipment that can trigger earthquakes now. What more do you need. If the ISS can travel round the earth every 90 minutes, imagine the rest...
This is 2022, not 1945.
the ripple effect cannot do shit if the war is limited to their region...we're just being hit with the effects of neocolonialism....
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by SouLPoison(m): 10:06am On Feb 21, 2022
I would wish the American government start paying for their war crimes and troubles they caused these world but like every other nation the innocent citizens would be the one to suffer.

So i wish not evil befall another man
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by Oyiboman69: 10:11am On Feb 21, 2022
;D U and prof malu are wrong. WW2 was fought in Europe Asia America Africa. Its was cross continental war. So it is world war. The bomb above is 50megaton. Packed in a container not longer than 30ft by 7ft. Wen detonated it was extremely destructive for more than 30miles radius, deadly at more than 60 miles radius and harmful at 100 mile radius. Do u know wot this means? A little container can cause so much damage! These people have amassed millions of such containers! To start at one point and go round the earth coming to the same spot is some 24,901mile distance. So about 5,000 of that container will burn up the WHOLE earth. And Russia alone has 62,550 Nuclear warheads. Simply put about 13,000 megaton blast will burn up the earth and Russia currently possesses the nuclear capability of about 94,000 megaton
I talked about political affiliation,if not the effect won't cross the Mediterranean if the war is limited to their region. it is high time you people stop believing their propaganda of owning this and that. Propaganda is one of the most effective way of fighting a war,and no world is ending...if they know they have all that,they should end the world with their 90mins traveling equipment and megatons bullshit and stop disturbing us undecided
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by neuf(m): 1:19pm On Feb 21, 2022
and you're blind not to notice where I vividly talk about 'political affiliation'

your own case is even worse than first imagined. Your 'political affiliation' was about nuclear bomb not crossing the Mediterranean.
While as per your comment you said an acclaimed professor once said when Europe tribes have conflict, it is termed world war which is what I was referring to.

How can you not understand even your own comment?
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by neuf(m): 1:36pm On Feb 21, 2022

Have you finished talking?

If you have, go quietly read about History OF Space Exploration you via that discover What Russians are Made Of.

IT was recently that USA people partly stop depending on Russia for the development and lunching of there space exploration.

The official language in that regard still remains Russian. Hope you know what that implies?

how is the official language Russian? una dey sabi type rubbish eh. I'm certain you haven't watch any documentary out of the numerous out there of the space station.

Talking of launch platform, after the Apollo mission, NASA funds were reduced making it difficult economically to build a new launch platform from scratch. Russian space program, the highest they do is send probe to Mars atmosphere and then humans to the space station. Compare that to NASA that has send like 6 missions to Mars, Voyage 1 is the first man made object outside our galaxy and it's still sending back signals. The closest man made object to the sun is still operate by NASA. Venus, Jupiter, Neptune. And so many other space program.
It's just logical to use Russian platform to go to the space station.
It's similar to how the iPhone display is built by Samsung. The cost of building a whole new factory, employing people, figuring out the supply and manufacturing chain and that doesn't even include R&grin far outweighs any iPhone vs Samsung BS in terms of business economy. It's just logical to go buy off the shelves.
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by Oyiboman69: 1:40pm On Feb 21, 2022

your own case is even worse than first imagined. Your 'political affiliation' was about nuclear bomb not crossing the Mediterranean.
While as per your comment you said an acclaimed professor once said when Europe tribes have conflict, it is termed world war which is what I was referring to.

How can you not understand even your own comment?
your argument is far from reality....
Let me elucidate it more so you can get it.

Most African country like Nigeria believe that when when England is engaged in a battle,we're always in it support England due to the fact that they are our colonial master, due to the negative effect of the neocolonialism and that was why I said due to political affiliation and if there is no such thing,the effect of any war or whatever weapon they used will have no effect in our soil. Africa is in a weak state that was why you're here shivering over a war far away distant shore. don't quote me again if you can't read through my words and throwing tantrums....
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by onikoyikosoko: 1:46pm On Feb 21, 2022

Their Papa left Lap ... Nuclear bomb is not our portion

Which people nuclear bomb be their portion?

Let me tell you, africans are sitting ducks, go got nothing , dem go just wipe us out like mosquitoes
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by neuf(m): 2:10pm On Feb 21, 2022
your argument is far from reality....
Let me elucidate it more so you can get it.

