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Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO - Foreign Affairs (4) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Foreign Affairs / Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO (46195 Views)

Russian Official, Leonid Vasyukevich, Tells Putin To End War In Ukraine / Putin Signals Acceptance Of Finland, Sweden Joining NATO / Your Plans To Join NATO Grave Mistake – Russia Warns Finland, Sweden (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by Princedapace(m): 8:01am On Mar 13, 2022

As far as his supporters is concerned (especially those in nairaland), he can invade any country and it will be the country's fault.

For peaceful world, USA should stop instigating countries closer to other super powers.
That is all.
USA will never ever allow Russia build military base in Mexico or form military alliance with Mexico. Russai could cause havoc to USA from that base.
That is same way Russia is scared of having USA at her backyard in Ukraine. USA can cause serious unrest in Russia from there such as political instability which USA is very good at.


Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by gaskiyamagana: 8:01am On Mar 13, 2022
Those countries around Russia like Finland, Sweden, Norway should take Russian concern seriously.

Although, they are sovereign countries with their Democratic rights.

They should also understand the risk that goes with NATO.

How will America feel if Russia missile is placed in Canada and Mexico?

How will Britain feel if Russian missiles is placed at the republic of Ireland directly facing the London or the United Kingdom as a country.
Leave them. When they will be facing the music naira land warriors will support them with online prayers.
Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by Nobody: 8:01am On Mar 13, 2022
The solution to all this is to allow Russia join NATO but then the aim of NATO will be defeated

They wanted to Join (the then Soviet Union), but the US refused!
Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by ayindejimmy(m): 8:01am On Mar 13, 2022
This stupid Russia had tried to join NATO decades ago but was rejected.

It won't be defeated. We still have China and little NK

The solution to all this is to allow Russia join NATO but then the aim of NATO will be defeated
Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by ayindejimmy(m): 8:02am On Mar 13, 2022

They wanted to Join (the then Soviet Union), but the US refused!

They did not meet the conditions, amongst other things

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Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by Alamkir: 8:02am On Mar 13, 2022
Russia should just join NATO

But NATO won't allow it. because The secondary aim of nato is to destroy Russia
Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by anonymous1759(m): 8:03am On Mar 13, 2022
I don't understand this idea of telling a sovereign entity what to do and what not to do........ what's with Putin and this dictatorship?

That’s the same thing the USA is doing o. America will not allow Cuba to join forces with Russia because they share a boarder. The same thing America is scared of is the same thing Russia is equally scared of . embarassed Those countries are too close to Russia .
Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by od501: 8:03am On Mar 13, 2022

Russia can't afford another invasion anymore.
I don't think they have enough finance or human power for that anymore.
Also, sister countries are looking at what they are doing in Ukraine and they think NATO will be more desirable/ reliable than staying neutral cos staying neutral got Ukraine nowhere except annexation of their cities and towns by Russia.

Says who? Shey you dey there pocket ni?
Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by Nobody: 8:04am On Mar 13, 2022
Russia go be like shei na sanctions? Make una carry come, we dey ready and in it. Unless we join NATO, our neighbours no go join.

If you wan be witch abegi be strong one, no be dey one wey just one Holy Ghost fire go quench your power.
Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by FireUpNow(m): 8:04am On Mar 13, 2022
Baba Vladmir Putin taking his dreams too far
Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by Nobody: 8:04am On Mar 13, 2022

They did not meet the conditions, amongst other things

Lol. Meet which conditions? You think US will allow Russia join an organization they created to counter Russia? Lol

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Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by Nobody: 8:06am On Mar 13, 2022
NATO should respect themselves and stop being controlled by little America! European cowards are just senseless

The US controls NATO! grin

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Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by ayindejimmy(m): 8:06am On Mar 13, 2022
Those countries around Russia like Finland, Sweden, Norway should take Russian concern seriously.

Although, they are sovereign countries with their Democratic rights.

They should also understand the risk that goes with NATO.

How will America feel if Russia missile is placed in Canada and Mexico?

How will Britain feel if Russian missiles is placed at the republic of Ireland directly facing the London city or the United Kingdom as a country?

How will USA feel if the Cuba government and the Venezuela government in the Central America region went ahead to host Russian missiles that is targeted at the United States of America?

Stop all these talk.

First it's not Russia's biz

Second, the US doesn't threat it's neighbours with invasion. They have diplomatic ways.

Third, these countries don't dictate to Russia

Fourth, why can't Russia live peaceful with its neighbours?
Lastly, after seeing Ukraine, any Russian neighbour not joining NATO is at risk

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Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by anonymous1759(m): 8:07am On Mar 13, 2022

Most of you are just too gullible.... NATO was in reality founded to challenge USSR if you don't know ..Many Russians Presidents from Gorbachev to even Putin have made request to join NATO but have been denied by American Presidents

Please share a link where Russia was denied membership
Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by Nobody: 8:08am On Mar 13, 2022
Now I see why Africa is still backward. Look at how citizen of Nigeria are typing rubbish. Busy saying what they don't know. Now I know why people always say most people here are children who don't know anything. I never knew politics section is worse than romance section here on nairaland. Most of you really need to educate yourself like seriously speaking.

