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Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 - Education - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Education / Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 (22843 Views)

UPDATED--2016/2017 Fed Poly Ede Admission Process-Post utme; HND; PRE ND; PT / OAU Admission For 2012/2013 Session / National Open University Of Nigeria 2011/2012 (2) (3) (4)

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Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by funkystanl(m): 7:27am On Jun 28, 2011

For those who have been waiting and asking me when yabatech form would be out for the programmes above, congratulations. The forms are out.

Print out payment details online @ www.yabatech.edu.ng and make a payment of 10,000 into ZENITH,FIDELITY or
INTERCONTINENTAL BANK. i.e. Yabatech's account.
Preferably there is a Zenith Bank in the school to obtain this easily.


ND (part time) For 6 semesters - 2 years programme.

HND(FT & PT) 4semesters & 6 semesters respectively. Both 2 years programme


Beware of scammers on this thread. Dont pay money to anybody (cash or recharge card). get the form yourself as the process is easy. I am not an admin officer. Just a student in Higher Level.

For more information contact:
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by funkystanl(m): 7:32am On Jun 29, 2011
The form still on sale. Feel free to post questions, comments and legit advice here!
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by sparko1(m): 10:14am On Jun 29, 2011
Please reply, how do i print out the payment details please help.
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by enessye(m): 5:41pm On Jun 29, 2011
pls what are my chances i gat lower at mapoly and i desperately need this.plssssssss
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by enessye(m): 5:52pm On Jun 29, 2011
are we to buy the form on line or what.is the bank going to give us the form after the payment of 10,000?.the site is asking for application number to print application form hw do i get that pls helllp.
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by djtee4u: 11:15pm On Jun 29, 2011
is it only the hnd P.T form that is out,or with the F.T form too.pls rply asap
and also is the zenith bank inside the school selling the form,cos it has nt yet being announced officially at yabatech website
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by enessye(m): 11:09am On Jun 30, 2011
i mean the full time,and with my grade in in mapoly do i have a chance.i dont want to shift attention to p/t but well hw many years is their pt and how is it been ran in the institution.BUT am banking on full time
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by enessye(m): 11:10am On Jun 30, 2011
i mean the full time,and with my grade in in mapoly do i have a chance.i dont want to shift attention to p/t but well hw many years is their pt and how is it been ran in the institution.BUT am banking on full time.pls reply thanks and i will call u.am ernest.
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by funkystanl(m): 11:24am On Jun 30, 2011
For all those who are interested in the form, I'd like to inform you that despite the form has been officially announced and declared public its not fully on sale. In a week or two weeks from now.

A lower from mapoly doesn't affect you, but you need to know that it might consider other grades before yours, as well as its students with ND. However with 'runs' you could find ur way in.
The part time in yabatech is now for 2years i.e. Six semesters.

The form publicly and officially announced is for OND part time and HND full time and part time,.
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by kaysy(m): 10:12pm On Jun 30, 2011
To make Yabatech Online Registration for HND Full Time, HND Part Time & ND Part Time, you can call 08024102554. anytime anyday.
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by funkystanl(m): 7:49am On Jul 01, 2011
Dont be deceived. I'd get you guys updated next week. Cheers
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by olayemi22(m): 9:51am On Jul 01, 2011
Please, i want to know may be Yabatech part time programe can accept awaiting result. Please, anyone who knows anything about it should contact me on 08135386494
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by enessye(m): 1:54pm On Jul 01, 2011
@kaysy and funkystanl thaanks for your assistance.if u know hw i can go about a succesfull admisn into h.n.d pls let me know.thanks
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by Darwine(m): 2:40pm On Jul 01, 2011
The forms will be out in less than 2 weeks from now, so do not wory and be patient.

Please, i want to know may be Yabatech part time programe can accept awaiting result. Please, anyone who knows anything about it should contact me on 08135386494
It depends on when the awaiting result is coming out. Make sure you results are guaranteed before purchasing the form to avoid wasting your money.
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by funkystanl(m): 3:26am On Jul 02, 2011
@ olayemi22 Yabatech accepts awaiting result for ond part-time programmes but not for hnd. So it depends which u are looking into. However if u have awaiting result for you hnd ensure ur result is out befor September/october this year.

enessye when u get the form gimme a holla and we'd see to that.
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by kaysy(m): 8:07pm On Jul 02, 2011

