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Do You Believe Jesus Will Come Back Again To Take His Saints? / What If All These Things Are Really True? / This Generation Shall Not PASS, Till All These Things Be Fulfilled. (2) (3) (4)
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Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by OkCornel(m): 10:15pm On Mar 05, 2022 |
Over the centuries, there have been numerous predictions on the second coming of Christ by “powerful MoGs” and acclaimed Biblical scholars which have all failed. Even on nairaland, we have heard countless times since the platform was created that “the end of time is near and Jesus could arrive at any moment” I can’t help but wonder why certain scriptures are ignored. Let us set the ball rolling with a few critical signs believers should watch out for, and also address certain fallacies. Matthew 24 shows two key signs believers should watch out for. Until these are fulfilled, we and the generations after are still in for a long wait. First of all, let’s highlight where the confusion lies. Most people mistake the signs for the beginning of birth pains (wars, famines, earthquakes, disasters) as signs for the end time. Read the passage below carefully; Matthew 24 v 3-8; Moving on from these verses which clearly are not the signs to look out for. What then are these signs?
It’s clearly written in verse 14 and 15 the two trigger events that must be fulfilled before the second coming; 1. In verse 14. Not just any gospel, but specifically THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM must be preached to all inhabitants of the earth. This is to prepare the hearts and mind of men for the everlasting order to come. Ever wondered why Jesus’ major sermons and parables is centred around the kingdom of heaven? Can we confidently say this is the gospel the church has preached consistently over the ages? 2. The abomination that causes desolation must be set up in the holy place. Now this one is the interesting part. People have weighed in that this prophecy is already fulfilled in 70 AD when the Romans destroyed the second Jewish temple. The problem with that conclusion is this. See Daniel 9 v 27; There is no historical record of any Roman emperor who made a covenant with many for 7 years and broke it mid-way (especially around 70 AD when the temple was destroyed) Furthermore, Apostle Paul weighed in on this matter; 2 Thessalonians 2 v 1-4; Bear in mind there will be a temple of God where this man of lawlessness will proclaim himself to be God. Please where is this temple today? It doesn’t exist. It’s yet to be constructed! Apostle Paul mentioned we should not be alarmed or unsettled. No one should deceive anyone about the coming of the Lord. It cannot happen until the lawless one is revealed and the temple (which is yet to be constructed) is desecrated and the abomination that causes desolation is set up inside the temple. If you are up to date on religious matters in Israel, it should come as no surprise there are talks of the third Jewish temple to be constructed. The main Jewish group leading the charge to rebuild the temple is an organization called Faithful of the Temple Mount, who say they will continue their efforts to re-establish the Jewish temple on the Mount. In Israel, there are students being trained for the priesthood, learning how to conduct animal sacrifices in the rebuilt temple. IN CONCLUSION; Until these two events are fulfilled: 1. The gospel of the kingdom is preached to all inhabitants of the earth. 2. The temple is rebuilt, daily sacrifices are restored for a time and subsequently stopped by the man of lawlessness to set up the abomination that causes desolation which prophet Daniel, Jesus and Apostle Paul spoke of. We cannot jump to the phase where we hold our breathe in anticipation of the return of the Son of Man. Pretty much explains the long wait for over 2000 years now, and why any talks of the world coming to an end is still premature. Till then, live a spirit filled life and walk in the purpose of the I AM for your life! Cc: Lalasticlala, Seun, nlfpmod 66 Likes 8 Shares |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by obonujoker(m): 10:21pm On Mar 05, 2022 |
The second Coming of Christ, will never catch believers unawares. The thief in the night is for those who never believe. That's why we are admonished to always watch and pray, lest the master comes and finds you wanting 32 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by OkCornel(m): 11:46pm On Mar 05, 2022 |
obonujoker: Absolutely! 1 Thessalonians 5 v 1-5 1 Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, 2 for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3 While people are saying, “Peace and safety,”destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. 4 But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. 5 You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. 22 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by paxonel(m): 12:50am On Mar 06, 2022 |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by helinues: 5:26am On Mar 06, 2022 |
What is he coming to do gan gan? What has he forgotten on earth that would be so important for him to return and take it ? 25 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by MaxInDHouse(m): 6:32am On Mar 06, 2022 |
