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Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys - Politics - Nairaland

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Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by Kwanza: 9:23pm On Mar 05, 2022
Matthew Kukah, Catholic bishop of Sokoto diocese, says women should benefit from quota system in regards to political participation.

He however said it is important that the special consideration is not enjoyed by relatives of people in government or “mistresses of big boys”.

The Catholic priest spoke on the topical issue on Saturday at a book festival in Abuja.

Quota system is designed to give opportunities to the best of under-represented segments of society.

TheCable had reported how senators and members of the house of representatives voted against bills seeking to provide more opportunities for women in politics and governance.

Reacting to the outcry over the issue, Kukah said the beauty of democracy is to expand the frontiers of knowledge, adding that “there are some things in the African culture that are the direct antithesis of democracy”.

“Now the women are talking about gender. These are conversations we never had before and of course, in Nigeria and in Africa they still tell you ‘can you imagine, men are talking and women are talking’ which is that it is not acceptable that a man should be talking and a woman is talking,” Kukah said.

“As far as I am concerned, people like myself or my small ethnic group that is marginalised even at local government level, I am asking if we are going to create a space for women, and I think we should, but we must agree on the kind of women who are going to benefit from that quota.

“Because if it is just the same big boys who are coming with their mistresses and their extra wives, it is not acceptable.

“Unless you are going to say that we create a quota for women but in creating that quota we must listen to 70, 80 percent of Nigerians who are not Igbos, who are not Hausas, who are not Fulanis, who are not those of us who have the right to be here.

“So I would suggest, yes grant the quota, but the quota cannot be benefitted… nobody who was already benefiting should benefit from that quota.”

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Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by Kwanza: 9:24pm On Mar 05, 2022
Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by qekng40(f): 9:24pm On Mar 05, 2022
Quota system has its advantages and disadvantages.

Edited: Second FTC within a week and no payment of the first one yet!


Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by Baitullah: 9:33pm On Mar 05, 2022
Make this man go rest. If you want something, work for it as others do instead of crying to get it on gold platter.


Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by Machinegun91(m): 9:43pm On Mar 05, 2022
Muric over to you
Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by LesbianBoy(m): 9:48pm On Mar 05, 2022
All these foolish men clamoring for them to come into power, is it that they cannot see what goes on in the western world where dem no send men at all. Even animals are respected more than men! angry

I can bet that's why it was rejected not because of hatred for them or whatever.

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Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by Bluntguy: 9:49pm On Mar 05, 2022
Always making enough sense.


Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by LordIsaac(m): 10:03pm On Mar 05, 2022
Of course, their mistresses will come first. Nigeria is not ready for this!

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Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by Amazingify(f): 6:47am On Mar 06, 2022
I support Matthew kukah

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Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by DuBLINGreenb(m): 6:47am On Mar 06, 2022
No, equality does not mean give women more seats

It means giving them equal opportunities, equal chances to get those seats

Do men have special seats? I mean seats reserved for men solely because they are men, so therefore why should women have special seats

You people just want to create more offices for wife's and daughters of politicians, who told MR. Kukah that if those seats are given, it'll go to a young girl who would have been doing runs?
It'll go to wives and daughters of politicians not the average Naija girl on the street.


Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by MANNABBQGRILLS: 6:49am On Mar 06, 2022
“Because if it is just the same big boys who are coming with their mistresses and their extra wives, it is not acceptable.
Unpopular opinion

Funny as it sounds, prostitution thrives because there are patronage!
If there are no demand for a product, then there won't be supply.

Why we condemn this vices in women, the male gender should be disciplined to guide his third leg.

Infact there are men who prefers a woman who is 100% idle; she serves as a trophy escort that dignifies their fetish and she is rewarded handsomely. Nowadays, this ladies are booked for 3 months, 6 months or 1yr. And atimes, you will be tempted to think a man has a spouse, but the said "wife" is merely an escort or live inn mistress to him.

That is the reason that nocturnal sector is booming!
Tell a call girl to spend 27 days working for salary, she would tell you she can't waste her energy, while she can scoop more than that amount in a night stand with a rich client.


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Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by vee22: 6:50am On Mar 06, 2022
Them no cry for quota system for sambisa forest were 99% of the fighters are men na were soft them dey always dey cry gender equality abi quota for women

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Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by Mindlog: 6:50am On Mar 06, 2022
Well said.
Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by dryakson(m): 6:52am On Mar 06, 2022
Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by CryptoTeacher(m): 6:54am On Mar 06, 2022
Quota system brought the current calamity upon us.
Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by Rayjnr: 6:55am On Mar 06, 2022
I support Matthew kukah

Why won't you support him, if na imam talk am shey u go support am?

Country of religious sentiment

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Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by whirlwind7(m): 7:00am On Mar 06, 2022
Quota system has its advantages and disadvantages.

Unless you can prove that northerners who this quota was created for, are biologically and physiological less intelligent than southerners...
Unless you can prove that when God created everyone, he created northerners with lesser brain capacity than southerners, and ensured that they are incapable of learning and assimilating as fast or as good (or even better) than their southern counterparts.

Unless you can prove that southerners have more grey matter than northerners, then how do you explain any advantage that quota system has?

