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Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 11:47am On May 29, 2024
Make sure your book Cover is genre specific and professional, and your book content is informative if it is a nonfiction and addictive if it is fiction, and that it is properly edited and formatted.
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 6:34pm On May 30, 2024
If you intend to write and publish books through Amazon KDP, it is good you read good books in the genre you write or interested in writing so that you know the structure and settings of such books as well as the expectations readers.
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 7:18am On Jun 16, 2024
Writers finds inspiration in different ways. So,
what inspired the concept behind your latest book?
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 11:32am On Jun 20, 2024
Writers finds inspiration in different ways. So,
what inspired the concept behind your latest book?
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 3:00pm On Jun 24, 2024
Being a writer is a source of joy and creativity just like being a published author is a source of fulfilment and pride. But in all, being an author whose books are selling is the climax.

Thanks to digital publishing and then Amazon the Largest digital publishing platform, an author can now easily monetize his/her craft. The following are five tips that will enable a Nigerian author get the best publishing on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).

1. Write books that has the Potential of Selling: This is the most important factor. Ask yourself the question "Will I be willing to put my money on this book if it were written by another author?" Your answer to this question will help you to have a realistic value/potential of the book. If the book has information or entertainment value that will make you buy it, then others can too.

2. Properly edit and Proofread it: This will further enhance it value and chances of success.

3. Set a right and reasonable Price for it: quantify the book to know what price to set it at. Don't be greedy by thinking that you are targeting westerners and hence you have to price high. Those people are as careful in spending as you do. To properly quantify it, compare it with similar books by other successful authors in your genre.

4. Properly format the content of the book to Amazon KDP's standard and design a professional cover for it: These two components are the packaging aspects of the book product. And you know the importance of packaging in sales conversion.

5. Promotion/Marketing: This is also very important. But as a newly published author, you can successfully use Facebook book groups to great advantage in marketing your books for free. Also, once you have made enough sales, you can reinvest some of it into the business by making use of Amazon Marketing Services (AMS) to promote your books.
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 6:45am On Jun 27, 2024
One of the best success strategies of independent authors is "writing to market" that is writing in a genre or subgenre that is currently selling very well and not just writing what you love to write about. To find out these genre, study Amazon "best seller" list.
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 9:11am On Jul 05, 2024
Author and Writing Resources: List of Author and Writing resources that will be of great help to you.
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 1:37pm On Aug 05, 2024
Do you know how to research which words people use? Do you know how to select keywords for your fiction book to help you sell more?

To learn what terms readers use when searching for a new book and discover how to incorporate them into a keyword strategy for your fiction releases, read this post!

Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 6:26pm On Aug 16, 2024
One of the best success strategies of independent authors is "writing to market" that is writing in a genre or subgenre that is currently selling very well and not just writing what you love to write about. To find out these genre, study Amazon "best seller" lists.
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 8:08am On Aug 18, 2024
If you are still procrastinating on launching your publishing adventure because you are not sure of being able to finish or write a full novel as your first book, then you can start out by writing and publishing short stories. After your have mastered the fundamentals of writing and publishing through these short stories, you can then start writing and publishing full novels.
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 7:54am On Aug 19, 2024
Some sure ways to enhance your independent publishing experience are:

1. Connecting with and sharing ideas with other authors to get to understand what they are doing right that you can learn from.

2. Joining author Facebook groups and hence socialize with other self-published authors.

3. Join book specific social media platforms like Goodreads, Kboard and Facebook book groups.
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 1:43pm On Aug 23, 2024
You might want to know the best eBook publishing platforms you can use to publish and distribute your books. The most important ones are:

1. Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.
2. Lulu
3. Streetlib
4. Publishdrive

Note that Amazon is the leader in the digital book publishing industry with over 60% of the publishing market share.
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 10:34am On Aug 26, 2024
At STL, we offer book formatting and cover design services for digital book publishing on Amazon KDP, D2D, etc.

These are my standard rates!

1. eBook formatting only (for Amazon I.e MS Word formatted document) at #2200
2. Paperback (print) Book formatting at #2500 only.
3. Both eBook and paperback formatting at #5000 only.
4. epub formatting at #2300 only.
5. Converting to epub format at #1000 only.
6. eBook cover design at #2500 only
7. Paperback (print) Book cover design at #2800 only.
8. Both eBook and paperback cover design at #5000 only.
9. Both eBook cover design and eBook formatting at #4000 only.
10. Both paperback cover design and paperback formatting at #5000 only.