There is a misconception regarding what Jesus said @ Matthew 24, most Bible scholars were confused because the text mistranslated "COMING" could be best rendered "PRESENCE" Jesus' modern day disciples also got it wrong and for years they had the misconception that Jesus will COME in person but when they later discovered that the text was talking about his PRESENCE they readjust their views. First of all we need to know what happened immediately Jesus left the earth after saying "Goodbye" to his first century Jewish disciples. He went straight to heaven and took his position at the right hand side of Almighty God! Act 7:56 compare to Psalms 110:1 So what is the result of Jesus' prophecy at Matthew 24? First of all Jerusalem must be punished for all the atrocities committed against God's ancient servants and most especially against God's anointed one (Jesus Christ) Matthew 23:37-38 After the destruction of Jerusalem in the first century the Israelites were scattered abroad so their hope as a nation to welcome another Messiah is gone which means they've lost their chances of getting acquainted with the Christ except for few Jews who were able to recognize the Christ when he was in their midst! Matthew 16:13-20 But Jesus' PRESENCE will still be longer than that. WHY? Because he must first oust nonentities in the spirit realms {Revelations 12:7-12} in preparation for his co-rulers who will be taken to heaven where he promised them {John 14:1-4} when this occur the first to go are his born again brothers who are still sleeping in death then one after the other those living among that set will join them after their earthly course! 1Thessalonians 4:16 But what will all these mean for Jesus' disciples who are going to inherit everlasting life on the earth? Matthew 5:5 compare to Psalms 37:29 Jesus must continue to guide them until the end of wicked people and their badness so he has to be PRESENT {Matthew 18:20} as a mighty spirit King directing them through the remains of his born again brothers who are still running their earthly course! Matthew 24:45 Since 1914 Jesus has returned to this planet as a mighty spirit King directing his true disciples on what they must keep doing until it's time to exterminate all opposers of his rule {Luke 19:27} that's why they are no part of the world's political movements killing one another due to the selfish ambitions of the rulers they elected upon themselves! Revelations 6:3-4 So today Jesus is here working with his own group and gathering obedient mankind from all the corners of the earth under one umbrella! Isaiah 2:2-4; Micah 4:1-3 They are now worshiping their God unitedly as their mighty spirit warrior King Archangel Michael (Jesus Christ) {Daniel 12:1-3} is leading them to victory over mankind's greatest enemy Satan the devil! Revelations 6:1-2 compare to Revelations 12:7 Good morning OkCornel, God bless you and may you have PEACE! ![]() 11 Likes |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by MrPresident1: 7:13am On Mar 06, 2022 |
if you allow these dogs of satan to deceive you and you are deceived, you have only yourself to blame. Jesus is coming and we are now at th end of the end. What i the intention of an evil thread like this, to force you to go back to sleep? So that you dismiss prophecy that is noe being fulfilled before your very eyes as nothing? Do not follow any dog to hell, their own destiny issealed. Anybody who deliberately misquotes the Bible has a sealed destiny. Do not follow dogs to hell. 8 Likes |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by OkCornel(m): 7:20am On Mar 06, 2022 |
MrPresident1: As expected, emotional outbursts with no scriptural references to back up their position ![]() Perhaps Apostle Paul is a dog of Satan for writing 2 Thessalonians 2 v 1-4. Infact, the entire chapter explains everything so clearly. 2 Thessalonians 2 v 1-4; 1.Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, 2 not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us—whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter—asserting that the day of the Lord has already come. 3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for THAT DAY WILL NOT COME UNTIL the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up IN GOD’S TEMPLE, proclaiming himself to be God. 1. Bear in mind there will be a temple of God where this man of lawlessness will proclaim himself to be God. Please where is this temple today? It doesn’t exist. It’s yet to be constructed! 2. Apostle Paul mentioned we should not be alarmed or unsettled. No one should deceive anyone about the coming of the Lord. It cannot happen until the lawless one is revealed and the temple (which is yet to be constructed) is desecrated and the abomination that causes desolation is set up inside the temple. 3. The man of lawlessness who will offer a covenant of peace for 7 years with many as written in Daniel 9 v 27 is yet to be revealed. 9 Likes |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by MrPresident1: 7:24am On Mar 06, 2022 |
OkCornel:Come to the Watchers' thread let me put you to Bible death there. dog 2 Likes |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by Dtruthspeaker: 7:33am On Mar 06, 2022 |
OkCornel: YOU ARE ACCURATELY RIGHT! The obvious Question is,"IS THE SUN NOT DARK?" ![]() Of course you have not Truly Seen it, (yet you have and do see it without knowing that is what you see) else your post would have been different. ![]() Open thy eyes to See! 1 Like |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by Dtruthspeaker: 7:42am On Mar 06, 2022 |