God created all of us same time, we faced the same evolution and adaptation to our physical environment.
Then along the line, northerners began to adopt cultural and religious practices that made them abhor education (something the quran preached against)
In other words, the north effectively made itself less competitive in a modern world. In other to balance things, it decided to impose a quota system.
This system effectively crippled the south that could have lifted the country.
How do you keep on rewarding indolence instead of merit, and say there is an advantage in that?

Nowhere in a modern world is such a things as quota system encouraged. You elevate your best brains. You bring your best foot forward, and not the other way around.

A quota system ensured that somebody like Buhari without an o'level certificate is ruling the country and is in charge of the best brains the country can produce.
How is that a normal or good thing?
Northerners, when encouraged, have shown a flair for intelligence and brilliance. But a quota system ensured they don't aspire to much greatness. A quota system ensured the less than mediocre performance from them gets rewarded

It will only take someone who was raised in Nigeria, and knows no better, to comment that quota system has any advantage.

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Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by MrRemedyAlagbo(m): 7:05am On Mar 06, 2022
Na today
Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by empressSkincare(f): 7:07am On Mar 06, 2022
I concur!
Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by Freemasonry: 7:08am On Mar 06, 2022
Make this man go rest. If you want something, work for it as others do instead of crying to get it on gold platter.
You need the rest pass this man ooo.
He has put in more work for what he believes and wants than you could ever imagine.
So don't write about him in that disrespectful tone.
Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by fasho01(m): 7:16am On Mar 06, 2022
Preach on Kukah
Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by Safyqueen: 7:30am On Mar 06, 2022

Unpopular opinion

Funny as it sounds, prostitution thrives because there are patronage!
If there are no demand for a product, then there won't be supply.

Why we condemn this vices in women, the male gender should be disciplined to guide his third leg.

Infact there are men who prefers a woman who is 100% idle; she serves as a trophy escort that dignifies their fetish and she is rewarded handsomely. Nowadays, this ladies are booked for 3 months, 6 months or 1yr. And atimes, you will be tempted to think a man has a spouse, but the said "wife" is merely an escort or live inn mistress to him.

That is the reason that nocturnal sector is booming!
Tell a call girl to spend 27 days working for salary, she would tell you she can't waste her energy, while she can scoop more than that amount in a night stand with a rich client.


What is your final stand as regard this story from your lengthy comment please?
Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by BRATISLAVA: 8:10am On Mar 06, 2022
No, equality does not mean give women more seats

It means giving them equal opportunities, equal chances to get those seats

Do men have special seats? I mean seats reserved for men solely because they are men, so therefore why should women have special seats

You people just want to create more offices for wife's and daughters of politicians, who told MR. Kukah that if those seats are given, it'll go to a young girl who would have been doing runs?
It'll go to wives and daughters of politicians not the average Naija girl on the street.

The usual circular disinformation of men, and some myopic women.

When you go to a foreign country, do you ask who gave the white men those seats (jobs, positions, etc), when they were born with the privilege to have them because that's how it's been for a thousand years? To them it is normal. Yet you would want to be represented and have the same things they do, via the same quota system you seem to be against as a minority black person hypothetically living with them. Isn't that so? Because, otherwise, why should those white men with all the seats they inherited from their fathers, and their fathers fathers give you a black man a chance at having a seat at their table? If they deny you, despite your hard work, won't you call it racism and start protests? Or would you not ask why they have special rights to those seats that you don't have despite your ability to sit in the same seat while living there as a citizen? All they have to do is tell you that you can get what they have, but simply never let you have it. What will you do about it?

Some of you only know that people must have equality and fight for seats when women are involved. But you go to White men countries and expect to have what they have, from the same quota system for minorities, when you don't deserve it at all.

On a normal day, what makes you think a white person will even want you to be a citizen of their country that is theirs, something they made and have owned for so long? They could invent any means possible to keep you out. You are substandard by your color already. That is the approach of men to women.

You men expect to be given jobs in Nigeria when you aren't one of your elite, who will tell you that you are lazy and incompetent not to have gotten one of their privileged positions. Yet you know it's because you aren't from the ruling class. You want to be treated right when by their standards you shouldn't be, since you weren't born like they were. Of course, they will tell you there's equality and it's a democracy. Yet, you know the conditions for entry. That is the approach of men to women. False logic and plenty disinformation.

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Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by cardoctor(m): 8:25am On Mar 06, 2022
How did you know that Your lordship?
Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by Blackdisciple(m): 8:41am On Mar 06, 2022
Muric over to you

Lolz...Yes oo I'm waiting to hear from him too.
Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by Kolenda(m): 8:48am On Mar 06, 2022
I really do not get the uproar this issue is causing. As far as I'm concerned, there's no law in the constitution restricting women from vying for any position.
Why then are the women folks asking/begging for a paltry 20% when they can take them all. Unless there's something underlying about this issue of inequality that we don't know. Unless the women have ineptly accepted that men are higher than they are.
What are the so called feminist fighting for actually? For 20%?

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Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by ceejayluv(m): 8:48am On Mar 06, 2022
Are the women even interested??. Most will just prefer to be Mistresses- no Time.
Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by Deattorney: 8:49am On Mar 06, 2022
Here we go again
Re: Kukah: Women Should Benefit From Quota System Not Mistresses Of Big Boys by Shikini: 9:10am On Mar 06, 2022
Good observation

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