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Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) - Romance - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Romance / Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) (1155 Views)

Characteristics Of An Alpha Male...(the Ladies Man) / Ladies Pls Explain Urselves / Enough Said, Women Check Urselves (2) (3) (4)

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Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by chibaby5(f): 5:21pm On Jun 30, 2011
Would you mind being a full time house wife if given the option, i.e your Man wants dat OR

U wud rather work?
Re: Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by iice(f): 5:45pm On Jun 30, 2011
Work. . .
My mom did it all.  Superwoman kiss  So yes. . .i would hope tongue i can do it all too. . .afterall her blood runs through my veins.
Re: Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by chibaby5(f): 5:52pm On Jun 30, 2011

Lol even if he begs u to plssssssss dnt sweat it cheesy , U wunt succomb because u love him? grin
Re: Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by 190: 5:58pm On Jun 30, 2011
My wife must be a FULL TIME EMPLOYED HOUSE WIFE  angry angry

MUST!!!!!!! I dont want any man to look @ her IBEKE in the office angry angry
Re: Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by iice(f): 5:59pm On Jun 30, 2011
Not attractive when a man begs. . .which is beside the point tongue

Tough, i'm usually set in my ways.  I would hope he already knows who i am before marriage happens.  Can't say i won't compromise or would compromise, would have to be well thought out.  I however don't 'succumb' to anyone.  
Re: Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by chibaby5(f): 6:03pm On Jun 30, 2011
Lol U are tough oo grin
Re: Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by tellwisdom: 6:05pm On Jun 30, 2011

MUST!!!!!!! I dont want any man to look @ her IBEKE in the office

U meant chi-baby's IKEBE?? cos i knw iice no get IKEBE
Re: Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by 190: 6:08pm On Jun 30, 2011
Actually Chi-baby's IKEBE is something to DIE for

I am ready to HUG a transformer for that Ibeke

as for iice - No comments cos if i talk, here wont contain us
Re: Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by iice(f): 6:10pm On Jun 30, 2011

U meant chi-baby's IKEBE?? cos i knw iice no get IKEBE

Dude do i know you? Do you know me?
Ignore me and carry on with your pansies.


Lol U are tough oo  grin
Comes with growing up in a strong willed family.  Sometimes sef i wish i wasn't so tough.  Life would be easier but nooo. . .must carry myself dey do who i be.
Re: Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by chibaby5(f): 6:12pm On Jun 30, 2011

Comes with growing up in a strong willed family.  Sometimes sef i wish i wasn't so tough.  Life would be easier but nooo. . .must carry myself dey do who i be.

And datz da best way forward smiley
Re: Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by tellwisdom: 6:15pm On Jun 30, 2011
Dude do i know you? Do you know me?
Ignore me and carry on with your pansies.

Ok im sorry, i think i saw your IKEBE sometime ago, As for me, i like urs, Im sorry, Its just dat 190 likes OROBO PKUM-PKUM GURLS, with extra large. sad sad
Re: Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by 190: 6:16pm On Jun 30, 2011
shocked shocked
Re: Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by Mynd44: 6:17pm On Jun 30, 2011

My wife must be a FULL TIME EMPLOYED HOUSE WIFE  angry angry

MUST!!!!!!! I dont want any man to look @ her IBEKE in the office  angry angry

Would you rather have your GATEMAN servicing her?
Re: Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by iice(f): 6:21pm On Jun 30, 2011

Ok im sorry, i think i saw your IKEBE sometime ago, As for me, i like urs, Im sorry, Its just dat 190 likes OROBO PKUM-PKUM GURLS, with extra large. sad sad

Saw in what? Someone's dream?
There is nothing to like with or without visuals. 


And datz da best way forward smiley
Ha! I'll remind myself you said that next time a tough moment comes up wink
Re: Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by tellwisdom: 6:25pm On Jun 30, 2011
Saw in what?  Someone's dream?
There is nothing to like with or without visuals.

I did see it sometime, I already like urs, Should i fall on d ground so you knw im fallen for u?? sad sad
Re: Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by MMM3(m): 6:27pm On Jun 30, 2011
only if my wives want 2 manage any of my companies,

Becos d kind of money i have, my wives and children dont need 2 work again or even stress in life.
Re: Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by tellwisdom: 6:30pm On Jun 30, 2011
MMM who banned u?? and hw come?
Re: Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by BABE3: 8:06pm On Jun 30, 2011
Full time HouseWife---provided that;.

1) He pays my parents back all the money they've spent on my education from Nursery school to Medical school (Residency).--plus all the extra money they've spent because I'm getting an education.

2) He's going to be "paying" me the same amount of money I'll be getting if I were working or even more.
Re: Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by Mynd44: 8:16pm On Jun 30, 2011
Agreed so when do I meet my IN-LAWS?
Re: Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by ARareGem(f): 8:20pm On Jun 30, 2011
I don't think I would survive as a full time house wife. But I must confess it's not easy being a working wife and mother. I do wonder how I'll cross that bridge.
Re: Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by BABE3: 8:23pm On Jun 30, 2011

Agreed so when do I meet my IN-LAWS?

lol---What kind of agreement is this?---hehehe-

Re: Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by Mynd44: 9:05pm On Jun 30, 2011
I will pay all the monies above stated plus intrest. So when do I meet them?
Re: Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by PureOhio(f): 9:43pm On Jun 30, 2011
I would rather work.
Re: Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by 190: 10:38pm On Jun 30, 2011

Agreed so when do I meet my IN-LAWS?

Stop been silly and stop hiting on my girl undecided
Re: Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by Mynd44: 5:00am On Jul 01, 2011
Are you not supposed to be married?
Re: Ladies (Man Demz Excuse Urselves :P ) by african1(f): 6:38am On Jul 01, 2011
I am not going to go school for around 16 years just to stay at home. NEVER. I can do both.

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Why Are There Too Many Derailers In This Section? / Ladies-what Would You Do If This Happens To You! / Is This True Of Men? Poor Self Esteem =Humility And Confidence = Pride

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