Too much noise. What is your own opinion on the subject matter?


Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by ayindejimmy(m): 8:09am On Mar 13, 2022

Lol. Meet which conditions? You think US will allow Russia join an organization they created to counter Russia? Lol

UK also didn't want them in NATO then because they want to use it to prevent the Soviet Union break up which was inevitable then
Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by BeardGangJnr1(m): 8:09am On Mar 13, 2022

You never see inside of Russian propaganda and state control news. Keep believing what you think.

There are Russians media and journalists that are on the run, in other countries. Try listen to their own version of how Russia control news. An assignment for you.
Every country control their news outlets...even in Nigeria here... they're things channels news dare not publish...every regime has propaganda..be it democracy or communism... Wat I dnt like is hypocrisy of the west, trying to shove their narrative down everyone's throat
Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by gaskiyamagana: 8:10am On Mar 13, 2022

As far as his supporters is concerned (especially those in nairaland), he can invade any country and it will be the country's fault.
No, no , it is our fault. One after another NATO prospects will be dealt with. Even, those already in NATO will be asked to withdraw as long as they threats to RUSSIA. It is only fools that will let his enemy's friends be his neighbours.
Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by frankson1(m): 8:10am On Mar 13, 2022
The solution to all this is to allow Russia join NATO but then the aim of NATO will be defeated

No Sir, the solution to all these is for the US to stop expanding further into Northern Europe.


Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by Great0ne1: 8:11am On Mar 13, 2022
The solution to all this is to allow Russia join NATO but then the aim of NATO will be defeated
Who will America be fighting ?
Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by ALLNIGERIANSMAD(m): 8:11am On Mar 13, 2022
Putin, back OFF..... NOW!!!

Unnecessary deaths everywhere.

Peace is all we need in our world.
We truly hope this war ends soon.
Let's make Love, Not War.

To close the first page of this emotional war situation,
All of us @[/b] : [b]SAY NO TO WAR.

shut up, you are supporting terorist, bandits in nigeria but you are preaching peace in Europe. Isn't that the highest level of hipocracy?

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Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by kingthreat(m): 8:11am On Mar 13, 2022
Russia should just join NATO

US doesn't want them to join NATO.
Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by Nobody: 8:11am On Mar 13, 2022

Zelenskyy pushed for NATO membership and signed it into Ukraine's constitution. I see no reason why anyone should join NATO considering that in a war between NATO and Russia, nuclear weapons will be deployed. In the event of a third world war, only neutral countries like Africans will survive.

You are in Nigeria and you see no reason why countries should join Nato.

But Ukrainians and other countries close to Russia are seeing reasons why they should join Nato.

Zelensky pushed for Ukraine to join Nato. And so?

Na wa for una grin.


Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by LasgidyPort: 8:12am On Mar 13, 2022

Russia can't afford another invasion anymore.
I don't think they have enough finance or human power for that anymore.
Also, sister countries are looking at what they are doing in Ukraine and they think NATO will be more desirable/ reliable than staying neutral cos staying neutral got Ukraine nowhere except annexation of their cities and towns by Russia.

Other European countries have smaller land mass. Ukraine is the biggest. They can easily overrun others.
Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by Blackdisciple(m): 8:12am On Mar 13, 2022
Now Russia wanna bite more than what it can chew ...

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Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by BeardGangJnr1(m): 8:13am On Mar 13, 2022

Then, your reply on that comment wasn't necessary since you knew he won't believe. grin
By saying it even if he's not gonna bliv. Let his conscience tickle him atleast.... LoLs
Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by anonymous1759(m): 8:14am On Mar 13, 2022
None of the people who invaded Africa are still alive. So stop using what happened over a century ago to judge what Putin is doing in this generation. Such comparison is already stale.

If you have not read much about the crisis, I urge you to do so. At least, that will help you stop these ignorant comments.

He’s not ignorant. Aren’t their children not treating Africans like their father did ?

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Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by Nobody: 8:15am On Mar 13, 2022

UK also didn't want them in NATO then because they want to use it to prevent the Soviet Union break up which was inevitable then

I don't know what you are saying. But just know that the US will never allow Russia join an organization they created to counter the same Russia.


Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by LasgidyPort: 8:15am On Mar 13, 2022
Them nova fight small Ukraine finish, they wan dey open eyes for others..... Nawa oo

Ukraine has the biggest landmass in Europe after Russia.
Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by Quaddafi29: 8:16am On Mar 13, 2022
The ultimate aim of NATO is the destruction of Russia and Russia will be dumb to allow it. What are you surrounding Russia for? The greedy eyes of NATO on Russian wealth and unbridled hegemonic quest of the US, supported by blinded and subservient vassal European states will bring the world to an end


Re: Russian Official Warns Finland, Sweden Against Joining NATO by ayindejimmy(m): 8:19am On Mar 13, 2022
What Russia is simply saying is, "Dont make us annexe you."

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