WhatsApp or call the number on my signature!
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 2:39pm On Aug 28, 2024
If you are still procrastinating on launching your publishing adventure because you are not sure of being able to finish or write a full novel as your first book, then you can start out by writing and publishing short stories. After your have mastered the fundamentals of writing and publishing through these short stories, you can then start writing and publishing full novels.
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 5:26pm On Sep 05, 2024
As a Nigerian writer/author who wants to publish books through Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, you must write books that appeals to global audience and not local or Nigerian audience! This is because the target markets out there on Amazon are predominantly the Americans, Europeans, and Asians.
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 1:03pm On Sep 11, 2024

Someone asked me how he can be a "Best Selling" Author and this was my answer:
Write a great book, professionally edit it, professionally format it, design a professional cover for it, and promote it using AMS or any other paid book marketing services.
Guess what! If you can do these things, you will surely be glad you did.
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 11:56am On Sep 23, 2024
Make sure your book research ideas remain at that level and it should only act as a guide to you. Hence, never copy and paste any part of it into your book project.

Also never use Ai to write and publish books through Amazon KDP because you will be caught.
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 2:28pm On Sep 25, 2024
As an Independent author, you have to exercise patience! This is because the more by books you have published, the greater the chances of sales and a successful publishing career.

So, never give up if your first published book did not performed up to your expectations or did not even get traction at all. You learn and improve your writing, packaging, branding, and marketing in the process, and these will eventually lead to greater productivity and success.
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 2:42pm On Sep 30, 2024
If you use Payoneer Bank account to get payment from Amazon KDP, be informed that Nigeria has now been included in the list of countries whose domiciled users can use the "Withdraw to Bank" option. That is you can now withdraw your funds directly to your local bank account.
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 10:56am On Nov 04, 2024
You do not have to wait to finish your full length novel/book before you launch your eBook publishing career through Amazon KDP. In fact, it is a good marketing strategy to write and publish at least three short stories in three different genres to test the water and see which of the genres performed best for you.

You can then focus your full length novels on that genre and maximize your output. So, go ahead now and test the waters!
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 1:09pm On Nov 08, 2024
Digital Book Publishing Training:

This is the method for the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing Training:
1. It is a training done via WhatsApp chat.
2. I wrote an Amazon KDP guide which we will use for it and a Facebook group marketing guide which will guide you to effectively use Facebook groups to market your books once they are published. The publishing guide is just #1000 while the marketing guide is also just #500.
3. The active one week training here on WhatsApp cost just an additional #3500. Making your total investment only #5000.
4. Once you pay, I will send you the two PDF ebooks and then we can start the training in while you study the material and ask me for any clarifications you have.
5. Note that even after the one week training, you are free to consult me any time as I am ready to mentor you to success on this.
6. I will also guide you for free to open the publishing account and open US bank account with payoneer which will use to receive ur royalties.
7. Once you complete your first book, I will also render you a reduced price book formatting and Cover design services too.
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 2:35pm On Nov 23, 2024
Writing, Publishing, and Marketing are the three basic aspects you must pay attention to if you are interested in launching an independent/self-publishing career.
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 3:44pm On Jan 10
If you don't want to publish your books exclusively on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, then you can use Draft2Digital to go wide with them to get them distributed to iBooks, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Scribd, etc.
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 12:17pm On Jan 15
Using pen names as an independent author is a good strategy, most especially as a Nigerian author who publishes through International Book publishing platforms.
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 1:45pm On Jan 31
As a Nigerian writer/author who wants to publish books through Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, you must write books that appeals to global audience and not local or Nigerian audience! This is because the target markets out there on Amazon are predominantly the Americans, Europeans, and Asians.
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 5:48am On Feb 06
Being a writer is a source of joy and creativity just like being a published author is a source of fulfilment and pride. But in all, being an author whose books are selling is the climax.

Thanks to digital publishing and then Amazon KDP the largest digital publishing platform, an author can now easily monetize his/her content.
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 9:55am On Feb 10
Not sure where to start in publishing your books? KDP's guides will help you at every step along the way.
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 8:27am On Feb 11
You can now increase the reach of your KDP published paperback books to a wider range of readers by enabling Expanded Distribution.
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 10:37am On Feb 12
If you are just starting a publishing career, I advise you take it slowly and stage by stage too. There is really no good reason to go and produce paperbacks of your first book for either local distribution or international distribution through Amazon KDP. Doing that will overwhelm you and can lead to frustration if things did not favour you.

It is therefore important to first publish it as an eBook and if it picks up well in sales, you can then plan and produce a print version of it (paperback) later and if possible, hardcover edition of it.
Re: Proofreading Reading Services by Stevenbright(m): 10:58am On Feb 24
There are some important things you have to do before hitting the publish button to ensure a successful launch of your book. Here are some of these things:
1. Research the best fit categories for the book again.
2. Research and gather good and appropriate keywords for the book.
3. Launch the book by using promo sites that do not require review and book them to promote the book on the first few days after hitting the publish button.

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