[quote |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by paxonel(m): 7:42am On Mar 06, 2022 |
MrPresident1:so,you have not been sleeping? You were having sleepless night the moment you heard the word rapture,what kinda life are you living like that? ![]() ![]() ![]() 7 Likes |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by Dtruthspeaker: 7:48am On Mar 06, 2022 |
paxonel: So also the "YOU" in "Verily I say unto YOU, except ye be converted: and because as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of God", does not apply to you. 5 Likes |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by MaxInDHouse(m): 7:57am On Mar 06, 2022 |
OkCornel: I don't know you too noticed how many just jump into discussions having to do with Jesus with the intention to argue yet their comments has NO SCRIPTURAL REFERENCES! Surely they're counting on the words of their so called "Pastors" not what the Bible really teach, so when they stumble on scriptural discussions like this their comments are based on EMOTIONS EMOTIONS EMOTIONS! ![]() 9 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by Dtruthspeaker: 7:57am On Mar 06, 2022 |
helinues: O when He Comes, you shall regret and cry platelets like no man before you. 2 Likes |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by Dtruthspeaker: 8:05am On Mar 06, 2022 |
MrPresident1: Easy now, we all see he had good intentions and meant no harm in making this thread. 7 Likes |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by paxonel(m): 8:26am On Mar 06, 2022 |
Dtruthspeaker:it does not follow. Follow the events of the two scriptures, you will see that they are not the same. This one you quoted has to do with to covert, It is not time based, conversion can be done at anytime, even in the old testament there was conversion But the one in Matthew 24 is time based, it was something that has never happened that was prophesied that it was about to happen. Remember, the disciples came to him to ask, when is the time of the end and with what signs? Now that it has already happen how then are you included? You should rather forge your own course of life towards your future and stop looking at the past what happened in the bible. 1 Like |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by Dtruthspeaker: 8:29am On Mar 06, 2022 |
paxonel: In both cases, the disciples asked the questions which gave rise to their Answers. |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by paxonel(m): 8:42am On Mar 06, 2022 |
Dtruthspeaker:the question the disciples asked in Matthew 18:3 is not the same question they asked him in Matthew 24. The first question was, who is the greatest in the kingdom? The second question was, what are the signs of your coming and end of the world? 1 Like |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by Dtruthspeaker: 8:46am On Mar 06, 2022 |
paxonel: I did not say it is the same. (And of course it can not be the same question having different Answers ![]() I said, as you have now seen, both Answers Originate from the questions the disciples put to Him! |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by paxonel(m): 8:51am On Mar 06, 2022 |
Dtruthspeaker:ok Exactly |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by Dtruthspeaker: 9:03am On Mar 06, 2022 |
paxonel: So now you see, you can not accept one "You" as YOU and reject the other "You". You can't have an object without its shadow. ![]() |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by paxonel(m): 10:37am On Mar 06, 2022 |
Dtruthspeaker:hmm! 1 Like
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by Dtruthspeaker: 10:53am On Mar 06, 2022 |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by OkCornel(m): 11:32am On Mar 06, 2022 |
Dtruthspeaker: You speak in parables. Sorry, why did you ask “is the sun not dark?” What are you driving at? |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by Dtruthspeaker: 11:40am On Mar 06, 2022 |
OkCornel: Like The Lord's Parables, the Fruit and Food is in your figuring it out. So I intend not to directly expose it. Here is the value of "he who hath an eye to see, let him SEE! Don't worry, even if it takes weeks or months, you just might see because you want to See. You do not have to see it today, even though that would be preferable. |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by OkCornel(m): 11:42am On Mar 06, 2022 |
Dtruthspeaker: Anyways, if you’re implying the sun is darkened in that context of the scriptures to be something figurative… I disagree ![]() Just wanted to confirm your understanding though. |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by Dtruthspeaker: 11:46am On Mar 06, 2022 |
OkCornel: It is physical and you can see it, if you want to see it! ![]() As I just said, (added to my last post) take your time to See, if you wish to see. |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by OkCornel(m): 12:01pm On Mar 06, 2022 |
Dtruthspeaker: Ok |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by OkCornel(m): 8:15pm On Mar 19, 2022 |
Edited: See the list of failed prophecies on the return of Jesus Christ. 49 popular predictions in the past that failed, spanning from year 500 to 2021. This is because the two trigger events in Matthew 24 was not considered. Alongside Daniel 9 v 27 and 2 Thessalonians 2 v 1-4. |
Re: Jesus Will Not Return Until These Things Happen by OkCornel(m): 9:50am On Sep 04, 2022 |
Nlfpmod |
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