@ olayemi22 Yabatech accepts awaiting result for ond part-time programmes but not for hnd. So it depends which u are looking into. However if u have awaiting result for you hnd ensure your result is out befor September/october this year.

enessye when u get the form gimme a holla and we'd see to that.
@ olayemi22 it it better to get ur admission prepared with complete result, the truth must be made known to you now before u go ahead to make mistakes, Yabatech has not finished accepting those with complete reult let alone you with incomplete papers, u will meet ur paper inside lawma waste van, besides ur SSCE & OND Grades needs to be inputed in the portal during ur online registrations. so get it straight
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by funkystanl(m): 8:59pm On Jul 02, 2011
@kaysy why can't you be realistic. @olayemi22 didn't specify which of the programs he/she was goin for. More so in my 5years knowing yabatech, i know yabatech admits lots of ppl with awaiting result and even ignore those with complete good results.
Like i stated earlier Yabatech accepts awaiting result for ond part-time programmes but
not for hnd. So it depends which u are looking into. However if u have awaiting result for you hnd ensure your result is out befor September this year cos i know that the admission process could be extended till October/november except if the school wants to resume by October.
So when ur result is out you can then apply. Its as simple as that. I tell you many ppl that applied last year for hnd did not follow due process yet they were admitted. I know many who didn't submit transcript as requested and they got admission. They later submit their transcript during registration.
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by sparko1(m): 9:46am On Jul 03, 2011
Please someone help me, i had distinction in computer science from edo state institute of technology and management (nd) what are my chances, and without the transcript can i apply, and what other things will i need for hnd admission.
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by funkystanl(m): 12:30am On Jul 04, 2011
@sparko1 if ur instituiting had been accreditted by appropriate authorities and its been recognized then u stand a chance. However, i'd still advice you to come to the school admission office to make good enquiries yourself with your credenntials. Thanks.
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by sparko1(m): 1:54pm On Jul 06, 2011
I went to the bank in the school premises but they said they have not start selling please help is there any other branch that do sell, the said document that are to be submited, what are they and when is the last submition date.
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by Fredyo(m): 9:10pm On Jul 06, 2011
Please does yabatech accepts a combination of waec and neco result or accept a D7 pass in english 4 mech engine or any other course?
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by kaysy(m): 11:31pm On Jul 07, 2011

To make Yabatech Online Registration for HND Full Time, HND Part Time & ND Part Time, you can call 08024102554. anytime anyday.

Registration Has Commenced
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by funkystanl(m): 3:30am On Jul 09, 2011
pls in my candid advice, beware of fraudsters on this thread. Do not pay anybody any money without surety of services to be rendered(in which in most cases, u dont need any service). This is a warning. Nobody shud call me and tell me he paid money to anybody and didnt get anything. I have warned. Advice and consultation shud be free in this regard.
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by phanton: 3:38am On Jul 10, 2011
please advice on how i can apply online it seems the school website is outdated not current.
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by dxpert: 11:08pm On Jul 10, 2011
Sorry to ask oo. But do they accept NECO result or is it just WAEC only?

Do they accept two sittings, WAEC, NECO or GCE?
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by funkystanl(m): 12:19am On Jul 15, 2011
Yes, yabatech accepts both waec and neco whether as 2sittings combined or 1sitting of whichever. It also accepts any GCE.

The forms are out on sale now, get yours on time.
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by Odunnu: 5:20am On Jul 15, 2011
Report any fraud intended post to me using the 'report to moderator' button. Do you understand?hopefully.
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by funkystanl(m): 12:39pm On Jul 16, 2011
thanks odunnu.

The form is still on sale, now fully on. My phone has been bad. You can post ur questions here.I'd reply within 24 hours. Thanks.
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by arsenwise: 11:33pm On Jul 16, 2011
When is the form closing,i graduated frm grace poly surulere with a lower credit in banking and finance ,wth are my chances of bn admited in their hnd full time program.
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by funkystanl(m): 3:14pm On Jul 17, 2011
@arsenwise, you stand a chance of been admitted. I have seeing a couple of students from ur school with same qualification been admitted. It all depends upon the grade of candidates applying for the same course as urs as well as other factors.

Despite that u stand a good chance. To be rest assured u can also runs it. I mean a genuine one. And beware of scams as well.

Wishing you the best.
Re: Yabatech Hnd(ft & Pt) & Nd(pt) Admission For 2011/2012 by arsenwise: 8:18pm On Jul 17, 2011
Thanks funky.when is d form closing.i wil be in lagos soon.

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