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Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go - Programming - Nairaland

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Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by boosel: 8:32pm On Jun 30, 2011
please guys, i need answers and help on starting my own mobile chatting application like 2go


Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by Fayimora(m): 11:16pm On Jun 30, 2011
Its all up to you. Your choice, your ideas your game

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Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by DualCore1: 5:58am On Jul 01, 2011
Get into the 2go rooms and ask the users what they want that 2go isn't offering. All the best with this, make it happen.

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Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by boosel: 8:36pm On Jul 01, 2011
thanks pals for all the messages, but how can i program something like 2go,i need programmers please and supporters.

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Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by Fayimora(m): 10:31pm On Jul 01, 2011
Hmmm ok I think I know the right answer and the next question to ask you.
Answer: By sitting down, thinking, consulting, designing, coding and ,

Now you question is very weird so my own question is: What experience do you have in programming? Am not talkin about how many years or certs. Just tell me what you can do and what language you have done it with.

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Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by sisqology(m): 1:23am On Jul 02, 2011
uhm m m

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Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by Mobinga: 8:05am On Jul 02, 2011
First download the JRE and JDK.
Next learn from a J2ME programming ebook.
Next get a domain.
Finally, consult me.


Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by guru01(m): 2:40pm On Jul 10, 2011
Do you want to create the 2go like on your own or you want a team of developers to handle your project?

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Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by Fayimora(m): 5:48pm On Jul 10, 2011

First download the JRE and JDK.
Next learn from a J2ME programming ebook.
Next get a domain.
Finally, consult me.


Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by K114: 8:44am On Jun 14, 2013
Hey Boosel...I'd like to support you, for a while now I've been thinking about stuff like this..besides I've got some great ideas that would blow 2go to smithereens...contact me if ur interested.!

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Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by duskyakins: 8:36pm On Aug 07, 2013
@k114 how do i contact u plz,am new to dis forum n am also interested in dis 2go app

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Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by ayodinho91: 8:25am On Aug 27, 2013
Let's team up and get this project started. I'm so interested in it.


Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by naijaswag1: 10:35am On Aug 27, 2013
As a developer or investor?


Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by ayodinho91: 5:07pm On Aug 28, 2013
naija_swag: As a developer or investor?
as a developer bro. Meanwhile, investors are also welcomed.

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Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by naijaswag1: 1:54pm On Aug 29, 2013
ayodinho91: as a developer bro. Meanwhile, investors are also welcomed.

(burst into pigdin sporadically) Me too I be programmer.

Basically, you will ask yourself, what is 2go? It's a mobile app. Fundamentally, you need knowledge of mobile apps programming in language of your choice with chosen platforms. Secondly, its a chat application. These two foundations will solve the riddle for you. Try doing a simple chat app that works on a mobile phone and you will now begin to appreciate 2go and others like whatsapp, kik, imo and bbm.

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Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by howardriddle: 1:48am On Sep 04, 2013

(burst into pigdin sporadically) Me too I be programmer.

Basically, you will ask yourself, what is 2go? It's a mobile app. Fundamentally, you need knowledge of mobile apps programming in language of your choice with chosen platforms. Secondly, its a chat application. These two foundations will solve the riddle for you. Try doing a simple chat app that works on a mobile phone and you will now begin to appreciate 2go and others like whatsapp, kik, imo and bbm.

You should know better than this. Chat apps are so easy to make (like with the Emergence of open-source, app builders and other PaaS companies). Thats the primary reason why the market is saturated becus the barriers to entry has been virtually killed off. Also, 2go's UI is so poor and reminiscent of web 1.0 which sites like Craiglist belongs to. If you are a designer, you will never use 2go out of vexation.

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Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by naijaswag1: 8:16am On Sep 04, 2013

You should know better than this. Chat apps are so easy to make (like with the Emergence of open-source, app builders and other PaaS companies). Thats the primary reason why the market is saturated becus the barriers to entry has been virtually killed off. Also, 2go's UI is so poor and reminiscent of web 1.0 which sites like Craiglist belongs to. If you are a designer, you will never use 2go out of vexation.

That's for the feeble minded programmers. If you want to build a scalable chat app like 2go, you need to build your platform from ground up, so you can have control over everything. When you depend on open source, you are planning to fail.

The market is not saturated at least in Africa. We only have 2go, whatsapp and bbm unlike other places where imo,kik and others also exist. What is missing is innovation. You need to own your platform and frameworks. You need investment in infrastructure and that is not easy to come by.


Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by lordZOUGA(m): 8:50am On Sep 04, 2013

That's for the feeble minded programmers. If you want to build a scalable chat app like 2go, you need to build your platform from ground up, so you can have control over everything. When you depend on open source, you are planning to fail.