Most African country like Nigeria believe that when when England is engaged in a battle,we're always in it support England due to the fact that they are our colonial master, due to the negative effect of the neocolonialism and that was why I said due to political affiliation and if there is no such thing,the effect of any war or whatever weapon they used will have no effect in our soil. Africa is in a weak state that was why you're here shivering over a war far away distant shore. don't quote me again if you can't read through my words and throwing tantrums....

Nigeria doesn't believe that when England is engaged in a battle, we support them. You're not Nigeria.
Since 1960, do you know how many Battles England has engaged in, how many did Nigeria join?

You talk about what you don't know instead of educating yourself, you double down on your ignorance.
If you don't, research, read and understand. The other guy was busy informing of nuclear fall out and you ignored it just to continue what you just typed up there.
Depending the megaton, a nuclear bomb dropped in Italy with a strong wind will carry that radiation to North Africa, North Africa don't need to do anything just stay in their country and go about their business but they will still be affected.
Just like we feel harmattan all the way from Sahara dessert, that radiation will blow all the way to Nigeria. we don't need to support anybody to feel the effect.

so my advice to you is educate yourself first, then try to listen. that people correct you online isn't a crime. it won't diminish your self value except you have low self esteem. it's a faceless forum jeez!

How's that for education
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by Oyiboman69: 3:23pm On Feb 21, 2022

Nigeria doesn't believe that when England is engaged in a battle, we support them. You're not Nigeria.
Since 1960, do you know how many Battles England has engaged in, how many did Nigeria join?

You talk about what you don't know instead of educating yourself, you double down on your ignorance.
If you don't, research, read and understand. The other guy was busy informing of nuclear fall out and you ignored it just to continue what you just typed up there.
Depending the megaton, a nuclear bomb dropped in Italy with a strong wind will carry that radiation to North Africa, North Africa don't need to do anything just stay in their country and go about their business but they will still be affected.
Just like we feel harmattan all the way from Sahara dessert, that radiation will blow all the way to Nigeria. we don't need to support anybody to feel the effect.

so my advice to you is educate yourself first, then try to listen. that people correct you online isn't a crime. it won't diminish your self value except you have low self esteem. it's a faceless forum jeez!

How's that for education

Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by Krismas(m): 4:39pm On Feb 21, 2022
I talked about political affiliation,if not the effect won't cross the Mediterranean if the war is limited to their region. it is high time you people stop believing their propaganda of owning this and that. Propaganda is one of the most effective way of fighting a war,and no world is ending...if they know they have all that,they should end the world with their 90mins traveling equipment and megatons bullshit and stop disturbing us undecided
grin U don’t know wot u are saying.
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by Krismas(m): 5:11pm On Feb 21, 2022

it's not Russia that first went up to space. It's the USSR. Attributing that to Russia is just disrespectful to other Soviet states as at that time
grin Ignorance! Why then are not the former members of the Soviet Union performing any sort of space activity today? Which among them have anything space, going? So it was Russia who went to space and crashed the first missile on the moon, in an era when rocket science was in infancy, Russia was ahead, copied nobody and was first to calculate d escape velocity required to lurch out of the earth’s gravity and adjusted for it. It’s a big deal. It’s ingenious.
The lies of the Americans were exposed wen other nations like China, India, Israel, Iran etc started sending robotic missions to the moon themselves. It is a fact that Armstrong’s flag is completely missing on the moon. American flags on the moon are 5, representing the other five robotic missions they sent there. The human mission has no single proof. Those proof you are presenting are completely comedy.
Rocket science is pretty understood now-a-days, most moon nations can build a rocket to carry a man to d moon. But why are they not doing it?
The simple truth is that btw the earth and the moon is a layer of scorching heat no human can survive. It’s ok to fly a tin can thru it, no one has figured a way to fly a human without getting such one cooked and roasted wen they fly into that zone. How did the Americans fly Armstrong thru the heat zone? grin They only have film trick pictures to show. They have no answer to dat. Armstrong on the moon is a blatant LIE
Re: This Is What The World's Biggest Nuclear Bomb Explosion Looks Like (Video, Pix) by goodheart01: 5:24pm On Feb 21, 2022

Have you finished talking?

If you have, go quietly read about History OF Space Exploration you via that discover What Russians are Made Of.

IT was recently that USA people partly stop depending on Russia for the development and lunching of there space exploration.

The official language in that regard still remains Russian. Hope you know what that implies?

I have nothing else to say on this issue. This is a debate and I have made my point and stated facts and not all these conjured assumptions you’re bringing up here. QED

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