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Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by naijaswag1: 10:17am On Sep 04, 2013
Why did they hid the damn thing I wrote? SMH, I know who did it, they know themselves

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Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by Javanian: 10:37am On Sep 04, 2013
naija_swag: Why did they hid the damn thing I wrote? SMH, I know who did it, they know themselves

Sorry for that, it was an error on my side

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Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by naijaswag1: 11:14am On Sep 04, 2013

Sorry for that, it was an error on my side

Okay, I like people who admit their mistakes. So in other words I like you. If it is the other guy that his name starts from ..., this would have resulted in a fight.


Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by meshybizzo(m): 11:57am On Sep 04, 2013

That's for the feeble minded programmers. If you want to build a scalable chat app like 2go, you need to build your platform from ground up, so you can have control over everything. When you depend on open source, you are planning to fail.

The market is not saturated at least in Africa. We only have 2go, whatsapp and bbm unlike other places where imo,kik and others also exist. What is missing is innovation. You need to own your platform and frameworks. You need investment in infrastructure and that is not easy to come by.

That's true. But really, aren't you tired of chat apps? I know I am. You said what is missing is "innovation". Innovation is thinking outside the box. In fact its thinking there isn't a box in the first place! Whatapps, BBm and now WeChat have taken the chat app market (alongside 2go). So why make another chat app which would just stress both yourself and the users? That's like trying to make another Social network like facebook.

My Advice is you and @op really apply innovation, think outside the box, study your environment and come up with other ideas that can be worth your time.

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Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by lordZOUGA(m): 12:23pm On Sep 04, 2013

That's true. But really, aren't you tired of chat apps? I know I am. You said what is missing is "innovation". Innovation is thinking outside the box. In fact its thinking there isn't a box in the first place! Whatapps, BBm and now WeChat have taken the chat app market (alongside 2go). So why make another chat app which would just stress both yourself and the users? That's like trying to make another Social network like facebook.

My Advice is you and @op really apply innovation, think outside the box, study your environment and come up with other ideas that can be worth your time.
Your app doesn't have to be based on IM to have a chat feature. It could be a business consultation platform where the consultants can chat with their clients.


Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by meshybizzo(m): 8:12pm On Sep 04, 2013
Your app doesn't have to be based on IM to have a chat feature. It could be a business consultation platform where the consultants can chat with their clients.

Well that's true. But I was refering to @op motives.

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Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by howardriddle: 1:03am On Sep 06, 2013
Your app doesn't have to be based on IM to have a chat feature. It could be a business consultation platform where the consultants can chat with their clients.

In what place could this work, Nigeria? As a rule we love shinny foreign objects so only social networks can ever work in Africa. #SpeakingFromExperience. This is just the painful truth. The web will never have upto a quater of the value it has in Developed nations. So for now, lets all develop social networks and hope our grandmas visit.

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Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by meshybizzo(m): 10:09am On Sep 06, 2013

In what place could this work, Nigeria? As a rule we love shinny foreign objects so only social networks can ever work in Africa. #SpeakingFromExperience. This is just the painful truth. The web will never have upto a quater of the value it has in Developed nations. So for now, lets all develop social networks and hope our grandmas visit.

I don't agree that only social networks can work in africa. That's far from the truth. Mobile apps also have a very high success possibility.

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Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by lordZOUGA(m): 11:49am On Sep 06, 2013

In what place could this work, Nigeria? As a rule we love shinny foreign objects so only social networks can ever work in Africa. #SpeakingFromExperience. This is just the painful truth. The web will never have upto a quater of the value it has in Developed nations. So for now, lets all develop social networks and hope our grandmas visit.
If you build something for Nigeria, it will work in Nigeria. Nigerians have a certain way of doing things. When you do things such that it follows that way then you are good to go. Only social networks does not work in Nigeria.

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Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by ayodinho91: 5:23pm On Sep 06, 2013
Shall we start building please..... Or can anyone enlightening on how to go about it


Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by temitopecoal(m): 6:12pm On Sep 06, 2013
ayodinho91: Shall we start building please..... Or can anyone enlightening on how to go about it
u guys shld stop arguing and let d guy do is thin,pal anytin can work 4u if u ave d idea n dat sellingpoint dat wuld mke dm cum 4ur goodybag.nw making a chat app now equal beating whatsapp,bbm,2go in africa (kik,imo etc abroad),u av to tink abt wat u wil gve dm dat wuld mke dem cum and its nt ur job alone,u got to form a team n u nid funding u culd mail me with dahunsitemitope@gmail.com for beta talk.am a new intending game company ceo


Re: Want To Start A Mobile Social Network Like 2go by Kidstell: 4:44am On Sep 07, 2013
I strongly suggest that you create an online spot where we can meet to discuss this better. If you want better graphics compared to 2go then your app will consume more data bytes hence it becomes expensive to use. Personally i think trying to re do 2go is childish. We should be talking about a whatsapp that is
*platform independent
*more user obedient
*more scalable and portable.
*incorporated with bulk sms service for revenue generation
* serves as online phonebook
*can also be accessed on computer
* this is too much...YES we should start from somewhere. I'm in for both: as investor and developer


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